Alot of people think that the ballot characters will be:
King K. Rool
Bandana Dee
But does anyone think differently, like does anyone think we'll get a third-party character in their?
There, Their and They're. They all mean different things my friend

Wolf - His chances are decreasing as the more time goes on IMO. I talked about it in the "
Is Wolf a Shoo-In?" Right now? 20%. He could sneak in at the end (maybe as the 4th?) but I dont see them spending such a long time on a character they can port from Brawl/ adjust from Fox.
King K. Rool - I think the community has grossly overestimated his reach in a lot of ways (like Wolf). His costume might be a deconfirmation, but he could still get in. He also suffers from the same issue as Isaac (see below).
Bandanna Dee/ Waddle Dee - Decent shot, I guess? At least they are very popular in Japan. Kirby is really a beloved series here. Not sure if we will get him though.
Isaac - "Who?" -- Casual fans who aren't invested in Smash Speculation.
Isaac and King K. Rool haven't been used recently, and might have been forgotten. The fact that they marketed K. Rool's costume as a "retro" costume (In Japanese and English) is evidence towards this. If there are plans for a new Golden Sun, then I would say he has a shot but I think the Golden Sun series is almost finished.
For Third Party characters, I almost expect some. I think the fact that they marketed the ballot as "vote for any video game character!" shows they are at least willing to consider third party options. Yes... there are legal hurdles to jump through, but DLC might actually be an ideal time to include third party characters as it's much easier to divide profit/ write up the contract(s). I know
@SmashChu talked about anti-third parties in
A Return to Form, but I think we will continue to see third party characters as they can generate a lot more hype than normal Nintendo characters.