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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Just curious, what do you consider to be very cold? I assume your from Florida based on some of your posts.
Nope, Im from Virginia. For us, anything below 40 is considered cold to us
To me, freezing Is when I start freezing my ass off and cant feel my hands which is today and its 33°, 21° tonight. 16° counting wind chill

Florida is kinda the last place I wanna live. Only reason I would go there is DisneyWorld
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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
They are optional cosmetics, yes, but they were not only highly desirable but limited edition, meaning if you had it, you were the coolest kid in class. The ONLY way to get the highly desirable thing was RNG, either by playing as much as you can or by spending as much as you can, and it's still possible to get duplicates. Granted, duplicates can be converted into in game currency now, but that wouldn't have helped for the costumes. Imagine if instead of money, you'd be paid in objects worth your monthly paycheck. You're in the mood for a nice strawberry cake, but instead you get a can of worms or shoe shine. Or you want to get a limited edition copy of Mahvel Infinite with an artbook and other goodies included, but you get a bag of sweets and kitty litter despite not owning a cat
Duplicates have always been converted into money. Also, I think you're reaching a bit with this, your example doesn't really make much sense.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
So another thing I learned while playing Overwatch today.

I have my gaming mice set up for business purposes - programmables are Select All, Copy, Paste - and I didn't bother changing that around yet.

Turns out Ctrl-V puts characters into a crouch and does a quick melee strike simultaneously.

I have hotkeyed the nutcracker.

This is the best day of my week.

I thought it was a joke.

It is the best day of my week.
There's even a french fries pistol
I think the potato is edited in.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Nope, Im from Virginia. For us, anything before 40 is considered cold to us
To me, "Cold" Is when I start freezing my *** off and cant feel my hands which is today and its 33°, 21° tonight. 16° counting wind chill
16 degrees Fahrenheit is about -8.8 degrees Celsius for us CAD's and believe it or not with the wind chill today it's about -20 degrees Celcius today. That number is expected to jump close to -30 degrees tomorrow. Canadian weather is srs biz.

Though personally I can't stand hot weather. It's to me what Kryptonite is to Superman.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Duplicates have always been converted into money. Also, I think you're reaching a bit with this, your example doesn't really make much sense.
My point was that duplicates being converted into money wouldn't help you get the skin, as those limited edition skins could NOT be bought by ingame currency, meaning it's just a slap in the face
Ok, different example. You go to a bookstore because you love reading, and there's a new book in Series X, a franchise you've been very fond of and have been anticipating. You want to buy the book, but at the cash register, the book is taken away and you suddenly have to spin a roulette wheel. After spinning the wheel, you no longer get to buy the new Series X, but are given a book that you really don't care for. Then the cashier says "If you pay me a dollar, you can spin again!". How wound you feel in this scenario?

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
16 degrees Fahrenheit is about -8.8 degrees Celsius for us CAD's and believe it or not with the wind chill today it's about -20 degrees Celcius today. That number is expected to jump close to -30 degrees tomorrow. Canadian weather is srs biz.

Though personally I can't stand hot weather. It's to me what Kryptonite is to Superman.
Virginias weather is weird. It can be nice and warm and sunny the suddenly it could turn cold and rainy. I'm not exaggerating. It was one time warm but by the afternoon it got all cold and cloudy

Other then our wack as hell weather, Virginia Beach is a nice place to live
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Symmetra is amazingly fun with her buffs. Nothing more satisfying than microwaving your foe until they're gold n' crispy with the beam buff. Shield Generator is the sweet dessert.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
My point was that duplicates being converted into money wouldn't help you get the skin, as those limited edition skins could NOT be bought by ingame currency, meaning it's just a slap in the face
Ok, different example. You go to a bookstore because you love reading, and there's a new book in Series X, a franchise you've been very fond of and have been anticipating. You want to buy the book, but at the cash register, the book is taken away and you suddenly have to spin a roulette wheel. After spinning the wheel, you no longer get to buy the new Series X, but are given a book that you really don't care for. Then the cashier says "If you pay me a dollar, you can spin again!". How wound you feel in this scenario?
Okay, the issue with your example is that you're getting something that completely changes your experience, whereas what the Overwatch Lootbox system does doesn't do that. It's more like that one book actually has several covers with one being rarer than the others. Bringing that book to the cash register allows you to spin for which cover you get. You're not getting a completely different experience, it's the same story, just with a nicer, cover.

The Overwatch lootbox system doesn't change the general experience of the game, you're not rolling to get a better weapon or character, you're rolling for cooler cosmetics that have little impact on the gameplay experience. In the case of your book, you're rolling for a cosmetic that has little impact on your reading experience.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
It was backer exclusive iirc

Risky Mode was in the game, right? Can you tell me if her boots come back? Loved that power up
Actually, WayForward has promised more than that:

(Hero Modes reached funded goal with PayPal). I haven't played enough to know everything about these, fyi.
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Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2016
One year later, and I still don't buy into these "rigged ballot" conspiracy theories.
I find it hard to believe that the majority, if not, all of the people that voted for Bayonetta kept quiet during the time span from April-December 2015 "if" she in fact WAS the most requested character at that time.

So many people at least on the internet that is were advocating so hard for King K. Rool, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Wolf, Snake, etc. Didn't really see much support for Bayonetta compared to the other possible candidates soooo...

It makes you wonder if she really did win, or if Sakurai and co. chose her over other popular characters because if she was #1, wouldn't you have seen as much support for her as the others? I'm lost.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Symmetra is amazingly fun with her buffs. Nothing more satisfying than microwaving your foe until they're gold n' crispy with the beam buff. Shield Generator is the sweet dessert.
I tried playing the new version and got blown back.

I used to be really good as her!

Deleted member

I find it hard to believe that the majority, if not, all of the people that voted for Bayonetta kept quiet during the time span from April-December 2015 "if" she in fact WAS the most requested character at that time.

So many people at least on the internet that is were advocating so hard for King K. Rool, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Wolf, Snake, etc. Didn't really see much support for Bayonetta compared to the other possible candidates soooo...

It makes you wonder if she really did win, or if Sakurai and co. chose her over other popular characters because if she was #1, wouldn't you have seen as much support for her as the others? I'm lost.
Man, it's almost like there are people outside of internet forums
But we all know that everyone in the world uses Smashboards, Neogaf, Gamefaqs, Youtube and the likes, right?


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Get used to it, and you'll be better with her.

Dunno if she's useful in the high level meta, but at least she's more efficient in general
I kinda wish her shield was toggleable. Like it worked like Reinhardt's but like a bit less health but she can move much faster.

Half the time I throw out the shield and it's already behind the enemies.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Man, it's almost like there are people outside of internet forums
But we all know that everyone in the world uses Smashboards, Neogaf, Gamefaqs, Youtube and the likes, right?
Nah, dude that wouldn't make sense. Echo Chamber Monthly told me that the areas I frequent most represents everyone even if the population there isn't even close to a quarter of the total population

I kinda wish her shield was toggleable. Like it worked like Reinhardt's but like a bit less health but she can move much faster.

Half the time I throw out the shield and it's already behind the enemies.
You just gotta try and move with it as a team. Or use it in one v one situations where you know they'll try to get you. It's really useful.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Okay, the issue with your example is that you're getting something that completely changes your experience, whereas what the Overwatch Lootbox system does doesn't do that. It's more like that one book actually has several covers with one being rarer than the others. Bringing that book to the cash register allows you to spin for which cover you get. You're not getting a completely different experience, it's the same story, just with a nicer, cover.

The Overwatch lootbox system doesn't change the general experience of the game, you're not rolling to get a better weapon or character, you're rolling for cooler cosmetics that have little impact on the gameplay experience. In the case of your book, you're rolling for a cosmetic that has little impact on your reading experience.
You don't get it either. People have to rely on luck to get something that's only available for a limited time, which they REALLY want. Imagine if Witch Mercy wasn't available for purchase and had to be RNG? People would be frantically emptying theur wallets as they REALLY want that one skin, and if they don't get it as soon as possible, they may never get it ever again. It's scummy, as if you're already making the damn thing limited edition, it should at least be available to lots of people. The store I work at has a special deal that's been going on for a few months, collect 15 pan stamps and you can earn the ability to buy a pan from a well-known brand. We've had a LUDICROUS amount of complaints because we NEVER had enough of 1 specific pan that everybody wanted. Do you know what we did? We extended the offer by a month. The customers were loyal and purchased enough stuff to get the stamps, and then got the pans they wanted, as we barely get any more complaints about them anymore.

TLDR: Make limited editions easy to get as people are still going to lap that **** up, OW ended up letting you buy the costumes in later limited edition skins, which is what should have been done in the first place

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
You don't get it either. People have to rely on luck to get something that's only available for a limited time, which they REALLY want. Imagine if Witch Mercy wasn't available for purchase and had to be RNG? People would be frantically emptying theur wallets as they REALLY want that one skin, and if they don't get it as soon as possible, they may never get it ever again. It's scummy, as if you're already making the damn thing limited edition, it should at least be available to lots of people. The store I work at has a special deal that's been going on for a few months, collect 15 pan stamps and you can earn the ability to buy a pan from a well-known brand. We've had a LUDICROUS amount of complaints because we NEVER had enough of 1 specific pan that everybody wanted. Do you know what we did? We extended the offer by a month. The customers were loyal and purchased enough stuff to get the stamps, and then got the pans they wanted, as we barely get any more complaints about them anymore.

TLDR: Make limited editions easy to get as people are still going to lap that **** up, OW ended up letting you buy the costumes in later limited edition skins, which is what should have been done in the first place
They'll get it again when Halloween comes around again. They're only limited in the sense that you can only get them during that seasonal event.

It's really not as bad as you think it is.

Deleted member

So many people at least on the internet that is were advocating so hard for King K. Rool, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Wolf, Snake, etc.
Too be fair, Snake had his apparent issues (what was happening with Konami at the time + whatever got him excluded from the base roster), Wolf seemed to have quite the number of supporters who were so confident in him returning that they didn't vote for him, and other than maybe K. Rool, I doubt everyone else you listed was that popular.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Man, it's almost like there are people outside of internet forums
But we all know that everyone in the world uses Smashboards, Neogaf, Gamefaqs, Youtube and the likes, right?
I think his point still holds. It's hard to think that Bayonetta has more mainstream appeal compared to the other characters he listed.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
You don't get it either. People have to rely on luck to get something that's only available for a limited time, which they REALLY want. Imagine if Witch Mercy wasn't available for purchase and had to be RNG? People would be frantically emptying theur wallets as they REALLY want that one skin, and if they don't get it as soon as possible, they may never get it ever again. It's scummy, as if you're already making the damn thing limited edition, it should at least be available to lots of people. The store I work at has a special deal that's been going on for a few months, collect 15 pan stamps and you can earn the ability to buy a pan from a well-known brand. We've had a LUDICROUS amount of complaints because we NEVER had enough of 1 specific pan that everybody wanted. Do you know what we did? We extended the offer by a month. The customers were loyal and purchased enough stuff to get the stamps, and then got the pans they wanted, as we barely get any more complaints about them anymore.

TLDR: Make limited editions easy to get as people are still going to lap that **** up, OW ended up letting you buy the costumes in later limited edition skins, which is what should have been done in the first place
You can still buy the Halloween loot post the update you just can't get them in loot boxes.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I find it hard to believe that the majority, if not, all of the people that voted for Bayonetta kept quiet during the time span from April-December 2015 "if" she in fact WAS the most requested character at that time.

So many people at least on the internet that is were advocating so hard for King K. Rool, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Wolf, Snake, etc. Didn't really see much support for Bayonetta compared to the other possible candidates soooo...

It makes you wonder if she really did win, or if Sakurai and co. chose her over other popular characters because if she was #1, wouldn't you have seen as much support for her as the others? I'm lost.
I don't know about you, but I saw more than a few people rooting for her. Granted, not as much as say, K. Rool or Shovel Knight, who ALOT of people were vocal about. Some didn't vote for Wolf since they thought he'd be an "obvious choice"

Again, they did state that she was #4 worldwide and #1 in EU, so there's 3 other characters that were more popular worldwide, but not chosen. It could be that at least on of those were Snake, and Konami didn't play nice.

I still think it's possible that the top 3 choices were left out for the next title.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Super Mario Run should get regularily updated with new levels and characters.
I might consider buying it if I can play as Waluigi, Wario, Rosalina and some others.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Does Layton count as one f those popular picks?

Because I know a lot of people wanted Layton as well, not just people on this site
I'd say so, but less so than Bayonetta, Shovel Knight and Shantae. From who I heard from anyway. I don't remember if he was more or less popular of a choice than Phoenix Wright though.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
I like Gohan wearing either Goku's or Piccolo's clothing. Shows how high he views each of them. Though I wouldn't be upset if Gohan wore the Saiyaman outfit like he did for the Buu arc Tournament.
Yeah, I see what you mean for Gohan. For me, I'd like to see him wear his training dogi from beginning of the Tournament Arc in the Buu Saga, the purple represents Piccolo while the orange represents Goku.

It gives him his own identity I feel.
I agree with Krillin, it'd be cool to see him get a new gi. Piccolo hasn't changed his design much, it'd be rather jarring.
For Krillin I'm just not feeling the old school gi, my favourite outfit from him was his Cell Saga Gi.

Pretty much the same as Goku's outfit prior to the Android Arc but with black boots instead of the blue Kami boots. If he just wore that or a variation of Goku's Whis Gi that'd look great. I feel like Piccolo could pull something off, even if it's just slightly different from his normal wear...I dunno.
I miss Buu Arc Vegeta though, that was his best suit, it's also gotta be easier to draw. With Goku, I could go with either costume.
I kinda like it. In-universe he only wore that outfit because the armour wasn't allowed at the tournament. Goku's Whis Gi is probably my favourite Goku outfit though, it's different enough from his normal gi but it's still recognisable thanks to the orange.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I find it hard to believe that the majority, if not, all of the people that voted for Bayonetta kept quiet during the time span from April-December 2015 "if" she in fact WAS the most requested character at that time.

So many people at least on the internet that is were advocating so hard for King K. Rool, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Wolf, Snake, etc. Didn't really see much support for Bayonetta compared to the other possible candidates soooo...

It makes you wonder if she really did win, or if Sakurai and co. chose her over other popular characters because if she was #1, wouldn't you have seen as much support for her as the others? I'm lost.
Well, there is a couple of things you have to keep in mind.

One, the people who wanted the more popular characters were largely the same people, just with different priorities. The votes would have been split between all of them since no one can agree which character is the most important.

Two, Kamiya's Twitter was getting horribly spammed prior to Smash 4's release to the point of him lashing out. Bayo's fans may not be the most present on polls, but they make up for it in sheer passion.

My theory is that every popular character kept tripping over every other popular character's feet except Ridley and/or Ice Climbers (who couldn't happen), and Bayo managed to win just by having enough unique support to make it past all the conflicting choices. The bizarre region ranks feel like they fit that, as the implication is that the top ranking characters were completely different in each region.

I don't know about you, but I saw more than a few people rooting for her. Granted, not as much as say, K. Rool or Shovel Knight, who ALOT of people were vocal about. Some didn't vote for Wolf since they thought he'd be an "obvious choice"

Again, they did state that she was #4 worldwide and #1 in EU, so there's 3 other characters that were more popular worldwide, but not chosen. It could be that at least on of those were Snake, and Konami didn't play nice.

I still think it's possible that the top 3 choices were left out for the next title.
Where do you keep getting #4 specifically from? I only remember it being Top 5 in the US and Number 1 overall among "realizable characters."

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Super Mario Run should get regularily updated with new levels and characters.
I might consider buying it if I can play as Waluigi, Wario, Rosalina and some others.
Don't be surprised if it's just multi-colored Toads for a bit though.

Well, there is a couple of things you have to keep in mind.

One, the people who wanted the more popular characters were largely the same people, just with different priorities. The votes would have been split between all of them since no one can agree which character is the most important.

Two, Kamiya's Twitter was getting horribly spammed prior to Smash 4's release to the point of him lashing out. Bayo's fans may not be the most present on polls, but they make up for it in sheer passion.

My theory is that every popular character kept tripping over every other popular character's feet except Ridley and/or Ice Climbers (who couldn't happen), and Bayo managed to win just by having enough unique support to make it past all the conflicting choices. The bizarre region ranks feel like they fit that, as the implication is that the top ranking characters were completely different in each region.

Where do you keep getting #4 specifically from? I only remember it being Top 5 in the US and Number 1 overall among "realizable characters."
I thought in the reveal video they said #4 specifically. Maybe I'm mistaken and it was just "Top 5". If that's the case, by bad.

EDIT: Looked at the video again. Aight, my mistake. You were right, don't know why number 4 was stuck in my head.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Yeah, I see what you mean for Gohan. For me, I'd like to see him wear his training dogi from beginning of the Tournament Arc in the Buu Saga, the purple represents Piccolo while the orange represents Goku.

It gives him his own identity I feel.

For Krillin I'm just not feeling the old school gi, my favourite outfit from him was his Cell Saga Gi.

Pretty much the same as Goku's outfit prior to the Android Arc but with black boots instead of the blue Kami boots. If he just wore that or a variation of Goku's Whis Gi that'd look great. I feel like Piccolo could pull something off, even if it's just slightly different from his normal wear...I dunno.

I kinda like it. In-universe he only wore that outfit because the armour wasn't allowed at the tournament. Goku's Whis Gi is probably my favourite Goku outfit though, it's different enough from his normal gi but it's still recognisable thanks to the orange.
I get what you mean. Though that costume has like 3 different color swaps. Purple/Orange that you showed. Purple/Red in the TV show and games, and Blue/Orange in a few other color pages.

Remember when Shovel Knight was super likely for Smash?

I don't either.
He was popular though. I wonder if that'll carry over, to some other big indie games.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I'd say so, but less so than Bayonetta, Shovel Knight and Shantae. From who I heard from anyway. I don't remember if he was more or less popular of a choice than Phoenix Wright though.
Here to hoping Layton is recognized for a fighter or at the very least, a trophy if there is another smash game

Yeah I really want Layton :104:
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Speaking of Dragon Ball, I wish they made another RPG of it. Not like Legacy of Goku but like those old SNES games and Attack of the Sayains.

It would be really fun especially having the movies be like side quest and having various different dialogue or events if you keep a character alive or they die.

Like Piccolo and Tien being alive during the Frieza arc and Goku having an impact in the Android/Cell arc

Deleted member

Remember when Shovel Knight was super likely for Smash?

I don't either.
Ironically I think he has a slightly better chance now then he did back then now that his game is out in Japan. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a trophy cameo, considering that Nintendo themselves handled the publishing in Japan. Not that I ever thought his chances of becoming playable were that great, though.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I don't know about you, but I'm still in the camp that believes the possibility an indie fighter in Smash is mediocre (trophies or not).

And this is coming from someone who doesn't mind Shovel
Knight at all.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
In the meantime, let's enjoy this weirdness.

This actually upsets me because it has Sonic dressed as Kenshiro and he's saying ORA, MUDA & DORA instead of ATATATATATA.

JoJo can ruin everything even the thing that it rips off


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
There's even a french fries pistol
I think the potato is edited in.
I love it, but now you're just making me hungry.

Potato reloading seems par for the course at this point though.

Ironically I think he has a slightly better chance now then he did back then now that his game is out in Japan. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a trophy cameo, considering that Nintendo themselves handled the publishing in Japan. Not that I ever thought his chances of becoming playable were that great, though.
Getting an amiibo is a pretty cozy indicator in my book, special-requested or not.

Hard pressed to think of another indie who has a better shot. Shantae is probably even to slightly lesser odds.

I get the feeling they're all going to join CommanderVideo as trophies, though.
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