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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
You mean Brazilian burrowing owl ?

They aren't extinct
Actually is the Stilt-Owl (Grallistrix)

This bird inhabited the Hawaiian islands 1000 years ago, and became used to walk and hunt using its legs instead of flying due the lack of mammalian predators on land.
After humans colonized the islands, they introduced pigs and rats that quickly ravaged this species and its habitats.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Actually is the Stilt-Owl (Grallistrix)

This bird inhabited the Hawaiian islands 1000 years ago, and became used to walk and hunt using its legs instead of flying due the lack of mammalian predators on land.
After humans colonized the islands, they introduced pigs and rats that quickly ravaged this species and its habitats.
TIL Gamefreak does massive research

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Anyone wanna help me evolve a Haunter and Onix is Pokemon X?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
1, 3 and 4 are the generations I actually quite like all the starters

Sort of

More or less.

This gen they actually aren't that bad. But I'm not go as far to say I like them all. Mostly just Decidueye


Feb 18, 2009
Yes, but a major problem with that is that assumes that most people are intellectual and know what exactly they're doing and won't pull some unjust BS. Especially with 200 million people in a country, and which most people are pretty lazy and not capable of living in a completely libertarian society, that's one of the reasons why gov. exists, most people are follows and want to be lead, even if you get rid of it's going to come back, it'd only work effectively in a world where the human mind doesn't have people who lead and people who follow, everyone would have to be on the same playing field, which is never the case. It assumes that everyone is so generous and will surely do the right, intellectual thing.
From where in my words do you draw that assumption? I believe I presented a view entirely different from what you paint as mine.
For example, I fully admit that people will be dumb and will pull BS. Nor does the system I forward require people to be kindhearted or level-headed. I specifically addressed those situations by way of demonstrating economic inevitabilities, and speaking a truism about things that are true. Further, I gave a clear-cut, real-life example of the system I forwarded demolishing the barriers set by an evil civil society. I pray you, sir, do not assume things about my position, about so-called 'libertarian society,' etc. I'd ask you to read that Mises quote again. The reason why the state cannot be trusted with power is precisely because people are fallible sheep. Without a state, there is no way for sociopaths and busybody bureaucrats to force their fallibility onto the masses. I draw the distinction between the state and governance generally in my next paragraph.

There's a reason why government exists, there has to be some kind of government in order to there to even be a country, otherwise you get people that form factions to rise to power anyway, once again, there being a government. The best you can do is to make sure that your government is as balanced as possible. The government isn't one big entity, is a very complicate system of checks and balances, and very specific laws.
Governance is not equivalent to the state and--while I don't have to argue for anarcho-capitalism to prove my point about the superiority of civil society to coercion, because after all a few things might require knocking heads such as when murderers try to escape justice--I'd like to knock down this misunderstanding. The state is a monopoly on the use of force over a geographic region, governance is the subjection of one to an authority. Governance is inherent to social interaction, the state is not. Compared to other forms of governance, and to civil society, the state is a monolith. But let us think for a moment of 'checks and balances,' have they succeeded? Not in the slightest: there is no incentive for the branches to compete for power and, in fact, they have colluded to give each other more power! Such is judicial review, its codification, the ever-expanding bureaucracies and reach of the executive branch, and the continual liberal interpretation of the constitution by the congress to do practically whatever the hell it wants.

And yeah, yeah, discrimination goes both ways, I know that, but I'd rather not have anyone discriminated, I don't care if they're a natzi or a jew, if they're not causing any harm then it's pointless for them to be discriminated against at all. Yes, many black people did prosper in parts across the country, but that wasn't in the south where most of them got lynched and were discriminated things like basic voting rights, the laws came into effect for a reason.
I'd rather discrimination existed. For example, say a parent did not discriminate in the amount of time, attention, and love they gave to their child. Why, would that not be a manifest injustice? Would they not give enough to the one child, just to spread themselves thin over the many? They would stunt the child's development, even if everyone were equally so egalitarian, because our psychological and sociological development requires specific things which cannot be met without discrimination. Furthermore, if there were no discrimination, everyone would be payed precisely the same for everything, the janitor as much as the doctor and so on. If egalitarianism as a principle were enforced society would collapse immediately, so let us do away with the principle entirely and instead hearken to liberty and freedom of association. It turns out that, historically, ethnic enclaves develop, discrimination was used as an admirable tool to abdicate from evil civil society in the south after the civil war. This means they have their own police, their own towns, their own lawmakers and businesses and churches and so on, and that's just how people are, not because of some ingrained and evil bias, rather it is an instinct which creates immense harmony with the society they create. Why does the instinct exist? Well, as Darwin himself said, those tribals that are likely to put their fellow tribesmen before themselves will more often succeed in the process of evolutionary succession. Virtue is built in to our nature by necessity, for without virtue we would literally die. Discrimination itself is virtuous, but it has been inappropriately applied by many who do not understand who they ought be discriminating against.
Now, my other separate contention about the south is that civil society made the best out of government screw-ups, as it naturally does. No voting rights? The black enclaves got their own pollsters and were giving their results to northern federal agents. Not that attempting to subjugate your fellow man through democracy is a right in the first place, but that's besides the point. What stopped southern white civil society from changing, though? The Civil War, believe it or not. That war was fought about way more than slavery, if the testimonials from letters of people who left the North to fight the South are to be believed. Regardless, all that happened was violence created resentment, hatred, and bitter lingering political and economic elites (those 1% of Southern white families which actually owned slaves) who were more than happy to subvert the outflowing of rightful anger from the population and turn it against the black man. Government cannot be trusted with this much power.

There's no such thing as a government that's not with some kind of force. It needs reform from the corruption it is now, yes.(Especially when the government spends money on useless things such as billion dollar jets we never use.) But the best we can do is to make sure it is fair and logical as possible. There's no such thing as an utopia, yes, but government is very important. Most things you rely on and pay for in your taxes, the internet itself is even a gov. funded project. And paying taxes is suppose to get you required things such as roads, buildings, and schools. Hell, firefighters, police, and military. What needs to be done is to make sure the government is actually productive, unlike it is right now. It's also nice to actually get along with people regardless who they are based on actual qualities they can present rather than childish prejudices, that's how you intoxicate your own country where only ONE group reigns, just the majority, but it's not the gov., so it's okay for them to use even more so force.(Even though they play the same role.) Which, by the way, would also be some intellectuals, but mostly people who solely follow, that's part of human nature.
There are many forms of voluntary governance: homeowners associations, canon law, social norms, common law, that people subject themselves to and, in their explicit promise, abide by the legitimate use of force those institutions may impose against them. The state cuts out the voluntary part, and therefore uses force illegitimately. All we have to do is observe that comparatively libertarian societies do not collapse because of the liberty they enjoy, and I can point to the clearest shining example in recent years: Neutral Moresnet. I can point to the Holy Roman Empire and the Hanseatic League, the incredibly decentralized middle ages in general, the fact that tribal and primitive man had a voluntary governance system, and the whole world wherever decentralization reigned such as ancient China for one time or another, or the Harappan civilization, or Iceland for the majority of its history. For centuries, in England, prosecution was an entirely private affair handled with common law and hired arbitrators, and did it work? Hell yes. Police as a state entity, as we know them, is a recent invention, we don't need the state for them, or firefighters, or--dare I say--military as state military tends to be imperialist rather than defensive. I point back to the Hanseatic League: who built the roads? Private trade built the roads. That's how it was for centuries all over the world, for much of America's early days. Just recently, a Brit defied state law, purchased a strip of land, and built a road over a hilly route that bureaucracy was slow to clear the landslide out of, and made a $2 toll, the customer reviews were great, and he just broke even when the government came a-knocking.
You unwittingly push an economic sophism: 'behold, the government created such things through taxation! We would not have such things without taxation.' Bastiat says: "that which is seen and that which is not seen." Behold, technology, innovation, roads, schools, and so on all existed prior to the state's relatively recent and widespread intervention in such things. Plainly, they can be supplied without the state, and the laws of economics (voluntary exchange), which the state is insulated from, demonstrate that this is done much more effectively and efficiently. This is a common theme among states: it needs to perpetuate the myth that we need it to survive so it appropriates the wonders that the free market and civil society provide us with and shouts 'behold, what we have done for you!' Also behold, the broken window fallacy. Rather than it being a marvel that the government was able to aid in the creation of the internet, it'd be a wonder if they didn't do something with all the money that was being thrown at it. But, as waste is necessarily linked with bureaucracy, it might have been before its time and so a poorer product (such as the IP structure and the communication protocol) was foisted upon the market, and how much more could have been done with that money in private hands!

Ah, but, notice, I must include places such as Somalia, if I'm speaking of a stateless society? Yes. The human condition is pretty bad, as you say and I agree, there can be no utopia. At least on this earth. What I'm saying is that, all things being equal, a society divested of the state will be generally better off than one with a state. If Somalia had a state, it'd much more likely be a repressive regime which perpetuates the conflict to a greater degree and not a force of stability.

TLDR; Freedom is very important, but so are protections and regulations, which SHOULD be the primary goal of the government, though sadly it isnt.(Though again, there's many branches that play many different roles.) Keeping its own people well while also making sure it's country is stable. Anti discrimination laws are part of the whole protecting its people part.

Not to say that libertarian ideals has no place at all in gov., it just shouldn't be the ENTIRE system, just like any idealology, that leads to quite terrible things. Hell, I considered myself libertarian before I thought about the extremes of it, much like any other system. Though much of this goes more so with anarchist rather than libertarian, libertarian is much more so trading in big government with big business if we were to get rid of the government so much, one of the things they do after all is cancel out business monopoly.

Hell, we probably agree, I'm just throwing the most extreme I can of out their. :p I mean, you did mention contracts and such, so there must be some form of regulation.
I think I've dealt with most here above, but...
The idea that systems and governments would be best when they're a mish-mash of ideas is an ideology in and of itself. There is no such thing as an idea that came out of nowhere: all ideas are creative mish-mashes and transformations of ideas (and experiences) that came before, and so are ideologies! To accept that pure ideologies exist, or that ideologies consistently applied in and of themselves lead to terrible things, is implicitly contradictory.
I'd disagree in that libertarians are not trading big government with big business. Rather, big government and big business have colluded to increase their powers. The FDA, for example, has a massive revolving-door issue with big pharma. The regulations on automobiles are headed by the same people who make automobiles for two reasons: 1. it makes them look good in the eyes of the public because they care about safety or something 2. they create oppressive regulation that their huge capital structures and economies of scale can deal with but that smaller businesses and competitors cannot. Strip away the power of the state to regulate through force, and big business has no engine to drive their cronyist, corporatist schemes. The idea of a natural business monopoly, moreover, is ahistorical (except in the case of the state, unfortunately!) and, where they do, they serve the consumer well or soon lose their power to new competitors: https://mises.org/library/myth-natural-monopoly
Here's two YT vids I drew from to write my posts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZa_f626r_Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IqUqHYKrGE

Thank you for your thought :D


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
1, 2 and 3 I like all the starters.

4 I don't like any of the starters.

5 and 7 I like two of the three.

And 6 I only like one.

I now realize I haven't liked the Fire starter since Gen 3, which is so crazy to me since it's one of my two favourite types. Even crazier is there's only one Grass starter I don't like, and it's one of my least favourite types. What is life sometimes.

Deleted member

So here's a fun little activity I thought up. I call it the "Personalized Smash Bros." game.

Basically, with this game, you pick your five favorite Nintendo franchises and fill Smash 4's roster with just games from that franchise. This would allow for characters who wouldn't get in any other way, theoretically, and should in theory be different depending on each person, hence the "personal" moniker.

As a bonus, you can still include the third party characters, since it may be harder to get 58 characters otherwise. They won't count toward your five series. I said five Nintendo franchises, after all. :p

I'll post mine in a bit.

Edit: ...No, you can't pick Smash as one of the five series. No loopholes. :p
  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Peach
  4. Bowser
  5. Yoshi
  6. Rosalina
  7. Bowser Jr.
  8. Wario
  9. Dr. Mario
  10. Toad
  11. Waluigi
  1. Donkey Kong
  2. Diddy Kong
  3. Dixie Kong
  4. Cranky Kong
  5. King K. Rool
  6. Brash the Friggin' Bear
  1. Link
  2. Zelda
  3. Sheik
  4. Ganondorf
  5. Toon Link
  6. Tetra
  7. Impa
  8. Pig Ganon
  9. Ghirahim
  1. Marth
  2. Sigurd
  3. Roy
  4. Hector
  5. Lyn
  6. Ephraim
  7. Ike
  8. Robin
  9. Lucina
  10. Corrin
  1. Shulk
  2. Fiora
  3. Reyn
  4. Dunban
  5. Melia
  6. Riki
  7. Sharla
  8. Elma
  9. Cross
  10. Lin
  11. Lao
Third Party
  1. Snake
  2. Simon
  3. Sonic
  4. Bayonetta
  5. Mega Man
  6. Zero
  7. Ryu
  8. Pac-Man
  9. Cloud
  10. Terra
  11. Crash


Feb 18, 2009
1645 words in 'bout 1 hour ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Peach
  4. Bowser
  5. Yoshi
  6. Rosalina
  7. Bowser Jr.
  8. Wario
  9. Dr. Mario
  10. Toad
  11. Waluigi
  1. Donkey Kong
  2. Diddy Kong
  3. Dixie Kong
  4. Cranky Kong
  5. King K. Rool
  6. Brash the Friggin' Bear
  1. Link
  2. Zelda
  3. Sheik
  4. Ganondorf
  5. Toon Link
  6. Tetra
  7. Impa
  8. Pig Ganon
  9. Ghirahim
  1. Marth
  2. Sigurd
  3. Roy
  4. Hector
  5. Lyn
  6. Ephraim
  7. Ike
  8. Robin
  9. Lucina
  10. Corrin
  1. Shulk
  2. Fiora
  3. Reyn
  4. Dunban
  5. Melia
  6. Riki
  7. Sharla
  8. Elma
  9. Cross
  10. Lin
  11. Lao
Third Party
  1. Snake
  2. Simon
  3. Sonic
  4. Bayonetta
  5. Mega Man
  6. Zero
  7. Ryu
  8. Pac-Man
  9. Cloud
  10. Terra
  11. Crash
I love that you have both Crash and Brash in Smash.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
After my first run of gen 2, in which I picked Totodile, I picked Cyndaquil and for 3 gens after that I picked the fire starters

But only Typhlosion I still pick when I have the option upon playing again. Especially in gen IV where the fire monkey is by far my least favorite of the 3. Even though I just previous said I liked them all in that gen


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
So, apparently it's been decided that I will get Litten while my brother will get Popplio and my mother will get Rowlet, as I like Incineroar's personality and whatnot. Either way, I think I may have decided my team for Pokemon Moon as well, but that will depend on which Pokemon are exclusive to Moon. Also, do people still have those lists of which Pokemon are on which islands?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Totally forgot that Third Parties were also acceptable in addition to the 5 series in Opossum Opossum 's game lol.
Last edited:


Sep 12, 2014
So, apparently it's been decided that I will get Litten while my brother will get Popplio and my mother will get Rowlet, as I like Incineroar's personality and whatnot. Either way, I think I may have decided my team for Pokemon Moon as well, but that will depend on which Pokemon are exclusive to Moon. Also, do people still have those lists of which Pokemon are on which islands?
Here you go. https://twitter.com/KazoWAR/status/789067224137039872


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
It's not really confirmed for now, but it's going to be pretty strange for an iconic character like Mario to not have Charles Martinet play him anymore.

Hopefully this is just a rumor or mistake.

Oh my god...I started to read your post and for a second I thought of the worst...glad it wasn't what I thought. I also hope it is just a rumor or a tasteless joke...his voice is amazing.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
It's not really confirmed for now, but it's going to be pretty strange for an iconic character like Mario to not have Charles Martinet play him anymore.

Hopefully this is just a rumor or mistake.

Could be related to the video game voice actor strike that's going on. But then again, Nintendo isn't one of the companies this strike is associated with.

I just can't imagine the company dropping Charles that fast. Who's going to give Wario that powerful voice? Or give Waluigi that perfect impersonation of a cheater?
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