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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
I prefer Carol as Captain Marvel and Kamala as Ms. Marvel personally.

It's just the recent personality change on Carol that sucks, it's something they'll undo by the time he movie comes out though I'm sure. How? Who knows, but they'll want her personality to match as much as the movie's as possible I'm sure.

Look at how Doc Ock's run of being in Peter's body ended around the time of ASM2 coming out in theaters for example.
Speculation: New 52 giving us a darker batman than usual, only about a year before The Dark Knight Rises? Could that be considered an example?

Squirrel Girl's art is garbage though. I'm sorry, but it's just BAD.

Maybe I'm just being an old man and hating too many of Marvel's new stuff, but I don't have many of their comics to get into right now.
As far as art goes, Marvel's doing good, Squirrel Girl aside. Spider-Gwen at times looks like the artist is high when doing it, but it's still alright.
DC on the other hand........Let me direct you to the post-Gail Simone run of Batgirl in New 52. For instance.
Be grateful this isn't actually Batgirl. Unfortunately.....it's a guy who kinda wants to be batgirl. Called Daggertype.

I can't describe how sad I am at the direction Batgirl is in right now. My favorite heroines from marvel in dc are in deep trouble, whether it be art, or personality.....


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Tell that to the people who boycotted Street Fighter V for the same reason. You know what reason.

And since this isn't going nowhere since you are bent on defending Rouge, I will say this. At least Edward Falcon is the face of Power Stone as a whole and got heavily requested in an old Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 DLC poll. Shows who PS fans care about the most in terms of Power Stone reps.
Yet Rouge was the one who was considered for Tatsunoko vs Capcom's roster. If Falcon was the face of the franchise, then how come they thought of a female side character over the "mascot" of Power Stone.


No matter, we'll just have a bet on this bout. Just like our Corrin vs Azura one (which I won with Corrin), we'll see which of the Power Stone characters get picked for Marvel vs Capcom 4's roster in the end. Considering the rating TvC had, I still don't see why anyone would have a problem with her Power Change form to begin with when the likes of Felicia exists.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Not sure if anyone here is a Skylanders fan (I'm not one either, just wanted to share this), but according to Liam Robertson, the series may be in jeopardy. Keep in mind this is just a rumor, but the Skylanders game for next year has supposedly been canceled.
If this is true, that's another toys to life game biting the dust. Hopefully LEGO Dimensions and amiibo won't follow suit.

Deleted member

MvC4 talk? Where's my Soul Calibur 6?......actually, I'll take that back. Somehow Namco will screw up that one too if they don't get their heads together, especially if they pull the same 4-month earlier bull like they did with 5.
They already screwed up by announcing a Soul Calibur pachinko machine that seemingly no one asked for.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Batgirl shouldn't even be Barbara Gordon.

I'll say it. Yes, she's the iconic Batgirl, but at the same time, the biggest problem was regressing her character progression and getting a new title and place in the hero world to become Batgirl again. I wouldn't even mind the whole she can walk again thing if:

A) It didn't erase one of the most positive examples of a wheel chair bound individual in comics
B) She had simply taken on a new mantle similar to how **** became Nightwing.

For a woman who has such a history in the DC Universe, it just feels weird that she's not allowed to progress past the Batgirl title while her male counterparts can.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Marvel is losing me as a Comics Fan myself. I don't know the past year or so has just been....something else.

For every good idea they have, they have about 80 that are just....wow.

I also feel like for some of the properties they're beginning to let the movies and their various rights issues affect their decision making in those properties.

I mean the X-Men books right now? They're just.....a mess. A fricking disaster of a mess.
Yeah, the X-Men books have been a mess for more than "right now". I would say a while before AvX they were a mess. Scott's been a bigger douche ever since he married Emma Frost, and I'm convinced that the X-men have been practically villains for a good while. But that's just a small piece of the "heroes fighting heroes" crap I have a problem with. Don't get me started on the cheap retcons they pulled on poor Iceman. Or how Storm and Rouge barely exist.

Spider-Man needs a new writer for his main book, like right now. The guy's been hogging it up for so long.

Daredevil is good though. And most of Spider-Man and Deapool is solid. The book focusing on his(Spider-Man's) old-school adventures in a sort of "lost episode" deal is pretty okay though.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC

To kind of play off the current topic...

To those of you that play fighting games, any kind of fighting games...

What are your three favorite things about them?
1) They're really entertaining to watch, especially at the high level
2) Community. Sure I'm not super invested in the FGC, but I've met a lot of cool people who are.
3) I get a really nice rush when I beat someone who I used to find really hard to play against. Sure they still beat me more than I beat them, but you gotta take those little victories.

What are your three favorite fighting games?
Guilty Gear Xrd
Street Fighter 3S

What are your three least favorite things about them?
1) Sometimes fighting games (or certain characters) have really demanding combos. This is particularly for niche Japanese fighters. Larger/newer titles, while still demanding, are a lot more reasonable and forgiving about it.
2) Not every game releases on PC, or if they do either release really late or have no crossplay (I'm looking at your ArcSys)
3) I really wish more games adopted the SFV model (although handle it a **** ton better). While Capcom handled it poorly, I think their model just works best. It's just healthier for a community to just buy one base game and over the lifetime of the game the devs add more content and patch whatever issues arises. Make money by releasing a ton of cosmetics and such. Every once in a while release a new chapter for story mode and fix up the visuals and such. I'm sitting here with Xrd -SIGN- and it just sucks that I'm left behind but I can pick SFV and still play with a living community.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Slott does need to leave Spider-Man. It has become sort of mundane when his ideas for the character just rely on a new gimmick to keep him going.

The task of writing it in one of the most troubling times in terms of retcons and stuff has also changed Slott as a man. I remember meeting him right after his awesome She Hulk run and as he was announced to be writing Mighty Avengers and he was such an awesome man. He signed every issue of his She Hulk run for me. Drew a picture of her for me and was just genuinely one of the most pleasant encounters with a comic writer I've had a convention.

Then he got on Spider-Man and he's attacked people online for their opinions, been a ****, etc, even was a **** to me once on a message board and I was just shocked. He shut up real fast too when I told him I had met him before offline and I had felt he'd changed as a person. No apology or anything.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Marvel is losing me as a Comics Fan myself. I don't know the past year or so has just been....something else.

For every good idea they have, they have about 80 that are just....wow.

I also feel like for some of the properties they're beginning to let the movies and their various rights issues affect their decision making in those properties.

I mean the X-Men books right now? They're just.....a mess. A fricking disaster of a mess.
What did the Xmen comics do?

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
Squirrel Girl only works in small doses I feel. Too much of that character and you lose the impact, given that's she a gag.

Saitama's interesting though. While he's also unstoppable, his dilemma comes from that. He actually acknowledges his strength and hates it because of how it makes life boring for him. Which is good satire in that he's most shonen heroes that try to be the best, but you never see what it's like to live at the top. And he's still underappreciated compared to all the selfish ******** that do get attention.

Having his body taken over was really dumb. And clearly one of those stories that would normally be on a gimmicky Silver Age comic cover.
I'd say that's pretty accurate, and a good reason why SG doesn't work as a joke character, especially with her own title. Wayyy too large a dosage if you ask me.
Batgirl shouldn't even be Barbara Gordon.

I'll say it. Yes, she's the iconic Batgirl, but at the same time, the biggest problem was regressing her character progression and getting a new title and place in the hero world to become Batgirl again. I wouldn't even mind the whole she can walk again thing if:

A) It didn't erase one of the most positive examples of a wheel chair bound individual in comics
B) She had simply taken on a new mantle similar to how **** became Nightwing.

For a woman who has such a history in the DC Universe, it just feels weird that she's not allowed to progress past the Batgirl title while her male counterparts can.
Welllllll (as best I can say this without getting angry since I love barbara).......
Cassandra Cain has moved on.
Stephanie Brown went back to being spoiler....
So Barbara's not the only one going back to a previous costume.
One thing I will say I dislike is the explanation of why she can walk-a special chip or something that iirc puts the part of her brain that controls her back on 'roids, allowing her to walk again. I dislike it not only because of the method, but also because she was a "special case", when apparently the clinic for the treatment was in africa.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
What did the Xmen comics do?
Cyclops has just become insufferable. He got high on the Phoenix Force and murdered Xavier. Red Skull has become an enemy of them because he has or had Xavier's brain inside him and access to his powers. Emma Frost's years of development into a hero is woefully close to being undone because of her ties to him.

Storm is having a mental breakdown, Wolverine is dead, the original 5 are time displaced, they're dying because they apparently can't be around Inhumans, Beast has also become a insufferable douchebag scientist like most Marvel scientists before him, just so so so so much, and that's barely scrapping the icing off the cake of madness they're in right now.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Batgirl shouldn't even be Barbara Gordon.

I'll say it. Yes, she's the iconic Batgirl, but at the same time, the biggest problem was regressing her character progression and getting a new title and place in the hero world to become Batgirl again. I wouldn't even mind the whole she can walk again thing if:

A) It didn't erase one of the most positive examples of a wheel chair bound individual in comics
B) She had simply taken on a new mantle similar to how **** became Nightwing.

For a woman who has such a history in the DC Universe, it just feels weird that she's not allowed to progress past the Batgirl title while her male counterparts can.
You said it yourself. She's the iconic Batgirl. Most people think of her. I liked Steph the most though. And depending on the medium, Grayson is forced to be Robin anyway.

At least she's remembered, Tim Drake gets pratically no love. And I never liked Damian Wayne's annoying ass. Jason Todd only mattered after his death, and even now, his character isn't the shining example of direction.

Deleted member

Not sure if anyone here is a Skylanders fan (I'm not one either, just wanted to share this), but according to Liam Robertson, the series may be in jeopardy. Keep in mind this is just a rumor, but the Skylanders game for next year has supposedly been canceled.
If this is true, that's another toys to life game biting the dust. Hopefully LEGO Dimensions and amiibo won't follow suit.
While I'm not a Skylanders fan, I'm worried that this might mean the death of Spyro.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
All this Power Stone talk got me thinking, what if Capcom decides to give us two reps (both Edward and Rouge)? Sure that may be biased, but more unique characters is never a problem.

Hell, even the anime ships them. Having both should be enough to satisfy both factions in a perfect world. Too bad that obscure Capcom series never get more than two reps in a Versus title unless they are named Darkstalkers.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I'd say that's pretty accurate, and a good reason why SG doesn't work as a joke character, especially with her own title. Wayyy too large a dosage if you ask me.

Welllllll (as best I can say this without getting angry since I love barbara).......
Cassandra Cain has moved on.
Stephanie Brown went back to being spoiler....
So Barbara's not the only one going back to a previous costume.
One thing I will say I dislike is the explanation of why she can walk-a special chip or something that iirc puts the part of her brain that controls her back on 'roids, allowing her to walk again. I dislike it not only because of the method, but also because she was a "special case", when apparently the clinic for the treatment was in africa.
Stephanie Brown regressing also bugs me. She was close to being a really really solid Batgirl before New 52 and now she's became her old disguse again. And after practically taking forever to appear in the post New 52 universe.

Another thing that bugs me about her being able to walk and because of a chip in her, is that many many many many times Bruce offered her the ability prior to New 52 to pay for experimental treatments that would make her walk again and she turned him down EVERY time.

Long story short, I love Babs, she's one of my DC favorites, but I wish she was either a) still Oracle or b) At least not Batgirl, and had a new mantle she was operating under, while training a new Batgirl or still training Stephanie to be a better one like she was in New 52.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Cyclops has just become insufferable. He got high on the Phoenix Force and murdered Xavier. Red Skull has become an enemy of them because he has or had Xavier's brain inside him and access to his powers. Emma Frost's years of development into a hero is woefully close to being undone because of her ties to him.

Storm is having a mental breakdown, Wolverine is dead, the original 5 are time displaced, they're dying because they apparently can't be around Inhumans, Beast has also become a insufferable douchebag scientist like most Marvel scientists before him, just so so so so much, and that's barely scrapping the icing off the cake of madness they're in right now.

What happened to everyone?

Please tell me NightCrawler and Colossus are still cool.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Cyclops has just become insufferable. He got high on the Phoenix Force and murdered Xavier. Red Skull has become an enemy of them because he has or had Xavier's brain inside him and access to his powers. Emma Frost's years of development into a hero is woefully close to being undone because of her ties to him.

Storm is having a mental breakdown, Wolverine is dead, the original 5 are time displaced, they're dying because they apparently can't be around Inhumans, Beast has also become a insufferable douchebag scientist like most Marvel scientists before him, just so so so so much, and that's barely scrapping the icing off the cake of madness they're in right now.
At least things are starting to look up there. The usual Wolverine may be dead, but the current ongoing is apparently really good (haven't read it, personally), plus Old Man Logan's still around.

Plus isn't Iceman getting his own book soon?

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Cyclops has just become insufferable. He got high on the Phoenix Force and murdered Xavier. Red Skull has become an enemy of them because he has or had Xavier's brain inside him and access to his powers. Emma Frost's years of development into a hero is woefully close to being undone because of her ties to him.

Storm is having a mental breakdown, Wolverine is dead, the original 5 are time displaced, they're dying because they apparently can't be around Inhumans, Beast has also become a insufferable douchebag scientist like most Marvel scientists before him, just so so so so much, and that's barely scrapping the icing off the cake of madness they're in right now.
Don't forget, Bishop went crazy a while ago. X-23 now acts like your typical "sassy and spunky gurrrrrl" character, as opposed to the lost but trying her damnedest to be a hero type, at the same time they make her the new Wolverine. Which would be fine, but her character isn't even consistent right now. And Jubilee is a vampire, I don't remember if that was un-done or not.

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
What did the Xmen comics do?
Last time I read one of their comics (over a year ago, mind you), Storm nearly made out with Old Man Logan. Not regular Logan mind you, the VERSION LITERALLY CALLED OLD MAN LOGAN.

Oh, and the mist that makes Inhumans kills mutants now, and there's this big cloud of the mist that's always around. Thankfully it's conveniently always far from wherever the story is taking place.
You said it yourself. She's the iconic Batgirl. Most people think of her. I liked Steph the most though. And depending on the medium, Grayson is forced to be Robin anyway.

At least she's remembered, Tim Drake gets pratically no love. And I never liked Damian Wayne's annoying ***. Jason Todd only mattered after his death, and even now, his character isn't the shining example of direction.
Jason wasn't the shining example of direction before his death either. Why else would a poll be held about whether or not he should get killed off?

Deleted member

All this Power Stone talk got me thinking, what if Capcom decides to give us two reps (both Edward and Rouge)? Sure that may be biased, but more unique characters is never a problem.
I can already imagine the complaints about Power Stone overrepresentation.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Not sure if anyone here is a Skylanders fan (I'm not one either, just wanted to share this), but according to Liam Robertson, the series may be in jeopardy. Keep in mind this is just a rumor, but the Skylanders game for next year has supposedly been canceled.
If this is true, that's another toys to life game biting the dust. Hopefully LEGO Dimensions and amiibo won't follow suit.
The important question is what this means for Spyro's future.

Maybe he could even get a new gameinstead of being shackled to another series!

Ha, just kidding he will just die off forever.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Speculation: New 52 giving us a darker batman than usual, only about a year before The Dark Knight Rises? Could that be considered an example?

As far as art goes, Marvel's doing good, Squirrel Girl aside. Spider-Gwen at times looks like the artist is high when doing it, but it's still alright.
DC on the other hand........Let me direct you to the post-Gail Simone run of Batgirl in New 52. For instance.
Be grateful this isn't actually Batgirl. Unfortunately.....it's a guy who kinda wants to be batgirl. Called Daggertype.

I can't describe how sad I am at the direction Batgirl is in right now. My favorite heroines from marvel in dc are in deep trouble, whether it be art, or personality.....
The art itself isn't too bad, but Josuke did that pose better.

Last edited:

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I can already imagine the complaints about Power Stone overrepresentation.
Dude if things like just Phoenix Wright being included cause cries of "Too much Ace Attorney" anything can happen.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
The monster gripped me by the face, looking me over as if deciding what to do with me. There were multiple young men and small animals frozen in ice blocks nearby, and the area outside the building it had dragged me into was littered with. . .well let's just say I didn't like my options right now.

I glanced around. Aside from the ice blocks, the most notable thing in the cellar I was in was the pair of balloon creatures it seemed to have intimidated into guarding the door for it, half deflated from the cold. Neither one seemed particularly confident in where it was. I watched my breath fog up from the cold as the monster forcibly bent my head forward and examined the back of my neck. The only way I was getting out of this at this point was if a miracle of some kind happened. . .

Suddenly a sound could be heard muffled in the distance.

The ice monster jerked up.

The sound happened twice more, sounding faintly metallic.

All three of the creatures in the room suddenly had a look on their faces akin to a deer in the headlights. They began chittering between each other, the balloons making whining rubbery noises and the misshapen ice wraith next to me screeching with the sound of a whistling winter wind. The three of them seemed to be. . .shivering? I would understand for the balloons, but why would an ice monster shiver?

The noises outside continued to get closer, my captors continuing to debate in an incomprehensible exchange of noises. Suddenly one of the two balloons broke away and flew off. The other started to as well, but the ice monster screeched at it and it stayed, visibly terrified of either fate it could meet.

The flimsy cellar door broke down with a bang. The balloon left guarding charged forward, attempting to preemptively attack whatever had come in.


A set of claws suddenly cut into it. The balloon crumpled to the ground, a horrifying scream wheezing out of it's body in a way not unlike air wheezing out of a balloon. A purplish-blue light briefly flashed out of the gaping holes in it's now-useless body briefly, then disappeared.

A lone figure stood in the doorway, appearing under shadow as the light from outside shined behind them. Before the sheet of rubber had even hit the ground, they had already locked eyes with my other captor.

"Let. Him. Go." They said, a look on their face more intimidating and angry than I knew they could muster.

The monster had a look on it's face more horrified than any I had seen before. Screaming, it flew off as fast as it could, slamming into walls and ceilings on it's way out.

A moment of silence was had.

Then the person who had come in suddenly stepped aside slightly and rubbed the back of their head with one hand.

"Wow, I didn't expect them to actually do it. Most of the time when monsters attack people like this they just go straight after everyone without thinking."

"Holy hell Pit, what was that about?"

"Holy Hell? Isn't that kind of an oxy. . .oxy. . ."

"Nevermind that. Can you just. . .get me out of here?"

"Sure, after these people over here get fixed up!" He said, hooking a thumb over to the frozen victims nearby.

"You can do that?"

"Oh, not me, but Lady Palutena's gotten pretty good at defrosting people lately!"

"Oh, the voice in your head is going to fix them. OK."

"She is not just a voice in my head! But yes, Lady Palutena is most generous with her blessings."

"Ok, then. . ."

Decided to write another concept that I had in my head off the seat of my pants real quick.

. . .I don't know.

When's Mahvel, I guess.

I should probably bring myself to actually do a proofread thing with planning at some point.
Last edited:


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Storm is having a mental breakdown, Wolverine is dead, the original 5 are time displaced, they're dying because they apparently can't be around Inhumans, Beast has also become a insufferable douchebag scientist like most Marvel scientists before him, just so so so so much, and that's barely scrapping the icing off the cake of madness they're in right now.
In hinsight, Wolverine dying was one of the best things they could do with the character, since it gave us Old Man Logan, which is one of the best Wolverine stories 'within the last 20 years', as ComicsExplained appropriately put it.

Also, they're dying from terrigen, not being around inhumans :p

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I have a feeling if the Crash remakes do well, we may see the original Spyro trilogy get the same treatment.
On account that I really like the old Spyro games, you have no idea how much I'd love that. But don't get my hopes up. Next you'll say that Mega Man 11 is coming out.
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Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
Assassination classroom is a gold anime. I just finished it and I must say...
I didn't cry that much since a long time (I cried during the whole 2 last episodes) . Koro Sensei is the best...
Why did he had to die.

I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. Great Comedy Anime.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Man I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to stay awake until 7 am tomorrow. It's 9pm and I feel like I'm gonna die.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Funny thing here, This Deadpool book has him do the Great Saiyaman pose.

Great Saiyaman is the ****. Gohan actually went and saved the average joes when some world-ending **** WASN'T going down. Aside from Goku from time to time, no one else really did that.
Last edited:

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I can already imagine the complaints about Power Stone overrepresentation.
As expected.

Oh well, it's just going to be Edward Falcon then. Both can't hypothetically join Marvel vs Capcom 4's roster just like Smash can't have both Corrin and Azura (R.I.P. my victory on that bet).

I would be satisfied with the roster either way as long as we don't lose certain Marvel characters because of FOX.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I should be in bed asleep not ****ing getting ready to go in to work. **** this ****. I hate my boss.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Not sure if anyone here is a Skylanders fan (I'm not one either, just wanted to share this), but according to Liam Robertson, the series may be in jeopardy. Keep in mind this is just a rumor, but the Skylanders game for next year has supposedly been canceled.
If this is true, that's another toys to life game biting the dust. Hopefully LEGO Dimensions and amiibo won't follow suit.
Toys-to-life as it's generally handled doesn't strike me as that sustainable.

Eventually people get tired or run out of money to buy new toys, and in Skylander's case more and more gimmicks seemed to pile up from the perspective of an outsider. . .

Nintendo does seem to release different models of the same thing sometimes as a form of restocking and just let features pile up, though, so who knows how that will go.

Having every toy do something a little different with stuff like the Zelda Amiibo seems like it will be a bit of a bursting bubble. Whether Nintendo can keep their own toys-to-life business going by luring in new customers instead of simply spearing eventually used up whales is the bigger question. Perhaps the market got flooded with too many toys-to-life programs and with some of them crumpling the others will have more room to survive. Who knows.
Last edited:


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Some more news of things getting the axe.

I trust it a lot less compared to Liam's Skylanders report, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being true.

According to a member on the Sonic Stadium Message Boards who claims to have a source, SEGA of Japan is ready to pull the plug on Sonic Boom after the second season ends, not just the TV show, but the subseries as a whole. Here's the summary.
Again, this is just a rumor, not even one from someone like Liam Robertson. But it was something I wanted to bring up anyway, because even if this guy is totally BSing it, I would not be surprised if this was going through SEGA of Japan's heads as I type this.

And to be honest, if true, I won't exactly miss Sonic Boom. I enjoyed Fire and Ice and I do like the TV show, but the subseries did more harm than it did good.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Toys-to-life as it's generally handled doesn't strike me as that sustainable.

Eventually people get tired or run out of money to buy new toys, and in Skylander's case more and more gimmicks seemed to pile up from the perspective of an outsider. . .

Nintendo does seem to release different models of the same thing sometimes as a form of restocking and just let features pile up, though, so who knows how that will go.

Having every toy do something a little different with stuff like the Zelda Amiibo seems like it will be a bit of a bursting bubble. Whether Nintendo can keep their own toys-to-life business going by luring in new customers instead of simply spearing eventually used up whales is the bigger question. Perhaps the market got flooded with too many toys-to-life programs and with some of them crumpling the others will have more room to survive. Who knows.
Never cared too much for these. I only got a Mega Man Amiibo since I thought it looked cool enough on my desk. The fact that it works with Smash and MM Legacy Collection is a nice bonus.

The one thing that does set Amiibo apart from the rest is that they are usable in multiple games. Making their worth a little less fleeting.
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