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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Unless there's DLC or annual-semi annual updates like I mentioned before, I honestly doubt we're getting that number of characters. The cynicist in me believes they'll call it a day with Inklings and a Gen 7 'Mon and maybe a vet or two. Funny how my position has changed from last year when I was in the belief we would get over 10 new characters. December of last year has made me cynical I guess.
Call me an optimist, but two new characters doesn't sound like enough given the circumstances. Every new addition would be one more reason for different people to buy the game, especially those of us who already own the Wii U version and need a reason to double up to get what is presumably meant to be Smash 4's definitive edition. Then consider the fact that the way some files in the 1.16 patch were organized is reason to think the porting process started back in the spring, and they'll have had a year to a year and a half to work on this. I think it's very reasonable to guess we'll see at least the amount of stuff we saw with DLC.

Apparently I'm not the only one wondering about the outside chance of them going full platform with this and doing additional updates over the course of the Switch's lifespan? I have no reason to believe they'll do it, but it'd be awesome.

MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614
Street Fighter is being played at the White House right now lol.

It's so cool seeing fighting games being presented on such a grand platform like that. It's funny how nearly a decade ago, this was the standard for the FGC in terms of presentation.

We definitely moved a long way since those ten years. Hopefully it only gets bigger and better from here.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
It's so cool seeing fighting games being presented on such a grand platform like that. It's funny how nearly a decade ago, this was the standard for the FGC in terms of presentation.

We definitely moved a long way since those ten years. Hopefully it only gets bigger and better from here.
Video game competitions at the United Nations confirmed. :p


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I'm just gonna say this.
Team Skull's grunts are more memberable and impactful to sun & moon than Plumeria ended up being.
Yeaaah Plumeria ended up not being used much.

Although I will say this, that shouldn't be taken as a bad sign on the grunts' parts. The grunts in this game had more character than entire teams in most other games. Partially because of their sheer corniness, and partially because this game actually discussed topics surrounding how the grunt life goes other than "We're bad guys who steal Pokemon/do bad things, fight us!" Some people might not agree, but I feel like the grunts in this game had more character to them than the grunts in any of the past games, and the only thing I haven't played at least a version of yet is Gen 1.

I will say one thing about Plumeria, though.

Coming across a single pristine girl's bedroom in the otherwise wrecked Skull Mansion was at least fascinating. I kinda got the feeling it was hers via process of elimination despite the game not telling you a thing, and it makes one wonder about how that room being such a contrast to the rest of the house came to be.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Yeaaah Plumeria ended up not being used much.

Although I will say this, that shouldn't be taken as a bad sign on the grunts' parts. The grunts in this game had more character than entire teams in most other games. Partially because of their sheer corniness, and partially because this game actually discussed topics surrounding how the grunt life goes other than "We're bad guys who steal Pokemon/do bad things, fight us!" Some people might not agree, but I feel like the grunts in this game had more character to them than the grunts in any of the past games, and the only thing I haven't played at least a version of yet is Gen 1.

I will say one thing about Plumeria, though.

Coming across a single pristine girl's bedroom in the otherwise wrecked Skull Mansion was at least fascinating. I kinda got the feeling it was hers via process of elimination despite the game not telling you a thing, and it makes one wonder about how that room being such a contrast to the rest of the house came to be.
That's what I mean, though.
The grunts are so well written.
And plumeria basically only appears twice in the story, both times out of nowhere, essentialy.

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
I'm just gonna say this.
Team Skull's grunts are more memberable and impactful to sun & moon than Plumeria ended up being.
Wouldn't be the first time the grunts manage to be more impactful than the admins. Practically every single last admin sans the Galactic admins and ORAS Magma and Aqua admins were in the same boat. Though it's pretty understandable why that's the case, considering the grunts are always there where as the admins only pop up occasionally.



Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Call me an optimist, but two new characters doesn't sound like enough given the circumstances. Every new addition would be one more reason for different people to buy the game, especially those of us who already own the Wii U version and need a reason to double up to get what is presumably meant to be Smash 4's definitive edition. Then consider the fact that the way some files in the 1.16 patch were organized is reason to think the porting process started back in the spring, and they'll have had a year to a year and a half to work on this. I think it's very reasonable to guess we'll see at least the amount of stuff we saw with DLC.

Apparently I'm not the only one wondering about the outside chance of them going full platform with this and doing additional updates over the course of the Switch's lifespan? I have no reason to believe they'll do it, but it'd be awesome.
I wish I could be optimistic as you dude lol.

You make good points about them starting the porting process back in the Spring (January of last year if you want to take Serkan's tweet at heart) so that should have given the team ample time though it could have went to other things like porting stages over from the 3DS to the Switch and a new story mode instead of focusing only on characters. Combined that with reputable sources saying there will most likely not be that many characters and I really have no reason to get my hopes up like I did with DLC.

That being said, I do think there's a possibility of Smash Switch becoming a "service" though i'm not holding my breath for it. Seems to me that this port is essentially filler to kill time between Smash Wii U and a new Smash Bros to let Sakurai finish whatever his project is before returning to make a new Smash towards the end of the Switch's cycle.
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Deleted member

Wouldn't be the first time the grunts manage to be more impactful than the admins. Practically every single last admin sans the Galactic admins and ORAS Magma and Aqua admins were in the same boat. Though it's pretty understandable why that's the case, considering the grunts are always there where as the admins only pop up occasionally.

I'll never understand why people call the Galactic admins memorable and **** all over the Neo Rocket ones
Sure Archer is probably worse than Lysandre but Proton, Petrel and Arianna were all pretty memorable imo, even with just one appearence each before the Goldenrod Tower invasion
Meanwhile I can only even remember the Galactic admins names because they're planets and all they did was give me headache with their stupidly underleveled Pokemon
I'll take the 5 exploding Koffings and the one Weezing instead, thank you very much
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Deleted member

I've started a new playthrough of platinum because
1. My actual copy got stolen years ago with some pretty good pokemon on it.
2. I need to catch some pokemon from it and transfer them. Specifically a Dialga with good nature, some other pokemon in genera with good nature and IVs, and Arceus.(Even though I already have two, which brings me to my next point.)
3. My copy of Alpha Sapphire is lost for now, so I need to have a Arceus and some pokemon with great stats to potentially make up for it.
4. If I have the same luck as I did with playing the emerald rom after my copy of emerald kept crashing, we'll get a gen 4 remake. :p
5. I haven't attempted a run with piplup since I first played gen 4 when I first got it as a kid. Because it was too difficult with it, though now I'm able to progress just fine with it.
6. My GF just finished and reminded me that I also need to replay it since it's the only gen I haven't played in awhile.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Thinking about it, while it's hard to top my nostalgia preferences on a lot of aspects of Pokemon, there's two things I find are undeniably better about Sun and Moon than any Pokemon I've played before: the character writing and the area modeling, particularly the interior design.

Have there been better versions of this or that in the various other generations I've played? Yes, sure. But those two specific things are just so. . .HONEST in a lot of places that I can only be left to say that I want more of it. It's not constant, but there's just these little moments here and there where you see something inside a building or the look on someone's face combined with what they're saying and you're just like. . ."Wow, that actually felt natural."

The strange thing is, so much of it is Pokemon directly exploiting the switch to full 3D, either through facial expressions or unique object models being used in places. I REALLY hope they don't stop doing it and in fact keep doing it more and more, because I find myself really loving it.

Gen 6 was a generation where many of the new things it did right compared to other generations felt so common sense and utility based that they practically went unnoticed and were incredibly easy to take for granted. With Gen 7, though, the improvement is as though the world itself is coming to life and it feels so refreshing that it's almost impossible not to notice.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Current status of the Wii U backer codes for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero: WayForward states they haven't arrived yet but expected by the end of the week.

The sooner the better. Dat early access version was downright A-MAZING! ♪

Deleted member

Most of us here at at the age group where we grew up with the Game Cube.
I figured that (which probably also explains why Wind Waker won the Zelda poll from awhile back), but 64 was in first when I checked the results last night, so I wasn't expecting any other game in the series to surpass it in terms of votes.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'll never understand why people call the Galactic admins memorable and **** all over the Neo Rocket ones
Sure Archer is probably worse than Lysandre but Proton, Petrel and Arianna were all pretty memorable imo, even with just one appearence each before the Goldenrod Tower invasion
Meanwhile I can only even remember the Galactic admins names because they're planets and all they did was give me headache with their stupidly underleveled Pokemon
I'll take the 5 exploding Koffings and the one Weezing instead, thank you very much
The Galactic Admins were a challenge though, especially Mars and her Purugly in your first battle against her. That Pokemon has the potential to destroy your entire team if you're not careful thanks to its absurdly high speed (and in the second battle, it learns Hypnosis). Jupiter wasn't as hard, but her Skuntank only has a Ground-type weakness, and during your first battle against her, there's a pretty good chance you won't have a Ground-type move against it since there isn't any Ground-type Pokemon to catch at this point in the game, nor was there a Ground-type move any catchable Pokemon up to that point could learn it. Then you have the Multi Battle against them in Spear Pillar where they used a full team against you, and that battle can go on for a while.

Character-wise, Mars and Jupiter were like the bratty but loyal-to-their-dad (in this case Cyrus) kids, but both left some pretty memorable quotes.
  • Mars was the only person in the game that shipped Dawn and Lucas together. At Lake Verity, she tells the two, "So, are you some lovey-dovey couple coming to the rescue?"
  • Jupiter brutally roasts Barry following his defeat when you meet her again in Lake Acuity.
As for Saturn: Not as hard as Mars and Jupiter, but still puts up a decent challenge thanks to a Toxicroak that had pretty good move coverage and one of his battles having two Pokemon that could constantly annoy your team with confusion. This guy was memorable for the moments he was present in. He bombed an entire lake dry (what made this scene even more disturbing was all the Magikarps you find there flailing around in its aftermath) just to find Azelf, and then he you find him again torturing the Lake Guardians to create the Red Chain in the secret lab deep inside Galactic HQ.

With the Rocket Executives, Proton was definitely memorable for torturing the Slowpokes at Slowpoke Well, and Petrel had the whole disguise thing going for him. Ariana? I'd rank her alongside Archer in terms of memorability based on encounter alone. She only shows up twice in the story, and both times, all she did was simply say, "You there, I'm going to stop you" and that was it.

If we're taking battle difficulty and their appearances in FR/LG into account though, I'd say both factors make Arianna and Archer more memorable that way.

But if you want real forgettable evil team admins, look no further than the Team Flare Scientists and the pre-ORAS Team Magma/Aqua Admins.
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Deleted member

I'm replaying ORAS to set up my Pokemon for once the Bank is ready and it's actually kinda weird coming back to it
-grid movement
-what are key items
-****ing hm bull****
-move deleter has a use
-why can't i ride stuff
-wow a bike, incredible technology


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I figured that (which probably also explains why Wind Waker won the Zelda poll from awhile back), but 64 was in first when I checked the results last night, so I wasn't expecting any other game in the series to surpass it in terms of votes.
Wind Waker won cause it's just a better game than any other 3d Zelda. They're not even close.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Trying to SOS chain for a Drampa with good IVs...Drampa almost never calls for help I guess. When I was chaining Cutiefly they were so much more common...

Deleted member

The Galactic Admins were a challenge though
I know that, but it's a fake difficulty because the game gives them underleveled Pokemon
At least Lance wasn't that bad since it was, like, 2-3 levels and your team was fully evolved by the time you fight Ghetsis.
But the Galactic admins have a Pokemon 10/20 levels below their evolution level at a point you either have mothing evolved or just the early game mons for the second one
Character-wise, Mars and Jupiter were like the bratty but loyal-to-their-dad (in this case Cyrus), but they left some pretty memorable quotes.
  • Mars was the only person in the game that shipped Dawn and Lucas together. At Lake Verity, she tells the two, "So, are you some lovey-dovey couple coming to the rescue."
  • Jupiter brutally roasts Barry following his defeat when you meet her again in Lake Acuity.
As for Saturn: Not as hard as Mars and Jupiter, but still puts up a decent challenge thanks to a Toxicroak that had pretty good move coverage and one of his battles having two Pokemon that could constantly annoy your team with confusion. This guy was memorable for the moments he was present in. He bombed an entire lake dry (what made this scene even more disturbing was all the Magikarps you find there just flailing around in its aftermath) just to find Azelf, and then he you find him again torturing the Lake Guardians to create the Red Chain in the secret lab deep inside Galactic HQ.
I played through Platinum up until Cynthia(in which I was already bored and didn't bother to grind for the E4, which went down like a joke, and ended up blacking out on her, ending my Nuzlocke) and I have no memory of those events
Hell, I only even remember the whole bombing the lake because people just love to bring it up and it just feels edgy for the sake of being edgy

Deleted member

Wind Waker won cause it's just a better game than any other 3d Zelda. They're not even close.
Yes, Wind Waker may be objectively the best 3D Zelda game, but I'm sure nostalgia played at least some part in it winning.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I wish I could be optimistic as you dude lol.

You make good points about them starting the porting process back in the Spring (January of last year if you want to take Serkan's tweet at heart) so that should have given the team ample time though it could have went to other things like porting stages over from the 3DS to the Switch and a new story mode instead of focusing only on characters. Combined that with reputable sources saying there will most likely not be that many characters and I really have no reason to get my hopes up like I did with DLC.

That being said, I do think there's a possibility of Smash Switch becoming a "service" though i'm not holding my breath for it. Seems to me that this port is essentially filler to kill time between Smash Wii U and a new Smash Bros to let Sakurai finish whatever his project is before returning to make a new Smash towards the end of the Switch's cycle.
Honestly? I think this'll be the Switch's Smash game. The true "Smash 5" won't come until the Switch's successor is out, in like 2023 or whenever.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Can I just say something really minor I noticed?

I love how you actually glance towards the item shelves for a second when you pass them in the Thrifty Megamart.

Also there's one of those wall paintings/cutouts above the confection section that you always take for granted in real stores but when you look at it here it's all "Oh, they actually thought to have one of those!"

And the dorky grocery store commercial jingle blaring over the grocery store speakers.

And while it's not perfect due to how they had to squeeze it into a tiny building, there's actually little sections in general.

That's not even mentioning the descriptions you can read off of several things.

Only things I'm left wishing is that the actual product selection was better and that I could actually pick things up off the shelves and take them to the checkout counter, but the aesthetics are a perfect example of what this game offers.

OK that turned into several minor things.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Trying to SOS chain for a Drampa with good IVs...Drampa almost never calls for help I guess. When I was chaining Cutiefly they were so much more common...
Get an intimidate, pressure user or unnerve user. And use the orbs, this way there is a even higher chance of something being called in. It will at least help a little.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
Yes, Wind Waker may be objectively the best 3D Zelda game, but I'm sure nostalgia played at least some part in it winning.
>5 dungeons
>easiest 3d zelda game ever
>basically no content spread throughout the entire game
>Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask exist

yeah, I'm calling shenanigans on that one

Deleted member

I'm replaying ORAS to set up my Pokemon for once the Bank is ready and it's actually kinda weird coming back to it
-grid movement
-what are key items
-****ing hm bull****
-move deleter has a use
-why can't i ride stuff
-wow a bike, incredible technology
Not only that, but your character is the size of a youngster. :p It strangely something I didn't really pick up on when I played it back when it came out, but now it hits me like a truck that the player is so small.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I played through Platinum up until Cynthia(in which I was already bored and didn't bother to grind for the E4, which went down like a joke, and ended up blacking out on her, ending my Nuzlocke) and I have no memory of those events
Hell, I only even remember the whole bombing the lake because people just love to bring it up and it just feels edgy for the sake of being edgy
I mean, the Lake Verity bombing was the first time in a Pokemon game where we saw an evil team actually cause ecological destruction, and we see its repercussions firsthand (yes, there was Team Magma/Aqua summoning the legendary and causing drought/heavy rain worldwide, but those events placed more focus on the legendaries themselves rather than the surrounding Pokemon).


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Get an intimidate, pressure user or unnerve user. And use the orbs, this way there is a even higher chance of something being called in. It will at least help a little.
That's just the thing...I'm using Adrenaline Orbs. :laugh: The problem isn't getting Drampa to call for help...the issue is getting help to arrive at all.
yeah I thought young children weren't allowed to vote
The GameCube is fifteen years old. If you were three when it came out you can legally vote in the US.
I know that, but it's a fake difficulty because the game gives them underleveled Pokemon
At least Lance wasn't that bad since it was, like, 2-3 levels and your team was fully evolved by the time you fight Ghetsis.
But the Galactic admins have a Pokemon 10/20 levels below their evolution level at a point you either have mothing evolved or just the early game mons for the second one

I played through Platinum up until Cynthia(in which I was already bored and didn't bother to grind for the E4, which went down like a joke, and ended up blacking out on her, ending my Nuzlocke) and I have no memory of those events
Hell, I only even remember the whole bombing the lake because people just love to bring it up and it just feels edgy for the sake of being edgy
There goes misusing the word edgy again.

It's not edgy. Team Galactic is a terrorist organization, by all means. It's completely within reason for them to blow up a lake. Honestly when the evil teams are doing things far more innocuous and are supposed to be taken seriously, it's worse than anything "edgy." It's not edgy if it's believable.

Deleted member

Today I found out that:
-My 252 Sp.Atk/Spe Galvantula is... Adamant. Anyone know how viable a physical Galvantula is? Or is Compound Eyes Thunder just the way to go?
-My freaking Hydreigon just happens to be Modest. This thing is getting Hyper Trained
-My first ever Pokemon is Serious. At least Feraligatr isn't Modest
-My Aegislash is Jolly. Gonna be outspeeding those Aegislashes who think they're so high and mighty B^)
Get an intimidate, pressure user or unnerve user. And use the orbs, this way there is a even higher chance of something being called in. It will at least help a little.
Wait, Pressure and Unnerve work like Intimidate in SOS battles?
>5 dungeons
>easiest 3d zelda game ever
>basically no content spread throughout the entire game
>Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask exist

yeah, I'm calling shenanigans on that one
****taste detected
Lemme correct you
>5 big and different dungeons
>lol puppet ganon lol
>OoT and MM aged like ****
>Gives off good feels
I mean, the Lake Verity bombing was the first time in a Pokemon game where we saw an evil team actually cause ecological destruction, and we see its repercussions firsthand (yes, there was Team Magma/Aqua summoning the legendary and causing drought/heavy rain worldwide, but those events placed more focus on the legendaries themselves rather than the surrounding Pokemon).
It still didn't hit hard enough on me to leave an impression
Then again, the only things I remember from Platinum clearly are Barry for how obnoxious he is, the bullshot the game thros at you 24/7 and OH GOD WHERE AM I AND WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO WHO DESIGNED THIS MAP
That's just the thing...I'm using Adrenaline Orbs. :laugh: The problem isn't getting Drampa to call for help...the issue is getting help to arrive at all.

The GameCube is fifteen years old. If you were three when it came out you can legally vote in the US.

There goes misusing the word edgy again.

It's not edgy. Team Galactic is a terrorist organization, by all means. It's completely within reason for them to blow up a lake. Honestly when the evil teams are doing things far more innocuous and are supposed to be taken seriously, it's worse than anything "edgy." It's not edgy if it's believable.
It's edgy if it feels tacked on just to make them look intimidating, in which case it backfires at GF for trying too hard


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
That's just the thing...I'm using Adrenaline Orbs. :laugh: The problem isn't getting Drampa to call for help...the issue is getting help to arrive at all.
Are the Drampa you fight very lonely and whatnot? Or is it the opposite of Bounsweet where when it calls for help, Pokemon think it's actually trying to drive them away and etc?
*insert "But it's call wasn't answered" comic here*


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
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