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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
>Through wonder trading, I have a jpn male Mimikyu with 5 perf IVs, only missing sp.atk, AND jolly.
>Later got a female with perf HP, Sp.Def, and Speed.
W-When Pokebank hits I might just have to Masuda me a shiny Mimikyu... it's almost all lined up for me.
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Deleted member

I know that, but it's a fake difficulty because the game gives them underleveled Pokemon
At least Lance wasn't that bad since it was, like, 2-3 levels and your team was fully evolved by the time you fight Ghetsis.
But the Galactic admins have a Pokemon 10/20 levels below their evolution level at a point you either have mothing evolved or just the early game mons for the second one
Aaaaaah, so that explains that level 17 purugly that almost made me black out just now.(How come people always refer to Ghetsis and Lance? This is just incredibly early for evolution, it evolves later then the starters fully evolve.) Oh well, at least Satan reware me by giving me exactly 666 XP for beating it.

Oh, and another reason why I'm replaying platinum: I don't really remember my playthroughs of it, so I need to replay so I have a stronger opinion on the region.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208

Oh my god. I don't even care that Naive is an awful nature for Drampa. Hell, it has two perfect IVs and a third that's like a point from perfect. I don't care. I love her in all her mustachioed glory. My first shiny in Moon. :D


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
An even that is something that could easily be debated

I voted for WW on pure nostalgia lol
I don't think any Zelda game is objectively the "best". All of the games have an argument for that title though I do think WW is a strong contender for that title. Especially what @Zoroarking said about the game aging the best among most Zelda's, even more so than TP. Personally I feel that OoT is the best of them all considering not only gameplay but story/narrative wise though I could see why someone would think that's not the case.
Honestly? I think this'll be the Switch's Smash game. The true "Smash 5" won't come until the Switch's successor is out, in like 2023 or whenever.
That's a good theory. Smash Switch being a platform for most of the Switch's lifecycle only for a new Smash Bros game to be released right at launch for whatever Nintendo's next console is.

The only problems I see with that is...

1) Will Sakurai give the okay for the team to develop characters without him overseeing the process?
2) Will Sakurai and the whole team even commit to staying that long?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
****taste detected
Lemme correct you
>5 big and different dungeons
>lol puppet ganon lol
>OoT and MM aged like ****
>Gives off good feels
5 dungeons that are in no way superior to any other dungeon in the series with no exceptional outliers either. Ocarina of Time had 8 dungeons which still had some great variety in them. Sailing was an entirely pointless feature and it draws out the act of getting from place to place by a great degree, the mechanic of having to change the Wind is also pretty pointless considering they could have just made the wind automatically go in the direction your boat is pointing. I mean, what else is the wind even used for aside from gliding with the leaf? Exploring and adventure don't really have a point either if the only thing you're doing is going from a few mandatory story islands and then occasionally going off track to go to another island with a completely negligible amount of content. Also, are you seriously telling me you thought Puppet Ganon was a difficult boss? He really isn't by all accounts, but even if he was that doesn't make up for the simplicity of the entire game. You catch me as someone who doesn't understand the genius of the N64 games and the shortcomings of Wind Waker, don't give me that bad taste attitude.

Ocarina of Time basically invented the 3D Adventure genre, nearly every single 3D adventure game owes it to Ocarina of Time to some degree, it's so influential and so iconic, at this point it's age barely matters. But on that subject, it's still aged phenomenally. Frankly, Wind Waker really doesn't handle any better. There are still lots clunky block pushing sections and the combat still sucks. The only distinction is that Ocarina of Time actually did something new and it's actually a finished game.

Don't even get me started on Majora's Mask. That game is a work of art in itself and an amazing sequel that is EVERYTHING a sequel should be. It is the only 3D Zelda game that is not a blatant retread of Ocarina of Time and introduces an new, amazing set of mechanics that create a completely unique experience. It could have been the very last Zelda game and it would have been completely satisfying. What does Wind Waker have aside from a decent art style that is so exceptional?
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Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2016
I know this "might" sound odd, but what if we were to get 6 characters on top of the 58 that are already in Smash 4, totaling out to 64 in honor of Smash N64?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
Play the HD remaster and obtain the Swift Sail from the Windfall Island auction. You're welcome.
Why is this mechanic not in the vanilla game, and why do I need to get it from an auction? this still does not fix the issue of the wind being an entirely pointless mechanic. Playing the song and then hearing the song you just played played back to you just to change the wind only serves to waste your time.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I know this "might" sound odd, but what if we were to get 6 characters on top of the 58 that are already in Smash 4, totaling out to 64 in honor of Smash N64?
Considering the first Smash never acknowledged "64" beyond the console it was running on, I don't see it happening.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Playing the song and then hearing the song you just played played back to you just to change the wind only serves to waste your time.
The HD remaster doesn't do that anymore. Once you play it once, it doesn't replay it, you just go right to the wind changing

And Also with the swift sail, you dont have to change the wind, it does it automatickly
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Sep 12, 2014
I know this "might" sound odd, but what if we were to get 6 characters on top of the 58 that are already in Smash 4, totaling out to 64 in honor of Smash N64?
I always thought this was one the dumber fan rules out there and this time it's no different.

It'd be a neat little coincidence if it happens though.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
If the old shiny chance was 1/8192, which Masuda method quintupled to about 1/1638.
If what the punk says is true and the base has been lowered to "about 1 in 4,000" likely doubled to 1/4096....
Are Masuda eggs now ~1/819?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
To top everything else going wrong, my Ethernet line to my computer isn't working.

...I only have internet through wifi which my computer doesn't have

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
I know this "might" sound odd, but what if we were to get 6 characters on top of the 58 that are already in Smash 4, totaling out to 64 in honor of Smash N64?
Now I want to make a 6 character prediction.

-King K. Rool
-Ice Climbers
-Zelda/ Rhythm Heaven character

I really wanted to add both on the last one, but then again, I'd be breaking my own rules.

Deleted member

5 dungeons that are in no way superior to any other dungeon in the series with no exceptional outliers either. Ocarina of Time had 8 dungeons which still had some great variety in them. Sailing was an entirely pointless feature and it draws out the act of getting from place to place by a great degree, the mechanic of having to change the Wind is also pretty pointless considering they could have just made the wind automatically go in the direction your boat is pointing. I mean, what else is the wind even used for aside from gliding with the leaf? Exploring and adventure don't really have a point either if the only thing you're doing is going from a few mandatory story islands and then occasionally going off track to go to another island with a completely negligible amount of content. Also, are you seriously telling me you thought Puppet Ganon was a difficult boss? He really isn't by all accounts, but even if he was that doesn't make up for the simplicity of the entire game. You catch me as someone who doesn't understand the genius of the N64 games and the shortcomings of Wind Waker, don't give me that bad taste attitude.

Ocarina of Time basically invented the 3D Adventure genre, nearly every single 3D adventure game owes it to Ocarina of Time to some degree, it's so influential and so iconic, at this point it's age barely matters. But on that subject, it's still aged phenomenally. Frankly, Wind Waker really doesn't handle any better. There are still lots clunky block pushing sections and the combat still sucks. The only distinction is that Ocarina of Time actually did something new and it's actually a finished game.

Don't even get me started on Majora's Mask. That game is a work of art in itself and an amazing sequel that is EVERYTHING a sequel should be. It is the only 3D Zelda game that is not a blatant retread of Ocarina of Time and introduces an new, amazing set of mechanics that create a completely unique experience. It could have been the very last Zelda game and it would have been completely satisfying. What does Wind Waker have aside from a decent art style that is so exceptional?
I have never read so much "my opinion is fact" in one single post before
5 dungeons that are in no way superior to any other dungeon in the series with no exceptional outliers either
Actually, it's 7 dungeons all with unique themes and great bosses
And if you don't think Helmaroc King is the best Zelda boss in existance then I question your sanity
Ocarina of Time had 8 dungeons which still had some great variety in them.
You can get literally stuck in the Forest Dungeon
Water Temple is confusing as hell
The rest are pretty cool but so are most Zelda dungeons
Sailing was an entirely pointless feature and it draws out the act of getting from place to place by a great degree,
Sailing was an unique feature that I very much enjoyed, and what allows WW to be such a feel good game, you can just aimlessly sail in the ocean occasionally findong things to do
the mechanic of having to change the Wind is also pretty pointless considering they could have just made the wind automatically go in the direction your boat is pointing
The Swift Sail is avaible in the remake and early enough that I wasn't bothered by the wind change
Exploring and adventure don't really have a point either if the only thing you're doing is going from a few mandatory story islands and then occasionally going off track to go to another island with a completely negligible amount of content
There is a ****ton of minidungeons and stuff to do in the islands.
Every section has at least one and they all have something to them
Also, are you seriously telling me you thought Puppet Ganon was a difficult boss?
Don't bull**** me, hitting that thing's ass with an arrow while it moves at 200km/h is super hars
even if he was that doesn't make up for the simplicity of the entire gam
Doesn't change the fact it's FUN
Ocarina of Time basically invented the 3D Adventure genre, nearly every single 3D adventure game owes it to Ocarina of Time to some degree, it's so influential and so iconic, at this point it's age barely matters. But on that subject, it's still aged phenomenally. Frankly, Wind Waker really doesn't handle any better. There are still lots clunky block pushing sections and the combat still sucks. The only distinction is that Ocarina of Time actually feels like a finished game and not some cheap imitation of Ocarina of Time, which what Wind Waker
It still aged like ****
OoT may have defined 3D games but it looks **** nowadays and is nothing impressive by today's standards
And WW is in no way an imitation of OoT
Don't even get me started on Majora's Mask. That game is a work of art in itself and an amazing sequel that is EVERYTHING a sequel should be. It is the only 3D Zelda game that is not a blatant retread of Ocarina of Time and introduces an new, amazing set of mechanics that create a completely unique experience. It could have been the very last Zelda game and it would have been completely satisfying. What does Wind Waker have aside from a decent art style that is so exceptional?
MM is far from a masterpiece, it manages to be pretty unique but it hasn't aged well either.
>Complain about WW only having "5" dungeons
>MM only has 4

And WW differentiates itself by being a general good experience as a game that you can play to relax and one of the most fun Zelda games because it doesn't make you feel frustrated because of a puzzle or boss(except puppet ganon)


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I know this "might" sound odd, but what if we were to get 6 characters on top of the 58 that are already in Smash 4, totaling out to 64 in honor of Smash N64?
That would be a nice nod, if not completely unlikely.

But we'll have to see once we get more information than the vague leaks we've been getting.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
N64 fans vs NGC fans

As a fan of both consoles, I'd rather puke then read a debate of which games were better.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Aaaaay My GF just got herself Pokemon sun

Obviously you want to puke because the corrct coice is clearly the SNES

Man i wish i owned a snes as a kid:061:
I have an snes, you wanna play it. My dad found it

I dont even play it because it so old its yellowing and Donkey Kong Country almost didnt work on it
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Sega Genesis >>>> Sega Dreamcast

Any objections with this statement?
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Deleted member

I just want PokeBank already so I can Nuzlocke Moon, I need self-imposed tortures or I can't survive
I guess I should try to do Kanto in my SS already
N64 fans vs NGC fans

As a fan of both consoles, I'd rather puke then read a debate of which games were better.
Good thing I don't see any discussion like that in here
Fixed. Did you play the 3DS remake? It both looks and runs better.
That's the one I played, of course
It doesn't look that good but still presentable

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
While I grew up in the Gamecube era, I had an N64 for the longest time. My parents weren't well off enough to be able to buy completely new systems or games, but I had a handmedown N64 from my dad, and it's created a lot of really good memories to this day, and it made it even much better when I saw what a Gamecube was and saw how beautiful Melee and Mario Sunshine looked compared to Smash 64 and Mario 64.

Deleted member

N64 fans vs NGC fans

As a fan of both consoles, I'd rather puke then read a debate of which games were better.
From my experience, there doesn't seem to be a general consensus among Zelda fans on which game is the best.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
I have never read so much "my opinion is fact" in one single post before

Actually, it's 7 dungeons all with unique themes and great bosses
And if you don't think Helmaroc King is the best Zelda boss in existance then I question your sanity

You can get literally stuck in the Forest Dungeon
Water Temple is confusing as hell
The rest are pretty cool but so are most Zelda dungeons

Sailing was an unique feature that I very much enjoyed, and what allows WW to be such a feel good game, you can just aimlessly sail in the ocean occasionally findong things to do

The Swift Sail is avaible in the remake and early enough that I wasn't bothered by the wind change

There is a ****ton of minidungeons and stuff to do in the islands.
Every section has at least one and they all have something to them

Don't bull**** me, hitting that thing's *** with an arrow while it moves at 200km/h is super hars

Doesn't change the fact it's FUN

It still aged like ****
OoT may have defined 3D games but it looks **** nowadays and is nothing impressive by today's standards
And WW is in no way an imitation of OoT

MM is far from a masterpiece, it manages to be pretty unique but it hasn't aged well either.
>Complain about WW only having "5" dungeons
>MM only has 4

And WW differentiates itself by being a general good experience as a game that you can play to relax and one of the most fun Zelda games because it doesn't make you feel frustrated because of a puzzle or boss(except puppet ganon)
I am not sorting through this.

If you begin to think about it, Wind Waker's amount of content is completely negligible. For dungeons, there Dragon Roost Cavern, Forbidden Woods, Tower of the Gods, Forsaken Fortress, Earth Temple and the Wind Temple. Ganon's Tower. That's 6 actual dungeons. There are so many islands in the game that have basically nothing except a chest on them, some even have nothing at all. Yeah, you can explore but it's not like 90% of it is meaningful. A majority of things in the game aren't meaningful. by the way, the final phase of Puppet Ganon isn't hard. To add insult to injury you can hop up on a platform using the hookshot and basically remove any threat of dying. Some penultimate boss. "it's fun" isn't an argument. Being relaxing to you is not an argument for it being any good, that hardly convinces me it isn't completely unexceptional.

there is a major difference between Wind Waker and Majora's Mask. MM is a game almost entirely defined by it's side quests. In addition to the 4 dungeons, the point of the game is to complete all the side quests and experience every single NPC's plight. It's the bulk of the game. But even beyond that, Majora's Mask goes much further beyond just merely creating a functional Zelda game. It created a world, a living breathing one where you have to painstakingly experience every single facet of the game's dreary environment to truly succeed. The game's environment, atmosphere, fleshed out NPC side quests and innovative three day cycle makes it an amazing game. I can't think of anything that Wind Waker does that's new or exceptional aside from being big, I guess. But that works against the game than for it, really. and if you really do think Ocarina and Majora's Mask have not aged well I am curious to hear what improvements to the gameplay Wind Waker made you can list off that makes it so modern compared to it's N64 counterparts

edit: also you do realize you can stun slug puppet ganon with bombs or just by hitting his face with your sword, right?
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
hold up, you fought Puppet Ganon with an arrow?

What about the tennis match, did you hit that with the arrow?
Puppet Ganon. Keyword Puppet. Not Phantom Ganon.

And Puppet Ganon is annoying to face when you are trying to hit specific spots with Light Arrows that are constantly moving, especially in Puppet Ganon's Snake mode. Remember those worm bosses where you have to hit their tails with your sword and they go faster and faster each time you hit? Now imagine being required to hit the end of the tail with nothing but Light arrows.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Puppet Ganon. Keyword Puppet. Not Phantom Ganon.

And Puppet Ganon is annoying to face when you are trying to hit specific spots with Light Arrows that are constantly moving, especially in Puppet Ganon's Snake mode. Remember those worm bosses where you have to hit their tails with your sword and they go faster and faster each time you hit? Now imagine being required to hit the end of the tail with nothing but Light arrows.
****, Oops, I read that as Phantom Ganon


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Somehow my thoughts about Pokemon being more realistic in the actual sense rather than the "muh graphics" sense and gushing about a supermarket ended up with a moment of utter clarity of a single location layout for a hypothetical region. There is no conceivable way it could match the quality of what I pictured, but here's an approximate crude sketch of the layout in all it's, uh, glory.

I was trying to think of an area for a hypothetical Pokemon game and then when I about gave up this happened.
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