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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Hypothetical question, would a rated M Professor Layton game be like, you all think?
Just the thought of "M rated Layton game" is hilarious for some reason.

"A gentleman never leaves the murder weapon at the scene, Luke. Let's dispose of it properly."

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Just the thought of "M rated Layton game" is hilarious for some reason.

"A gentleman never leaves the murder weapon at the scene, Luke. Let's dispose of it properly."
Or a couple good murders could be in the game
murders like shootings, ect or something more gruesome
And Layton would have to play detective

i have many ideas
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Hypothetical question, would a rated M Professor Layton game be like, you all think?
Perhaps if they ever decided to expand onto the Layton brothers sub series we could probably get an M-rated entry that delves further into the murder aspect and all, like actually seeing someone getting killed and all. Although I don't think it would be particularly likely.

I've never played Layton brothers though so I don't know if blood in particular was featured in that game.....
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Perhaps if they ever decided to expand onto the Layton brothers sub series we could probably get an M-rated entry that delves further into the murder aspect and all, like actually seeing someone getting killed and all. although I don't think it would be particularly likely.

I've never played Layton brothers though so I don't know if blood in particular was featured in that game.....
yeah there was.

There was a part where an Axe was stuck in a dudes head

There is also the first case where a dude strangles a woman to death
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Or a couple good murders could be in the game
The most gruesome of murders
And Layton would have to play detective
"Most curious indeed. According to the autopsy report, the victim was bludgeoned with his own...oh my."
"What is it, Professor?"
"There's nothing to see here, Luke. This is not for children."

Deleted member

Tabitha is a dude that's gay af you gay

Also, here's my list of reasons why Magma is inferior
Yandere is ew
They probably hate puppies
Not as cool as Aqua
Morons like fire types in a region with a ****ton of water
IGN is part of Magma

Actual reason: I just prefer Aqua's characters
And u gay for Shelly
I'm hoping there'll be some info on a US release of EO5 once SMT Apocalypse goes away. Probably won't actually be released until after Persona 5, though, so you'll have plenty of time to work on those postgame bosses... Meanwhile, Atlus hate Europe, so we'll probably be lucky to get it over here before 2018. I could just import once it hits the US (thanks to homebrew), but then I'd miss out on any updates or DLC. :/

I don't really bother much with postgame stuff myself; the main games are long enough as is - it usually takes me like 60 hours to finish the main story, which is more than enough dungeon crawling at a time for me. The Ur-Child sounds like an absolute beast, though - I thought the HP bloat in that game was bad enough with the Juggernaut having 72,000 HP, but that thing has like twice that? Have fun with that :p
Knowing Atlus, Europe will take /some/ time to get EO5 :p

I did Story Mode up until the 5th Stratum and cleared up all quests and bosses in Classic Mode, all that remains is that damned thing
72000HP isn'g even he problem, the problem is the weird pattern that you need to know to be able to stand a chance against it
****. A mod is a fan of EO. I can't smack talk it to bully Zoroarking anymore
Now all u can do is watch ur ****ty rider lol
I played the demo
I didn't really like the demo
I didn't like how the floors looked
I deleted the demo
I bullied Zoroarking
tbh, just not my style
You should probably have tried the EOIV demo since it's the only one you can create characters, which is the main thing abojt the series
Atlus: "EO is all about creating your own characters and stuff"
Also Atlus: *removes Classic Mode from the demos*

Also, you didn't like those floors that look beautiful despite the graphics?
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
And u gay for Shelly

Knowing Atlus, Europe will take /some/ time to get EO5 :p

I did Story Mode up until the 5th Stratum and cleared up all quests and bosses in Classic Mode, all that remains is that damned thing
72000HP isn'g even he problem, the problem is the weird pattern that you need to know to be able to stand a chance against it

Now all u can do is watch ur ****ty rider lol

You should probably have tried the EOIV demo since it's the only one you can create characters, which is the main thing abojt the series
Atlus: "EO is all about creating your own characters and stuff"
Also Atlus: *removes Classic Mode from the demos*

Also, you didn't like those floors that look beautiful despite the graphics?
View attachment 119543
I never said I wasn't a hypocrite

Rider's better even though one of the games that had Ultraman and Gundam copied your ****ty style

I think it was 4's demo

It wasn't the graphics I meant. The style of going through the floors. First person, moving a little at a time, enemies being cardboard, I don't like it


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I cant belive I lost one of my professor layton games

Imma cry if I can never find it. My dream was to have them all
Which Layton game did you lose?

Hypothetical question, would a rated M Professor Layton game be like, you all think?
Probably would place bigger emphasis on murders with more blood present.

I think Azran Legacy did have some pretty dark moments though that weren't very exactly... er... kid-friendly.

First, Aurora attempt to commit suicide by jumping off the Obsidian Tower once she recalled the dark part of Azran history.

Then there was the scene where Emmy was revealed to be working for Targent the entire time, and she holds a shard of glass against Luke's throat, threatening to kill Luke if Layton didn't hand the the Azran Keystone to Bronev

Then there was the first cutscene in the ending where Bronev straight up stabs Aurora in the chest in order to bring the Azran Sanctuary to the sky and, unknowingly, awaken the Azran Golems.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Since it was a mobile game
iTunes: Twelve years and older (12+)
Google Play: Medium Maturity
I see, I'm not sure if I can see the series getting onto any more mature as the Ace Attorney series does in regards to themes of murder.

At least, not the main series, though perhaps I could see them pushing for something like a teen rating for the Layton brothers sub series.


Sep 12, 2014
Voted Aqua, only due to AS.

I didn't play OR so new Magma are a mystery to me and in RSE both teams had as much personality as a paper bag.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Which Layton game did you lose?
Diabolical Box and Unwound Future I think. I dont have Azran Legacy and I have Curious Village,Miracle Mask and
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney if that counts

Probably would place bigger emphasis on murders with more blood present.

I think Azran Legacy did have some pretty dark moments though that weren't very exactly... er... kind-friendly.

First, Aurora attempt to commit suicide by jumping off the Obsidian Tower once she recalled the dark part of Azran history.

Then there was the scene where Emmy was revealed to be working for Targent the entire time, and she straight up holds a shard of glass against Luke's throat, threatening to kill Luke if Layton didn't hand the the Azran Keystone to Bronev

Then there was the first cutscene in the Ending where Bronev straight up stabs Aurora in the chest in order to bring the Azran Sanctuary to the sky and, unknowingly, awaken the Azran Golems
Whoha ok Imma have to buy Azran Legacy asap
I see, I'm not sure if I can see the series getting onto any more mature as the Ace Attorney series does in regards to themes of murder.

At least, not the main series, though perhaps I could see them pushing for something like a teen rating for the Layton brothers sub series.
Id be all for it too, I need more rated M games in my life. And r would be cool is the Layton series had a few rated Ms
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
See, the discussion on NeoGAF of SMX's waifu calling the Mario Kart and Splatoon games ports is exactly why I take issue with the term.

"EEeeeew they're just ports, I'm not buying a game I already have! Nintendo, you suck!"

Holy crud man they added every possible form of new content you could identify in those Splatoon clips. That's not even remotely the same game that you've played except in a sense so basic that a "proper" sequel would also qualify.

I don't know how Mario Kart should be referred to although at bare minimum that's also sure as heck not the exact same game, but Splatoon would likely be better served with the term "engine recycling" with all the things they either did to it or would have to do to it. And as much it doesn't seem like the thought was entertained, the time frame from the Inklings fully existing to an initial demo was SIX MONTHS. Splatoon released LESS THAN A YEAR AND A HALF after it's main character was decided. If they recycled the engine and used the old one as a base, they're basically free to add whatever the heck they want to in that timeframe with development speeds like that. "The same game" my tentacles.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
"Most curious indeed. According to the autopsy report, the victim was bludgeoned with his own...oh my."
"What is it, Professor?"
"There's nothing to see here, Luke. This is not for children."
That honestly feels like lampshading the game's rating. lol


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I prefer Aqua's doomsday to Magma's

It'd be pure torture slowly roasting to death


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I played the demo
I didn't really like the demo
I didn't like how the floors looked
I deleted the demo

tbh, just not my style
Well, that's fair enough. It's not for everyone. I don't think the demos (particularly the Untold games, that force you to do Story mode) are the best at conveying what the games are actually about, but anyway.

I did Story Mode up until the 5th Stratum and cleared up all quests and bosses in Classic Mode, all that remains is that damned thing
72000HP isn'g even he problem, the problem is the weird pattern that you need to know to be able to stand a chance against it
At least in Story mode you have the Fafnir's bat**** insane damage output, which is probably where a lot of the HP bloat came from. Having to know when you need to remove all your buffs and such was definitely a pain, though. Plus the battle took ages for me, so I was almost completely out of TP barely halfway through. That fight was really my only major issue with the game, though, it's still my second favourite in the series (4 > 2U > 1U, haven't played any of the DS originals since most of them were never released here).


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
EDIT: Smashboards just glitches and posted my post twice, but somehow managed to get other posts between it. Wow.

Must have really wanted to show off Edgeworth that much.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Tough choice...though I voted Magma...

Played Ruby back in the day so maybe I'm nostalgia blind...but eh

plus I actually like Courtney...actually she's the only admin between both I care about tbh...
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Sep 12, 2014
See, the discussion on NeoGAF of SMX's waifu calling the Mario Kart and Splatoon games ports is exactly why I take issue with the term.

"EEeeeew they're just ports, I'm not buying a game I already have! Nintendo, you suck!"

Holy crud man they added every possible form of new content you could identify in those Splatoon clips. That's not even remotely the same game that you've played except in a sense so basic that a "proper" sequel would also qualify.

I don't know how Mario Kart should be referred to although at bare minimum that's also sure as heck not the exact same game, but Splatoon would likely be better served with the term "engine recycling" with all the things they either did to it or would have to do to it. And as much it doesn't seem like the thought was entertained, the time frame from the Inklings fully existing to an initial demo was SIX MONTHS. Splatoon released LESS THAN A YEAR AND A HALF after it's main character was decided. If they recycled the engine and used the old one as a base, they're basically free to add whatever the heck they want to in that timeframe with development speeds like that. "The same game" my tentacles.
It can be just an update, it can be a sequel.

The truth is there's just not enough footage to judge either way.

Deleted member

I never said I wasn't a hypocrite

Rider's better even though one of the games that had Ultraman and Gundam copied your ****ty style

I think it was 4's demo

It wasn't the graphics I meant. The style of going through the floors. First person, moving a little at a time, enemies being cardboard, I don't like it
U gay tho lol

Someone never played a dungeon crawler before I guess

>Enemies being cardboard
>All enemies use 3D models on the 3DS games
images (29).jpg

Someone needs glasses
Well, that's fair enough. It's not for everyone. I don't think the demos (particularly the Untold games, that force you to do Story mode) are the best at conveying what the games are actually about, but anyway.

At least in Story mode you have the Fafnir's bat**** insane damage output, which is probably where a lot of the HP bloat came from. Having to know when you need to remove all your buffs and such was definitely a pain, though. Plus the battle took ages for me, so I was almost completely out of TP barely halfway through. That fight was really my only major issue with the game, though, it's still my second favourite in the series (4 > 2U > 1U, haven't played any of the DS originals since most of them were never released here).
I was talking about Ur-Child having a weird pattern
Juggernaut isn't that hard but its HP is just there so you have to clear the bomb puzzle
Knowing when you have to take out your buffs can be a bit of a pain, especially when you don't know you need to do it, Story party at least has Arianna but if you don't have a Sovereign in your party, you'll need to get a Grimoire for the one skill that dispels all buffs and debuffs

Though I have to agree, Juggernaut is one of my favorite fights
Knowing how to abuse his buffs without eating a party-wiping attack is a satisfying and fun experience imo
Also, that fight takes a whole other meaning if you believe a certain fheory regarding Juggernaut's original form
In Classic mode that is, Story mode throws that theory out of the window
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Is it weird that I like games/anime with lots of blood and kiiling?
It's occasionally a sign of mental disturbances, so yes.

But not always a clear link!

Edit: Only if you take a degree of sadistic pleasure in it.
I worked in a mental health clinic for a while, so I'm not blowing smoke.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Diabolical Box and Unwound Future I think. I dont have Azran Legacy and I have Curious Village,Miracle Mask and
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney if that counts
Ouch. Diabolical Box and Unwound Future were some personal favorites of mine in the series.

Whoha ok Imma have to buy Azran Legacy asap
I'd definitely buy Azran Legacy. The puzzles are fun as always, and it does a decent job wrapping up the prequel trilogy and answering a majority of its mysteries raised throughout the two games and the movie, especially for Descole. In fact, Azran Legacy was the game where Descole not only became my favorite Layton villain, but also my favorite villain of all time in all the works of fiction I've encountered. I think he's an amazingly written character after playing the 6th Layton game.

I'm not too sure if you own Last Specter, but if you don't own it, I'd consider buying that game too since it sets up the prequel trilogy pretty well and has a pretty good cast of characters (namely Arianna, Mr. Triton, and of course, Descole; it will also introduce a character who you will either hate as much as Bill Hawks or a bit less at the very least).
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
^ I second Erureido. Layton games are awesome, be sure not to miss AL.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
It can be just an update, it can be a sequel.

The truth is there's just not enough footage to judge either way.
Honestly, I can't wait for proper announcements. I mean, a Splatoon updated port wouldn't be surprising, but a port of Mario Kart 8? We get a new one every system and for that matter, it's very often showed off at the start of the system's life. Not only has it had a port, well, ever. Also, it's quite often that previews of new games uses a previous engine.

Not saying a Mario Kart 8 port with new content is impossible, but it's be definitely new and somewhat unexpected due to how it usually goes.
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