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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I decided that Wulfric will appear in my Pokemon region. It'd be a cameo like Colress and Grimsley in S/M.

You'd end up coming into contact with his polar bear swimming group in Miteh(my region) and he battles you.



Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I decided that Wulfric will appear in my Pokemon region. It'd be a cameo like Colress and Grimsley in S/M.

You'd end up coming into contact with his polar bear swimming group in Miteh(my region) and he battles you.

I looked at your region name and realized something felt different from the official Pokemon games. Then it hit me.

Every single official Pokemon region has an "O" in the name. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola.

I wonder if it's a coincidence or if they're doing it on purpose. I think I first noticed it during Gen 5 and then forgot, but two generations later and it's still not done.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Since a certain movie is coming out, I have a question?

Do you think Disney will let Capcom add in a Star Wars character, presumably Darth Vader into Marvel vs Capcom Infinite?


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I looked at your region name and realized something felt different from the official Pokemon games. Then it hit me.

Every single official Pokemon region has an "O" in the name. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola.

I wonder if it's a coincidence or if they're doing it on purpose. I think I first noticed it during Gen 5 and then forgot, but two generations later and it's still not done.
Yeah I noticed that to, but I like mine cause it kinda works with the plot of the game.

I love that regions name
Miteh is the Cree word for heart. :p


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Since a certain movie is coming out, I have a question?

Do you think Disney will let Capcom add in a Star Wars character, presumably Darth Vader into Marvel vs Capcom Infinite?
Honestly I wouldn't be too surprised, especially considering that Marvel has a line of Star Wars comics anyway and just finished a Darth Vader run. :p

Deleted member

Since a certain movie is coming out, I have a question?

Do you think Disney will let Capcom add in a Star Wars character, presumably Darth Vader into Marvel vs Capcom Infinite?
As cool as that might be, my gut tells me no.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Well, I finally completed my Sonic game marathon (and by marathon I mean 6 months) to celebrate the 25th Anniversary.

Finally got that off my backlog. Next up is Shantae: Half Genie Hero and Beyond Good and Evil.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Well, I'm getting close to having enough money for an Xbox One. The only games I currently have on my list are Skyrim, Doom, and Fallout 4. There's a few others but those are my guarantees.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Well, I'm getting close to having enough money for an Xbox One. The only games I currently have on my list are Skyrim, Doom, and Fallout 4. There's a few others but those are my guarantees.
Overwatch? Also when you get it add me. My name on it is "Power Praline".


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Really wish these so called "silent supporters" voted for a character that I really liked. That would be a nice surprise.
You got....somewhat the right idea.
There really is no distinction between an "Indie" character and other 3rd Party characters. They are treated just the same.
So while being "Indie" doesn't put them on a pedestal above other 3rd Party characters, it doesn't put them lower either.

At this point, I think people overthink what makes a 3rd Party character "likely" or "unlikely".
People like to try to act like there's certain "qualifications" they have to have in order to be likely or unlikely, but it's just hogwash.

Snake? Creator request.
Sonic? Fan demand/popularity.
Mega Man? Fan demand/popularity.
Pac-Man? Pretty much a "thank-you" for Namco-Bandai's cooperation. (NOTE: The Namco-Bandai team themselves were surprised to hear Pac-Man was in the game.)
Ryu? Fan demand/popularity....apparently. Sakurai said he had a grasp on Lucas', Roy's, and Ryu's popularity/demand when he was working on them before the Ballot, so....
Cloud? Fan demand/popularity.
Bayonetta? Fan demand/popularity, obviously.

See the pattern? The guests we have had now were not sought out over their high Nintendo presence or level of sales, but rather because they were popular fan requests (outside of Snake and Pac-Man, who were special cases).

That's not to say that just being a popular fan request makes a character likely to be in Smash, because there are unknown factors past the consideration stage. It just makes them likely to be considered.
Let's say "Mr. Red" is a 3rd Party character with a rather small franchise that had...."ok" sales but has massive support for Smash, and "Mr. Blue" is a 3rd Party character with a huge franchise that's among the Top 5 best-selling franchises of all time but has barely any Smash support from his fanbase. "Mr. Red" is more likely to be given consideration than "Mr. Blue" is.
Sounds like:4cloud:would fit it with the Mr. Blue category. IDK what his support base was like but he got in mainly because he was a video game icon more so than the people that wanted him in the game (though to be fair his popularity is what got him chosen over other Final Fantasy characters).

And I do think there's some limitations to Mr. Red's chances if say Mr. Red was a character like Captain Rainbow. His support base would more or less be limited to the 30K (maybe some extra people interested in the character) that bought his game and I honestly don't believe that even if all those 30K voted for him because that number wouldn't be enough theoretically speaking to get him in the game.
I realize our opinions about Smash were irrelevant when :4cloud: appeared

Because no matter what we speculated and what I believed, none of us saw this coming and we had to ask why. Same with :4corrinf::4bayonetta:.

Hell, this even works for :4ryu:. Before the leaks, we gave him little to no chance because of some mistranslation of Sakurai from an old interview and the assumption that we can't have another character from the same third party company as another :4megaman:.

Now, even then a lot can change and some things will stay the same but we should know that we can't put the same expectations we had before into now because it seems so flat.

However my opinion of only Japanese Third Party characters allowed is somewhat supported until a change is happening.

It can happen but I'll never see it come to fruition in the mean time until there's a company that can offer up a character that is perfectly welcoming to the Smash series and has had a home there for years (as of right now, Rayman is the only viable option unless Square-Enix finally gives us Lara Croft)
That sounds like your just undermining everyone and your own opinion dude. We've never had DLC before in a Smash Bros game so it was a completely new ball game in terms of what to expect character wise.

It's not even like we were completely wrong either. Lots of people speculated that :4mewtwo::4lucas::4feroy:would return and here they are. We didn't know going in that the focus of DLC would be third party heavy hitters.

Of course that's not to say fan rules weren't a thing back then. Even I overestimated/underestimated a lot of things in that Smash speculation period. I just think you should give yourself and others some credit.
I have a controversial Smash opinion.

I think Shovel Knight is a lot more likely to get into the Smash 4 Switch port than K. Rool.
Hardly. I see a bunch of people who believe SK outranked K. Rool and with Bayo i'm almost of the belief that it'll probably happen even though i'm not the biggest fan of the character (mind you i'm talking the character being in Smash Bros and not Shovel Knight the game which IMO is a good game). And in SK's defense he would have a bigger chance than Bayo did given that his series sold a million+ copies. Shantae as well maybe if her series/game did well in Japan.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Looking at the fan art section of the in-game art gallery of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, there's some I don't understand.

While most are obviously art based off stuff from the entire series, but there's a couple that I fail to see any connection to the Shantae series (one of which I can't tell what it's suppose to be AT ALL). But it's nice WayForward included fan art.

Anywho, only 5% away from beating the game the first time. But I have hold that off until tomorrow, unfortunately.
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Deleted member

One word I grew tired of seeing during Smash speculation is "shoo-in". I can understand considering a character likely, but no one is guaranteed. Not even Wolf was during Smash 4's DLC phase (and look at how that turned out), and not even Inkling is (though I do agree with anyone who says that Splatoon is way too popular to ignore entirely).
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Does Layton count as one f those popular picks?

Because I know a lot of people wanted Layton as well, not just people on this site
Sorry for the late reply, but I'm interested in giving some two cents on this discussion.

I'd say Layton is a decently popular pick. He may not be requested as much as K. Rool. Inkling, Shovel Knight, Shantae, etc. but I remember Layton was discussed fairly well in that speculation both throughout the pre-Smash 4 era and the DLC hype.

I'd say so, but less so than Bayonetta, Shovel Knight and Shantae. From who I heard from anyway. I don't remember if he was more or less popular of a choice than Phoenix Wright though.
I remember Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright were pretty much equal in terms of Smash popularity in the past. Most polls online generally put them close together. I've seen some polls where Wright was ahead, while in other polls, Layton was in the lead.

Right now in Smashboards, it seems as though Phoenix Wright seems to be ahead in popularity for the time being (or the one that is more commonly discussed), but I think it's because Ace Attorney currently has some big relevancy spotlight with that new Ace Attorney while Layton still has to wait a few more months for his next title. Once Lady Layton is released though, I have faith that Layton's Smash popularity will come back in full swing.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
That feel when you complete all of the homework you have for the whole semester and only have a few minor things left

That sweet gift of freedom. Drink it in maaaaaaaaaaan

Deleted member

Really wish these so called "silent supporters" voted for a character that I really liked. That would be a nice surprise.

Sounds like:4cloud:would fit it with the Mr. Blue category. IDK what his support base was like but he got in mainly because he was a video game icon more so than the people that wanted him in the game (though to be fair his popularity is what got him chosen over other Final Fantasy characters).

And I do think there's some limitations to Mr. Red's chances if say Mr. Red was a character like Captain Rainbow. His support base would more or less be limited to the 30K (maybe some extra people interested in the character) that bought his game and I honestly don't believe that even if all those 30K voted for him because that number wouldn't be enough theoretically speaking to get him in the game.

Sakurai did not just go out of his way and decide Cloud should be in the game just because he's an icon.
Cloud was added for being the most requested Final Fantasy character of the several requests that were received for a character from the Final Fantasy series.
He didn't give an exact number, but he did state that of the requests he got for a Final Fantasy character, the requests for Cloud specifically were around a quarter to a third of them.

This goes along with what I've been saying; Cloud was only considered when his requests/popularity were noticeable. Well, technically, when requests for a character from his franchise was noticeable.
Since Cloud only made 25-30% of the number of Final Fantasy requests and was still the most requested, that's a lot of ****in' requests for the series as a whole.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
That feel when you complete all of the homework you have for the whole semester and only have a few minor things left

That sweet gift of freedom. Drink it in maaaaaaaaaaan
It's the Freedom of Jericho! Embrace it in maaaaaaaaan!

Now you need to collect all the 'of Jericho items.

- The Gift of Jericho (Drink it in Mannnnnn)
- The List of Jericho (You just made the list Zebei!)
- The Scarf of Jericho (Try it on Mannnnnnn)
- The Key of Jericho (Lock it in Mannnnnnn)

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Really wish these so called "silent supporters" voted for a character that I really liked. That would be a nice surprise.

Sounds like:4cloud:would fit it with the Mr. Blue category. IDK what his support base was like but he got in mainly because he was a video game icon more so than the people that wanted him in the game (though to be fair his popularity is what got him chosen over other Final Fantasy characters).

And I do think there's some limitations to Mr. Red's chances if say Mr. Red was a character like Captain Rainbow. His support base would more or less be limited to the 30K (maybe some extra people interested in the character) that bought his game and I honestly don't believe that even if all those 30K voted for him because that number wouldn't be enough theoretically speaking to get him in the game.

That sounds like your just undermining everyone and your own opinion dude. We've never had DLC before in a Smash Bros game so it was a completely new ball game in terms of what to expect character wise.

It's not even like we were completely wrong either. Lots of people speculated that :4mewtwo::4lucas::4feroy:would return and here they are. We didn't know going in that the focus of DLC would be third party heavy hitters.

Of course that's not to say fan rules weren't a thing back then. Even I overestimated/underestimated a lot of things in that Smash speculation period. I just think you should give yourself and others some credit.

Hardly. I see a bunch of people who believe SK outranked K. Rool and with Bayo i'm almost of the belief that it'll probably happen even though i'm not the biggest fan of the character (mind you i'm talking the character being in Smash Bros and not Shovel Knight the game which IMO is a good game). And in SK's defense he would have a bigger chance than Bayo did given that his series sold a million+ copies. Shantae as well maybe if her series/game did well in Japan.
I didn't undermine it. Vets were something we could almost agree on that the only viable vets were :wolf::lucas::roypm::mewtwopm: considering the rest were due to limitations :popo:, not alot of push :pichumelee::younglinkmelee: and :snake: chances started to crumble after watching Konami go full nuclear.

I'm mostly talking from the perspective of newcomers, from fan ballots on sites like Reddit, NeoGAF and 4chan pushing for certain characters and only being a vocal minority and never taking into account what people truly wanted as a whole. Plus Sakurai's whole thoughts about how he wanted to handle it. I mean we have Inklings, a character who was given a biggest chance by the fan base as new fighters and all that got was a Mii Costume that came with a trophy. Same with K. Rool

It isn't wrong for my assumptions considering, outside of Bayonetta, most of those DLC newcomers were in another different ballpark of our expectations.

I didn't use vets because most vets like Mewtwo and Lucas were fan favorites. Newcomers were always a different beast because we had different thoughts on how they would had handled it.

One word I grew tired of seeing during Smash speculation is "shoo-in". I can understand considering a character likely, but no one is guaranteed. Not even Wolf was during Smash 4's DLC phase (and look at how that turned out), and not even Inkling is (though I do agree with anyone who says that Splatoon is way too popular to ignore entirely).
Shoo-ins only work for the Original 12, all the Melee vets that were in Brawl and all the Brawl vets that were in Smash 4. Maybe most of the Smash 4 newcomers but that's your only shoo-ins

I only believe Inklings will be shoo-in for the next NEW Smash game, not a port.

Because you need newcomers to advertise your new game and there isn't one bigger that you can use, especially when you do a lot of extra stuff with the Splatoon series.


Sep 12, 2014
Playing FFXV, going into what's my first real dungeon.

This game turned into Silent Hill real fast.

Seemingly abandoned cave, lots of creepy **** like doors opening and shutting down by themselves, goblins jump scaring your from sewers and, to top it all off, a ****ing giant spider drops in on you in a seemingly empty room.

Why SE, I thought what we had was special.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Playing FFXV, going into what's my first real dungeon.

This game turned into Silent Hill real fast.

Seemingly abandoned cave, lots of creepy **** like doors opening and shutting down by themselves, goblins jump scaring your from sewers and, to top it all off, a ****ing giant spider drops in on you in a seemingly empty room.

Why SE, I thought what we had was special.
>giant bugs in video games

That **** freaks me out so much especially in Resident Evil games. That's like an easy scare mostly when they are hard to kill

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Playing FFXV, going into what's my first real dungeon.

This game turned into Silent Hill real fast.

Seemingly abandoned cave, lots of creepy **** like doors opening and shutting down by themselves, goblins jump scaring your from sewers and, to top it all off, a ****ing giant spider drops in on you in a seemingly empty room.

Why SE, I thought what we had was special.
Oh that place pfff, a Yoututber I watch went there on like, the day he started playing. It was fun to watch


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
One word I grew tired of seeing during Smash speculation is "shoo-in". I can understand considering a character likely, but no one is guaranteed. Not even Wolf was during Smash 4's DLC phase (and look at how that turned out), and not even Inkling is (though I do agree with anyone who says that Splatoon is way too popular to ignore entirely).
TBH, I'm more tired of hearing more about Trash the Bear than shoo-in.



Sep 12, 2014
>giant bugs in video games

That **** freaks me out so much especially in Resident Evil games. That's like an easy scare mostly when they are hard to kill
Yeah I hate them so much.

XCX was bad enough with literally every other area having jump scare bugs and spiders.

Hopefully FFXV's Arachne is just a one time thing.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I think people are still falling in the same trap of echo chambers and assuming who is more likely and what not.

We just changed from one crowd to the other.

Become self aware, people.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC

Sakurai did not just go out of his way and decide Cloud should be in the game just because he's an icon.
Cloud was added for being the most requested Final Fantasy character of the several requests that were received for a character from the Final Fantasy series.
He didn't give an exact number, but he did state that of the requests he got for a Final Fantasy character, the requests for Cloud specifically were around a quarter to a third of them.

This goes along with what I've been saying; Cloud was only considered when his requests/popularity were noticeable. Well, technically, when requests for a character from his franchise was noticeable.
Since Cloud only made 25-30% of the number of Final Fantasy requests and was still the most requested, that's a lot of ****in' requests for the series as a whole.
So why wasn't his popularity higher in like Brawl or pre-DLC Smash 4? Assuming that his popularity fluctuated all of a sudden.

Unless i'm mistaken here of course. I'm not exactly sure what was stated in Sakurai's interview with Nomura but something in there was stated about the specifics about Cloud's inclusion. From what I believed previously he was a character that Sakurai/Nintendo thought would bring a lot of attention to the game and would sell like hotcakes. I say that as a fan of both Cloud and the Final Fantasy series BTW.
I'm mostly talking from the perspective of newcomers, from fan ballots on sites like Reddit, NeoGAF and 4chan pushing for certain characters and only being a vocal minority and never taking into account what people truly wanted as a whole.
How does one gauge that exactly? We don't even know the hard figures of the Ballot. Honestly that sounds like throwing people under the bus and I really hate that. Especially when vocal minority is used in a context to undermine the opinions of others. No offense or anything.
And I wish people didnt complain about optional stuff we are given but we all cant have what we want
Except that i'm not complaining. I merely stated that I wished the base happened to support a character I wanted and that was in no way or form flaming them. What's so taboo about what I said anyways? I think this thread needs to take a chill pill sometimes because they want to beef with me for the littlest of things (not directed at you solely BTW).
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Really wish these so called "silent supporters" voted for a character that I really liked. That would be a nice surprise.
In at least some of those cases that's because the vast majority of their supporters are already vocal. They've got plenty of supporters, just not so many silent ones. I don't see why there would be a need for a surprise, because the only character in your sig that doesn't get a ton of vocal support is Andy.

You're kind of lucky in that regard. At least you don't like a character so hated by the vocal minority that anyone who asks for them gets told their wishes are wrong to have at best and mocked at worst.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
In at least some of those cases that's because the vast majority of their supporters are already vocal. They've got plenty of supporters, just not so many silent ones. I don't see why there would be a need for a surprise, because the only character in your sig that doesn't get a ton of vocal support is Andy.

You're kind of lucky in that regard. At least you don't like a character so hated by the vocal minority that anyone who asks for them gets told their wishes are wrong to have at best and mocked at worst.
ITT: People thinking what I said was a way of flaming people for not voting for a character that I wanted when I worded it in a light-hearted, half-serious manner that expressed a desire for a character to have "surprise votes" and didn't undermine the beliefs of anyone. Lets all just relax and not take everything super duper literally or at least misinterpret them guys.

Yeah, most of my requested characters are characters that are pushed hard like the ones mentioned or have little support following from fans as a whole. Don't really care though if people think Isaac is "just another generic anime swordsmen" or that K. Rool is "just another heavyweight" in the roster. As if they would give these characters a fair chance anyways.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Except that i'm not complaining. I merely stated that I wished the base happened to support a character I wanted and that was in no way or form flaming them. What's so taboo about what I said anyways? I think this thread needs to take a chill pill sometimes because they want to beef with me for the littlest of things (not directed at you solely BTW).
I think complain was the wrong word

Maybe I should of said Nitpick at something that happen a while ago
As if they would give these characters a fair chance anyways.
This may be shocking, but their are people that will give an new character a shot with no problem

Hell, I'll take any new character
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
This may be shocking, but their are people that will give an new character a shot with no problem

Hell, I'll take any new character
Was referring to the detractors of said characters bringing up specifics that are hardly a consideration or aren't grasping the full extent of a character's potential.

i.e. People throwing K. Rool under the bus because they think he would be a generic heavyweight (as if heavyweights were even that common in Smash Bros when they're not) when they don't understand the appeal and moveset potential the character brings to the game.
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Deleted member

So why wasn't his popularity higher in like Brawl or pre-DLC Smash 4? Assuming that his popularity fluctuated all of a sudden.

Unless i'm mistaken here of course. I'm not exactly sure what was stated in Sakurai's interview with Nomura but something in there was stated about the specifics about Cloud's inclusion. From what I believed previously he was a character that Sakurai/Nintendo thought would bring a lot of attention to the game and would sell like hotcakes. I say that as a fan of both Cloud and the Final Fantasy series BTW.
That was never stated in the interview.
Literally, this was all that was said on why Sakurai picked Cloud.

This isn’t an exact number, but among the requests for a Final Fantasy character to appear in Smash, around ¼ to ⅓ of the requests we got from fans were for Cloud. I really wanted to answer the desires of those fans, and even though I thought it would be impossible, I reached out anyway, just to try.

Nothing about drawing people to the game. Just answering desires of fans.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Was referring to the detractors of said characters bringing up specifics that are hardly a consideration or aren't grasping the full extent of a character's potential.

i.e. People throwing K. Rool under the bus because they think he would be a generic heavyweight (as if heavyweights were even that common in Smash Bros when they're not) when they don't understand the appeal and moveset potential the character brings to the game.
Like people and corrin? That character is also pretty damn good as well and it has appeal as well

Id be down for k rool, Im always up for someone new

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Playing FFXV, going into what's my first real dungeon.

This game turned into Silent Hill real fast.

Seemingly abandoned cave, lots of creepy **** like doors opening and shutting down by themselves, goblins jump scaring your from sewers and, to top it all off, a ****ing giant spider drops in on you in a seemingly empty room.

Why SE, I thought what we had was special.
Wait till Chapter 13
Yeah I hate them so much.

XCX was bad enough with literally every other area having jump scare bugs and spiders.

Hopefully FFXV's Arachne is just a one time thing.
It's not a one time thing, but it's also not the most common either. Besides, I'd argue the Naga's are freakier
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