Smash Hero
Ugh, please no. Smash 4 needs some major reworks... Something more then what a cheap port could do at least.I think the best case scenario for Smash on Switch is to make an iterative sequel.
That is, they keep most of the content from 3DS to Wii U, but have enough major new content (more than just characters and stages) to make it feel like it's the old games plus a sequel worth of new content, therefore justifying selling it as a new game. This way, they sell units and Switch consoles, but 3DS/Wii U owners won't feel ripped off since they have a whole new game worth of content, PLUS the old stuff packed in for free.
Dissidia did this on the PSP when Dissidia 012 was released, and it worked really well. I think such a format is perfect for Smash going forward.
That'd be more disappointing then the Wii U not getting it's own exclusive Zelda.