The roster was already perfect aside from no Ristar and maybe Welkin/Alicia from Valkyria Chronicles, Opa Opa and Akira from Virtua Fighter but it was already perfect.
Joe Musashi, Vyse, Metal Sonic (albeit DLC), Beat AND Gum, Guildus and Ulala.
Let me guess, Danica Patrick and Wreck-it Ralph and the Yogscast guy (who was PC only) ruined it for you
Billy Hatcher cut because they couldn't come up with car designs like really?
Ryo cut, then ends up being the only character from a DLC poll and re-sold.
Opa-Opa cut
That dumb "one-person in a car only" restriction that Sumo Digital had, which resulted in Jacky and Akira, The Bonaza Bros., The Chuchus, and Zobio and Zobiko getting cut, which also holds back Toejam & Earl.
Vectorman, a robot who has been shown to be able to transform into vehicles (turns into a fish thing in the first game, and tank in the second), is still not playable in a SEGA racing game, which is absolutely ridiculous.
"HEY GUYS LOOK AT ALL THESE EXTRA CHARACTERS BUT IT'S PC EXCLUSIVE THOUGH BUT WE HAVE ALL YOUR FAVOURITES SUCH AS general winter, some Total War: Rome guy whose name I can't remember I think it starts with a W or something, simon from the Yogscast just listen to his fabulous voice doesn't it not make you want to shut off the game?
I'm sorry, but a lot about this game just bothers me. I was so hyped for this game. I was always browsing the Sonic Stadium Message Board thread and SEGA Forums thread. It was so cool when Steve Lycett from Sumo Digital came by and posted stuff. But...ugh...
I need to nit-pick:
1. All the cheesy charm of the first one was thrown away. The menus are boring, the items and boring, and the announcer is just so bland that I end up turning him off because he adds nothing exciting to the race. The first game's announcer was the best. Yeah, we was cheesy as all hell, but I feel like it gave the game its own personality.
2. Why do 90% of the songs have practically the same drum beat? I know Richard Jacques is just one guy, but come on now. (though I will say that the song selection was fantastic).
3. Beat's vehicle looks awful. That radical low-rider from the first game was super cool and stylish. Bring that back.
4. I understand why Danica Patrick is there. Something to do with getting funding
, but reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllly?
5. I remember people getting excited when Steve Lycett said that there would be 29 characters in the base roster. What he didn't say was that 5 of them were PC exclusive...and Team Fortress counts as 3.
The game does have some awesome things though. NiGHTS, Reala, Joe Musashi, Vyse, Gillius, and AGES are all really cool. Gum, MeeMee, and Pudding are alright, as I believe Steve saying that it was either they were in the game or they weren't (similar to Smash 4 clones). The tracks are all cool. Burning Rangers was a really nice surprise. And, despite my complaint about most of the songs sharing the same drum beat, a lot of the arrangements are actually really cool. And of course, the gameplay was fast and exciting.
As a whole package, Transformed is definitely the better game, but there is something about that I just don't like...