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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I'm seriously considering tweeting at Nintendo and asking them what the heck's going on.
The suspense is pretty much consuming my soul right now, and it all makes no sense.
My guess is that they delayed it due to it being a weekend. Maybe tomorrow.

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I'm seriously considering tweeting at Nintendo and asking them what the heck's going on.
The suspense is pretty much consuming my soul right now, and it all makes no sense.
I suggest you don't. Enough people are doing it anyway.
If it is still up by tomorrow (Japan time) then things are weird but right now there is no reason to be pestering them even more.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I'm seriously considering tweeting at Nintendo and asking them what the heck's going on.
The suspense is pretty much consuming my soul right now, and it all makes no sense.
I'm getting worried on the ballot too but tweeting to a company who doesn't respond to their consumer posts isn't going to help.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I won the other two. :p

And I'm advising that cause I know it's not my A game, nor do I bother to record my A game since I only use uploads for analysis. Ike and Rosa aren't even my mains. Look at my profile, it's ZSS.
I think there's something you're not understanding here.
ALL of the stuff you're talking about only ever matters in the highest of high level play. And I mean the HIGHEST. The people who live and breathe the game, and the people who are trying to get to that point.
If you put, say, a fairly average Smasher who does pretty well on For Glory playing a low tier against someone who only plays the game every now and then playing a high tier, it's not going to matter. Because Tiers don't mean crap unless you are taking every aspect of the game deathly serious.
And yes, I know we aren't talking tiers. But it's exactly the same for techniques and strategies like counters. Literally all of the problems you state with them can be easily dealt with by using one simple technique: baiting. Charge a forward smash, wait for the obvious counter, but don't release it until their counter is done. Not only did you not get wrecked by it, you got an insane amount of damage and knockback on the player. That's just one of the MANY ways to bait, punish, and stale-out counters. But that's not going to matter to people who don't care about things like that. Of course a counter is going to seem OP if you're relentlessly attacking and trying to do combos thinking you can outdo it. You're literally asking for it.
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Last I checked Dark Souls wasn't a CoD clone. Neither was Guilty Gear. Nor half the E3 lineup for PS4.

The best Nintendo has on the WiiU is Monster Hunter, Splatoon, MK8, and the Platinum Games. All else has been underwhelming thus far.

Hopefully XCX and Fatal Frame can rectify that.

On the 3DS, I've only bothered with Bravely Default, Pokemon OR, and MH4U. Only MH4U was worth the purchase.

After reading this I need a shot of orange juice.

Deleted member

If you have no intention of going pro then why the **** are you complaining about it like it matters? It you have no interest in competitive play then no crap it's not going to seem balanced.
You're quite the piece of work, I gotta say. You make some good points but they're clouded by a frankly pretentious attittude.
Because someone claimed that the game was well-balanced, and I corrected them by saying it's not since it's balanced mostly for FFA, and then provided examples off the top of my head?

I don't give two ****s about Smash competitive play, but I don't have to be ZeRo to notice balance flaws within the game.

If anyone is being pretentious it's you lot who refuse to accept that maybe, just maybe, the game might not be as fine-tuned as you delude yourselves into believing.

Is the game fun? Yeah. Can the game be competitive? Very much so. Is the game geared toward competitive play? No, ofc not. In fact, I'd say it's very lazy and underwhelming in that department. The online matchmaking options should be proof enough. There is literally no online ranking system.

Honestly, it's getting to the point where I believe you people are arguing for the sake of arguing cause someone disagrees with you. If you don't like what someone says, you call them pretentious or a troll. And believe me, I can be the biggest asshole troll around, starting **** and getting you lot riled up for my own amusement. I've done it in the past many many times. But right now, I'm genuinely being civil and merely expressing my POV, I honestly don't understand the hostility.

Perhaps you people should stop taking videogames so personally.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Because someone claimed that the game was well-balanced, and I corrected them by saying it's not since it's balanced mostly for FFA, and then provided examples off the top of my head?

I don't give two ****s about Smash competitive play, but I don't have to be ZeRo to notice balance flaws within the game.

If anyone is being pretentious it's you lot who refuse to accept that maybe, just maybe, the game might not be as fine-tuned as you delude yourselves into believing.

Is the game fun? Yeah. Can the game be competitive? Very much so. Is the game geared toward competitive play? No, ofc not. In fact, I'd say it's very lazy and underwhelming in that department. The online matchmaking options should be proof enough. There is literally no online ranking system.

Honestly, it's getting to the point where I believe you people are arguing for the sake of arguing cause someone disagrees with you. If you don't like what someone says, you call them pretentious or a troll. And believe me, I can be the biggest ******* troll around, starting **** and getting you lot riled up for my own amusement. I've done it in the past many many times. But right now, I'm genuinely being civil and merely expressing my POV, I honestly don't understand the hostility.

Perhaps you people should stop taking videogames so personally.
"Perhaps you people should stop taking videogames so personally."

..Did you not just say you're never gonna buy a Nintendo console again?


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
So I have an interesting question for you guys. If an assist trophy were to become a character, do you think that...

1.) The character would use the same character model as the Assist Trophy or a new model all together?

2.) The Assist Trophy would not load for good or would not load when a character is in a match?
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Ok now it's time to stop arguing before things get too heated. It's man;y's first day here and it isn't going too pleasantly. Don't reply for awhile if necessary but there is no reason for this to have gone as long as it has :/

So I have an interesting question for you guys. If an assist trophy were to become a character, do you think that...

1.) The character would use the same character model as the Assist Trophy or a new model all together?
2.) The Assist Trophy would not load for good or would not load when a character is in a match?
1.new model easily. The current models are too low quality to work.
2. Personally I don't think they would change it, The characters are figurines. No reason for them to take the oterh AT away. Maybe it's just another series of figure :troll:
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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Man, this place is booming with activity. I don't come here often, but for the sake of enjoying a good discussion, I'll stick around. :nessmelee:


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Because someone claimed that the game was well-balanced, and I corrected them by saying it's not since it's balanced mostly for FFA, and then provided examples off the top of my head?

I don't give two ****s about Smash competitive play, but I don't have to be ZeRo to notice balance flaws within the game.

If anyone is being pretentious it's you lot who refuse to accept that maybe, just maybe, the game might not be as fine-tuned as you delude yourselves into believing.

Is the game fun? Yeah. Can the game be competitive? Very much so. Is the game geared toward competitive play? No, ofc not. In fact, I'd say it's very lazy and underwhelming in that department. The online matchmaking options should be proof enough. There is literally no online ranking system.

Honestly, it's getting to the point where I believe you people are arguing for the sake of arguing cause someone disagrees with you. If you don't like what someone says, you call them pretentious or a troll. And believe me, I can be the biggest ******* troll around, starting **** and getting you lot riled up for my own amusement. I've done it in the past many many times. But right now, I'm genuinely being civil and merely expressing my POV, I honestly don't understand the hostility.

Perhaps you people should stop taking videogames so personally.
Oh the sweet, delicious hypocracy. Like I said, you DO have some points. SOME. The game isn't perfectly balanced because perfect balance is impossible to achive.
What is FACT, however is that A) The meta for Smash 4, even this far in, is still very very young. Especially with patches. And B) DESPITE Smash 4 having more characters than other installments, Smash 4 is currently the most diverse with character selection in competition than any other Smash game so far. Even PM doesn't stack up to the numbers.

But whatever, Ive had enough conversations to know a brick wall when I see it. You're free to your opinions, and I'm free to have my opinion on your opinions, just as you are.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
So I have an interesting question for you guys. If an assist trophy were to become a character, do you think that...

1.) The character would use the same character model as the Assist Trophy or a new model all together?

2.) The Assist Trophy would not load for good or would not load when a character is in a match?
The AT models are lower poly than actual fighters, se they'd NEED either a new model or some upscaling

Character is more plausible, this is already the case with Conductor Link and 64Dedede

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
So I have an interesting question for you guys. If an assist trophy were to become a character, do you think that...

1.) The character would use the same character model as the Assist Trophy or a new model all together?
2.) The Assist Trophy would not load for good or would not load when a character is in a match?
1) Unless the character got a redesign since their appearance in Sm4sh, they most likely won't get a new model.
2) The Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 game "Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL" (a meh Smash knock-off), they have playable characters that were originally only Assist Cubes (exact same as Smash's Assist Trophies) in the 3DS version of the game (which had less content than the console counter parts). So I say yes.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
For me, as long as a game keeps me entertainment and gives an enjoyable experience, I'm fine with that game.

Not to say games don't have flaws and all that, but I honestly stopped giving much thought to them. One thing I've learned to accept wholeheartedly is the imperfection of everything in the world.

Even the most experienced people make mistakes. Even a masterpiece will have a flaw. And it's for this very reason I've learned to pay better attention to the positive aspects in games, especially because playing games is meant to be entertaining, meant to be fun. The moment I start focus on the flaws is the moment when the game stops being fun for me, which is why I'm still cautious about what games I pick: a game where I feel its flaws outweigh its qualities can't be fun in my viewpoint.

Well, I must be off to sleep right now. Just wanted to give my thoughts on the topic before I leave.

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
Because someone claimed that the game was well-balanced, and I corrected them by saying it's not since it's balanced mostly for FFA, and then provided examples off the top of my head?

I don't give two ****s about Smash competitive play, but I don't have to be ZeRo to notice balance flaws within the game.

If anyone is being pretentious it's you lot who refuse to accept that maybe, just maybe, the game might not be as fine-tuned as you delude yourselves into believing.

Is the game fun? Yeah. Can the game be competitive? Very much so. Is the game geared toward competitive play? No, ofc not. In fact, I'd say it's very lazy and underwhelming in that department. The online matchmaking options should be proof enough. There is literally no online ranking system.

Honestly, it's getting to the point where I believe you people are arguing for the sake of arguing cause someone disagrees with you. If you don't like what someone says, you call them pretentious or a troll. And believe me, I can be the biggest ******* troll around, starting **** and getting you lot riled up for my own amusement. I've done it in the past many many times. But right now, I'm genuinely being civil and merely expressing my POV, I honestly don't understand the hostility.

Perhaps you people should stop taking videogames so personally.
So are you going to ever attempt to provide actual counter-refutes, or are you just going to ignore the refutes you're given while continuing to double down on your scrubtastic claims?

Deleted member

Or it's the person who literally blamed the game despite the problem being that they aren't good against counters due to high aggression
Except I never said I had a problem with counters. I merely cited them as an example of unbalanced elements within the game, especially since they've gotten considerably better than previous games.

Hell, I even posted a video where I punish every single one of a counter-happy Roy's counters as Rosa.

You're literally gonna take videos I shared that I use for the sake of advise as a measurement of my skill, and then say "argument invalide, git gud" Dude.... literally my first time facing a competent Sonic as Ike, I get my **** kicked in so I record it to heed advice as I had no idea as to how to handle the situation on an already bad natch uo, and you're like "you're clearly not good, so we're gonna ignore your points." Bro, srsly...


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Are some of you folks honestly still arguing about something so trivial?

It's really becoming toxic at this point. :|

Deleted member



Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
Can you tell me anyways? Lol.
but that would be the POLAR opposite of my intent pleas BEAR in mind that
If i was To Say what it was id be ruiNing the surprize And iM not surE It would Speak
of my Integrety i mean it would Seem like i was takEing all The fun Away from the creators
Lets jUSt be paitent

Find the capitals the mini paragraph to get the hint


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Are some of you folks honestly still arguing about something so trivial?

It's really becoming toxic at this point. :|
You've just described 70% of our arguments. At this point it's become as common as these sarcastic remarks about said points.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
So I have an interesting question for you guys. If an assist trophy were to become a character, do you think that...

1.) The character would use the same character model as the Assist Trophy or a new model all together?

2.) The Assist Trophy would not load for good or would not load when a character is in a match?
1. No, a promoted Assist Trophy would need a new model, most of their models are usually low poly or recycled.
Ashley, Dillon, and Waluigi would probably look OK as a fighter, but Takamaru, Midna, Ghirahim, Goroh, Lyndis, etc. would need a new model.
Especially Ghirahim, his model is literally reskinned from Skyward Sword.

2. Neither. Just give the AT a single extra palette they use when anyone is playing the character.
This palette would be unique to the Assist Trophy.

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
Except I never said I had a problem with counters. I merely cited them as an example of unbalanced elements within the game, especially since they've gotten considerably better than previous games.
Yet Counters are still really bad moves with some of the worst risk-reward ratio in the game, with barely any usage at even the lowest levels of competitive play, while your "evidence" for them being "OP" is "I once got killed early by one as Rosalina!".

Hell, I even posted a video where I punish every single one of a counter-happy Roy's counters as Rosa.
Then you should be able to fully recognise how bad counters are and why it's so laughable to seriously claim they're a "balance issue".

You're literally gonna take videos I shared that I use for the sake of advise as a measurement of my skill, and then say "argument invalide, git gud" Dude.... literally my first time facing a competent Sonic as Ike, I get my **** kicked in so I record it to heed advice as I had no idea as to how to handle the situation on an already bad natch uo, and you're like "you're clearly not good, so we're gonna ignore your points." Bro, srsly...
Playing against a character you're not familiar with for the first time doesn't cause you to degenerate to a stereotypical FG player.
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Deleted member

So are you going to ever attempt to provide actual counter-refutes, or are you just going to ignore the refutes you're given while continuing to double down on your scrubtastic claims?
What refutes, all I've heard here is "git gud." When I never even said counters were OP, just that they weren't properly balances.

I literally cited them as an example of how the game is not properly balanced. One of various. And the creator himself goes against wanting to make the game competitively balanced. This doesn't mean the game can't be competitive, but it still doesn't make the game properly balanced. The most balances Smash is PM, period. Because it's the only one with that intention and care put into it.

Again, how is this an argument?

No, "git gud" is not a proper refutal to my claims. Especially since I'm not even complaining. I can accept Smash 4 for what it is, but I can see what it's not very clearly.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Not according to ZeRo himself.
Oh my god, how have I never seen that tweet.
That is perfect.
Are some of you folks honestly still arguing about something so trivial?

It's really becoming toxic at this point. :|
Implying it was never toxic =P

It can't be avoided. It's human nature to defend something we believe is right.

Deleted member

but that would be the POLAR opposite of my intent pleas BEAR in mind that
If i was To Say what it was id be ruiNing the surprize And iM not surE It would Speak
of my Integrety i mean it would Seem like i was takEing all The fun Away from the creators
Lets jUSt be paitent

Find the capitals the mini paragraph to get the hint

I double checked in case I missed a letter.

Deleted member

but that would be the POLAR opposite of my intent pleas BEAR in mind that
If i was To Say what it was id be ruiNing the surprize And iM not surE It would Speak
of my Integrety i mean it would Seem like i was takEing all The fun Away from the creators
Lets jUSt be paitent

Find the capitals the mini paragraph to get the hint
>polar ice
Uhh... four mains I guess


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
Guys? Do you remember the last time the thread got heated? This thread got locked.

We were dealing with a troll at the time (I'm not saying anyone is a troll in the slightest), but everyone still got heated at the time. I may not be a moderator (and don't really deserve to be one), but this seriously needs to stop.

I feel we're scaring new and old users alike. Look at what happened to Tama. I understand he was making offense type jokes, but we all ganged up on him (myself included).

I think it's just good to back off to let bygones be bygones. If you can't handle the heat, just walk away and let it fix itself.

EDIT: Okay, I'm kind of confused. I thought things were getting heated again?
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Not according to ZeRo himself.
You're my favourite son now
Except I never said I had a problem with counters. I merely cited them as an example of unbalanced elements within the game, especially since they've gotten considerably better than previous games.

Hell, I even posted a video where I punish every single one of a counter-happy Roy's counters as Rosa.

You're literally gonna take videos I shared that I use for the sake of advise as a measurement of my skill, and then say "argument invalide, git gud" Dude.... literally my first time facing a competent Sonic as Ike, I get my **** kicked in so I record it to heed advice as I had no idea as to how to handle the situation on an already bad natch uo, and you're like "you're clearly not good, so we're gonna ignore your points." Bro, srsly...
Word of advice. Don't use For Glory to see how people are good. This site literally has hundreds of people who'd give you perfect advice on how to deal with these characters. Not to mention you played overly aggressive with a character who's very slow against the fastest chip damage fighter in the game. I wasn't trying to defend the game's balance as there are certainly flaws, but I can't stand poor arguments. Also, don't call me bro

Deleted member

Not according to ZeRo himself.
Well, just one more reason to dislike him.

I already had a sour taste for him after his cheap victory at the invitational, his bad taste in fasion, and his salt after losing yesterday.

Bu well, whatever, according to ZeRo, game designers have no idea about balance either.

Has he ever made a game? :troll:

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
What refutes, all I've heard here is "git gud." When I never even said counters were OP, just that they weren't properly balances.

I literally cited them as an example of how the game is not properly balanced. One of various. And the creator himself goes against wanting to make the game competitively balanced. This doesn't mean the game can't be competitive, but it still doesn't make the game properly balanced. The most balances Smash is PM, period. Because it's the only one with that intention and care put into it.

Again, how is this an argument?

No, "git gud" is not a proper refutal to my claims. Especially since I'm not even complaining. I can accept Smash 4 for what it is, but I can see what it's not very clearly.
So you pretty much admit here you completely ignored all my posts, particularly a detailed post back that explains why counters are ****ty. You should go back and read them.
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