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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
speaking of school,I got A's on my finals,so now I'm all set to chill for the break and fill out the alolan Pokedex while waiting for the Bank Update

good luck to everyone else taking them.
Thanks bro.
For my I finished my last final test this morning. All I have left is to finish up a paper, which I'm sooo looking forward to (obvious sarcasm is obvious). Concerning finals week, I'd rather just have another test than a paper.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
isnt that what Yooka leelee did just now? Canceled the wii u( it was coming out on wii u, right?) game and kept the switch game
Well at least they had a PC version available as an alternative. Even then I had a lot of beef with them cancelling the Wii U version.

With BoTW it's either the Wii U or the Switch and if the Wii U no longer becomes an option then essentially they're forcing every Wii U owners hands in buying their new console for the game. That's some disingenuous BS right there.

Deleted member

What if the games suck?

Or if there aren't a lot of games?

That's like a major issue the Wii U had.


Also, Guilty Gear Xrd Rev just dropped on Steam and it is ****ing wicked.
Revelator is boss. Wish there was PC to PS4 crossplay though, cause the servers are dead.

The Wii U lacked games, but I dunno if I'd go as far as to say they're "vastly inferior" to previous entries.
I personally found Smash 4, XCX, and MK8 to be significantly worse than the previous entry (well, except Smash 4, that was better than Brawl, but still a major step away from wuhat Melee was in terms of gameplay).

SF Zero was also way worse than Assault imo. As was Color Splash compared to SPM and TTYD.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
I have not seen any of the Iron Man or Thor movies and I have not seen Winter Soldier.

Or any of the shows.
>haven't seen Iron Man 1
>neither Winter Solider

Do it, those 2 are the BEST movies in the MCU and I'm not lying when I say that.

Like way better than both Avengers movies


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
But it's a great game. Hard, but great.

The races were garbage though (imo).
I hated Jak 2. It took everything I liked about the first game, chewed it up and spat it back out. Aside from the racing missions, everything in the game is completely segregated and it's all in between this giant city with nothing to do. It's not a very good sequel to a game that didn't even need one in the first place.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
no one has more of a right to be upset. They both have equal right to be upset.
I guess. . .we all have a human right to be upset. People have various grievances that they value over this and that, and value is subjective. We all have a right to fight for what we value.

My grievance is that I'm already an emotional pretzel to the point of involuntarily stopping myself when I realize I'm happy sometimes just so I can't get interrupted and crash and I feel like seeing other people view the brighter side of life as a bit of a reassurance that it's OK for me to as well. Naturally then I get the exact opposite at any and all times. That's not really anyone's fault but my own for being flawed, but I feel emotions and empathy rather strongly so it wears on me to see such strong negativity out there, especially when I can't fully grasp why everyone is upset to that extent.

It would be really cruel to cancel a game that people were anticipating throughout the Wii U's entire lifecycle going all the way back to the January 2013 Nintendo Direct where we first heard about BoTW. People were excited for that game and even bought the system for the console back when we thought the game was 2015 bound. Wii U owners had to put up with 2 (possibly 3) delays for the game and outright cancelling the game for that console is just a **** move.

At the very least Nintendo can offer a limited release of the Wii U version through ordering the game on their website. Don't screw Wii U owners just because you want to shill your new console.
I highly doubt they'll actually cancel it with the amount of work they put into it. At this point it would be a net loss to can the Wii U version, especially since they were using it as an example less than a month ago. I wouldn't worry too much.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I got shiny Mimikyu and Stufful last night through SOS chaining. Its a useful method.

Mimkyu was around 50 chains, but took awhile.

I used mold breaker pinsir with hidden power to damage them and thief for finishing them off. They lower attack so even at level 61 pinsir couldn't one shot them. It took 3 hits. Glad I got it.

Stufful was pretty easy though. Took around 190 chain encounters.

Getting Synchronizers now to do shiny hunts with the right natures.
Do synchronizers work with called allies?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
It might not even be because they want to "shill for their new console" but may be because it's difficult to develop the game for the Wii U; the Wii U is weaker hardware after all. Or maybe they are "shilling" for their new console. We don't know, we're not the devs or Nintendo.
Aonuma has stated that the differences between both versions are minimal. Even if the Wii U version is weaker than doesn't necessitate a cancellation for the version.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Revelator is boss. Wish there was PC to PS4 crossplay though, cause the servers are dead.

I personally found Smash 4, XCX, and MK8 to be significantly worse than the previous entry (well, except Smash 4, that was better than Brawl, but still a major step away from wuhat Melee was in terms of gameplay).

SF Zero was also way worse than Assault imo. As was Color Splash compared to SPM and TTYD.
I personaly still call Mario Kart 8 My most fav Mario Kart game. good tracks, good music and Villager
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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Aonuma has stated that the differences between both versions are minimal. Even if the Wii U version is weaker than doesn't necessitate a cancellation for the version.
It still doesn't necessarily mean they're trying to "shill" for their new console. Maybe you're right, Nintendo realized that they needed a banger to start the Switch. Or maybe later on in Development they realized, "oh wait, all these things we wanna do sucks on the Wii U."

Revelator is boss. Wish there was PC to PS4 crossplay though, cause the servers are dead.

I personally found Smash 4, XCX, and MK8 to be significantly worse than the previous entry (well, except Smash 4, that was better than Brawl, but still a major step away from wuhat Melee was in terms of gameplay).

SF Zero was also way worse than Assault imo. As was Color Splash compared to SPM and TTYD.
That's sorta what I meant. Whether they're vastly inferior or not is totally subjective. It doesn't take too long to find a group of people who believe Smash 4 or MK8 are the best in the series. And there's people out there who think XCX is great (they're wrong).

Reading SF Zero got me hyped, then immediately sad when I realized you meant Star Fox Zero and not Street Fighter Zero.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
It might not even be because they want to "shill for their new console" but may be because it's difficult to develop the game for the Wii U; the Wii U is weaker hardware after all. Or maybe they are "shilling" for their new console. We don't know, we're not the devs or Nintendo.
I really think they cancelled the wiiu version so they can put all their focus on switch version so it can be as good as possible.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
I really think they cancelled the wiiu version so they can put all their focus on switch version so it can be as good as possible.
Or that. It could be that. They realized that both versions were suffering, so they decided, let's just cancel it for the dead console and complete it for the new one.

We're not Nintendo, and it just irks me when people jump to a cynical conclusion.


Sep 12, 2014
So after playing a decent amount of FFXV, I can say...

IMO, FFXV needs to be the base for all future FF to build on.

Not necessarily storywise, but everything else has been really enjoyable thus far. Maybe it's because my expectations for the game were dwindling, but I think SE are on to something here.

Noctis is also a surprisingly enjoyable protag, his buddies are good too. My complaint is that it's a shame the story happening just doesn't hold my interest all that much, I'm more invested in Noct and his squad than I am the actual big scale plot.

Oh and so far I've not ran into any glitches which is surprising given the amount of videos I've seen on them.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'm fairly certain that if the Wii U version was cancelled we would have heard about it by now.

And there's people out there who think XCX is great (they're wrong).


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Or that. It could be that. They realized that both versions were suffering, so they decided, let's just cancel it for the dead console and complete it for the new one.

We're not Nintendo, and it just irks me when people jump to a cynical conclusion.
I think people just want a reason to hate Nintendo.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2013
I seriously hope the Wii U version of Zelda gets canceled. That would be the best most cleaned pleasure of the year.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I think one thing that needs to be kept in mind is just because history might repeat itself doesn't mean it will. I see so many people assuming the Switch is going to be a carbon copy of the Wii U when there are several new variables that could alter what happens.

Consolidating handheld and console software flow, increasing the role of (slightly) newer employees in game creation, radical shifts in how they've been handling Switch design and marketing compared to the Wii U, Breath of the Wild being made in part to address criticisms, and just plain Nintendo being backed into a corner (which would be a far larger form of motivation for them to try their best). These are just what we know about.

Caution is fine, I think it's something Nintendo fans don't have enough of. But assuming the world is going to come crashing down because "that's what happened last time" is reacting too far in the opposite direction.

Perhaps it's because I'm a handheld player first and foremost in terms of Nintendo while most people are console players first and foremost, but as someone who's been spoiled with a rain of Pokemon and various other nice games I'm definitely willing to see what the Switch has to offer.


Sep 12, 2014

I'm guessing this doesn't count, all because it's not like 64/Sunshine/Galaxy. Even though it's a 3D Mario platformer and the words "Mario" and "3D" are even in the title.
Well, 3D is in the title, but we all know this sub series plays quite differently.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I seriously hope the Wii U version of Zelda gets canceled. That would be the best most cleaned pleasure of the year.


At this point it wouldn't help improve anything.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
So after playing a decent amount of FFXV, I can say...

IMO, FFXV needs to be the base for all future FF to build on.

Not necessarily storywise, but everything else has been really enjoyable thus far. Maybe it's because my expectations for the game were dwindling, but I think SE are on to something here.

Noctis is also a surprisingly enjoyable protag, his buddies are good too. My complaint is that it's a shame the story happening just doesn't hold my interest all that much, I'm more invested in Noct and his squad than I am the actual big scale plot.

Oh and so far I've not ran into any glitches which is surprising given the amount of videos I've seen on them.
Aside from the story being weak in the second half, I really think the game is done really well and the list of future updates they plan on releasing for free (which I'd imagine a lot are done because they ran out of initial development time) makes me hopeful that we'll have a much better game later on.

inb4: someone mentions how before patches, games in the past were done on release day.

No they weren't, and it's honestly a great thing that games can still be supported well after their release. Yeah, it's weird to be patching and and changing story elements but if it makes for a better product, by all means go for it. Main update I'm waiting for is the patch to allow you to play as the other characters.


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
Man, SiivaGunner sure is flip-flopping a ton on whether or not he's continuing his channel.

But if it means more high quality rips, I can't complain too much.
It's seems he is sleeping to be active only during holidays, where he upload even more high quality content.

Deleted member

It still doesn't necessarily mean they're trying to "shill" for their new console. Maybe you're right, Nintendo realized that they needed a banger to start the Switch. Or maybe later on in Development they realized, "oh wait, all these things we wanna do sucks on the Wii U."

That's sorta what I meant. Whether they're vastly inferior or not is totally subjective. It doesn't take too long to find a group of people who believe Smash 4 or MK8 are the best in the series. And there's people out there who think XCX is great (they're wrong).

Reading SF Zero got me hyped, then immediately sad when I realized you meant Star Fox Zero and not Street Fighter Zero.
Well yeah, it's all relative.

But that's also the point. As you get older you start to get more critical of the games you play and noticing the flaws in design more clearly. There are many games that I enjoyed a lot as a kid that I really can't get through anymore (Sonic Adventure 2, and Pokemon both come to mind). But yeah, there's always someone who'll like something that I don't and vice versa. But even still, that's no guarantee that you'll like the games on future consoles before they're even announced, or if they'll even get announced at all.

I've learned that it's always best not to buy a console at launch to avoid disappointment down the line. Esp, since the hardware with launch versions tends to be very janky and unpolished.

And yeah, high five on being part of the minority who agrees that XCX wasn't all that great.

I really think they cancelled the wiiu version so they can put all their focus on switch version so it can be as good as possible.
Well, that was just a rumor, and one with very little weight behind it at that. So I wouldn't really fret about BotW being cancelled, as so far, there are no confirmations that it has.

That said, should it be cancelled, I'd certainly be very upset.

Deleted member


I'm guessing this doesn't count, all because it's not like 64/Sunshine/Galaxy. Even though it's a 3D Mario platformer and the words "Mario" and "3D" are even in the title.
It's not the same. There are 3 different mainline Mario brands now.

The 2D platformers.
The Isometric platformers branded 3D Land/World
and the ACTUAL 3D platformer/collectathons like 64/Sunshine Galaxy

EDIT: Whoop DP sorry
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
We interrupt this Zelda rumour (that's probably not real) to bring you some BC news for Xbox One:

Lost Odyssey for free is daylight robbery.
Grab it, it's a brilliant game.


Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Why do some people dislike Xenoblade Chronicles X?

I've looked around and while the general reaction seems to be positive to very positive...

A lot of the complaints were issues I had with the first game or more relative things like soundtrack.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Is there an ability in Pokemon that lets moves that can hit multiple times always hit the max amount?


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I think people just want a reason to hate Nintendo.
That's. . .pretty much the impression I get whenever Nintendo is a topic that's brought up.

Nintendo has some problems, yes. The YouTube shenanigans, various "low effort" games (although with their new declaration to focus on games that will sell over 2 million units those may or may not be about to be cut down on), Nintendo desperately trying to defend Federation Force and Star Fox Zero due to them being personal projects of their employees rather than actually intended to be enjoyed by anyone.

But then people take their frustration over that and expand it to assuming that everything Nintendo does is automatically wrong, no matter what it is, even if they haven't even done it yet. Just the mere thought of Nintendo making a new console had people going "here we go again" and "this thing is going to be terrible" before we even knew a single thing about it. And one leak had near unanimous cynicism and groaning almost instantly and had masses of people denouncing Nintendo. . .and then turned out to have been faked.

And then people take leaks of ports to mean they are all straight ports and what we know of are the only games Nintendo will have to offer during the first year because that's the most cynical way to take it. . .nevermind the fact that even that happening would be infinitely better and smarter of Nintendo than what the Wii U's launch year was like. But no one would actually point that out, because that would mean Nintendo actually did something better than a time before instead of being consistently worse.

I feel like there's a narrative that "Nintendo can do nothing but wrong." But while they may do many inadvisable things and many good things they do are flawed, there are certainly things they do that stand out as positive actions even in the past couple of years. People complain about the Ballot being rigged and DLC characters they don't like, but Nintendo held a Ballot in the first place. People complain about not liking Splatoon, but it sold 4 million copies and still has quite the fandom. And then there's how well the Switch marketing has been doing communicating it's function even as people find the most minute things about the advertising we've had so far to complain about.

MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614
Why do some people dislike Xenoblade Chronicles X?

I've looked around and while the general reaction seems to be positive to very positive...

A lot of the complaints were issues I had with the first game or more relative things like soundtrack.
The game is really overwhelming first off. Just that much alone can put off people. I know it did for me.

A lot of the game's systems are not very well explained. I did actually beat the main story but can't actually explain to you the finer points of the combat for the life of me. Same thing with the whole resource metagame going on.

I would not call the game bad by any means. It's probably a really well made whatever it is. It's just not for me and a good chunk of people I imagine.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I did actually beat the main story but can't actually explain to you the finer points of the combat for the life of me.
If we're being honest.

I couldn't tell you that for the first Xenoblade, or any of the Tales games.

MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614
If we're being honest.

I couldn't tell you that for the first Xenoblade, or any of the Tales games.
While I could not tell you about deep Tales combat mechanics either, I at least find that more fun on a more fundamental level. Just having an attack come out for a button press does a lot for me. I never been of the weird auto-attack stuff mmo like games do. Again it's not my cup of coffee, but if you enjoy it, more power to you.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Why do some people dislike Xenoblade Chronicles X?

I've looked around and while the general reaction seems to be positive to very positive...

A lot of the complaints were issues I had with the first game or more relative things like soundtrack.
It isn't bad by no means and is a really good title but compare it to Xenoblade Chronicles

It's like night and day and OG Xenoblade is superior in every way.

It's like with Final Fantasy 10. Its a fine made game but compare it to FF9


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
It still doesn't necessarily mean they're trying to "shill" for their new console. Maybe you're right, Nintendo realized that they needed a banger to start the Switch. Or maybe later on in Development they realized, "oh wait, all these things we wanna do sucks on the Wii U."
That's exactly what the rumor sounds like to me. I doubt they would abruptly cancel the game due to that. If anything axe that and let the Wii U owners enjoy the rest of the game.
I highly doubt they'll actually cancel it with the amount of work they put into it. At this point it would be a net loss to can the Wii U version, especially since they were using it as an example less than a month ago. I wouldn't worry too much.
Even more so with them showing the game off at both E3 and TGA this year. Would be incredibly dumb on their part.
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