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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
So having a connection to a fake leak in the past makes him trustworthy......?

How does that work? If anything, it should be just the opposite. Once a faker, always a faker.
its more he actually worked for nintendo....not a joke dude legit was a nintendo worker


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Just look up his YouTube channel...

I told you to look at something but you're just getting mean now.
To throw my hat in the ring for a second: Okay, so the guy had reasonable success doing reviews and the like. How does that tie in to him being a legit source? Hell I didn't know who this guy was 'till now.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I've played 2 minutes of DKTF and Dixie's my fav. She breaks the game soooooo hard, MasaeAnela is learning well by using her
Diddy is so useless because of Dixie that it's not even funny. Oh, you can hover in the air for a bit? Neat. I can hover through the air for the same ammont of time AND get vertical distance too.

Deleted member

Then you don't have Soleil and MCorrin marry. Great game and such hooooooo!

She ISN'T one of the gay marriage choices. The Les Yay choice is on the other version of the game

You said him not having sex was a bad move
We aren't touchy about our waifu ZeRo, we've given him loads of ****. You're acting worse than I am, and I'm the rudest ***** in the thread. Go to Tumblr if you feel like you won't get attacked.
Again, we've had smut talk before, you just made it untasteful by your wording

Yes, you are. I speak from experience as I've had suicide in the family and suicidal people don't show their suicidal most of the time. I kindly suggest you stop yapping about stuff you don't know about that well
>wanting a hugbox

**** that, I enjoy people who are willing to challenge me. If I can dish out ****, I better be prepared to take it too.

Not having sex is a bad move, because plain and simple, people have needs.

Sex isn't "just sex," sex is a beautiful and intimate connection between two human beings. It is a physical expression of love, hence "making love."

When you take sex out of a relationship, you're essentially taking out that physical expression of love. You can have sex with a stranger you don't love, and it mean nothing, but you cannot truly love someone you're not physically intimate with. This is why all marriages start going to **** the moment the couple stop having sex, either out of boredom, or lack of attraction. And why psychologists and marriage counselors ALWAYS encourage their clients to have sex if they are having trouble getting along with each other.

In addition to this, sex is a much more intense experience for a woman, than for a man, again, due to the physical intimacy, and how it triggers the emotions. Women are more emotionally reactive than men, and you can argue with me on this, but it's not sexist, nor is it wrong. Men and women are equal, yes, absolutely so, but different, biologically, physiologically, and psychologically different. One of those differences is that women are much more strongly affected by, and swayed by emotions, it also means that they naturally posses a stronger keeness for empathy.

Yes, I understand all the progressive moments, but gender differences are still an undeniable thing. Now, these don't shouldn't define your social role, but the still exist. Men cannot have periods, in the same way men find women's ability to so freely live in the "emotion of the moment" confusing. Now, this doesn't mean that men can't be emotional, or emotionallt driven, cause they can, but they generally have a harder time with it.

What I'm getting at is that this is one of the reasons why sex is a much more emotionally intense experience for women. Take for example, female orgasms are more powerful than men's. We're typically satisfied when we ***, girls... uh-uh. They can build much stronger and more powerful orgasms, especially if they feel comfortable with the person. And they build a strong emotional connection to those feelings they have during sex.

In fact, it's here where women start to really fall in love with someone, and I speak from experience here. A general rule of thumb for a guy should be, "if you want a girlfriend, sleep with her first." After a couple times, she'll start asking, "so.... uhm, what are we?" and start doing all sorts of things for him and chasing after him in hopes of winning him over. Because she's fully opened up to him, and she's vulnerable. Nothing would hurt her more than losing someone after she's invested so much.

And again, this goes back to the basic drives. Typically, sex leads to a baby, and as such what a woman needs then is a man for support and help raising the child. And yes, I know this is not entirely the case in modern times, and that there are lots of nuances and exceptions, but 1000s of years of evolution have programmed this into our instincts, and while it doesn't logically make much sense anymore, it still acts on us, and makes sense emotionally. 100 years of social change isn't gonna do 10,000+ years of evolution. Change in nature is slow.

So anyway, what does this add up to? Sex is emotionally impacting on girls, and as such, believe it or not, it makes them want it more than men, they have a general stronger drive for it, and when a woman is attracted to a man, the idea of having sex with with him will pop into her mind numerous times, even if her social conditioning goes against it, be it parents, culture, religion, etc... if a a man provides her with an excuse that makes her feel comfortable, and allows her to not harm her reputation (eg, keep it private) she'll take it. Why? Because she wants it to happen. Again, I speak from experience.

Anyway, back to ZeRo. Now, this is purely a subjective opinion, but ZeRo is not an attractive guy, neither physically, nor from what I've heard personality-wise (the former was backed up by a girl earlier itt). Thus, he's really giving little excuse for her to like him. However, we don't know, there are ALWAYS outliers, maybe he's a nice dude, msybe he has redeeming traits, who knows? However, if there's one thing I know, it's that relationships get stale once the novelty wears off. And as I said, if you remove the physical intimacy from the equation, the you're really not giving much room for things to grow (this is why online relationships always fail, barring the cases where both parties are so needy they don't bother to seek love elsewhere), it's always the physical intimacy. And well, once that novelty wears off... the chips are stacked against you.

As I said, you essentially have a friend, but with kissing, and in some cultures, there really isn't a difference.

This is why I always laughed when people in hs claimed the loved someone when they we're just a couple that held hands, because you knew it wasn't real, and that it wouldn't last. It was almost hypocritical in a way. Love is built through sex, if you're not MAKING LOVE, then you don't really love them, you're just infatuated.

Sex is a normal, natural, human act, no matter how much society tries to condition people into making it taboo (while violence is OK, ironically enough).

As for the other part, I'll reply to it later, I ranted enough.

And yes, I know I left out gay couples from my thing, but I'm not a girl, and nor am I into the same sex, so I have zero experience there. Sorry.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
If Nintendo followed them and they posted a real leak, I think they'd get in some serious trouble. That fact actually puts this leak at a disadvantage.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
its more he actually worked for nintendo....not a joke dude legit was a nintendo worker
Key word being "was".

I'm pretty sure former Nintendo workers aren't going to be getting fed confidential Smash Bros news. And if they were, I'm pretty sure they'd be under a strict NDA.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
>wanting a hugbox

**** that, I enjoy people who are willing to challenge me. If I can dish out ****, I better be prepared to take it too.

Not having sex is a bad move, because plain and simple, people have needs.

Sex isn't "just sex," sex is a beautiful and intimate connection between two human beings. It is a physical expression of love, hence "making love."

When you take sex out of a relationship, you're essentially taking out that physical expression of love. You can have sex with a stranger you don't love, and it mean nothing, but you cannot truly love someone you're not physically intimate with. This is why all marriages start going to **** the moment the couple stop having sex, either out of boredom, or lack of attraction. And why psychologists and marriage counselors ALWAYS encourage their clients to have sex if they are having trouble getting along with each other.

In addition to this, sex is a much more intense experience for a woman, than for a man, again, due to the physical intimacy, and how it triggers the emotions. Women are more emotionally reactive than men, and you can argue with me on this, but it's not sexist, nor is it wrong. Men and women are equal, yes, absolutely so, but different, biologically, physiologically, and psychologically different. One of those differences is that women are much more strongly affected by, and swayed by emotions, it also means that they naturally posses a stronger keeness for empathy.

Yes, I understand all the progressive moments, but gender differences are still an undeniable thing. Now, these don't shouldn't define your social role, but the still exist. Men cannot have periods, in the same way men find women's ability to so freely live in the "emotion of the moment" confusing. Now, this doesn't mean that men can't be emotional, or emotionallt driven, cause they can, but they generally have a harder time with it.

What I'm getting at is that this is one of the reasons why sex is a much more emotionally intense experience for women. Take for example, female orgasms are more powerful than men's. We're typically satisfied when we ***, girls... uh-uh. They can build much stronger and more powerful orgasms, especially if they feel comfortable with the person. And they build a strong emotional connection to those feelings they have during sex.

In fact, it's here where women start to really fall in love with someone, and I speak from experience here. A general rule of thumb for a guy should be, "if you want a girlfriend, sleep with her first." After a couple times, she'll start asking, "so.... uhm, what are we?" and start doing all sorts of things for him and chasing after him in hopes of winning him over. Because she's fully opened up to him, and she's vulnerable. Nothing would hurt her more than losing someone after she's invested so much.

And again, this goes back to the basic drives. Typically, sex leads to a baby, and as such what a woman needs then is a man for support and help raising the child. And yes, I know this is not entirely the case in modern times, and that there are lots of nuances and exceptions, but 1000s of years of evolution have programmed this into our instincts, and while it doesn't logically make much sense anymore, it still acts on us, and makes sense emotionally. 100 years of social change isn't gonna do 10,000+ years of evolution. Change in nature is slow.

So anyway, what does this add up to? Sex is emotionally impacting on girls, and as such, believe it or not, it makes them want it more than men, they have a general stronger drive for it, and when a woman is attracted to a man, the idea of having sex with with him will pop into her mind numerous times, even if her social conditioning goes against it, be it parents, culture, religion, etc... if a a man provides her with an excuse that makes her feel comfortable, and allows her to not harm her reputation (eg, keep it private) she'll take it. Why? Because she wants it to happen. Again, I speak from experience.

Anyway, back to ZeRo. Now, this is purely a subjective opinion, but ZeRo is not an attractive guy, neither physically, nor from what I've heard personality-wise (the former was backed up by a girl earlier itt). Thus, he's really giving little excuse for her to like him. However, we don't know, there are ALWAYS outliers, maybe he's a nice dude, msybe he has redeeming traits, who knows? However, if there's one thing I know, it's that relationships get stale once the novelty wears off. And as I said, if you remove the physical intimacy from the equation, the you're really not giving much room for things to grow (this is why online relationships always fail, barring the cases where both parties are so needy they don't bother to seek love elsewhere), it's always the physical intimacy. And well, once that novelty wears off... the chips are stacked against you.

As I said, you essentially have a friend, but with kissing, and in some cultures, there really isn't a difference.

This is why I always laughed when people in hs claimed the loved someone when they we're just a couple that held hands, because you knew it wasn't real, and that it wouldn't last. It was almost hypocritical in a way. Love is built through sex, if you're not MAKING LOVE, then you don't really love them, you're just infatuated.

Sex is a normal, natural, human act, no matter how much society tries to condition people into making it taboo (while violence is OK, ironically enough).

As for the other part, I'll reply to it later, I ranted enough.

And yes, I know I left out gay couples from my thing, but I'm not a girl, and nor am I into the same sex, so I have zero experience there. Sorry.
Yo dude I know you wanna go preach to the clouds about sex and insult ZeRo but asexuality exists and no one really cares about your misguided thoughts on sex

He didn't post any leak. "Cool Nintendo news coming soon" is not a leak.
He's still talking about something Nintendo related that has not been officially announced. He would get in trouble.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
Also didnt Nikki claim a Direct was inbound on the 14th.....aka within the next two weeks..... I believe a lot of stuff is starting to line up.
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Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
PushDustIn PushDustIn WE NEED YOU
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Sorry. I do realize he has a real life and probably doesn't have any time for it. This was merely a joke, but I feel this needs to be taken care of once and for all.
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
Yo dude I know you wanna go preach to the clouds about sex and insult ZeRo but asexuality exists and no one really cares about your misguided thoughts on sex

He's still talking about something Nintendo related that has not been officially announced. He would get in trouble.
really i think that would be good publicty
"Hey guys somethings comming but i cant say what" thats good hype fule

stealth probobly dosent know whats coming and is just throwing out ideas and using rogers tweet as a way to verify it


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Key word being "was".

I'm pretty sure former Nintendo workers aren't going to be getting fed confidential Smash Bros news. And if they were, I'm pretty sure they'd be under a strict NDA.
To play Devil's Advocate really quick: One could argue that while he doesn't, he may have friends within the system that know a thing or two.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
He didn't post any leak. "Cool Nintendo news coming soon" is not a leak.
Wait, so why are we assuming it's a Smash character? Because of Stealth?

This makes no sense whatsoever.

RogersBase says "Cool Nintendo news coming soon". Nothing specific, no context whatsoever.
Stealth retweets him and says it's a Smash Bros newcomer.
People connect the two.
Stealth is discovered to be a GameFAQs troll.
We dismiss him, but still talk about how it's Smash news even though the Smash info was brought into the equation by the one we just discovered is a troll.


To play Devil's Advocate really quick: One could argue that while he doesn't, he may have friends within the system that know a thing or two.
Those friends must not have heard of the ESRB Leak, then.
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
another thing id like to ask is

where did roger violate NDA he didnt actually reveal anything saying somethings coming is like saying the sun will rise tomorrow no actual implications as for it"being hype" thats his opinion for all we know it could be a trailer for pikmin 4 and have nothing to do with smash

as it stands rogers tweet and stealths tweet are unrelated


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Another thing I have to say, are we sure that Roger and Stealth are connected? I see that Stealth has retweeted Roger's post, but I haven't seen anything from Roger collaborating on Stealth's information in turn.

Edit: Nevermind on that, Burb pretty much answered my question.
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Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
Well, if PushDustIn and Neo Zero aren't available. Why do we take it into our own hands.
@BluePikmin11: Could you possibly redirect RogersBase to SmashBoards using your twitter account?
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
How do we know if the big news RogerBase is speculating is probably with the first DeNA mobile game? Or even related to something about Club Nintendo and the new account system or hell even the possibility of the Octarians being playable in Splatoon.

Just saying


Sep 12, 2014
Wait, so why are we assuming it's a Smash character? Because of Stealth?

This makes no sense whatsoever.

RogersBase says "Cool Nintendo news coming soon". Nothing specific, no context whatsoever.
Stealth retweets him and says it's a Smash Bros newcomer.
People connect the two.
Stealth is discovered to be a GameFAQs troll.
We dismiss him, but still talk about how it's Smash news even though the Smash info was brought into the equation by the one we just discovered is a troll.

Yes, this is exactly what's going on.

Stealth is trolling and riding off Roger's tweet because it's the perfect time for him to look "credible" with the Smash ballot closing and Smash fans getting desperate for characters.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
Wait, so why are we assuming it's a Smash character? Because of Stealth?

This makes no sense whatsoever.

RogersBase says "Cool Nintendo news coming soon". Nothing specific, no context whatsoever.
Stealth retweets him and says it's a Smash Bros newcomer.
People connect the two.
Stealth is discovered to be a GameFAQs troll.
We dismiss him, but still talk about how it's Smash news even though the Smash info was brought into the equation by the one we just discovered is a troll.


Those friends must not have heard of the ESRB Leak, then.
What we know:

Stealth: Made claims about having a "friend" in the industry in the past. His claims were infact true. Regardless if Stealth himself is a troll or not, that does not deteriorate the credibility of his so called friend. Claims newcomer is coming within two weeks
RogersBase: Not much on him, but the fact hes followed by Nintendo is a big flag to look into. Claims info coming next week.
Nikki: Someone who's otherwise considered reliable claims a direct is coming next week. She says she "guarantees it" but also says not to take what she says too seriously.
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The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
How do we know if the big news RogerBase is speculating is probably with the first DeNA mobile game? Or even related to something about Club Nintendo and the new account system or hell even the possibility of the Octarians being playable in Splatoon.

Just saying
We don't, which is why this makes no sense.

The only person saying it's about Smash is Stealth, who has been outed as a troll, yet the things Stealth said are still being discussed and this is all still being linked to Smash.

What we know:

Stealth: Made claims about having a "friend" in the industry in the past. His claims were infact true. Regardless if Stealth himself is a troll or not, that does not deteriorate the credibility of his so called friend.
RogersBase: Not much on him, but the fact hes followed by Nintendo is a big flag to look into.
Nikki: Someone who's otherwise considered reliable claims a direct is coming next week. She says she "guarantees it" but also says not to take what she says too seriously.
"Stealth, who is a troll, claims he has a friend in the industry. His friend is credible".


Do you believe every "My dad works at Nintendo" leak? Because that's literally what this is.
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
well for now lets just ignore stealth and watch for any BIG news in the comming weeks


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
Could anyone with a twitter try to redirect RogersBase to SmashBoards real quick? Might seem like a stupid idea, but that's how you learn your mistakes.
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Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
"Stealth, who is a troll, claims he has a friend in the industry. His friend is credible".


Do you believe every "My dad works at Nintendo" leak? Because that's literally what this is.
But we already have proof that Stealth was right in the past with his claims. Regardless if hes a troll on GFs, he did get information right in the case discussed a few pages back,


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
No reason to ignore the guy who's given us the biggest Smash discussion we've had in a few weeks.

It's certainly fake but always fun to talk about fake leaks, huh?
because its what we do with fake leaks ignore them because they arnt worth further discussion


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
And wait, we're talking about Nikki now?

The same Nikki who posts theories on Twitter and words them as if its actual news on a regular basis? That Nikki?

There's a really credible source right there. :rolleyes:

But we already have proof that Stealth was right in the past with his claims. Regardless if hes a troll on GFs, he did get information right in the case discussed a few pages back,
"He guessed there would be a Splatoon Direct" is not proof of anything. It was a lucky guess.

Just because you didn't know about the media event doesn't mean it was completely unannounced.
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Deleted member

Not every state of depression is caused by a medical disorder. Sometimes people just break from life ****in on them. Instea of stuffing people with meds, sometime they just need someones time, a person to just be there.
I never said they had to have a disorder, you can be mentally ill without having a disorder just the same as you can get sick without having diabetes.

Playing video games, listening to music, cleaning the damn house, caring for your pets, dance, taking a shower, using the bathroom, etc.
I could go on forever, but I think you get my point.
Video games I already covered.
Music is entertainment, meaning ut can either be a distraction, or an inspiration. Music alone means nothing, it needs context.
Bathroom and eating are physiological needs that fall under survival. If you dont poop, you die.
Cleaning and shower are hygiene, ergo, attraction, ergo reproduction. Slobs are disgusting and less attractive mates
Dancing is LITERALLY a mating ritual, that's what it originated from, and that's what it still is today. Why do you think people go to nightclubs?

1. Trip
2. Burp
3. Laughing
4. Dancing
5. Slapping

Also he gave a valid point, you seem to forget asexuality exists
Dunno what you mean by trip, but ig you mean drugs, it's typically escapism, or addiction, which is a created drive
2. And 3. Are physiological needs or reactions. Also laughter creates attraction. Comedy comes from thr drive to reproduce. You try to be funny to attract mates as humor brings people together.
Dancing is a mating ritual. Always has been.
Slapping fighting competition, estsblishing dominance, attraction.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I never said they had to have a disorder, you can be mentally ill without having a disorder just the same as you can get sick without having diabetes.

Video games I already covered.
Music is entertainment, meaning ut can either be a distraction, or an inspiration. Music alone means nothing, it needs context.
Bathroom and eating are physiological needs that fall under survival. If you dont poop, you die.
Cleaning and shower are hygiene, ergo, attraction, ergo reproduction. Slobs are disgusting and less attractive mates
Dancing is LITERALLY a mating ritual, that's what it originated from, and that's what it still is today. Why do you think people go to nightclubs?

Dunno what you mean by trip, but ig you mean drugs, it's typically escapism, or addiction, which is a created drive
2. And 3. Are physiological needs or reactions. Also laughter creates attraction. Comedy comes from thr drive to reproduce. You try to be funny to attract mates as humor brings people together.
Dancing is a mating ritual. Always has been.
Slapping fighting competition, estsblishing dominance, attraction.
My dude, I mean tripping. Literally tripping. Foot tripping

I'm not sure what's with your obession with sex, go buy me a Bible or something dude. I think the thread would like to focus on an actual leak instead of how everything the world is because of a drive for dominance.

But we already have proof that Stealth was right in the past with his claims. Regardless if hes a troll on GFs, he did get information right in the case discussed a few pages back,
Uh, but you just said he's a troll, who's gotten ONE thing right. Why would he suddenly get something right now


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2013
Video games and socializing are pretty much that, socializing.

Socializing keeps you mentally healthy, and in contact with other people which increases your chances to meet potential mates.

The only exception would be gaming alone, in which case would be escapism and a replacement for genuine human interaction, this is why waifus are a thibg, and some guy in Japan married his DS.

Sports and white knuckles (whatever that is), are competition and a display of alpha dominance, skill, and superiority (yes, females can be alpha too). Typically, an alpha male/female has a higher chance of reproduction, and is put in a position that helps him/her better ensure the survival of the herd.

They're modern replacements for traditional things, but it's still built on the same drives. It's not a conscious thing as it's programmed into your genetic code, but your genes dictate a hell of a lot more than you think.
Talking with my friend helped me meet no one. It was just enjoyable.
Playing Resonance of Fate helped me meet no one.
I can't digitally **** people lol

Heck we socialize here and the vast majority of us never met and will never meet. Even if socializing helps people be mentally healthy (and it does to an extent), it sure as heck doesnt mean they need each other to survive or that the purpose is to procreate; you dont need to be mentally healthy (or physically to an extent) to reproduce, you just need working sexual organs.

And again, being social doesnt necessarily help you survive. My friends havent payed a single one of my bills. My friends and I sparring privately isnt helping us cull the herd or helping us gain an adventage over the other in terms of reproduction. I mean that entire mindset implies people only do these act in front of the opposite sex in order to get booty.

There's a difference between an action having a side effect of assisting one in reproducing (Correlation) and an action being done to assist in reproduction (Causation).

The very concept of escapism, and to an extent sportsmanship, implies that not everything we do depends depends on survival and reproduction. It's a distraction from life or an escape from , as you put it, natural drives. For some exercise and sports are an escape; the results are a side effect. Aggression need not be due to sexual urges; people get aggressive when annoyed even if it wont help them have sex or survive (i.e. animal abusers). Climbing a gosh darn mountain, researching rocks, having tiny pets (socialization without reproduction or survival benefits), collecting toe nails, sticking one's hand i a bag of beans (whoever gets this reference is potentially my friend), collecting dead insects, riding roller coasters [please dont tell me you think roller coasters are a subconscious symbol for penises], things that have little to nothing to do with survival and often decrease the chances of it.....people have different interest, different drives out side of sex and survival. There's just so much off **** that people do that associating everything with sex and survival doesn't make sense.

There's a difference between survival and living(not the medical term) that you seem to simply ignore or not care about.

I mean how is your conversation here helping you have sex? Is you thinking about our sexual or non sexual thoughts helping you lay down some green pipe? Is it putting food in your stomach? If you're correct and successfully change our minds doesnt that mean you're making more competition for yourself and thus you're doing something that isnt helping you reproduce and survive?

I mean you being here and having this conversation is a contradiction to your philosophy. And it's just that. Your stance is simply one philosophy out of many. Plenty think we're automatons and plenty more don't. Simply believing something doesnt make it true; you can at least agree with that, I presume?

Make no mistake, sexual and survival instincts are part of our lives and do affect some of out actions, but ignoring other aspects of life is ignoring life itself.


Sep 12, 2014
Nikki's also said that she's just having fun and only making guesses.

Idk why people keep thinking she's got all this inside info.

She even told epicmartin7 epicmartin7 she was straight up guessing so???
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