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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Deleted member

It would as it's a gun and a cannon. Steel would be more fitting, but Fire works great too

I see this thing becoming more of a supporter based on movepull tbh. And if that happens, loltaunt
It just needs special STABs, and it WILL learn at least Dazzling Gleam and Surf
And I'm assuming worst case scenario because it's not all Fairies that learn Moonblast(or even Dazzling Gleam for that matter)

EVs: 252HP/252Atk/4Def
Item: Light Clay
Surf/Dazzling Gleam/Aurora Veil/[input any move it can learn here]
I really hope it does get Wish or Heal Bell so it can work as a team healer too
Wait? It's confirmed that Entermaid/Sirene will have Serene Grace?
No, it's just speculation
It does make sense but I'm pretty sure the starters will all have new HAs just like the Kalos ones


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Wait? It's confirmed that Entermaid/Sirene will have Serene Grace?
I want it to just so people can't ignore its viability.

EVs in HP is better.

Aurora Veil could have some use in Doubles though.

AV / Scald / Ice Beam (or Fairy-type move) and Protect... lol
In hindsight yes.
It's been since early Gen 5 since I did compeitiv stuff so I kind forgot how much effective HP is calculated by defenses anymore.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Things that killed the Wii U:

-Silly name that not only sounded like the anti-thesis of cool, but was misleading to consumers (they though it was a peripheral for the Wii).

-Silly marketing style from the Wii era was kept for almost every major release for TV commericals and the like (unrealistically happy suburban family play games in the living room, ultimately not telling you much about the actual game itself). Sure, you had Nintendo Directs and online trailers that told you a bit more, but the majority of consumers don't see those. Marketing overall just wasn't as aggressive as the competition.

-GamePad. I personally like it, but other than Off-TV Play, it wasn't utilised much. Which is even more jarring when you realise that it was probably pushing the price of the system up by at least $100. It wasn't THAT much cheaper than the competition, meaning it didn't have the "weaker but cheaper system for the kids and casuals" edge that the Wii had.

-Underpowered and unorthodox, making it hard to develop for, resulting in a lack of third party support.

-Lack of a launch line-up

-Even when the Wii U was going stronger than usual, a lot of the games it had were missing core features that previous installments had, making you think twice about shelling out $60 for a new installment in a franchise when you might already have a better alternative for cheaper, or they just lacked industry standard features. Mario Kart 8 lacked a proper Battle Mode and had a less compelling character roster (not counting the DLC because that's MORE money), Smash Wii U lacked compelling single-player content (even the 3DS version does much better at this, with Smash Run and a MUCH better Classic Mode - and it's cheaper and portable to boot) and has a bad online mode (better than Brawl, but still lacking compared to other systems and their games), Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash needs no explanation...
...And hell, even the games that are perfectly fine on the Wii U, generally lacked a "wow" factor. Like yeah, I love 3D World, it's a really solid and fun game. But it has no real spectacle at all to it. You're going from a killer app like Galaxy that made you say "I ****ING NEED TO BUY A WII NOW", to "oh hey it's a fun little Mario game I can play with friends sometimes, cool I might get that sometime". Very, very few Wii U games really had a wow factor to them, especially in Nintendo's established franchises. The only ones I can think of are Smash (but purely on the basis of the roster, once you get past that, it's actually quite a lacking installment - plus the 3DS version has the exact same roster anyway), and Hyrule Warriors. Maybe Splatoon as well. Everything else is just there.
Perfectly put.

The only thing I slightly disagree with is 3D World's lack of spectacle. Then again, that could just be me, but I was blown away by how gorgeous that game was, especially certain levels (Sprawling Savannah, the circus levels, the pagoda level, and the final Bowser fight come to mind). But then again, my idea of spectacle is probably different from most's. :p


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I want it to just so people can't ignore its viability.
No, thats just speculation/ hopeful thinking

Also, I like the name Entermaid. I dunno why, but Ima name mine Entermaid if thats not Popplio3's evos name.
No, it's just speculation
It does make sense but I'm pretty sure the starters will all have new HAs just like the Kalos ones
Oh, okay. I wasn't quite paying attention to the posts while catching up.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
I don't know how this got on my feed and I'm too lazy to find out
But I am grateful
There are times when you look at the Internet and see that the Internet is a horrible place, but stuff like this is the reason why at the same time, the Internet is a wonderful thing. Why must I have this love/hate relationship with you, Internet?
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Would a fire type Remoraid/Octillery make sense?
It would as it's a gun and a cannon. Steel would be more fitting, but Fire works great too

I see this thing becoming more of a supporter based on movepull tbh. And if that happens, loltaunt
Fire and Steel could certainly work for Octillary, with remoraid pure fire.

Give remoraid a red war helmet look, and Octillirly gets the helmet, then gets a steel like coloring to it's tentacles. It's snout becomes more canon looking, and he could still have the red body.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
@Mandal ok so, Prisim crashed because they encountered a roaming legendary so they put up pinball. Got fixed a moment ago, crashed again and pinball up Again

I just want PBR back
I actually forgot Prism again lol, I only returned when they accidentally made Azumarill shiny.
I miss PBR too tbh.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Things that killed the Wii U:

-Silly name that not only sounded like the anti-thesis of cool, but was misleading to consumers (they though it was a peripheral for the Wii).

-Silly marketing style from the Wii era was kept for almost every major release for TV commericals and the like (unrealistically happy suburban family play games in the living room, ultimately not telling you much about the actual game itself). Sure, you had Nintendo Directs and online trailers that told you a bit more, but the majority of consumers don't see those. Marketing overall just wasn't as aggressive as the competition.

-GamePad. I personally like it, but other than Off-TV Play, it wasn't utilised much. Which is even more jarring when you realise that it was probably pushing the price of the system up by at least $100. It wasn't THAT much cheaper than the competition, meaning it didn't have the "weaker but cheaper system for the kids and casuals" edge that the Wii had.

-Underpowered and unorthodox, making it hard to develop for, resulting in a lack of third party support.

-Lack of a launch line-up

-Even when the Wii U was going stronger than usual, a lot of the games it had were missing core features that previous installments had, making you think twice about shelling out $60 for a new installment in a franchise when you might already have a better alternative for cheaper, or they just lacked industry standard features. Mario Kart 8 lacked a proper Battle Mode and had a less compelling character roster (not counting the DLC because that's MORE money), Smash Wii U lacked compelling single-player content (even the 3DS version does much better at this, with Smash Run and a MUCH better Classic Mode - and it's cheaper and portable to boot) and has a bad online mode (better than Brawl, but still lacking compared to other systems and their games), Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash needs no explanation...
...And hell, even the games that are perfectly fine on the Wii U, generally lacked a "wow" factor. Like yeah, I love 3D World, it's a really solid and fun game. But it has no real spectacle at all to it. You're going from a killer app like Galaxy that made you say "I ****ING NEED TO BUY A WII NOW", to "oh hey it's a fun little Mario game I can play with friends sometimes, cool I might get that sometime". Very, very few Wii U games really had a wow factor to them, especially in Nintendo's established franchises. The only ones I can think of are Smash (but purely on the basis of the roster, once you get past that, it's actually quite a lacking installment - plus the 3DS version has the exact same roster anyway), and Hyrule Warriors. Maybe Splatoon as well. Everything else is just there.
Going to compare what we've seen of the Switch so far to these points because why not.

>Name is a bit silly, but says exactly what it is on the tin instead of doing the exact opposite and being confusing

>Marketing so far still shows people playing games in unrealistic ways, but actually shows examples of the games involved and focuses more on the individual than the family

>Pad IS the system, so the "overpriced controller" element is gone. Price still TBD

>Some things indicate that the Switch is likely at least able to handle some ports from other systems without too many problems

>Launch lineup likely contains some of the best selling franchises Nintendo has to offer so far in a direct contrast to the Wii U lineup. Some may potentially be brought over versions of the most successful fare the Wii U had to offer, but with content added to justify a purchase to someone who has already obtained them on the Wii U.

>This one is the only one I really can't speculate on since so little footage of anything is shown

So far it doesn't seem to fix every last element of each of your criticisms, but overall also seems to improve or at least sidestep in some fashion or another on everything that can be reasonably observed.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
The Gamepad wasn't bad so much as "it cost too much to replace" as the problem. You could use other controllers without issues as is. It's pretty comfortable and workable overall.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Perfectly put.

The only thing I slightly disagree with is 3D World's lack of spectacle. Then again, that could just be me, but I was blown away by how gorgeous that game was, especially certain levels (Sprawling Savannah, the circus levels, the pagoda level, and the final Bowser fight come to mind). But then again, my idea of spectacle is probably different from most's. :p
Don't get me wrong, I loved all of those bits too.

But what I mean by spectacle is just the overall tone and feel of the game. It's a lot more linear than past 3D Mario games, it has less story, context, and atmosphere than any other 3D Mario game, the levels just feel way smaller and fleeting, and there's even a time limit that pushes you forward so you can't stop and smell the roses even if you want to. The game is fun, but for most, it's not as memorable, partly because you have to blow through everything a bit quicker. And it really shouldn't have been that way if Nintendo were serious about using a 3D Mario game to push the new system.

Even little things like the way Rosalina is unlocked are just done in a way that's really quick and fleeting. You unlock her randomly in the second level of the secret post game world. OK, but why? Why not the LAST level of the post game world, wouldn't that make more sense, leave more room to build up to it? What makes it even more jarring is the particular level where Rosalina is unlocked has this fairly noticeable difficulty spike from those before it and after it. And when you do unlock her, there isn't really a special cutscene for it or anything. She just floats there at the end of the level, and then you get a very plain looking message telling you that you can now play as her when you return to the World Map. The out of game promotional material did a good job of hyping her up, but I remember just being underwhelmed by how she's presented to you in-game when you unlock her. It's done in a way where you have to be an established fan of the character to get excited, and even then, you feel let down by the reveal...in contrast to Galaxy, which presented the character in a way that would easily make you take interest, despite the fact she wasn't established before that game, and wasn't even playable.

It's just little things like that. 3D World is super fun to play and does a number of things better than other games in the series, but it's like it doesn't care to let you see how great it is sometimes, if that makes any sense? By contrast, the entirety of Galaxy felt like a bold statement of greatness.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Don't get me wrong, I loved all of those bits too.

But what I mean by spectacle is just the overall tone and feel of the game. It's a lot more linear than past 3D Mario games, it has less story, context, and atmosphere than any other 3D Mario game, the levels just feel way smaller and fleeting, and there's even a time limit that pushes you forward so you can't stop and smell the roses even if you want to. The game is fun, but for most, it's not as memorable, partly because you have to blow through everything a bit quicker. And it really shouldn't have been that way if Nintendo were serious about using a 3D Mario game to push the new system.

Even little things like the way Rosalina is unlocked are just done in a way that's really quick and fleeting. You unlock her randomly in the second level of the secret post game world. OK, but why? Why not the LAST level of the post game world, wouldn't that make more sense, leave more room to build up to it? What makes it even more jarring is the particular level where Rosalina is unlocked has this fairly noticeable difficulty spike from those before it and after it. And when you do unlock her, there isn't really a special cutscene for it or anything. She just floats there at the end of the level, and then you get a very plain looking message telling you that you can now play as her when you return to the World Map. The out of game promotional material did a good job of hyping her up, but I remember just being underwhelmed by how she's presented to you in-game when you unlock her. It's done in a way where you have to be an established fan of the character to get excited, and even then, you feel let down by the reveal...in contrast to Galaxy, which presented the character in a way that would easily make you take interest, despite the fact she wasn't established before that game, and wasn't even playable.

It's just little things like that. 3D World is super fun to play and does a number of things better than other games in the series, but it's like it doesn't care to let you see how great it is sometimes, if that makes any sense? By contrast, the entirety of Galaxy felt like a bold statement of greatness.
You know, I never really thought about it like that before. Huh. Definitely makes sense though. And yeah, I definitely agree Galaxy was more "grand" over all.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I'm going to dissect the problems with some Wii U games by series (but mostly focusing on the biggest projects):

:4mario: Super Mario 3D World didn't make as equally big impact compared to the Galaxy games, plus Paper Mario Color Splash was still not what fans want. Super Mario Maker lost its exclusivity.
:4yoshi: Yoshi's Woolly World wasn't a must own and lost its exclusivity
:4wario: Game & Wario was "Tech Demo: The Game"
:4link: It's biggest projects were either enhanced ports of GameCube games or not exclusive to the console (Hyrule Warriors & Breath of the Wild)
:4falcon: Just a Nintendo Land tech demo
:4fox: Star Fox Zero was WAY too much of a controller gimmick even after fans demanded it gone. SF Guard was just an unrelated tech demo
:4samus: Nintendo Land only
:4kirby: The only game was just a sequel to a DS game that plays nothing like the traditional platformers
:4marth: The Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei crossover was absolutely nothing the fans expected or wanted
:4pikachu: No signs of the new characters in Pokkén Tournament
:4villager: Instead of a traditional AC game, all we got was a sub-par party "game" where its main focus was "YO DAWG! BUY ALL THE AMIIBO figures!"
:4wiifit: Not the system seller it use to be plus it gave away an number of free copies which hurt sales
:4sonic: Lost Worlds lost it exclusivity and also released a game that somehow became just as bad if not worse than Sonic '06
:4pacman: Forgettable platformers based off a disliked TV series (this one however is unrelated to the Wii U's fall)
:4littlemac::4pit::4ryu::4cloud: Missing in action
:4ness::4duckhunt::4rob::4gaw: Inactive series
:4dk::4olimar::4bayonetta: Actually got something good
:4shulk: Don't know much about XCX so can someone fill me on its fate.

Feel free to critique me on this.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
:4link: It's biggest projects were either enhanced ports of GameCube games or not exclusive to the console (Hyrule Warriors & Breath of the Wild)
The only major thing I'd have to disagree with here is Hyrule Warriors. Yes, it made it's way onto 3DS, and it's technically the better version...if you play on a New 3DS. Legends on a regular 3DS is horrible, though. And the New 3DS wasn't exactly super popular either.

Plus, Hyrule Warriors on Wii U is just absolutely gorgeous to look at. That alone will make most consumers want the Wii U version over the 3DS one (which looks nice but even compared to some other big 3DS games, doesn't have amazing visuals). So it has an edge the 3DS version does not.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Finally fixed Sonic Utopia and got to actually play it.

It's a really solid fan game. It incorporates a lot of ideas I want in a 3D Sonic game. Add in parkour and a limited boost, and it'll be my ideal 3D Sonic. Sonic controls great and rolling is very fun.

With that said, I did feel a bit of motion sickness playing it. Seeing the grass texture in Green Hill did not help in that regard. The aesthetics aren't bad, they're just very bright. I honestly prefer how Green Hill Paradise looks, which is probably the only thing that fan game does better (not that GHP is bad, Utopia is just much better).

Overall, I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait to see it grow.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I dunno if the wow factor is much of a thing for me anymore...

ChikoLad ChikoLad

I think we're honestly in the same boat with this one. Neither of us are wowed very often anymore are we?

Like, I still love games and I play them all the time but I haven't been wowed since I was in high school.

I've had fun. I've played tons of games that would go in my favorites list since then, but I just lost that wow feeling.

Maybe I'm just too old.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
I'm going to dissect the problems with some Wii U games by series (but mostly focusing on the biggest projects):

:4mario: Super Mario 3D World didn't make as equally big impact compared to the Galaxy games, plus Paper Mario Color Splash was still not what fans want. Super Mario Maker lost its exclusivity.
:4yoshi: Yoshi's Woolly World wasn't a must own and lost its exclusivity
:4wario: Game & Wario was "Tech Demo: The Game"
:4link: It's biggest projects were either enhanced ports of GameCube games or not exclusive to the console (Hyrule Warriors & Breath of the Wild)
:4falcon: Just a Nintendo Land tech demo
:4fox: Star Fox Zero was WAY too much of a controller gimmick even after fans demanded it gone. SF Guard was just an unrelated tech demo
:4samus: Nintendo Land only
:4kirby: The only game was just a sequel to a DS game that plays nothing like the traditional platformers
:4marth: The Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei crossover was absolutely nothing the fans expected or wanted
:4pikachu: No signs of the new characters in Pokkén Tournament
:4villager: Instead of a traditional AC game, all we got was a sub-par party "game" where its main focus was "YO DAWG! BUY ALL THE AMIIBO figures!"
:4wiifit: Not the system seller it use to be plus it gave away an number of free copies which hurt sales
:4sonic: Lost Worlds lost it exclusivity and also released a game that somehow became just as bad if not worse than Sonic '06
:4pacman: Forgettable platformers based off a disliked TV series (this one however is unrelated to the Wii U's fall)
:4littlemac::4pit::4ryu::4cloud: Missing in action
:4ness::4duckhunt::4rob::4gaw: Inactive series
:4dk::4olimar::4bayonetta: Actually got something good
:4shulk: Don't know much about XCX so can someone fill me on its fate.

Feel free to critique me on this.
The only thing in XCX that was worst than XC was the story, everything else was better,But I do prefer Shulk over Elma
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Element of Kindness
Jul 19, 2010
School of Friendship
Odd, as I said, I left bred mawile's in there till I got my subscription again a few months ago. I first got it a few months after XY.

And I see claims that bank deleted people's mons, but never seen proof. I don't get why'd it happen to some, and not all.
They never stated how long it needed to be before they were removed. But I wouldn't risk having my Pokemon in the bank too long in case they do get deleted.. their to valuable for getting BP :lol:

Also because I saw it mentioned.. 252 HP and splitting the rest in defense and Sp defense is actually better than 252 in both Defense and Sp defense with 4 in HP. The first one is my preferred Stat distribution for bulky Pokemon :lol:
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Aetheri Aetheri your Jangmo-o art is so beautiful Ive just seen it omg.
What other pokemon have you considered to do? or is that a secret? :p
Thanks! I have a few on my mind but most of the time I just do it on the spot if inspiration comes to me...

I was in the middle of working on something inspired by my Black version playthrough that I need to go back and finish...

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
The only thing in XCX that was worst than XC was the story, everything else was better,But I do prefer Shulk over Elma
Disagree. Enemy layout. At the beginning of the game, you have to stealth because you'd otherwise fight monsters twice as strong as you, especially Noctilum. The game doesn't explain ENOUGH of what you have to do. I didn't know I could earn more credits by doing something with probes, and I STILL don't know how to get Miridium. The Affinity Quest at the beginning for Lin is bull**** because you need rare drops. Hell, ANY quest with rare drops is bull**** as it doesn't tell you WHERE you can find it. One of the last bosses becomes immune to physical or ranged attacks at will, and you can BARELY tell. And don't get me started on that final boss. Still enjoyed the game

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Finally fixed Sonic Utopia and got to actually play it.

It's a really solid fan game. It incorporates a lot of ideas I want in a 3D Sonic game. Add in parkour and a limited boost, and it'll be my ideal 3D Sonic. Sonic controls great and rolling is very fun.

With that said, I did feel a bit of motion sickness playing it. Seeing the grass texture in Green Hill did not help in that regard. The aesthetics aren't bad, they're just very bright. I honestly prefer how Green Hill Paradise looks, which is probably the only thing that fan game does better (not that GHP is bad, Utopia is just much better).

Overall, I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait to see it grow.
Sonic Utopia is pretty fun, and with professional polish I'd def love to play a full game of it


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
Disagree. Enemy layout. At the beginning of the game, you have to stealth because you'd otherwise fight monsters twice as strong as you, especially Noctilum.
That was a thing in the original as well, it doesn't matter either way because you don't lose anything by dying.
The game doesn't explain ENOUGH of what you have to do. I didn't know I could earn more credits by doing something with probes, and I STILL don't know how to get Miridium.
That was explained in the probe tutorial.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I dunno if the wow factor is much of a thing for me anymore...

ChikoLad ChikoLad

I think we're honestly in the same boat with this one. Neither of us are wowed very often anymore are we?

Like, I still love games and I play them all the time but I haven't been wowed since I was in high school.

I've had fun. I've played tons of games that would go in my favorites list since then, but I just lost that wow feeling.

Maybe I'm just too old.
I still get wowed by games, both old and new, but it's a lot harder to do than when I was a kid. And I just feel Nintendo didn't do much of it this gen. Though to be fair, neither have Sony or Microsoft, until very recently.

In my case, my life admittedly kind of revolves around video games, for better or for worse. I have wanted to become a developer since I was young, and still aim to. Most of the merchandise and t-shirts and other tat I buy, are video game related. As a result, I tend to view games from a variety of different viewpoints, like as both a consumer and as an aspiring developer, and more. Sometimes, that helps how impressive something is to me. Like, there are some games I have no interest in playing, but I appreciate the time and effort that must have been put into them.

Really, I'd personally want someone to slap me silly if I ever stop being impressed by some games. Because that would be the day I probably have fallen into actual depression.


Sep 12, 2014
Hah, apparently Labirynth Zone is hidden in Sonic Utopia (in Green Hill's level, it's not a separate level sort of thing).

On Xenoblade:

I really enjoyed X, I liked the "you're on your own" aspect which led me to experiment a lot with the game (though tbh a lot of stuff in the game is explained people just don't know where to look or read). I did run into some issues with bosses (chapter 8 was one), I thought the final boss was pretty alright, I didn't have an issue with it since I had a great build on-foot. I did hate the ambushing enemies, especially in Noctilum where a majority of them involved spiders.

I feel like if I played OG Xenoblade now I'll be weirded out by it.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I still get wowed by games, both old and new, but it's a lot harder to do than when I was a kid. And I just feel Nintendo didn't do much of it this gen. Though to be fair, neither have Sony or Microsoft, until very recently.

In my case, my life admittedly kind of revolves around video games, for better or for worse. I have wanted to become a developer since I was young, and still aim to. Most of the merchandise and t-shirts and other tat I buy, are video game related. As a result, I tend to view games from a variety of different viewpoints, like as both a consumer and as an aspiring developer, and more. Sometimes, that helps how impressive something is to me. Like, there are some games I have no interest in playing, but I appreciate the time and effort that must have been put into them.

Really, I'd personally want someone to slap me silly if I ever stop being impressed by some games. Because that would be the day I probably have fallen into actual depression.
It's less of me not finding things impressive. I do and I've played so much I have a good grasp on game design.

It's just... The magic feeling is gone. And that's happened in all forms of media for me.

I still get tons of enjoyment out of things, but its not this feeling of pure joy anymore.

If that makes sense.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
The only thing in XCX that was worst than XC was the story, everything else was better,But I do prefer Shulk over Elma
I largeely disagree.
Combat felt more garbled up, the class system was very poorly handled. You get a cast of like 20 allies but 2 are required to fill 3 of your slots for EVERY story mission so you're only hurting yourself to not always have them in your group.
Actual character development and felt importance of people gets CRIPPLED because of this.
Enemy placement is a LOT more screwed up.
Most of the races feel incredibly tacked on for Sci-fi factor.
Your playable character will become just a better version of whatever characters are in the same class as you.
Your level cap is at 60! When things you come across far before endgame push well into 80s and beyond. And Xenoblade level scaling is EXPONENTIAL for difficulty.

Hell, the only three big improvements are the Follow Orb, ability to trade things for quest items, and overall mobility.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
That was a thing in the original as well, it doesn't matter either way because you don't lose anything by dying. That was explained in the probe tutorial.
In XCX it's a LOT more common, and XC is structured in a more linear way. Again, Noctilum was ****ing obnoxious. You DO lose something when dying. Two things in fact! Your TP gauge which you could have spent some time trying to build up to activate Shadow Runner or whatever the stealth Art was called and your patience if the enemies are so strong and THAT close together.
In the original game, I could go to the handy dandy tutorial section to learn anything I needed to, how to use arts, how to play the characters and more. I couldn't find ANYTHING for Miridium in there.
Oh, and another thing. There's a glitch in XCX that gets you stuck in the Affinity Chart, being unable to quit it and save. I had that happen to me after a 3 hour session. Did they ever patch that?


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
:4shulk: Don't know much about XCX so can someone fill me on its fate.
Depending on who you ask it's either great at worst or it's disappointing at best.
I'm in the latter. Only things I liked were gameplay improvements (mainly the mobility and some extra HUD info (position in relation to the enemy)) and fashion gear so I didn't have to sacrifice my ability to fight in order to have a suit.


Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
Would a fire type Remoraid/Octillery make sense?
Imo, if you give at least remoraid a slight redesign, yes, and it has great amounts of potential to it! By slight redesign, i mean it goes from looking like a pistol, to looking like a flamethrower.
As for Octillery, you could upgrade it from a regular cannon to one that shoots incendiary shells, per se.
So it could shoot fiery rocks from it's cannon-like mouth, kind of like Zelda's Octoroks.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
Disagree. Enemy layout. At the beginning of the game, you have to stealth because you'd otherwise fight monsters twice as strong as you, especially Noctilum. The game doesn't explain ENOUGH of what you have to do. I didn't know I could earn more credits by doing something with probes, and I STILL don't know how to get Miridium. The Affinity Quest at the beginning for Lin is bull**** because you need rare drops. Hell, ANY quest with rare drops is bull**** as it doesn't tell you WHERE you can find it. One of the last bosses becomes immune to physical or ranged attacks at will, and you can BARELY tell. And don't get me started on that final boss. Still enjoyed the game
I only agree with them not tell you enough from the beginning. the only way for you to know if you watch the videos Nintendo released before that game came out. The rare drops are better in this game than XC, it takes me 8-12 hours to find them XC vs the 20-30 minutes in XCX and this is even worst if you're trying to find a rare monster that only comes out on a certain weather type it takes forever to find them in XC. I had no problem with the last boss until the last two phases. The enemy placement was annoying but not in Noctilum but Sylvalum though


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
It's less of me not finding things impressive. I do and I've played so much I have a good grasp on game design.

It's just... The magic feeling is gone. And that's happened in all forms of media for me.

I still get tons of enjoyment out of things, but its not this feeling of pure joy anymore.

If that makes sense.
It makes sense. Lots of people get that way. Could be age. Could be fatigue. Could be the fact they have more responsibilities, giving them less time to truly immerse themselves in fictional worlds and characters. Or even just the simple knowledge of how things are made can kill the magic.

I have gotten that way with some things. Hell, it's very rare for me to get truly invested in a movie or TV show these days. The only TV show I keep up with is South Park. And I guess One-Punch Man, now, if it counts.

But there are still things that capture me, mostly in video games.

I don't know if you're looking for advice on the subject, but if you are, the best thing I can suggest is going back to some things that captured you before and seeing if they still do. Or maybe think about the things that resonate most with you in life (things like love, family, politics...anything really), and find media that really goes into those subjects, and maybe you'll connect to it in some way.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
:4shulk: Don't know much about XCX so can someone fill me on its fate.
Shulk and co.'s story ended in XC;
Xenoblade X is a different but very good game too, with a cool story and great overworld and music.
The first one is still superior (specially in the character department) but this one stands up for itself as one of the best Wii U games anyway.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
They should make a mega Mantine with it's remoraids back

Edit: Or maybe even an octillary
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Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
So basically Eventhubs posted an article about how a possible SSBM port with HD graphics and online play would be a good idea. Now I'm not an expert, but I find that very concept to be a poor decision for Nintendo, since competitive players wouldn't play it due to the one version having been used for years now and casuals wouldn't get it because of the lesser graphics and roster. But how about all of you? How would you feel about a Melee port?
If it's compatible with Gamecube controllers and different in graphics and online capabilities only the competitive scene will be all over it. But you're right, the casuals would be drawn to the games with the larger rosters and prettier visuals. And since the competitive scene is but a tiny sliver of Smash's total audience, I don't see Nintendo investing in a Melee port any time soon.

Personally I'd rather get an enhanced Smash 4 port or just wait the time for Smash 5. If I wanted to play Melee I'd just play Melee.

Deleted member

Talk of reasons Wii U failed?

The name isn't discernible enough from Wii
"Wii", "Wii U". On one side you might say that "Well, Super Nintendo wasn't that different from Nintendo Entertainment System.", but that is in fact wrong. It isn't merely that Wii is quite similar in name to Wii U, it's that "U" isn't discernible enough on it's own. It also applies that letter after "Wii" and not before "Wii". A word like "Super" stands out far more as it implies whatever it is is far better.

So what this did was it made the casual audience think of the thing as nothing more than an add-on, and it really didn't help the system was so similar in design to Wii that even if a parent is looking at the box, they're gonna think it's just an add-on tablet for the system, thus losing a huge chunk of profits from the mass unsuspecting audience.

The system is too much and it's gimmick is undesirable with the way it was executed
With a price very unlike Nintendo, 350$, for the only SKU of the console anyone would actually want, it threw off the lower income audience that Nintendo thrived on last generation with Wii at 250$. Not only that, but the gimmick itself didn't revolutionize gaming in the same way motion controls did. Motion controls promised the idea that you were interacting with the video game as if it were real life, something every gamer dreamed about and any casual person could take part in as anyone can flail their arms around or shake with their wrists, whereas Wii U is just a tablet lodged into a controller that offered no real benefit to the mass audience nor even the core gamer audience, whilst only adding another 100$ essentially to the system's cost to users.

The execution was terrible as well as you could only have one tablet, thus the innovation of last-gen where anyone could jump in was lost and it was only exclusive to that one happy camper who gets the Game Pad. The streaming tech was nice, but with the range it could only be used in a limited amount of ways for most people, and even at that, streaming games to a big controller is only gonna appeal to a small amount of people as most people want to enjoy their games on their TVs. Not only this, but the controller is heavy, large, and is more of a nuisance than a boon for simply just playing video games. They gave us options with a Pro Controller, which is what people were wanting, but some games couldn't use it, and some games cannot even boot (Shovel Knight of all things!) without the Game Pad, despite the games not needing it. You can't even change your system settings without it, and initially you couldn't even purchase things from the eShop without a Game Pad.

All in all, the execution of this idea was completely flawed and I'm glad the Switch did it correctly.

The system lacks power
Now although this won't bug everyone, it'll still make people hesitant to purchase said product if last-gen systems like Xbox 360 and PS3, which sold quite a bit, it can't very well out perform at any noticeable level. The Wii got away with this because the remote was such a strong enough gimmick for it to work, and when the gimmick doesn't work, you get Wii U.

The account system and OS are prehistoric
NNIDs are non transferable with the Wii U unless you have two Wii Us present, you cannot simply just take your NNID to another system and play on it like you can with a Gamerag or PSN ID. So what this does is, let's say you want to play a game with a friend at their house and not have to drag your system over and play on theirs, you will miss out on unlocking certain things in games or achievements because you can't simply connect to the network and download your profile. Not only this, but if you sell your Wii U, you're pretty much SoL if you want your games back if you buy a new system later unless you send that very console to Nintendo and ask them to put your NNID on there with your games. It really is just...so archaic by design.

The OS locks System Settings and certain games to the Game Pad, despite the very fact that you can use multiple controllers in said games as stated earlier, but we also also have some very anti quality of life messaging on this system. You have to hit the menu, boot into Miiverse which take several seconds, THEN go to direct messages and send a message on their Miiverse, you can't just simply message someone easy by hitting the Home button like you can on any other system of this gen, and PS3 and 360 of last gen. Talking with people you meet is a chore, there is no real way to voice chat conveniently outside of a app where you have to video chat via a Game Pad in face. No party system, no private chat system, no nothing.

You can't play music files, you can't play video files, your only options are basic streaming apps that are just the accepted norm on any modern device these days.

Last note
So yeah, I kinda wrote a lot here but I felt it neccesary to really get across why this system failed. It lacks everything desirable about a system outside of having some really good first party titles.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
So basically Eventhubs posted an article about how a possible SSBM port with HD graphics and online play would be a good idea. Now I'm not an expert, but I find that very concept to be a poor decision for Nintendo, since competitive players wouldn't play it due to the one version having been used for years now and casuals wouldn't get it because of the lesser graphics and roster. But how about all of you? How would you feel about a Melee port?
Please no Melee HD. There's literally no point in doing that when we can have Smash 4 Switch port with additional characters and features. Having two Smash Bros games on the market makes no sense. Even more so when you consider the fact that Melee HD would feature a heavily downgraded roster and would only serve to appease the competitive community who would still find a way to complain about the game.

Just have a Gamecube VC and release Melee on it with HD graphics. There's no need for it to be a separate game.
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