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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
It's really been a whole year since the last Smash Direct?

Boy that day had some fun memories.

I'm still not the biggest fan of Corrin's inclusion, and if he wasn't in the next brand new Smash, I wouldn't miss him. Not to say I actively want him to be cut, that's just how I feel.

As for Bayonetta, while she wouldn't have been my choice (I'm sure a lot of you knew me as the Rayman guy during the Ballot days), I can't get mad at her inclusion. She won fair and square, and actually did something that makes me appreciate her. All throughout the Ballot we've heard "this character is more likely." Or the one I hate the most "why are you wasting your vote on a character that doesn't have a chance?" Bayonetta was one of these "unlikely characters", so seeing her win really showed that your votes mattered. I respect her inclusion just for that alone.

I did buy that DLC, even with not being a big fan of Corrin (it would bother the heck out of me having every character except one).

It may have ended a bit underwhelming, and no characters I personally wanted got in as DLC, but I still enjoyed the Smash 4 Hype Train while it lasted. And I look forward to riding the train again.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Kinda petulant to have been angry post the last direct. Sorry guys. Disappointment I understand, because ppl were awful invested in some characters. But angry? As if to feel shortchanged? As if we were owed something more/else? I remember when people didn't think we'd get any DLC, then they thought we'd only get Mewtwo. Then only four characters at most. Now ppl are upset because the sixth and seventh DLC characters weren't to their liking.

To be fair Nintendo could've indicated we'd only receive a single ballot character, but honestly i doubt they even knew how many they'd end up implementing. That's why I personally think we'll see at least one ballot-related character in the Switch port. But yeah, I can understand why some people were disappointed by the results of the last Direct. Cloud being the preamble to that Direct gave some people the wrong idea I think. Still, anger... comes off rather entitled.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I can't say all of DLC was bad though because I got my most requested vets :4mewtwo::4feroy:to return and :4ryu::4cloud:being in the game was amazing. :4lucas:coming back was nice as well.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Well I wasnt trying to ague anything? I was just saying it felt like it, not that that is the reason

But I wont lie when I say too many people were unesserly bitter and just plain old mad and lashing out that day

Is it good glue at least?
I dunno, it's a little runny. I think some of the components might have been ground a bit too finely.

I didn't mean to be confrontational there. Sorry if it came out that way. I just see this sentiment all over the place and it really strikes a nerve with me because it's stretching the truth to silence criticism.

I was very mad that day and said some things that were quite frankly really dumb but I haven't changed my opinion on Corrin. More so given the fact that we could have gotten 2 Ballot characters which could have lead to that final Direct being a lot less divisive than it was.

Event more so if we got a Cloud/K. Rool/Bayonetta combo. There would be something in there for everyone and hardly anyone would be disappointed/upset.
There wouldn't have been anything for me either way. The sheer irony is that Corrin does more for me than nearly every "fan demanded" character they could have added, it's just a shame about the drawbacks. Meanwhile I used to hate K. Rool both due to his design and the way some fans of his treated other fandoms. I'm over that now, but the only reasons I'd be outright happy about bayou jerky now are because maybe the fandom would actually be happy for once and because he'd make a REAL fun punching bag for me to take out my pent up irritation at the Smash fandom on.

Especially while using Corrin. And Sonic. And Lucario. And Dark Pit. And Robin, and-

Also the hilarious question is, "What if the second most voted for character was also just as divisive as Bayonetta?"

I mean probably not, it was probably Wolf all things considered, but if it did turn out that way then that might have been interesting.

Or if Isaac had won and the fandom tore itself apart arguing whether he deserved it or was trash for being an anime swordsman and needed to burn. In retrospect that might have been funny even though I voted for him. Or terrible, more likely terrible. But those in the mood for shandenfreude would have had a laugh.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I wish more people did this rathr then go into a tizzy about them. Also Corrin was fun to play and Ryu probably is still hard for me lol and Bayo is still my baby

I cant help but feel like people mad at Bayo and corrin is all out of spite of not liking them/not being who they want
If only Gamefaqs can learn that.

Oh wait, it's Gamefaqs. You can never expect much from them.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I dunno, it's a little runny. I think some of the components might have been ground a bit too finely.

There wouldn't have been anything for me either way. The sheer irony is that Corrin does more for me than nearly every "fan demanded" character they could have added, it's just a shame about the drawbacks. Meanwhile I used to hate K. Rool both due to his design and the way some fans of his treated other fandoms. I'm over that now, but the only reasons I'd be outright happy about bayou jerky now are because maybe the fandom would actually be happy for once and because he'd make a REAL fun punching bag for me to take out my pent up irritation at the Smash fandom on.

Especially while using Corrin. And Sonic. And Lucario. And Dark Pit. And Robin, and-

Also the hilarious question is, "What if the second most voted for character was also just as divisive as Bayonetta?"

I mean probably not, it was probably Wolf all things considered, but if it did turn out that way then that might have been interesting.

Or if Isaac had won and the fandom tore itself apart arguing whether he deserved it or was trash for being an anime swordsman and needed to burn. In retrospect that might have been funny even though I voted for him. Or terrible, more likely terrible. But those in the mood for shandenfreude would have had a laugh.
I just felt that it was the best way to go really when you think about it.

Cloud appeals to gamers in general

K. Rool appeals to the hardcore gamers,

Bayonetta appeals to newer gamers

I don't doubt that K. Rool was one of the top choices in there given he's hugely popular in both the West and Japan which is a huge bonus for any character.


May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
Corrin was disappointing to me from a character perspective but he/she definitely made up for it through gameplay.

Bayonetta was a pleasant surprise and I'm definitely glad she made it in. It's a shame that so much controversy surrounded her within the following months, though.

Overall, even though I didn't get all of the characters I wanted (the only one I requested was Mewtwo), I thought they did a great job with DLC.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
It's been that long ago, how times changed. Can't say the final set of DLC characters were my favorite (Bayonetta was far from my most wanted third party choice), but characters were a blast to play as over the break. I wasn't really expecting anything big like K. Rool and such to begin with thanks to the Mii Fighter costumes, but I don't expect to see more of them (That Takamaru one is so worth the purchase).

The Smash Direct event was a wild ride that lead to a fire. One that took months to put out. It was a beautiful disaster, but one that I can learn from since I wasn't here during the Great Brawl Roster Meltdown years ago.

If only Gamefaqs can learn that.

Oh wait, it's Gamefaqs. You can never expect much from them.

Smashfaqs? More like Let's Beat The Dead Dragon Over Too Many Fire Emblem Characters and Muh Ballot Winner Faqs. :troll:

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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Event more so if we got a Cloud/K. Rool/Bayonetta combo. There would be something in there for everyone and hardly anyone would be disappointed/upset.
I think people really need to learn how to detach their own personal views from everyone else. This isn't just aimed at you, but anyone who claims that their ideal character would have appealed to a larger amount of people than the one they weren't so excited for.

Tons of people did it for Bandana Dee, and Geno, and K. Rool, and Wolf, and it's like, get out of your echo chamber please.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I just felt that it was the best way to go really when you think about it.

Cloud appeals to gamers in general

K. Rool appeals to the hardcore gamers,

Bayonetta appeals to newer gamers

I don't doubt that K. Rool was one of the top choices in there given he's hugely popular in both the West and Japan which is a huge bonus for any character.
Results supporting your claim K.Rool was popular on the ballot? The **** are those?
Not to mention if you want to be technical, FE's a franchise thay could be considered hardcore. If you're still going to hate Corrin out of pettiness, then honestly, Corrin not only deserves slack but you need a moment of self-reflection


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Or if Isaac had won and the fandom tore itself apart arguing whether he deserved it or was trash for being an anime swordsman and needed to burn. In retrospect that might have been funny even though I voted for him. Or terrible, more likely terrible. But those in the mood for shandenfreude would have had a laugh.
Honestly compared to choices like Ryu, Cloud, Bayo and Corrin I think Isaac would be relatively lacking in divisiveness. Not to say there wouldn't be detractors, but he had a sizeable contingent behind him, that even those that didn't support him were aware of.

In my experience widespread vitriol is usually saved for the inclusions that people haven't accustomed themselves to.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Results supporting your claim K.Rool was popular on the ballot? The **** are those?
Not to mention if you want to be technical, FE's a franchise thay could be considered hardcore. If you're still going to hate Corrin out of pettiness, then honestly, Corrin not only deserves slack but you need a moment of self-reflection
I mean no one has the empirical evidence to back it up but it seems pretty likely K. Rool was popular on the ballot. Nearly every corner of the internet interested in the Smash ballot seemed to have a large push for him. Including Japan. And it's not like the ballot had the massive casual presence of the game at large.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Even though I might be in the minority, I've wanted those three in Smash before they were confirmed (especially Cloud and Corrin).

I can safely say that I am fully satisfied with how they turned out in the end, especially with how well thought Cloud's moveset is.

I am such FF7 trash

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I mean no one has the empirical evidence to back it up but it seems pretty likely K. Rool was popular on the ballot. Nearly every corner of the internet interested in the Smash ballot seemed to have a large push for him. Including Japan. And it's not like the ballot had the massive casual presence of the game at large.
However, one has to remember something. The more casual (nee, younger) crowd wouldn't even care about K.Rool. Hell, I only found out about K.Rool because of all the K.ROOL 4 SMESH posts. If a kid wants to vote for their favourite character, saying they should vote K.Rool in the ballot wouldn't have changed their mind


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I just felt that it was the best way to go really when you think about it.

Cloud appeals to gamers in general

K. Rool appeals to the hardcore gamers,

Bayonetta appeals to newer gamers

I don't doubt that K. Rool was one of the top choices in there given he's hugely popular in both the West and Japan which is a huge bonus for any character.
*EDIT* The prose was probably a bit much. Although I'm happy to roast K.Rool at any time, so long as I don't offend anyone. Or dry the meat and season it. */EDIT*

. . .OK, that teasing may be a bit thick -just a bit- , but I really don't like the way he managed to be popular in some circles. A handful of his fans on a certain notorious website made it their personal mission to shut down every other request outside of two approved ones for a year and a half straight, if not longer.

I mean no one has the empirical evidence to back it up but it seems pretty likely K. Rool was popular on the ballot. Nearly every corner of the internet interested in the Smash ballot seemed to have a large push for him. Including Japan. And it's not like the ballot had the massive casual presence of the game at large.
We can guess he was in the ballpark, but there's no way to guess where he was with enough accuracy for it to actually matter short of the better part of a roster of an entirely new Smash game being nothing but Ballot choices. Bayonetta was only in the top 20 in polls like those, if that. Then there was people trying to make multiple votes on the Ballot and whatever anti-cheating system was in place shuffling things around even further as a result.
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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
I mean no one has the empirical evidence to back it up but it seems pretty likely K. Rool was popular on the ballot. Nearly every corner of the internet interested in the Smash ballot seemed to have a large push for him. Including Japan. And it's not like the ballot had the massive casual presence of the game at large.
I'm not saying the K. Rool wasn't a "popular" choice but for all we know, those voices could have just been the loudest ones rather than the largest, especially on the internet.

On the Internet you'd think competitive gaming would be one of the most popular sports in the world. And while there are games that bring in a lot of viewers and money, it's still much smaller than other sports, especially when you're looking at things like Smash. Online Smash is this hardcore game that only super competitive people play, but in actuality that's only a small subset of the loudest people.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
However, one has to remember something. The more casual (nee, younger) crowd wouldn't even care about K.Rool. Hell, I only found out about K.Rool because of all the K.ROOL 4 SMESH posts. If a kid wants to vote for their favourite character, saying they should vote K.Rool in the ballot wouldn't have changed their mind
The fact that K. Rool's presence only really existed in a notable capacity prior to even Smash 64 persists, so younger people obviously have adopted the idea of him in Smash even without really being fully immersed in actual K. Rool memories. People bandwagon onto popular characters they have little experience with all the time. You think everyone that supported Takamaru has played his game?

Moreover, the younger crowd may lean less towards K. Rool, but it's not like they all uniformly stand behind some other character. Their votes are cast disparately, some for a spattering of Mario characters, some for Pokemon characters, some for Sonic characters, some for random third-parties, etc etc. It may inflate numbers of more "casually-inclined" characters, but for most of them, likely not a hugely incremental amount. Not enough to say that K. Rool wasn't a popular choice at least.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
TBH, the only characters I see fitting the bill of really appealing to a mass of casuals for the next game are the Inklings.

I don't see any other recent notably huge Nintendo IP that really reach them in terms of marketability (even as it pains me to say this, Rhythm Heaven).


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I'm guessing a lot of the characters that were at the top of the ballot were veterans and 3rd party characters. If they want to add more Nintendo newcomers Inkling and K. Rool would be good choices. They were probably voted for more than any other. Of course I'm just speculating, but do you think any Nintendo newcomer could have placed higher than them?


Sep 12, 2014
I'm guessing a lot of the characters that were at the top of the ballot were veterans and 3rd party characters. If they want to add more Nintendo newcomers Inkling and K. Rool would be good choices. They were probably voted for more than any other. Of course I'm just speculating, but do you think any Nintendo newcomer could have placed higher than them?
While I don't think he was higher than them, Geno was seemingly high enough to warrant a Mii Costume.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Hm. . .to those of you actually planning to get a Switch, anyone else planning on getting the Splatoon "port?"

It might be interesting to do a squid count on who's interested so far.
I'm guessing a lot of the characters that were at the top of the ballot were veterans and 3rd party characters. If they want to add more Nintendo newcomers Inkling and K. Rool would be good choices. They were probably voted for more than any other. Of course I'm just speculating, but do you think any Nintendo newcomer could have placed higher than them?
Higher than Inkling? Considering Splatoon came out multiple months after the Ballot started and the Ballot was probably frontloaded, I can see quite a few characters ranking higher at the time. They had support, sure, but I can't see them tipping it far enough to completely dominate before they even had a game.

K. Rool? His supporters were by far the most vocal but that's no guarantee either way. Depending on what Bayo's disclaimer referred to Ridley might be a candidate for someone who made it past that mark and then got disqualified.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I've spent the last couple hours trying to find a Bagon....

I've quintuple checked that I'm on the right route, in the right patch of grass, that it's not a daytime encounter, some other weird method I'm unaware of, and the damn thing still won't show...I know it's a 1% encounter rate but I haven't had this much trouble finding other pokes with similar encounter rates (except for Feebas)

C'mon man...you're like a miniture Blue yoshi that evolves into my second favourite Pokemon, why you gotta be like this?

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Hm. . .to those of you actually planning to get a Switch, anyone else planning on getting the Splatoon "port?"

It might be interesting to do a squid count on who's interested so far.

Higher than Inkling? Considering Splatoon came out multiple months after the Ballot started and the Ballot was probably frontloaded, I can see quite a few characters ranking higher at the time. They had support, sure, but I can't see them tipping it far enough to completely dominate before they even had a game.

K. Rool? His supporters were by far the most vocal but that's no guarantee either way. Depending on what Bayo's disclaimer referred to Ridley might be a candidate for someone who made it past that mark and then got disqualified.
I plan on getting a Switch, but I dunno about getting the Splatoon port. I wasn't super interested in Splatoon on Wii U, and I'm not sure if there's anything they can add that'll get me interested in the port.
There's just other shooters that appeal to me more.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Results supporting your claim K.Rool was popular on the ballot? The **** are those?
Not to mention if you want to be technical, FE's a franchise thay could be considered hardcore. If you're still going to hate Corrin out of pettiness, then honestly, Corrin not only deserves slack but you need a moment of self-reflection
I do hate the inclusion of Corrin but that had absolutely nothing to do with the point I was trying to make of the 3 characters as a "combo" of sorts being better than what we gotten as it has a better appeal VS the one we got. Why make it that again? We don't know how K. Rool placed on the Ballot yes but all signs point to him being a top contender in pretty much all regions of the world as is pretty much a front runner in terms of non-third party characters. Corrin is pretty much confirmed not to be apart of the Ballot hence why he's not included in the 3 characters I mentioned and FE fatigue was very much a thing as stated by Sakurai himself.

And as for the last part of your post you're trying to go back to that place again and i'm not having any part of it. Lets be done with it alright?
I'm not saying the K. Rool wasn't a "popular" choice but for all we know, those voices could have just been the loudest ones rather than the largest, especially on the internet.

On the Internet you'd think competitive gaming would be one of the most popular sports in the world. And while there are games that bring in a lot of viewers and money, it's still much smaller than other sports, especially when you're looking at things like Smash. Online Smash is this hardcore game that only super competitive people play, but in actuality that's only a small subset of the loudest people.
That is a valid point though in today's day and age of everything being online there would have to be significant presence of these so called "silent voters" on places like YT among others.

But yeah, 1.8 million (correct me if i'm wrong on this figure) means a lot of people voted that we won't be able to gauge. Though to be fair I don't really think Bayonetta is a character that has mass appeal given that her game didn't break the 1M mark so my guess is most of the Ballot characters were troll votes or characters that weren't workable; at least at that point of time.

I know this isn't indicative of everyone but I know someone who's a very casual Smash Bros fan (enjoys playing with items on and Final Smashes) who asked me why Goku wasn't added among other anime characters. I gotta a feeling that a lot of casuals voting for Goku, Spongebob, and Shrek meaning they might have been massively ahead of "realizable" choices for the game.
Last edited:


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Of course.....

I checked again, and noticed that Bagon's a 10% find on Kale's Bay (just below Route 3) and guess what was my first encounter....

This game sometimes...


Sep 12, 2014
Hm. . .to those of you actually planning to get a Switch, anyone else planning on getting the Splatoon "port?"

It might be interesting to do a squid count on who's interested so far.
My friend got the original Splatoon for me as a gift, but I've barely touched it since, Only reason I haven't sold is because it was a gift.

So I really doubt I'll get the Switch port/sequel/whatever the hell it is.
I've spent the last couple hours trying to find a Bagon....

I've quintuple checked that I'm on the right route, in the right patch of grass, that it's not a daytime encounter, some other weird method I'm unaware of, and the damn thing still won't show...I know it's a 1% encounter rate but I haven't had this much trouble finding other pokes with similar encounter rates (except for Feebas)

C'mon man...you're like a miniture Blue yoshi that evolves into my second favourite Pokemon, why you gotta be like this?
There's a small patch of grass in Kae'el Bay which has Bagon at 10%. They're much easier to find there (Shelgon also appears there).


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Hm. . .to those of you actually planning to get a Switch, anyone else planning on getting the Splatoon "port?"

It might be interesting to do a squid count on who's interested so far.

Higher than Inkling? Considering Splatoon came out multiple months after the Ballot started and the Ballot was probably frontloaded, I can see quite a few characters ranking higher at the time. They had support, sure, but I can't see them tipping it far enough to completely dominate before they even had a game.

K. Rool? His supporters were by far the most vocal but that's no guarantee either way. Depending on what Bayo's disclaimer referred to Ridley might be a candidate for someone who made it past that mark and then got disqualified.
I think a lot were discouraged from voting for Ridley, due to him already being a boss and Sakurai saying he was against adding him.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Kind of incredible to think that so much happened on December 14/December 15 depending on your timezones. First waking up to get my HSC results and passing every of my subjects with flying colours, and to have a yin-yang of emotions in the Final Smash Presentation. :4corrin: wasn't initially one I was exactly hyped for, but eventually grew to like as time passed. :4bayonetta:on the other hand, I would never have predicted at all, and a surprise I was warmly receptive towards. Unfortunately at the cost of seeing a massive fallout (coincidentally I picked up Fallout 4 on that day) and losing all my desire to support K. Rool; and left the site for a few peaceful days.

Now an entire year later, I've got my results for my second semester for my first year at University, and got by with two credits and a pass for this semester's units. Even on the same day, even a year apart, so much can change for better and for worse - and nearing the end of the year again, it makes me just a bit hopeful that come this time next year, everything will be better.

Hm. . .to those of you actually planning to get a Switch, anyone else planning on getting the Splatoon "port?"

It might be interesting to do a squid count on who's interested so far.

Higher than Inkling? Considering Splatoon came out multiple months after the Ballot started and the Ballot was probably frontloaded, I can see quite a few characters ranking higher at the time. They had support, sure, but I can't see them tipping it far enough to completely dominate before they even had a game.

K. Rool? His supporters were by far the most vocal but that's no guarantee either way. Depending on what Bayo's disclaimer referred to Ridley might be a candidate for someone who made it past that mark and then got disqualified.
I could get behind a possible port - it just depends on what sort of content there is to it. I quite enjoyed Splatoon, and very hopeful for its success as a future franchise.
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