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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
2 more hours and I can have a nap then on for the last stretch of like 10 hours for a full 35 hour day
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Thing is that Mania will probably be a bit and will be a new subseries for Sonic especially considering Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic have become somewhat of different characters

Boom was doomed from the start thanks to Rise of Lyric and the questionable choices for designs.

Plus it's mostly flanderized characters being made fun of for their tropes like Knuckles being dumb taken to the extreme, Sonic being a grade-A ******* and Amy's crush on Sonic abeilt toned down

It was gonna fail because Sonic didn't need something like Boom at all. Especially after how Generations, Colors and All Star Transformed did, Boom just ruined everything for everyone
Mania likely won't be a new sub-series because it's being billed as an Anniversary title. And as much as I am looking forward to it (coming from someone who's actually played it), I don't think it will be the mega hit people expect it to be, leaving little reason for it to be a sub-series. It will do well in the context of the Sonic fanbase but I don't think it's gonna sell much outside of that.

Boom wasn't doomed because of designs. A vocal minority of purist fans and "Sonic outsiders" (i.e the kind of people who form their entire impression of Sonic based on Game Grumps and IGN) complained about them a little bit when they were revealed, but most people are either indifferent or flat out like them. The show and toys have shown obvious success even with the redesigns. Kids seem to love them.

And I think it was less Rise of Lyric that did damage, and more the fact that SEGA made the bone-headed move of forming a three game exclusivity deal with Nintendo during a time where Nintendo's main console clearly wasn't selling and was under powered to boot. SEGA crippled Rise of Lyric by making this decision (and in turn, Shattered Crystal, because the now broken Rise of Lyric reflected really poorly and Shattered Crystal), and arguably Lost World too.

Also Boom isn't really guilty of flanderising anyone because everyone was already flanderised in Sonic Colours onward. One of the flaws of Boom is that it billed itself as being an "action-comedy", but main series Sonic was already doing the exact same thing, and the characterisation of the characters isn't too different to main series Sonic. If anything, I would say Boom (the TV show anyway) has been the best utilisation of Sonic and friends for the last couple of years, and it handled the action-comedy aspect a lot better due to having actually good writing. But the personalities of Sonic and friends, and the overall tone, is not too different to main series Sonic so it makes Boom seem like a redundant spin-off. I think Boom would be better received had main series Sonic not been dumbed down so much already (though what happened with RoL likely still would have happened).

Alright, I got a question for you guys.

What game franchises have you not played much, but would like to get more into?

For me, I'd say either Castlevania or Mega Man Battle Network(since I mostly play the Classic and MMX series). I'm also interested in getting more familiar with Street Fighter, since I only really played a lot of SF2 and Alpha 1, and had vague memories of the EX games as a kid. Everything else, I've only dabbled into.
-God of War
-Ratchet & Clank
-Jak & Daxter
-Sly Cooper
-Fire Emblem
-Metal Gear Solid
-Final Fantasy (I've played quite a bit, but very little considering the scale of the franchise)

Those are the main ones I can think of.
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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
The Useless Thing that Never Dies //
SUICIDE CUCUMBER (Pyukumuku) @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Calm Nature
- Recover
- Toxic
- Soak
- Protect

Description // You send it in, it sits there, it toxics, then it heals up and spam protect. The EVs are meant to give great mixed bulk (It lives a Crit LO STAB Draco Meteor from a Kingdra and Shadow Ball from Aegislash, among other things) in the hopes that it can actually do something. It can also PP Stall choiced things!
I want a Pyukumuku again now
I asked my friend what his Pyukumuku runs, cause I've faced it before and its just hilarious. Here's thr cute moveset my friend runs with his Pyukumuku.

"Passing My Curse"
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Sp.Defense, 4 Defense
Sassy Nature
Curse/Baton Pass/Recover/Counter

Pyukumuku passing Curses with the occasional punch to the nuts with Counter. Recover prolongs Curse Building. He's played this against me before, and I didn't have Taunt, so I used Minior and spammed Shell Smash. When he passed it to his Toucannon, I used kek- I mean, Power Gem. :troll:

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
It's mostly weird with Catwoman, who was hardly interested in anyone other than Batman, and mostly flirted to get what she wanted. But Ivy and Harley were supposed to be hinted at being "more than friends" in the 90's cartoon. For Harley, that's where the character was born, so no complaints from me. I don't know if Ivy had that as a character trait beforehand.

I know Wonder Woman's been bisexual for a while, but was hardly given many love interests.
Harley was born into a relationship with Joker, which naturally had to turn south, and by now they've cleared up that Harley's never touching him again, so I can see where she and Ivy are coming from.
Wonder Woman being bi is new to me though, considering all her flings and flirts with superman, steve trevor, batman, etc. (she is also able to act as a priest and marry people, which is pretty cool).


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2016
Alright, I got a question for you guys.

What game franchises have you not played much, but would like to get more into?

For me, I'd say either Castlevania or Mega Man Battle Network(since I mostly play the Classic and MMX series). I'm also interested in getting more familiar with Street Fighter, since I only really played a lot of SF2 and Alpha 1, and had vague memories of the EX games as a kid. Everything else, I've only dabbled into.
Franchises I haven't gotten into much:

-The Legend of Zelda
Finished Zelda 1 NES, A Link To The Past, and Ocarina of Time. Want to at least play Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess HD, Hyrule Warriors, and Zelda 2 NES (YES! I know I'm insane.) I'll more than likely get Breath of the Wild when it comes out and Wind Waker HD.

-Star Fox
I love Star Fox 64 and it's the only Star Fox game I've ever played. Really want to play the original one despite that it hasn't aged all that well along with the gamecube games, Star Fox 3DS, and Star Fox Zero.

Even though I've finished the NES trilogy, Super Castlevania 4, Dracula X (SNES), and Symphony of the Night, there are still a lot of games I want to experience in the Castlevania franchise as it is quickly becoming one of my favorite video game franchises period such as Rondo of Blood (PC and original+superior version of Dracula X), the GBA games, the DS games, and maybe Bloodlines (SEGA Genesis). Castlevania Judgement as well if anything for the lolz.

Franchises I have never played yet but would really love to get into:

-Final Fantasy
One of the biggest itches I have on my back is that I've yet to play a single Final Fantasy game. Hope I don't get a heart attack if I ever do play one of them. I would like either FF1, FF4, or FF7 to be my first experience to the series and then play the other 2 that wasn't my first choice along with FF6 and Dissidia Arcade. Also will possibly be open to the rest of the series if I enjoy the ones I'm interested in the most.

-Mega Man Battle Network
Huge Classic and Mega Man X fan, but haven't really touched the other series outside of Legends (Mega Man Legends 1).

-Mega Man Starforce
Same reason as Battle Network.

-Mega Man Zero
Same reason as Battle Network. I'm also really interested in the plot since I've heard it is deep in story and pretty dark for a Mega Man game.

-Mega Man ZX
Same reason as Zero.

Extremely quirky rpg series with tons of silly humor. Helps too that I enjoy playing Ness and Lucas in Smash.
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Deleted member

Late replies incoming
Finished Episode 9 of Izetta and now all up to date with it.
I still have to watch Episode 10(which came out, two days ago iirc)
The show does some things I really dislike but at the same time does a lot that I like
I want to start a discussion topic regarding a certain element of Sun and Moon's plot.

I would only answer these questions if you've beaten the game.

These questions relate to the main villains in Sun and Moon: Guzma and Lusamine

1) What is your opinion about Guzma and Lusamine? Do you like either of them or both? Do you hate either of them or both? Do you think they are well-written villains?

2) Where would you personally rank Guzma and Lusamine in your favorite main series Pokemon villains list?

3) Who do you think is the more insane and cruel villain: Ghetsis or Lusamine?
1- I really like both of them: Guzma was one of the most original villains with his goal as Team Skull were to simply cause chaos as a means of "revenge" on Alola after he was rejected to be a Trial Captain and his father's abuse. His motivation to helping Lusamine was also different, as she was the first adult to ever recognize his strenght. He also made Bug Pokemon look terrifying with how hard his final battle was.
Lusamine was a scary villain, yes, it wasn't her intention to do all of that due to Nihilego's poison but the implications of what she did with Null, Gladion, Cosmog and especially Lillie aren't just something to brush off easily, her interactions were all greatly written and her two battles were both pretty challenging. Though, at the same time, she's just as tragic with losing her husband to an Ultra Wormhole and her obsession with them being caused by these events.

2- I'd rank the two just as high as Ghetsis, if not higher, though both are tied as one wins as a character and the other as a villain. Facial expressions help this a lot and I hope they're used to its fullest whenever we get Gen 5 remakes.

3- Ghetsis literally stole a child, lied to him for about 10+ years, separated the kid from the outside world, basically did brainwashing on him, created a cult in which the kid was its prince, used Pokemon to create an entire ****ing castle just below the league, tortured various Pokemon to achieve his goals, tried to make everyone in Unova to release their Pokemon in which he'd probably use his underleveled Hydreigon to rule over it, all in the while not really giving a single **** about his supposed son and disowning him when he fails to defeat another 16 year old kid, tried to freeze the entirety of Unova, tortured Kyurem(though I guess Lacunosa Town would thank him), tried to kill the player(yeah, sure, "freezing") and never showed any regret over his actions at the end.
Lusamine abused her children, did a Shou Tucker impersonation, almost killed Cosmog and released the UBs on Alola(which didn't really do any apparent damage)
So I guess Ghetsis takes the trophy here


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Update from Serebii regarding Global Missions.
Serebii said:
The first Pokémon Sun & Moon Global Mission is now live on Pokémonm Sun & Moon. This Global Mission runs until December 12th at 23:59 UTC and is to have all players catch 100 million Pokémon. If players succeed, then all participating players will receive up to 2,000 Festival Coins. If they fail, then all players receive no less than 100 Festival Coins. This can be accessed in the Festival Plaza by speaking to the woman at the desk in the castle and your progress updates every time you Game Sync. You need to have connected your game to the Global Link to participate
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble

I think Popplio suffered these 4 phases prerelease

The more I see Sylvally sets, the better it seems
Darkium Z with Parting Shot and Crunch
************ gets Explosion, Normalium Z makes you nuke things twice
Poison Sylvally is kek
All it needs is Stars to expand it's movepull

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Christ, why are all these new mons OP? Fleur Cannon is Fairy Overheat, lowers special attack by a single stage, and is 130. Magearna has 135 SpAtk. Soul Heart is Special Moxie but it also triggers if a team mate faints. Give it Fairium Z, have it nuke something and activate Soul Heart, then go ham with Fleur Cannon

Deleted member

"Hey, Youtube, give me a reason to live"
"I got you fam"
Yes, I know this is old but I only found it now
Christ, why are all these new mons OP? Fleur Cannon is Fairy Overheat, lowers special attack by a single stage, and is 130. Magearna has 135 SpAtk. Soul Heart is Special Moxie but it also triggers if a team mate faints. Give it Fairium Z, have it nuke something and activate Soul Heart, then go ham with Fleur Cannon
Good thing Magearna will be banned from most online modes abd to Ubers because holy **** I'm tired of running into them on Showdown OU Doubles
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Doesn't look like this was posted yet.

Those 3D World styled attraction props, what ever they are for, look on point.

Deleted member


Is this good enough? On the bag, not in it
I'd buy this bag irl though

tfw Solgaleo's attack can't be dropped and it gets Splash because of based Nebby
Honestly, I think people overestimate the use of Z-Splash
Sure it's a +3 Atk boost but you can only use it once meaning you lose on a moveslot AND your item slot
Swords Dance is simply better so the Pokemon can carry an item and to raise its Atk again if it's dropped or switched out
And what are the Pokemon that can even learn Splash? Pokemon that are Special based or have access to better boosting moves


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Honestly, I think people overestimate the use of Z-Splash
Sure it's a +3 Atk boost but you can only use it once meaning you lose on a moveslot AND your item slot
Swords Dance is simply better so the Pokemon can carry an item and to raise its Atk again if it's dropped or switched out
And what are the Pokemon that can even learn Splash? Pokemon that are Special based or have access to better boosting moves
There are a few exceptions that legitimize the use of Z-Splash. For instance, Swift Swim Kingdra under Rain can boost 3+ Attack in one turn versus 3 turns with Dragon Dance. Its outclassed, but its a viable option, and that's what matters.

Clawitzer under Trick Room can utilize Z-Splash to trick foes into thinking its your average Mega Launcher lobster when its not. Again, its outclassed, but its an option.

So I both agree and disagree. While Z-Splash is overated, it opens up new options for some Pokémon, which allows for expanded gameplay.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Honestly, I think people overestimate the use of Z-Splash
Sure it's a +3 Atk boost but you can only use it once meaning you lose on a moveslot AND your item slot
Swords Dance is simply better so the Pokemon can carry an item and to raise its Atk again if it's dropped or switched out
And what are the Pokemon that can even learn Splash? Pokemon that are Special based or have access to better boosting moves
I dont risk using one time use moves. thats why I rarely even use z moves

Deleted member

Z-Splash doesn't sound that good.
Sure, you raise your attack by 3 stages but you can't raise it further (At least not with the same move) so you're better off just using Swords Dance. Sure, it raises it by just 2 stages but at least you can maximize it after 3 turns.
Plus, it wears off once you switch out, ultimately making Splash a wasted move slot.
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Sep 12, 2014
Z-Splash is fun with Tsareena (who can't learn Swords Dance).

Anyways I found this old thing.
I don't know what's funnier, how off the mark this was or that Colress is in the game anyway.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Z-Splash doesn't sound that good.
Sure, you raise your attack by 3 stages but you can't raise it further (At least not with the same move) so you're better off just using Swords Dance. Sure, it raises it by just 2 stages but at least you can maximize it after 3 turns.
Plus, it wears off once you switch out, ultimately making Splash a wasted move slot.
But Magikarp jokes!

Yeah, still seems fairly useful for a sweeper though. Or a Baton Pass.
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Deleted member

Remember when everyone was complaining about the Kanto pandering when Battle Tree was revealed and only Red and Blue got redesigns while Wally and Cynthia had their old ones
And it turns out those two were an exception with Grimsley, Colress and Anabelle(and those two XY kids but honestly who cares) all getting new designs too
I mean, Wally already had a 3D model so it was easy to bring him over but Cynthia is the only trainer with a new 3D model without a redesign
Maybe they're saving it for something?
Z-Splash is fun with Tsareena (who can't learn Swords Dance).

Anyways I found this old thing.

I don't know what's funnier, how off the mark this was or that Colress is in the game anyway.
Or how Necrozma was thought to be an Ultra Beast when the Demo was datamined, then the game leaks and another datamining reveals it's actually the third legendary... until Looker mistakes it for an Ultra Beast and its Pokedex entries reveal the confusion was intentional
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