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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Kind of incredible to think that so much happened on December 14/December 15 depending on your timezones. First waking up to get my HSC results and passing every of my subjects with flying colours, and to have a yin-yang of emotions in the Final Smash Presentation. :4corrin: wasn't initially one I was exactly hyped for, but eventually grew to like as time passed. :4bayonetta:on the other hand, I would never have predicted at all, and a surprise I was warmly receptive towards. Unfortunately at the cost of seeing a massive fallout (coincidentally I picked up Fallout 4 on that day) and losing all my desire to support K. Rool; and left the site for a few peaceful days.

Now an entire year later, I've got my results for my second semester for my first year at University, and got by with two credits and a pass for this semester's units. Even on the same day, even a year apart, so much can change for better and for worse - and nearing the end of the year again, it makes me just a bit hopeful that come this time next year, everything will be better.

I could get behind a possible port - it just depends on what sort of content there is to it. I quite enjoyed Splatoon, and very hopeful for its success as a future franchise.
What sort of content are you looking for?

A rumor said some things about more single player content, a 1 v 1 local multiplayer mode where you can switch weapons mid-match, and a new wave of support after launch akin to the first Splatoon.

Then there's the Switch trailer clips, which as you probably already know has tentacle styles, pants, and new assets on nearly everything.

If the rumor turns out true then that looks like a good spread even without knowing exactly what will be there or if there's actually more, but that doesn't guarantee it working for you of course.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
What sort of content are you looking for?

A rumor said some things about more single player content, a 1 v 1 local multiplayer mode where you can switch weapons mid-match, and a new wave of support after launch akin to the first Splatoon.

Then there's the Switch trailer clips, which as you probably already know has tentacle styles, pants, and new assets on nearly everything.

If the rumor turned out true then that looks like a good spread even without knowing exactly what will be there or if there's actually more, but that doesn't guarantee it working for you of course.
Probably just as much as you described - perhaps some of the stages in the original version with tweaks or new layouts, new stages, weapons, multiplayer modes both offline and online, story. Essentially a 'mission-pack sequel' and about 45% more content that composed Splatoon's life cycle on the Wii U.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
****, it's 3:30AM and I have an exam at 11AM.

Silly SMX is silly.

Gotta catch some z's yo. Peace!

MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614
I saw it but it was a bit pricey. How is GG anyways? I might consider it but I already have SFV as my fighting game and I'm also getting UMvC3
GG is a really fun game with ton of features including some really excellent tutorials in the mission mode. I highly recommend it to any fan of the genre really

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
While I don't think he was higher than them, Geno was seemingly high enough to warrant a Mii Costume.
Sakurai actually wanted Geno in since Brawl. That likely played a role, and being able to get a deal of getting his costume along with Cloud in general was struck up with Square Enix. It's hard to say how important the ballot was for Geno's costume appearance.

Most likely the ballot did show Sakurai people still wanted K. Rool, hence his costume.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
I saw it but it was a bit pricey. How is GG anyways? I might consider it but I already have SFV as my fighting game and I'm also getting UMvC3
GG is totes fun and you should definitely try it out when ever you can. Main thing I wished it had was crossplay PC to Playstation.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Think of Alliaid like Chikorita. It has a more defensive movepool but it has a few attacks to get it through the game. Now, Alliaid is not going to be as limited of course. It has a wide TM movepool due to its typing- having access to moves like Shadow Ball and Psyshock- and it can learn moves as it levels up, such as Draining Kiss and Tri Attack. Its level up movepool is still being made.

The base stats of Eternasoul are still being developed. However yes, its primary offensive stat is Sp.Attack, as is the usual for most walls and clerics. It still gets the offensive attacks to be able to strike opponents down, but its idea competitively, which is really my on-point concern with all the Pokémon I create, is to be a bulky Pokémon utilizing support moves and shutting down stall with its signature attack.

In short, I can guarantee it is being given the Starter necessities to be able to be usable in game, but the overall idea of the Pokémon is support.

Stamp of approval.

bayou jerky
Have you ever had alligator?

Tastes kind of like seafood-esque chicken. Not bad really.

Or if Isaac had won and the fandom tore itself apart arguing whether he deserved it or was trash for being an anime swordsman and needed to burn.
Now, now. He's a magic swordsm-


Carry on.

Hm. . .to those of you actually planning to get a Switch, anyone else planning on getting the Splatoon "port?"

It might be interesting to do a squid count on who's interested so far.

I've spent the last couple hours trying to find a Bagon....

I've quintuple checked that I'm on the right route, in the right patch of grass, that it's not a daytime encounter, some other weird method I'm unaware of, and the damn thing still won't show...I know it's a 1% encounter rate but I haven't had this much trouble finding other pokes with similar encounter rates (except for Feebas)

C'mon man...you're like a miniture Blue yoshi that evolves into my second favourite Pokemon, why you gotta be like this?
Damn, I had no idea he was a 1% rate.

I just kinda fell into him on Route 3 and he ain't left my side since. Guess I got lucky?
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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
I still feel like Bayonetta doesn't really fit in Smash.
But all the other characters do?

All you need is good art direction, and any character from any franchise can fit. "Oh? They're from a rated M game?" Just tone down the rated M stuff, bam, they fit in Smash!

Deleted member

Corrin and Bayonetta were both surprising additions, though prior to the Final Presentation, Cloud had already Omnislashed my own expectations into oblivion.

:4corrin: - Fire Emblem fatigue from a vocal group of fans aside, Corrin's game wasn't even released outside of Japan yet, so I doubted they had a large ballot following. Of course we would later find out that they were added as a promotional character, which, if I'm not mistaken, was unprecedented at the time. (Not even :roymelee: was added for that reason.)

Sakurai did go on to admit that he felt that he added too many Fire Emblem characters, though interestingly I don't recall him making statements along the lines of "Fire Emblem is overrepresented," "Other series could have used more representation," or "Fire Emblem is too niche to have that many characters." Just something to keep in mind for future speculation.

As for Corrin themselves, while another Fire Emblem character admittedly wasn't anywhere near the top of my want list (barring someone who's currently an Assist Trophy and a few other exceptions whose times have long passed), I wasn't mad or disappointed that the only first party DLC newcomer turned out to be a character from a series that already had the same amount of characters as The Legend of Zelda (and if you know me well, you know I think Zelda would be lucky to get any newcomer at this point). As a matter of fact, I thought they looked pretty cool. A chainsaw sword-wielding manakete with the voice of Liquid Snake? Sold.

:4bayonetta: - Despite her sexualization, despite not seeming all that popular in terms of Smash requests, despite me thinking we'd get another Sonic character before anyone else from Sega, and regardless of what some conspiracy theorists might believe, she won the ballot fair and square, among negotiable and realizable characters anyway. Whoever managed to rank higher than her, but wasn't "negotiable" or "realizable", we might never know (though I wouldn't be surprised if Snake were up there).

I didn't vote for her, but I wasn't disappointed at what I saw in her reveal trailer. Were there other characters I would have preferred? Yes, but it's nothing I'll lose sleep over.
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That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
Honestly I wanted Azura more than Corrin. The spear using, waterbending songstress was always interesting to me from a moveset point of view.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Corrin's reveal will forever be the massive kick in the gut with a boot saying "not azura, nerd"

Lemme tell you a story:
It was the evening before the 1AM-ish presentation.
I just wanted to sleep.
Could I sleep?
Heck no, the hype was too strong!
But I kinda needed my 12-hour sleep so I needed to think of a way to soothen the hype and become calm.
Songs always helped in that,
For some good luck, I decided to hum/think of a song associated with one of my most wanted.
Since Gangplank Galleon/Ridley's theme weren't exactly bedtime songs, I settled for Lost in Thoughts All Alone.
And I slept great that night.
Wakes up, first thing I did was watch the bloody presentation, and guess what I heard?
Lost. In Thoughts. All. Alone. (kickbutt remix btw)
For Corrin.

And not the dancer lancer singer waterbender.
Not Azura, nerd.


(I also got spoiled by the Nintendo Direct description so yah the hype was gone)

-End of Story


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
On Corrin and Bayonetta, yeah, they certainly were surprising additions. I can see why people would be upset with so many FE characters, especially one that got in pretty much to promote a recent (in Japan) or upcoming (in NA/EU) game and that even Sakurai himself was opposed to.

As for Bayonetta, she was a mind-blowing addition that no one saw coming, but she is still an interesting choice for Smash and benefited from the good timing of having an exclusive game on the Wii U that had plenty of attention and critical praise. She certainly had passionate fans who eagerly awaited her inclusion in Smash.

Controversies aside, I won't deny that those characters were both great additions as far as gameplay is concerned. And we all know that gameplay is very important. In fact, of the 7 DLC characters, only Ryu is a character I can't play that well (and that I consequently don't play often as), but I still like his stage a lot so it's not like my money went to waste anyway.

I did purchase both characters, as with all other DLC characters and stages. I had always planned in getting all additional characters and stages that would be released ever since the announcement of Mewtwo, so I have not wavered and even if DLC had even more unexpected additions, I would have gotten them anyway. I did NOT get all the DLC, however, as I was never too interested in Mii costumes anyway (I still got some, though). Characters and stages add much more to the experience and Mii outfits do feel overpriced for what are mere aesthetic changes.

All in all, I can't say I was disappointed. In the end, I don't think it's worth being bitter about all this. It is just a game, so I'm better off having fun with what the game has to offer rather than pointlessly whining about what could have been, as I'm powerless to change anything after all.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Exams done, 4 week break starts and what better way to start than teh Star Wars.
Not expecting much of Vader.


Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
I was never actually mad at :4bayonetta:. I was both expecting and hoping for King K. Rool, but I could still accept her.

:4corrin:, I was mad at. The fact that he got in for advertising didn't help either.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Im not sure about this but I have a feeling Layton was votes for a lot. Hell, There was a whole twitter page dedicated to him being added to smash

And to everyone tha was legit angry at an optional video game character "Whats the matter with you?"
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I liked all the DLC overall, but I do think FE getting more DLC characters than any other franchise was a bit unfair. I got over that ages ago, though. He's really fun to play as.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
I get to play a fighting game where :4mario::4megaman::4pacman::4ryu::4sonic::4cloud:&:4bayonetta: is in the same game

I will take that over anything else. I only care about :4corrinf: moveset wise because let's be honest, character wise, Corrin sucks in every regard as a Lord compared to :4marth::4myfriends::4lucina: and even surprisingly :4feroy: and sure as all hell a worst My Unit than :4robinm:. I may not like Fates by t Corrin's moveset is so crazy fun that I love it. Same with Bayo.

That said if you wanted to advertise a game, just put in Elma from XCX or another Pokemon to celebrate its 20th anniversary (didn't specifically mean a Gen 7 Pokemon).


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
All this discussion really fuels my desire to have some idea of how the Ballot went down other than Bayonetta.

I mentioned an idea where you could search for a character on the Smash Ballot website via a filter used though Coricus Coricus was quick to bring up how it could really stir up some feelings within the community for those who have characters that were on the lower end of the Ballot.

Speaking of Coricus, today's the day i'm going to get Kid Icarus Uprising now that my exams are over today. I'll let you guys know how I progress through the game.

Deleted member

Today is a good day to watch some--
*kissanime is still down*
Oh yeah, that was a thing, when the hell is it going to be up again?
Well, at least I found a site with 720p download, not the most optimal when you have to do it individually for every episode but I'll take it
Apr 19, 2015
An year since the last Smash Direct? How the time flies...

I didn't expect either Corrin or Bayonetta, and I remember that I took their inclusion really badly, partially because I had opposed both Bayonetta and another Fire Emblem character, and partially because I had too much faith on my most wanted characters' chances. I behaved like an idiot after the reveal, and I am really ashamed of my behaviour back then.

I did eventually accept both characters' inclusion, and I don't think either of them should be cut in the next installment.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Today is a good day to watch some--
*kissanime is still down*
Oh yeah, that was a thing, when the hell is it going to be up again?
Well, at least I found a site with 720p download, not the most optimal when you have to do it individually for every episode but I'll take it
oh jesus, Kissanime is still down? oh man

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I only really wonder who got number 1 for the Ballot overall. Like they said, Bayo was actually number 4, but won in Europe. That's about it. Didn't care for Corrin too much, but the moveset is at least interesting as opposed to Roy and Lucina.

Since the game is rumored to get an enhanced port, I can't complain anyway. I got most of the characters I wanted to see in Smash at this point.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
But all the other characters do?

All you need is good art direction, and any character from any franchise can fit. "Oh? They're from a rated M game?" Just tone down the rated M stuff, bam, they fit in Smash!
If only that were simple for Senran Kagura.

But I know that particular third party series is too niche to be worth the attention.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I only really wonder who got number 1 for the Ballot overall. Like they said, Bayo was actually number 4, but won in Europe. That's about it. Didn't care for Corrin too much, but the moveset is at least interesting as opposed to Roy and Lucina.

Since the game is rumored to get an enhanced port, I can't complain anyway. I got most of the characters I wanted to see in Smash at this point.
They said Bayo was top 5 I don't recall them saying any exact placings other than number 1 in Europe...


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Oh man.
Insane panic about not being able to find my wallet and today having to try a School ID to prove myself to AAA.
Man I love the issues that always seem to hit around the holidays.
Edit: AAA took it. Now I have to pray my wallet is at work.
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Deleted member

oh jesus, Kissanime is still down? oh man
Yup, still dead
Have you been able to watch YoI though? Be careful with a kissanime site with the url .io because no word has been given on its legitimacy
If you want a good alternative while it's down, I recommend MasterAni because it works for me and popup tabs are rare


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Alright, I think I got my Base Stats for my four final evolution Starter Pokémon down. Not finalized though. They all should equal 520 BST. If I added it up wrong let me know.
Felitana (Grass/Steel):
90 HP / 100 Atk / 80 Def / 50 SAtk / 80 SDef / 120 Spe
Wizakanine (Fire/Fairy):
85 HP / 40 Atk / 70 Def / 120 SAtk / 100 SDef / 105 Spe
Salaelder (Water/Fighting):
110 HP / 120 Atk / 110 Def / 60 SAtk / 75 SDef / 45 Spe
Eternasoul (Normal):
120 HP / 50 Atk / 95 Def / 80 SAtk / 95 SDef / 80 Spe
The pattern should be easy to see. A powerful 120 in one stat while the other stats compliment it based on its movepool and typing.

I think I'm going to add one more starter that breaks the pattern and supports a mixed play style. The added diversity would be nice.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Yup, still dead
Have you been able to watch YoI though? Be careful with a kissanime site with the url .io because no word has been given on its legitimacy
If you want a good alternative while it's down, I recommend MasterAni because it works for me and popup tabs are rare
I use different site like 9anime I think its called and animeshow.tv

And yeah Ive been able to watch Yoi, why ya ask?

Deleted member

*watches first episode of Wandering Son*

This show is making me emotionally unstable with only one episode and this is not okay
I think I'm going to add one more starter that breaks the pattern and supports a mixed play style. The added diversity would be nice.
Electric should be its typing then
I use different site like 9anime I think its called and animeshow.tv

And yeah Ive been able to watch Yoi, why ya ask?
Just curious on how it's going, I still plan on watchong it when it ends and Kissanime is up again but I like reading your thought on it

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
It's been a year since the final Smesh direct? I remember the saltiness of the additions to :4corrin: & :4bayonetta: from the fans like if it was yesterday. Time sure flies.

Even if Smash Switch gets more characters, there's no doubt we'll see tons of "Nobody asked for that ****ing character. WHERE'S MY WANTED CHARACTER???" regardless of who it be.

Deleted member

Has it already been an entire year? Damn, time sure flies.
I remember not really liking Corrin's inclusion intially but after playing as her, I REALLY want her to return in the next game.
Bayonetta's inclusion doesn't bother me as much as looking at her makes me feel uncomfortable. Yes, that's the only reason why I don't like her inclusion. You can say it's stupid but I don't care.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Just curious on how it's going, I still plan on watchong it when it ends and Kissanime is up again but I like reading your thought on i
Oh its really good, Its a heartjerker at timea and I higly recomend it. The animation is also very pretty And pff people are scared that the canon paring isnt canon anyome after the last episode but Why would people think that when Victor said they were engaged. They arent just gonna call off the engagement like that
Bayonetta's inclusion doesn't bother me as much as looking at her makes me feel uncomfortable.
Is it because she looks like the baddist ***** on the roster? Or is it because she is that tall and figured? It makes sense her body is like that, after all she isnt human
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That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
Oh its really good, Its a heartjerker at timea and I higly recomend it. The animation is also very pretty And pff people are scared that the canon paring isnt canon anyome after the last episode but Why would people think that when Victor said they were engaged. They arent just gonna call off the engagement like that

Is it because she looks like the baddist ***** on the roster? Or is it because she is that tall and figured? It makes sunce her body is like that, after all she isnt human
My guess would be the latter.
Dem giraffe legs.
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