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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC

Masuda: "Mr. Sakurai, these are the concept drawings of the Pokémon Sun & Moon starters showing their attributes and attacks, personally I would reccommend you the grass starter due its potential and to balance the rost-
Sakurai: "I want the cat"
Masuda: "But you even haven't fully checked the other ones yet."
Sakurai: "I like cats."

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I'm done, life is no more worth living anymore.
They all said that this show was getting better, and now we have THIS?!?!
I'm done bro. Teen Titan Go is not the worst show ever made, but this is beyond lazyness.
And didn't even get Slade voice actor, whaaaaat.... as far I know, the actor is still kicking right? (If not, then tell me about it)
Lazy Titan is a better title for this show in my opinion. (And when you think about it, it's actually a good name since the Titan are, most of the time, extremely lazy)


Sep 12, 2014
Played a bit of Sonic Utopia and got kinda nauseous.

Fun game but it really ****s with my motion sickness so I doubt I'll ever touch it again.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I'm not gonna watch this, but I'm curious
I'm done, life is no more worth living anymore.
They all said that this show was getting better, and now we have THIS?!?!
I'm done bro. Teen Titan Go is not the worst show ever made, but this is beyond lazyness.
And didn't even get Slade voice actor, whaaaaat.... as far I know, the actor is still kicking right? (If not, then tell me about it)
Lazy Titan is a better title for this show in my opinion. (And when you think about it, it's actually a good name since the Titan are, most of the time, extremely lazy)

Opossum Opossum could you come up with a potential Robinroot moveset?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm not gonna watch this, but I'm curious

Opossum Opossum could you come up with a potential Robinroot moveset?
In theory yeah. I kinda wanted to wait until we knew more of its attacks though. :p For authenticity and such. I did plan on doing one though.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I'm done, life is no more worth living anymore.
They all said that this show was getting better, and now we have THIS?!?!
I'm done bro. Teen Titan Go is not the worst show ever made, but this is beyond lazyness.
And didn't even get Slade voice actor, whaaaaat.... as far I know, the actor is still kicking right? (If not, then tell me about it)
Lazy Titan is a better title for this show in my opinion. (And when you think about it, it's actually a good name since the Titan are, most of the time, extremely lazy)
Meh, I pretty much ignore TTG since about a year ago. Oh, it's bad, the creators are aware of all the criticism but wipe their ***es with it. But I've seen far more insulting adaptations and spinoffs.

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
Okay, well, here's my thoughts on which S&M pokemon could be in the next Smash.
I think Beltigre has the best chance of the starters. Why? It's a fighter, Sakurai will do anything to get another fighter in who can share a neutral b with bowser and zard.
While I do like the surfing concept for entermaid, I feel like if you make the water extend too far, it could push people back, thus making entermaid able to get easy kills (think windbox or greninja up b kills). As for Robinroot, I just don't see a character who's main aspect is archery being in smash. Inb4 Link and tink, they have other options besides the bow. This is coming from someone who does archery, it just doesn't feel right. Not to mention, thinking in my head about it, unless you took a move and redefined it's animation, robinroot and entermaid would look really weird doing aerials (aside from dair, nearly all dairs look cool).

The ones I want in most?
Passimian/one of the UB-02s.
Passimian=Diddy plus Villager. Which, tbh, sounds awesome and like a top-tier fighter.
Absorption=heavy fighter, but can use nose attacks like Corrin fsmash, giving him some good ranged attacks.
Beauty=would look super cool floating around, could be the new M2.

I would like some redos on pokemon assist trophies. Yveltal should come out and use Oblivion Wing instead of Deoxys coming out.
Giratina's Origin Forme should come out instead and preferably use a different attack this time

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Ron Perlman is still around and he'll be in Fantastic Beasts next.
hellboy 3 when

Thank you bro, I just wanted to be sure about that.
Slade will never be represented correctly in TTG for sure now. They first used him as a very porr clickbait for a episode and now, when they could have used atleast his voice actor. They just didn't?
They are really just lazy people that won't bother with detail that don't interest them. It's just ****ing awful. (My bait is that they don't want a vilain that is actually...you know, intimidating? Because kid don't want that, they want to see asshole (The Titan) beating the crap about people that are supposed being the vilain (The Hive Five). But the vilain being actually better people that then supposed the heroes!!!!
I'm just done, this show had chance, it have some good episode and joke. But really, any bad show can have 1 good moment or 1 good episode (maybe). But here?....they just jumped the shark twice.
So if there any person that like the show here.

But accept that this show isn't that great and that it have flaws. I like cartoon/movie that are not great. But I still like them and recognize their problem. So really, it's up to everyone opinion.
And in my opinion, it's garbage.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
If it meant making Bendis mad......I'd take Miles out of the Spidey title.
Two reasons why:
I have a general dislike for miles
Bendis is running things in a horrible manner, case in point, CW2. Carol has always been a favorite character of mine. Bendis is ruining her.
IMO Bendis is a two-way street. He's good when writing street level solo characters or characters that are naturally snarky. Alias, Ultimate Spider-Man, the current Jessica Jones comic, and his Iron Man run were all either pretty good or great. It's when things get larger in scale that he sucks, namely events (see Civil War II ruining Carol) and ANYTHING cosmic. There's a reason people say his Guardians of the Galaxy run is the worst in history and why many are cheering that he's leaving the title after this arc.

Deleted member

I'm done, life is no more worth living anymore.
They all said that this show was getting better, and now we have THIS?!?!
I'm done bro. Teen Titan Go is not the worst show ever made, but this is beyond lazyness.
And didn't even get Slade voice actor, whaaaaat.... as far I know, the actor is still kicking right? (If not, then tell me about it)
Lazy Titan is a better title for this show in my opinion. (And when you think about it, it's actually a good name since the Titan are, most of the time, extremely lazy)
They did an abridged version of their own show? That's actually pretty cool and maybe I could enjoy it if the guy didn't have to criticize the show every 5 seconds for parodying the original series
Like, it seems nowadays people are just trying to find excuses to hate on TTG despite it not being bad(I won't say it's good, but it's not the atrocity people call it and it does have its moments)
And I'll repeat this again: THEY. CAN'T. JUST. MAKE. ANOTHER. TEEN. TITANS. SERIES. OUT. OF. NOWHERE. This is not how this works.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I'm not gonna watch this, but I'm curious

Opossum Opossum could you come up with a potential Robinroot moveset?
I already made one but I'll edit it for Laser Focus:

Neutral B: Laser Focus
Robin Hoot dons his iconic hood, and charges his bow while his eyes glow red.
When he's done charging, a red aura accompanies him, meaning he's in Laser Focus state.

While in Laser Focus state, his Side B and Down B can be aimed in all eight directions, although in the case of Down B it means the Magical Leaves don't home in anymore.
In return, the Magical Leaves deal twice the damage.

Laser Focus also removes the need of charging Side B and Down B, as he already's readied his bow.
After he performed either Side B or Down B, Robin Hoot loses Laser Focus and goes back to normal.

If the move isn't charged all the way, Robin can fire off the arrow he charged by releasing the B button.
This arrow is not affected by gravity.

Up B: Fly
Robin Hoot flaps with his wings with each button press, up to three times, each time wielding a higher jump.
The player can tap the button three times in quick succession to go for the highest jump immediatelly, or test his opponent by stalling it.

Only the last jump makes him helpless and Rowlet can cancel the move at any time, so it's a great move for jumping around the field as well.

The move also spawns leaves under him that damage opponents, like Elwind.

Down B: Magical Leaf
Robin Hoot kneels down and readies his bow.
Robin Hoot, after a few frames of charging, then fires a magical leaf, which homes in on the opponent with incredible speed.
The leaves act like Pit's Arrows, having great speed and manoeuvreability.
The move also has multiple charge levels:

If the button is pressed, Robin Hoot quickly sheds his wings, spawning a bunch of magical leaves that travel slowly and have very small curves to them, making them perfect for controlling space directly in front of him, as the leaves only dissappear when they hit an object, shield, or opponent.
Though due to the slow speed and small curves, they're only usable to control space directly in front of Mr. Hoot, leaving quite a few blindspots.

If the move is charged all the way (Having a Pitish/Bayonettaish charge time), Rowlet's Final Evo fires five leaves in the same way as he does in the "second charge stage"

Side B: Air Cutter
Robin Hoot readies his bow and fires off... nothing.
Well, nothing is not the right word, since the movement of the bow creates a gust of wind, the same kind that the gust jar produces, that pushes opponents, items and most importantly, magical leaves away.
This allows Robin to redirect the magical leaves to his liking and control more space.

If the move is charged, Robin tucks in his wings, launching himself using the windbox, even being able to do a windbox assisted jump with the right timing!

Jab: Grass Pledge.
This one's funny.
Robin Hoot fires a seed at the ground three times.
This spawns three columns of grass in front of Robin, each column higher than the previous one.

Forward Smash: Bullet Seed
Robin Hoot kneels down and readies his bow.
He then fires five bullet seeds in a straight line.
Same reach as Mii Gunner FSmash

Down Smash: Petal Blizzard
Robin Hoot violently slaps with his wings five times, creating a petal storm all around him in a tornado like fashion.
This petal storm gets bigger with each slap before launching foes.

Up Smash: Acrobatics
Robin Hoot jumps up and flies in a loop multiple times, before slamming into the ground.
If all goes well, the opponent is taken with Robin in his free fall, dealing great knockback.

Grab: Grass Knot
Robin Hoot fires a grass knot like a lasso and grabs the opponent.
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
They did an abridged version of their own show? That's actually pretty cool and maybe I could enjoy it if the guy didn't have to criticize the show every 5 seconds for parodying the original series
Like, it seems nowadays people are just trying to find excuses to hate on TTG despite it not being bad(I won't say it's good, but it's not the atrocity people call it and it does have its moments)
And I'll repeat this again: THEY. CAN'T. JUST. MAKE. ANOTHER. TEEN. TITANS. SERIES. OUT. OF. NOWHERE. This is not how this works.
It's not even that really.
Abridged series are like, easier to make than a actual episode for a cartoon.
I don't try to find excuse. They are episode that are bad in the sense, well, they are bad episode. (The Return of Slade being the best exemple, because even the title is a big clickbait at it's finest)
I don't want to have another Teen Titan, heck, I could care less if that they made a parody of this show, as long it's actually funny.
DBZ Abridged is a parody of DBZ that mock alot some point of the original series. But you know what? Even if I am a DBZ fan (Tough DB is better:052:). I don't care at all that they are mocking the original series because it's, well, actually funny.
Anyway, the possibilty that another TT series could be made are really really weak. And I don't have any hope for that.
But hey, if you like it. You know what? I would really want to like it like you. Because you can find something positif where I can't. And that, my friend, I respect that.
So yeah, 'just wanted to clarified that out. Again, if you like or don't care about the show. I'm OK with this, I just wanted to point out something that I find stupid. End of the story.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
There is an Overwatch thread on this website, go discuss anything there.
The thread is totally silent now…

It being on Switch would be a dream comr true.

I saw the game on Youtube during it's beta access, at first I didn't know it was s Blizzard game. I just like the game's diverse atmosphere. However I didn't get the game at launch because I never like playing games on PC. But Overwatch right now is my most played game besides Smash Bros.
It's a bit odd but also interesting that I the Overwatch SB thread compares Smash4 and Overwatch. They are obviously two different games, but they both made two types of games fun for everyone.

As a sniper it is better to use Hanzo for now. Wait until Widowmaker gets a buff.
I play Reaper for the most time as offense and a majority of QP. You can say he's my "main". Junkrat and Mei are my two most used defense. D.VA is my most used tank. I always use Lucio as support.

My Reinhardt sucks…

My boy Reaper was also suck at first. After I watch some videos on Youtube. I did get good. And after months of playing, starting to get used to the map. My Reaper is pretty deadly, just often miss when my laptop Frame drops or I move too quickly.
I recommend you Unitlost, Lone Hawk for guides, tips and news about Overwatch.

If I have to guess, it has to be Tracer. Since she is like the Mascot of Overwatch.

I still do, it is still his most viewed video on his channel. Second being Cloud's reveal, that I did watch it LIVE LOL.
How do you miss with Reaper? Just appear behind enemies and pump their ass full of shotgun blasts.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I just heard of a Japanese PS4 game with the LONGEST and most ridiculous title I've heard up:

Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

SIXTY-FIVE words long. wat
Last edited:

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I just heard of a Japanese PS4 with the LONGEST and most ridiculous title I've heard up:

Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

SIXTY-FIVE words long. wat
Where is the record book for that?
That's hilarious.:laugh:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I just heard of a Japanese PS4 game with the LONGEST and most ridiculous title I've heard up:

Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

SIXTY-FIVE words long. wat
Is it really a surprise? The Japanese have been way too fond of overly long titles in recent years.
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May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
I just heard of a Japanese PS4 game with the LONGEST and most ridiculous title I've heard up:

Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

SIXTY-FIVE words long. wat
Um.... What the heck? Why does an anime high school game (that looks to be another fan-service mess) need that absurdly long and silly title? I don't quite understand the logic behind that. Just name the game "Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes" and leave it at that. There's no need for 90% of those words to exist. XD
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I just heard of a Japanese PS4 game with the LONGEST and most ridiculous title I've heard up:

Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

SIXTY-FIVE words long. wat
oh look, another one of 'those'


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
While I do like the surfing concept for entermaid, I feel like if you make the water extend too far, it could push people back, thus making entermaid able to get easy kills (think windbox or greninja up b kills). As for Robinroot, I just don't see a character who's main aspect is archery being in smash. Inb4 Link and tink, they have other options besides the bow. This is coming from someone who does archery, it just doesn't feel right. Not to mention, thinking in my head about it, unless you took a move and redefined it's animation, robinroot and entermaid would look really weird doing aerials (aside from dair, nearly all dairs look cool).
The way how I envision surfing animation for Entermaid, the water wouldn't extend so far. It would only be beneath the Pokemon only. If it were to do that "heightened surf" for its jump, perhaps it could push foes back, but I'd say it'd serve as a good protection mechanism if someone were to attack the Pokemon in the air.

I don't think its aerials would be awkward either. I can see most of its aerials revolving around its tail. It would simply flip the tail forward for its Fair and flip the tail backward for its Bair. For its Uair, it could do a circular motion as if it were swimming in a circle; it could even have a sweetspot at the tail by the end of the attack that could do powerful damage and knock the opponent forward rather than in the air (the circular motion for the main duration of the attack would knock the foe upward). Its Nair would probably be a cartwheel in the air similar to Kirby's Nair except more brief, or it could release some water around it similar to Greninja's Nair.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Does Entermaid even need the surfing animation though? Pinnipeds can move across land, just slowly. Just make Entermaid have slow movement that's offset by terrific jumps and aerials, referencing sea lion tricks.

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
The way how I envision surfing animation for Entermaid, the water wouldn't extend so far. It would only be beneath the Pokemon only. If it were to do that "heightened surf" for its jump, perhaps it could push foes back, but I'd say it'd serve as a good protection mechanism if someone were to attack the Pokemon in the air.

I don't think its aerials would be awkward either. I can see most of its aerials revolving around its tail. It would simply flip the tail forward for its Fair and flip the tail backward for its Bair. For its Uair, it could do a circular motion as if it were swimming in a circle; it could even have a sweetspot at the tail by the end of the attack that could do powerful damage and knock the opponent forward rather than in the air (the circular motion for the main duration of the attack would knock the foe upward). Its Nair would probably be a cartwheel in the air similar to Kirby's Nair except more brief, or it could release some water around it similar to Greninja's Nair.
........I would love to see fair or dair have it hit with it's head and not the tail.
Okay, then surfing on the ground would be all right for me if it only covers entermaid and not any farther out.
So I guess my only problem now is jumping, since it would b like a mini-greninja up b.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
So to all of those splatoon players. . . I pretty much stopped playing about a month in.

I've missed nearly every update and splatfest. Ignoring any de-rusting would I be ok with playing again or is the fact I don't understand the map and won't have any good equipment/any idea what equipment to use going to screw me up to the point that I won't have any fun?

The slpatoon sequel/port announcement and Chuggaaconroy playing it makes me want to go back.
Speaking as a Level 32 who mostly just throws themselves in there without a strategy or much idea what specifically to do with my weapons beyond the basics. . .maybe you won't be good at multiplayer matches between other people on message boards or Ranked mode or whatever people are doing but there's still at least a decent chance you could have legitimate fun with normal matches even without much practice. So I say give it a shot and see how it goes. If it doesn't stick, you can always ride the newbie wave with the Switch version to have an easier time when that comes out.

*EDIT* You can use recon mode if you need familiarity with the stages. Just practice there on your own a bit if you need to. Press Y in the multiplayer menu area.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Does Entermaid even need the surfing animation though? Pinnipeds can move across land, just slowly. Just make Entermaid have slow movement that's offset by terrific jumps and aerials, referencing sea lion tricks.
I think the surfing would make it much more viable. If it didn't have any water to help it, I can imagine Entermaid would have the slowest walking and running speeds out of all the fighters.

........I would love to see fair or dair have it hit with it's head and not the tail.
Okay, then surfing on the ground would be all right for me if it only covers entermaid and not any farther out.
So I guess my only problem now is jumping, since it would b like a mini-greninja up b.
Entermaid doesn't look the kind of Pokemon that would perform headbutts though.

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
I just heard of a Japanese PS4 game with the LONGEST and most ridiculous title I've heard up:

Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

SIXTY-FIVE words long. wat
I want to play this now.....if only I could afford a ps4.
I think the surfing would make it much more viable. If it didn't have any water to help it, I can imagine Entermaid would have the slowest walking and running speeds out of all the fighters.

Entermaid doesn't look the kind of Pokemon that would perform headbutts though.
True, but it would just be for the silliness, it'd be pretty fun to see it just bonk someone with that red clown nose.
Especially if the nose emits a honking noise when fair or dair hits.

Deleted member

Alright, time for my Mimikyu moveset
Size and speed are about the same as Pikachu's

Special trait-Disguise: hits done to the "head" will be completely ignored and make it drop. While the "head" is down, hitboxes and damage will work as normal. Mimikyu takes 30 seconds to put it up again

Jab: slashes with right claw, then the left claw finishing with a rapid slashing of both
Side Tilt: quick horizontal slash in front of Mimikyu
Up Tilt: tilts the "head" forwards and backwards hitting opponents above it
Down Tilt: turns around and does a tail whip
Dash Attack: throws the "head" forward while stopping its run
Grab: extends its claw to grab opponents

Side Smash-Shadow Claw: charges a powerful slash in front of it, range is about 2.5 times Mimikyu's size
Up Smash-Night Shade: a shadowy image of Mimikyu appears out of Mimikyu hitting oppoents above it
Down Smash-Fairy Lock: summons two keys that stab into the ground behind and in front of Mimikyu

Neutral Air: lets out a Disarming Voice around it
Front Air: does a quick stab in front of it with its claw
Back Air: turns around and slashes behind it
Up Air: releases a purple wind upwards that deals little knockback but traps opponents as they take damage
Down Air: slashes below it in an arc. The hit in the middle of the arc spikes

Neutral Special-Curse: a nail appears in front of Mimikyu and stabs into the ground, hitting an opponent traps them. After being trapped, the opponnent will constantly take damage, however, Mimikyu will take 20% of initial damage. The trapping can be negated by shielding and the curse effect will last for 5 seconds.

Side Special-Shadow Sneak: a shadow appears in front of Mimikyu and will extend forward as long as the button is held, once released, various shadow hands will come from the ground and attack the area where the shadow ends.

Up Special-Phantom Force: Mimikyu disappears in a portal and reappears attacking in the direction inputted. While the move is very slow, it cannot be shielded.

Down Special-Protect: a barrier appears in front of Mimikyu that blocks any and all attacks and canmot be passed through. While holding it, Mimikyu cannot move. Mimikyu can hold Protect for as long as it wants but there'll be a cool off period equal to the time it was held.

Final Smash- Never-Ending Nightmare: a shasowy portal appears in front of Mimikyu trying to trap opponents into it, it'll then use the Ghost Z-Move
It's not even that really.
Abridged series are like, easier to make than a actual episode for a cartoon.
I don't try to find excuse. They are episode that are bad in the sense, well, they are bad episode. (The Return of Slade being the best exemple, because even the title is a big clickbait at it's finest)
I don't want to have another Teen Titan, heck, I could care less if that they made a parody of this show, as long it's actually funny.
DBZ Abridged is a parody of DBZ that mock alot some point of the original series. But you know what? Even if I am a DBZ fan (Tough DB is better:052:). I don't care at all that they are mocking the original series because it's, well, actually funny.
Anyway, the possibilty that another TT series could be made are really really weak. And I don't have any hope for that.
But hey, if you like it. You know what? I would really want to like it like you. Because you can find something positif where I can't. And that, my friend, I respect that.
So yeah, 'just wanted to clarified that out. Again, if you like or don't care about the show. I'm OK with this, I just wanted to point out something that I find stupid. End of the story.
Abridged series aren't made to mock the original series, it's the exact opposite in fact, it's something done by fans of the series that want to pay tribute to it by parodying it


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I just heard of a Japanese PS4 game with the LONGEST and most ridiculous title I've heard up:

Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

SIXTY-FIVE words long. wat
New Super Mega Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life 358/2 Days HD ReMIX Turbo Hyper Ultra XD 2.8 ~ Final Chapter Prologue & Knuckles at the Olympic Games featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series -a fragmentary passage-

Not gonna lie, I would play that.


The Sonic Twitter just hit 1 Million followers.



ignore my odd combination of open tabs
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