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The way I see it is they're normal in comparison to their home world, but when they're here there's such an immense power gap that they're essentially legends. Big fish in a small pond syndrome, kinda.
Also the spoiler is that they're catchable at all, FYI.
Oh yeah, I forgot that people thought they were going to be uncatchable, my bad. I respoiler everything then once I'm finished with this post.
Yeah, I get that DBZ is popular, I was not not arguing that. My argument is that Pokemon is way bigger when you consider the bulk of it, not just exclusively one thing of it, I'm not talking about the pokemon anime specifically(DBZ is more so watched globally, but one spawns a lot more merchandise.), and yes the American market does matter a lot as it's a market that matters. That's how you have franchises like Street Fighter being much more popular and well known than KoF despite KoF and SNK games being a lot bigger in more countries overall. There's also the video games and even the trading card games, both which were big,. Which then you have DBZ games don't even come close to pokemon's sales despite there being a lot more DBZ games overall, and the trading card game also doesn't compare to pokemon's. Luckily unlike the poison popularity argument, I got the market on my side to prove that it doesn't really even come close when it comes to the global picture.Yeah, but Dragonball is also a massive multimedia franchise, and it remained alive well after the anime ended through video games.
There has in fact been a Dragonball game on every gaming system since the NES for 3 decades now, that counts for something. I'm very certain there has to be more Dragonball games in existence than Pokemon games, just due to the sheer number of them. Perhaps not Mario big, but certainly up there. It's often overlooked, but Goku is just as much a gaming icon as are the likes of Ryu, and Megaman and Link. It's just, he's also an Anime icon, and primarily so.
Not only that, but Goku is doubly popular in all of Asia, due to culture and the references he draws from lore, being a derivative of the single-handedly most popular character in Asian historical myth, Son Wukong. Not only that, but with Manga/Manwha having a much bigger reach in Asia than comics do in the west, it's very fair to say that Goku is far more popular in Asia than Superman is in the west, and Superman is a massive icon of American and western culture in general. Superman IS comics, just the same, Goku practically IS the face manga, and the shounen genre. Which, while anime/manga might be niche in the West, it's INCREDIBLY popular in Asia. I'd even argue that Manga is more popular in Japan and Asia than gaming is. Just take that in for a second. Practically EVERYONE in Japan reads manga. Gaming on the other side, is also relegated to a certain demographic of the population, just like the west. When looking at Goku, you have to take into account his global appeal, not just in the US. Both Pokemon and DB are worldwide phenomenom, but while DB kinda faded a bit in the US after the anime ended, it remained alive, and always was FAR more popular in Latin America, much more than Pokemon which kinda became more of a fad. I can at least say that Pokemon's popularity in Spain has certainly fallen and is seen as mostly for kids, meanwhile, Goku is recognized and loved by children and adults alike. And I know the same is true for Latin America as I was in Mexico when the Dragonball fever hit, and it was massive, EVERYONE watched DBZ, and collected the stickers and cards, even the teachers at my elementary school.
So, while won't argue that Goku is more popular than Pikachu (since that's why I asked the question), him and Dragonball are way more popular than you're giving credit. On a global scale, not just North America.
In fact, here's some food for thought, while Pikachu might only be a gaming icon, and the face of a massive multimedia franchise. Goku is an anime, gaming, manga, and cultural icon that defined a generation, and inspired countless different derivative works.
Here anyway, anywhere else I look it's pretty much pokemon/pikachu no contest. I don't really even care which is more popular, I wouldn't be arguing for it if it wasn't true.So we have people saying it's no contest in Pikachu's favour, and people saying that it's no contest in Goku's favour. ...Clearly there is a contest, then, eh?