10 Dhelmise the coloration just makes it look good

9 Raichu it's catching some sick waves

8 Comfey could have been better with floral healing if it actually healed itself but because fairy it's still quite high

7 Tapu Fini don't normally have legends up high but defenses and fairy type lol
6 Salazzle Fire and poison and design
5 palossand been using this Pokemon on Showdown and it's been useful for me

4 Primarina *insert Mr. Crocker saying FAIRIES*
3 Lycanroc (midday) despite me thinking that Midnight form is better for competitive play Midday form still has the better design and one of the Pokemon I would want to have IRL lol
2 Ninetales. Design and it gains the Fairy type

1 Ribombee. Refresh makes Ribombee look so adorable :3 also that shiny is one I need to hunt for