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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
And besides I don't think :4wiifit: was within "reason" exactly when it came to Smash speculation. Not that I like her anyways but still.
>one of the best selling Nintendo games of all time
>not within reason to appear in a Nintendo game


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I wish we had a time machine so ppl could go back to 2012 and debate themselves over WFT. :p

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
The weird thing is, while the manager was talking to me, she said "I find it disturbing you aren't showing signs of remorse"

...I'm sorry, why should I feel remorse?
Because apparently you are supposed to feel sorry for stupid people
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Oh hey, Luigi is with Mario this time round, Thats good
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Deleted member

I wish we had a time machine so ppl could go back to 2012 and debate themselves over WFT. :p
I think people should also debate themselves over Cloud and Bayonetta as well as Fire Emblem having more characters than Zelda and just as many as Pokemon.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
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They need to hurry up and build this in Orlando asap.
But the real question is, will Peach be a costume or will she be a cosplay like the Disney princesses?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Don't go down this road. It will not end well for either of us.
My personal feelings aside on the character. I'm just saying it's not a character people would speculate on.
>one of the best selling Nintendo games of all time
>not within reason to appear in a Nintendo game
Read above. The Fit Trainer was someone completely out of the blue and someone people would never speculate.

Deleted member

My personal feelings aside on the character. I'm just saying it's not a character people would speculate on.

Read above. The Fit Trainer was someone completely out of the blue and someone people would never speculate.
You are completely missing what I am saying by "speculate within reason".

There's a huge difference between what is completely unexpected because no one seriously thought about it and what is unreasonable.
Wii Fit Trainer is the former. Andross is the latter.

Deleted member

I see nothing wrong with any of this.
  • Cloud was seen as impossible/unlikely due to having almost no ties to Nintendo, Final Fantasy VII being one of the later mainline FF's that never made it to a Nintendo system and Cloud's only Nintendo appearances being cameos and spin-offs.
  • Bayonetta was seen as too sexualized for an E10+-rated game, not to mention that she's not a massive gaming icon like all the other third party guests in Smash.
  • At least prior to and at the time of Corrin's reveal, Fire Emblem was nowhere near as big Zelda or Pokemon, and thus wasn't seen as deserving of having just as many or more "reps" as either of those two franchises.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
You are completely missing what I am saying by "speculate within reason".

There's a huge difference between what is completely unexpected because no one seriously thought about it and what is unreasonable.
Wii Fit Trainer is the former. Andross is the latter.
Oh well yeah I guess. My bad for not reading that properly.

WFT is very unorthodox as a Smash character though, that's what I was saying basically. Almost like putting the Reckless Safety Guy in the game IMO.

And IIRC there was some artwork done for a humanoid Andross in Zero so maybe Sakurai could look at that and take creative liberties. Still think Andross has no chance of being in Smash Bros though.


Element of Kindness
Jul 19, 2010
School of Friendship
So...Since several have already played through Sun and Moon, and with pretty much no surprises left for us, I figured now's as good a time as any...

Favourite Gen VII Pokemon (including Alola forms and Ultra Beasts)
obvious spoilers ahead...

Popplio really did not deserve the hate it got in the beginning...While I don't particularly care for the basic and middle stages all that much, Primarina is without a doubt a solid Pokemon, easily my favourite water type in this Generation...Water/Fairy is such a good typing, and Primarina's Z-Move is probably my favourite out of the starters...I can get over the feminine design it has for a starter pokemon because it's still a pretty good design overall...

When it comes to final evolutions, Rowlet won in the end...Made everyone double take when it gained the Ghost typing, which made it's already solid design all the more intriguing...Appears to have the most thought put into it's concept considering all the theories surrounding this pokemon, as well as the lore that goes behind it's possible inspiration from various legends involving Owls and such...Also Archers are pretty damn cool...Ghost Archers are also cool...Ghost Archer Owls are even more cooler...

aka Nebby :3
It's been a while since I was this captivated by a mascot legendary...I just love it's design and just how much presence it evokes when you view it either in the overworld or in battle (it literally blocks your view of the opposing pokemon in battle, it kinda funny) It comes across as being very intimidating, yet majestic and mysterious...There's also it's involvement within the story as Cosmog (who is frikkin adorable btw) and it's relationship with Lillie (who is easily my favourite character in the game), it's something you just don't see as often regarding the legendaries in Pokemon games...Solgaleo is still pretty cool but IMO Lunala is so much more interesting as a pokemon...both in design, typings, concept, etc...Being a Ghost type helps (not for it's weaknesses mind you)

despite it's big weaknesses it can still take hits pretty damn well (it's ability helps though)

Let's be honest here...I wanted a proper Wolf for the longest time, and while pure Rock isn't exactly the most exciting typing they could've given it...Lycanroc doesn't dissappoint...it still comes across as being rather fierce and rugged...running around Vast Poni Canyon and hearing it's cries actually made me feel like I was wandering in the wilderness being stalked by a pack of wolves that remain out of sight...Whi

I actually really like the idea of it having two different forms, and these forms, while they still count as the same pokemon are actually different enough in their own way to kinda be considered different pokemon...both have their appeal, but I vastly prefer Lycanroc's Midday form over the midnight form...First of all getting a priority Rock type attack is a godsend...and quite frankly Lycanroc's Midday form was probably my most clutch Pokemon on my team in my first playthrough (mostly because it's one of two pokemon I had that wasn't weak against rock) and it's one of the few Gen VII pokes that isn't slow as ****...in fact it's actually fairly fast especially for a Rock type...

I can also appreciate the poosible influences behind this pokemon as its likely based off of the wolves Skoll and Hati of Norse myths...

A fan favourite and for good reason...It's just such a lovable little Pokemon...It just wants to be loved <3
There's also the fact that going into Sun and Moon speculation Ghost/Fairy was my most wanted type combination due to the potential it had to be a rather creepy combination in terms of lore and while Mimikyu is a cutie, it is also creepy in it's own way....it also has one of the most disturbing pokedex entries since it can possibly kill you if you get a glance at what it really looks like...

Also have you guys played with it in Refresh?

I, like many others, was excited when we got the teaser for the little Woodpecker, Pikipek...While I never expected it to evolve into a Toucan, I'm glad it did because this is a really cool pokemon. It's got just the right amount of colour you'd expect from a tropical bird and it appears to have this "just try me" attitude....it's signature move (which is pretty frikkin awesome btw) reinforces this attitude since it's a literal **** you to those who try to attack it while doing this move...

It's just such a cool pokemon and it's got an amazing shiny form...

it is also the only pokemon that I used twice so far, though the other time it was more of a temporary placeholder and it jsut so happened to stay long enough to evolve...

I mean....I am #TeamLitten for a reason...I still like Incineroar....but to be completely honest it was still pretty damn disappointing for it's final evolution...I never was a fan of the whole wrestler motif, and Torracat is okay, at least for a middle stage...

But Litten is just so damn cute!!!!! I just love how it's just doesn't care...it could cough up a hairball and set your house on fire and not be phased whatsoever...


Ok....While I am a huge fan of Lunala and was an advocate for Team Moon...I played Sun first and it was simply for the sole purpose of using Alolan Ninetales on my first playthrough...I did get both versions anyway so it wasn't a huge deal, but I just love what they did for Ninetales in Sun and Moon, BY FAR my favourite Alolan form and easily my new favourite Fairy type Pokemon...
It's just so beautiful and majestic...It feels like this is what Ninetales was meant to be...just look at it use Dazzling Gleam is just glows so beautifully!!
Unfortunately it's probably one of the main reasons why Alola forms as a whole was just a big disappointment to me because I just loved what they did for pokemon like Ninetales and Marowak, and seeing how they became almost completely repurposed it just seemed to open up so many possibilities for other pokemon but at the tail end of speculation they just fell short with metal wig dugtrio and swollen faced persian...

I still love Alolan Ninetales though!! I liked Ninetales before...but I LOVE it now...

First of all....Jangmo-o is easily the most adorable pokemon released in this Generation...I don't care what anyone says Jangmo-o is too damn cute...


We have a scaly armoured Komodo Dragon that does the Haka...let that sink in for a moment....

And despite the huge fairy weakness, it has a pretty decent typing as well! Maybe it's just my bias for hard hitting Dragon types as a whole but Kommo-o is definitely one of my favourite pokemon in this Generation...While I did pass around this theory that Jangmo-o would evolve into a Griffon which turned out to be wrong, I'm definitely not unhappy with what we got instead!

What a shocker!! :lol:
I don't know what it is about this thing but the more I use it the more I love it!!! Sure it's annoying that our regional Bug type won't evolve until damn near the end of the game, and that you're stuck with a squishy battery for pretty much thirty or so levels before then (which actually is not nearly as bad as it sounds because as a Charjabug it put in some serious work even handling Totem Mimikyu quite effectively which is considered one of the hardest Totem Pokemon in the game)...But this thing is just so damn awesome!! It still suffers from being one of many slow pokemon introduced this Generation but it still hits like a frikkin truck!
Easily my new favourite Electric type and one of my favourite Bug type (after :212: & :214: of course)

To quote myself when it was first revealed...

Honourable Mentions
Alolan Marowak
Not Going to put the images up but

10 Dhelmise the coloration just makes it look good :lol:
9 Raichu it's catching some sick waves :lol:
8 Comfey could have been better with floral healing if it actually healed itself but because fairy it's still quite high :p
7 Tapu Fini don't normally have legends up high but defenses and fairy type lol
6 Salazzle Fire and poison and design
5 palossand been using this Pokemon on Showdown and it's been useful for me :p
4 Primarina *insert Mr. Crocker saying FAIRIES*
3 Lycanroc (midday) despite me thinking that Midnight form is better for competitive play Midday form still has the better design and one of the Pokemon I would want to have IRL lol
2 Ninetales. Design and it gains the Fairy type :shades:
1 Ribombee. Refresh makes Ribombee look so adorable :3 also that shiny is one I need to hunt for :lol:


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I was going to go to bed for the night.

Until I noticed that Fluttershy Fluttershy is out of his bag again. I bet Lillie must be proud of you.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Spreading the word, if anyone here has a Shoryuken.com forums account that was made before December 2016, I implore you to fill out this Marvel vs Capcom Infinite DLC poll which will be later submitted to Capcom: http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/213364/srk-mvci-character-dlc-poll-ends-when-2016-ends#latest

Remember, these same polls that were done for UMvC3 allowed for X to be in MvC:I, so your vote matters! :)
And suddenly, I want to make a Shoryuken account.

The Howard the Duck hype train isn't going to stop now!
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Deleted member

shrink him down, have him float around. it could work, man
It would make absolutely no sense and look ridiculous as Hell.

Just am example of how bad it looks. And bear in mind, he'd actually have to be made smaller than that. Even worse.

The idea of using the more humanoid design of Andross from Zero's artwork like SMX would be a more reasonable idea, but even then, that's like having Ridley be in his Little Birdie form.
Sure, it solves the issue of being "too big" and "awkward" but it's a complete misrepresentation.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
There was a problem fetching the tweet

Sonic Boom, you beautiful cartoon...


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Spreading the word, if anyone here has a Shoryuken.com forums account that was made before December 2016, I implore you to fill out this Marvel vs Capcom Infinite DLC poll which will be later submitted to Capcom: http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/213364/srk-mvci-character-dlc-poll-ends-when-2016-ends#latest

Remember, these same polls that were done for UMvC3 allowed for X to be in MvC:I, so your vote matters! :)
Super unlikely to happen I know but I would be super hyped if Megaman Volnutt got in the game.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
You're ignoring his "IMO."
well, yeah, but he's wrong.

Inb4 he gets arrested for the second time. :troll:
oh no man, it wouldn't be the second time. Chris has had the police called on him plenty of times for several different reasons. One time he almost tried to hit the elderly owner of a game store he didn't like with his car.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
well, yeah, but he's wrong.
I consider both characters to be equally outlandish as Smash fighters, with the Fit Trainer happening to hail from a a very successful franchise.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
I consider both characters to be equally outlandish as Smash fighters, with the Fit Trainer happening to hail from a a very successful franchise.
The Wii Fit Trainer is an actual character from a successful franchise with an actual logical basis for her in game properties and inclusion based on her franchise.

The Reckless Safety Man is a picture.


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
I'm simply going to say (in my personal opinion) that I do not believe Andross would work in Smash (yes, he may of gained a body in Star Fox Zero, but I'm not sure if either that or his classic floating head form would work). Ridley has a better chance then him for the future.
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The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
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Sonic Boom, you beautiful cartoon...
I love that they made this joke.

Even though I like Boom Sonic's design, I've never been a fan of the blue arms. Sonic and blue arms is a no no for me. Though not to the point were I would pepper spray a GameStop employee mind you.

So in some ways, that painting is an improvement.
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