YHWH can be understood a few ways: 'I am who am,' which is basically 'I am existence,' and 'I am who I will be,' who was, who is, etc. etc.. Most ancient doctrines of metaphysics, from Greece to Egypt to China, viewed the soul as the essence of existence. All these ancient cultures unified in an odd way: attributing the pure existence of something which is existence itself, which cannot be understood directly, and so on.
I'd like to ask, what is the definition of "being"? That which exists? Existence? It can't really be defined without referring to itself and, well... that's a no-no in vocabulary. We have to be able to break something down into constituent parts to properly define it. Now, I'm sure it has a definition, but at the very least we don't know it. Many attempt to explain what existence is often describe things that exist, but never addresses the principle itself. What is the unifying quality of existence? It can't be explained simply by pointing to everything that is, it's impossible with our finite minds in the first place. That isn't really breaking it down into constituent parts anyways, it's just showing what things share the attribute of existence, that's just begging the question of 'ok but what
is existence?' To wit, the only response: 'existence.'
YHWH being unpronounceable is very fitting.
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