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Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2013
YCG still had to agree to put in all those games. The other devs can't just use them for free. YCG has taken every offer they could get. Clearly selling out. If this ballot were launched any other year, there'd be a different character in his place, like Yooka Laylee, or the Bloodstained star. Theres always going to be a new and hip indie rep that is flavor of the month.
please recheck the definition of "sell out"

Deleted member

YCG still had to agree to put in all those games. The other devs can't just use them for free. YCG has taken every offer they could get. Clearly selling out. If this ballot were launched any other year, there'd be a different character in his place, like Yooka Laylee, or the Bloodstained star. Theres always going to be a new and hip indie rep that is flavor of the month.
The more you rant about "selling out" bull****, the less I even care what you have to say.


YouTube: SewerBuddies
Apr 21, 2013
Yoshi Isle
Switch FC
SW 5178 3144 4326
If Shovel Knight gets in, I expect you to express this rage via a video of you crushing your Smash 4 disk.

Shovel Knight represents more than just himself. He's a particularly stand-out case of an Indie game done right, one that's garnered a ton of attention from a crowd that wouldn't necessarily have paid the genre any mind otherwise. He's certainly not the first, and he's definitely not the oldest - but he's done something that other Indie characters have failed to do, and that's penetrate a market that's typically too jaded to play anything unfamiliar. Granted, that was possible because his game is everything that is familiar to a 20-something or older gamer, but he still did it.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Context is more along the lines of his playstyle than him in general.
"He's not the type of character that would usually appear in the Smash Bros. series, but we worked really hard to make it happen. We're very happy with how he turned out."
That context can be seen in any light. Could be play style, could be the fact he's a character that really doesn't have a future ahead of him, etc.

And we know Sakurai doesn't like to add those type of characters usually anyways.

Look? I'm glad he did, because Shulk's an awesome character who deserves to be in because of what he brings with his play-style, but to throw claims that one year characters who are fads shouldn't get in when you're rocking a Shulk avatar is pretty hypocritical.


Jul 7, 2014
If you rage at Shovel Knight's inclusion you could just... idk, not buy him. Think of him as if he didn't exist. To you. And the other people using SK are hackers.

Deleted member

I swear, if I got a cent for every time someone says SK is "niche" or "unknown to the general public" I would be able to buy both versions of Smash, a GC controller adapter, all DLC released and two amiibos from scalpers

Deleted member

That context can be seen in any light. Could be play style, could be the fact he's a character that really doesn't have a future ahead of him, etc.
"Worked really hard to make it happen"
"Happy with how he turned out"

How can these relate to anything but his playstyle and still make sense in context?
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Well it's now tomorrow so i'm off to bed.

Announcement will be in like 5 minutes now that im leaving
If im right I demand to be tagged. Thank you, and goodnight
lol at unnecessary salt over a video game character

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
"Worked really hard to make it happen"
"Happy with how he turned out"

How can these relate to anything but his playstyle and still make sense in context?
You can admit to something being unlikely in a slightly negative light, but still being happy with how it turned out.

Might be wrong in this case, but it's still possible Sakurai knows he usually doesn't add characters in Shulk's stance, but is happy he did because of his unique playstyle.

Deleted member

I didn't enough know what Shantae was before I came here.
I did know Shovel Knight.
My friends knew Shovel Knight before I even mentioned the game to them when I started playing. (Those assholes, not even recommending the game to me....)

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Considering his amount of appearances, his amazing ties to Nintendo (sales, the amiibo), and more.

Shovel Knight is clearly a character who is not only not a fad, but the ultimate in the Indie world, he also has a future, because oh my god, shock and awe, Yacht Club Games is doing something with their character to make sure he stays in the public eye.

That's not selling out. That's just how business ****ing works. You want to succeed.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Ahhh... impatiently waiting for Smash news in the middle of the night when I should be doing something else. I SO MISSED THIS!

The hype is real and the salt is nigh. It's a good day indeed.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I didn't enough know what Shantae was before I came here.
I did know Shovel Knight.
While I think Shantae being more popular is debatable (at least in terms of Smash), saying "I knew this character while I didn't know that one, so he/she's definitely more popular" isn't a good point. I've seen people who didn't know who Greninja was and yet knew who Shovel Knight was, yet that doesn't mean the latter was more popular or more well known then it.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.

I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.

Why didn't this game work?

SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.

Why didn't it catch on?

Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.

Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...

I mean look at the first party line up!

Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)

Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Big Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)

Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)

This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.

Even the third party picks aren't that bad.

Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.

They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.

Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.

So what happened?

I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.

On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first but I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.

I dunno. What do you guys think?
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Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
For me, Shovel Knight getting in is the first instance of a bandwagon character successfully getting into Smash. Literally the only thing he has in his favor is that he's the flavor of the month, and I personally think that that's a very dangerous road for Nintendo to go down with additions.

Shovel Knight has pretty much no relevancy to Nintendo, at least not that he doesn't already share with literally every other console on the market. He's currently this game's Geno, a completely irrelevant and unimportant third party who inexplicably got popular because the game they were from was good and that they were popular in their original game. Even then Geno has an advantage over SK, because at least he was a Nintendo exclusive character, whereas Shovel Knight, up until the very recent announcement of his amiibo, had MORE content in his game on every major console BUT Nintendo's. And just like Geno's support post-Brawl dwindled and died, Shovel Knight's undeniably will as well, and he'll fall into the pile of characters like Gooey, Midna, Geno, and Krystal, of characters that had large fanbases once but that fell off the face of the earth by the time of the next Smash.

Nintendo giving credence to obvious bandwagon characters such as Shovel Knight is a very, very dangerous thing when it comes to future Smash content. A Smash where all a character will need is to be in the right place at the right time and have their creators beg hard enough in order for them to get in, regardless of their importance to Nintendo or it's history. Doing this with a third party is even MORE dangerous.

And I say this as a massive Shovel Knight fan who stayed up until 4 am to perfect Plague of Shadows. This is a terrible choice if Nintendo goes through with it.

tl;dr: Adding Shovel Knight is about as bad as adding Geno to me - a character who has no relevance to Nintendo whose fleeting bandwagon support will ultimately die out and whose support now will be be just as laughable in the future as Geno's is to us now.


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
YCG still had to agree to put in all those games. The other devs can't just use them for free. YCG has taken every offer they could get. Clearly selling out. If this ballot were launched any other year, there'd be a different character in his place, like Yooka Laylee, or the Bloodstained star. Theres always going to be a new and hip indie rep that is flavor of the month.
Didn't the Yooka Laylee devs campaign for Yooka and Laylee to get in Smash?

That really didn't take off, did it?
tl;dr: Adding Shovel Knight is about as bad as adding Geno to me - a character who has no relevance to Nintendo whose fleeting bandwagon support will ultimately die out and whose support now will be be just as laughable in the future as Geno's is to us now.
Do we really know if Shovel Knight is going to die out like Geno? More than likely Shovel Knight getting into Smash will massively boost his popularity and give him staying power, like Brawl did to Pit. That's my take on it, it'd also be really good to add him if Nintendo is planning to buy out Yacht Club and make Shovel Knight first party.
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Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
If you rage at Shovel Knight's inclusion you could just... idk, not buy him. Think of him as if he didn't exist. To you. And the other people using SK are hackers.
I don't plan on buying him, nor do any of my buddies, so I doubt I'll ever play him, unless hes in a re-release on NX. Also this is barely a rage towards him, I'm just very outspoken against his inclusion and want no part of him in Smash.
But, didn't the Yooka Laylee devs campaign for Yooka and Laylee to get in Smash?

That really didn't take off, did it?
Nope, not once. They campaigned for Banjo and K Rool, both characters they made.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Ya'll just need a break from this website.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
so im looking at my 4th levels deaths (its a mario 3 theme) and someone DIED ON THE GOAL

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
A reminder that while you're entitled to your opinion, ultimately it has little bearing on Shovel Knight being playable. I ask that you all remember to keep debates civil, and to cut down on reaction posts and videos.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.

I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.

Why didn't this game work?

SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.

Why didn't it catch on?

Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.

Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...

I mean look at the first party line up!

Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)

Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Bit Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)

Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)

This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.

Even the third party picks aren't that bad.

Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.

They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.

Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.

So what happened?

I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.

On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.

I dunno. What do you guys think?
Damn that cinematic is fantastic. . .

@LIQUID12A you're up to bat.

NOW i sleep. Smooth McGroove kept me awake with Traverse Town <3
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.

I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.

Why didn't this game work?

SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.

Why didn't it catch on?

Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.

Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...

I mean look at the first party line up!

Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)

Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Bit Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)

Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)

This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.

Even the third party picks aren't that bad.

Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.

They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.

Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.

So what happened?

I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.

On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.

I dunno. What do you guys think?
Having to use super moves to kill your opponents is one of the biggest problems. If you could score KOs without having to use them it would have been better. Compare to other fighting games, you don't need to use supers or final smashes etc. to KO your opponents. You miss with your super move and you're pretty much back to square 1. As one reviewer put it, "All your progress is lost".

Then there's the third party choices. Reboot Dante over classic was painful. Raiden over Snake probably caused some salt. Big Daddy and Isaac probably shouldn't have been included especially when highly requested characters like Lara Croft, Cloud and even Crash and Spyro couldn't get in.

Another problem some others see is that the characters just didn't mesh well together. For some, seeing a character like Sweet Tooth in the same game as say, Parappa or Spike just doesn't work.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
Conducting a business = selling out

You can't make this **** up people.
If you made one game and then settled on that, putting the character in 10 + other games, creating and distributing and Amiibo, and possibly begging Nintendo (Ubisoft and the Bit Runner Dev begged for trophies) to put SK in Smash.

Hell, did you see the amiibo announcement video with the Game Grumps? The amount of SK posters, shirts and grumpage is the pure definition of selling out.


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.

I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.

Why didn't this game work?

SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.

Why didn't it catch on?

Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.

Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...

I mean look at the first party line up!

Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)

Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Big Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)

Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)

This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.

Even the third party picks aren't that bad.

Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.

They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.

Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.

So what happened?

I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.

On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first but I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.

I dunno. What do you guys think?
Definitely the gameplay in my book. It's just a race to who can get their special first, and some specials are just inherently a lot worse than others.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.

I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.

Why didn't this game work?

SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.

Why didn't it catch on?

Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.

Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...

I mean look at the first party line up!

Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)

Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Bit Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)

Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)

This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.

Even the third party picks aren't that bad.

Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.

They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.

Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.

So what happened?

I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.

On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.

I dunno. What do you guys think?
Wanna know why?

**** balance, Kill system, weird roster selections, broken as hell Kratos, Kat being DLC and missing the true PS All-Stars.
You know, the big 4.

It had a lot going for it and was really decent for what it was but man the glaring problems couldn't be ignored.

The awful balance between fighter that they didn't fix until two years later, you can't buy DLC fighters anymore and the really what hurt it was that it tried so hard to be competitive without fun factor put in it as well.

The KO system was the biggest fault of the game. The sole fact that normals and regular specials couldn't kill opponents but a Super only can made it really frustrating to work with.

That said it was fun, Jak & Daxter were fun characters, Parrappa the Rapper was my man along with Heihachi and Raiden and Kat is love, Kat is life.

Also Dabuz made PSASBR his *****. He's undefeated in all ASBR tournaments.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.

I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.

Why didn't this game work?

SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.

Why didn't it catch on?

Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.

Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...

I mean look at the first party line up!

Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)

Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Big Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)

Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)

This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.

Even the third party picks aren't that bad.

Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.

They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.

Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.

So what happened?

I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.

On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.

I dunno. What do you guys think?
The game's biggest flaw, in my opinion, was that it noticeably lacked content and different game modes, which hindered its replay value. I know that it didn't have a huge budget, but still. Aside from that, the only way to get kills were from super attacks. That had a lot of drawbacks in retrospect. There were also quite a few glitches (and not the fun kind) that had to be patched out.

The game was solid, but it's no Smash Bros. I think it'll do better if they ever make a sequel.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
User was warned for this post
If you made one game and then settled on that, putting the character in 10 + other games, creating and distributing and Amiibo, and possibly begging Nintendo (Ubisoft and the Bit Runner Dev begged for trophies) to put SK in Smash.

Hell, did you see the amiibo announcement video with the Game Grumps? The amount of SK posters, shirts and grumpage is the pure definition of selling out.
You know nothing of how to run a business.

Please don't ever open one.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
If you made one game and then settled on that, putting the character in 10 + other games, creating and distributing and Amiibo, and possibly begging Nintendo (Ubisoft and the Bit Runner Dev begged for trophies) to put SK in Smash.

Hell, did you see the amiibo announcement video with the Game Grumps? The amount of SK posters, shirts and grumpage is the pure definition of selling out.
Dude, the game has been out for only a year. Not to mention they're working on tons of DLC for it.
They're an indie, they don't have TIME to churn out sequels.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Seriously I will sleep after this
If Crash and spyro were in PSABR I would like its roster more than any smash game. So many cool characters. Even the ones I dont care for like Heihachi and Parappa are so naturally cool it doesnt matter after growing up with PS1 and PS2. And because I have no association with DMC "Donte" doesnt seem to different from Dante (both stuck up from what little i've seen) I have no qualms but those 2 missing characters

Deleted member

My friends knew Shovel Knight before I even mentioned the game to them when I started playing. (Those ********, not even recommending the game to me....)
I knew about Butt Butt since the Kickstarter started
I learned about Shulk through random Top 10 videos
I don't think there is a single Smash 4 newcomer(besides Shulk) that I didn't know about before speculation
Though I'm happy that Shulk was included, he is a recent character from a highly aclaimed game that has a promising future and is fun to play as
Now replace Shulk with Butt Butt and you'll see how I feel about him

Also, do I need to mention how I learned about Chorus Men?
Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.

I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.

Why didn't this game work?

SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.

Why didn't it catch on?

Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.

Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...

I mean look at the first party line up!

Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)

Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Big Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)

Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)

This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.

Even the third party picks aren't that bad.

Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.

They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.

Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.

So what happened?

I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.

On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.

I dunno. What do you guys think?
It was definitely the gameplay
I can take questionable roster decisions
I can't take something that literally makes the game unnecessarily 10x slower
If you made one game and then settled on that, putting the character in 10 + other games, creating and distributing and Amiibo, and possibly begging Nintendo (Ubisoft and the Bit Runner Dev begged for trophies) to put SK in Smash.

Hell, did you see the amiibo announcement video with the Game Grumps? The amount of SK posters, shirts and grumpage is the pure definition of selling out.
Yeah, because they clearly settled down with one game
It's not like they have a bunch of DLC to make because of the Kickstarter
And you would still be usingnthe sellout thing if they had made another game
"They already made another game? They're trying to push SK down our throats!"


Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
I attend Pax every year. For the last two years, Shovel Knight has been tucked away on the fourth floor, in an area we call The Wasteland because there's usually nothing of interest there. This year Shovel Knight was put next to Game Flask (the Flask that looks like a Game) and some random internet podcast 'celebrities' I didn't give a second glance. There were three games put in this section of the show floor, and I guarantee you don't know what the other two are. This area of the show sees less foot traffic than any other, and by a wide, wide margin. And this isn't just where Indies get sent. There's a dedicated section of the Main Floor set aside just for indie developers. It's always jam packed filled with people.

It's easy to forget how small the game is when this site and the Smash Bros reddit won't stop talking about it. But it is small.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
You know nothing of how to run a business.

Please don't ever open one.
Already have and doing pretty well for myself and graduated from a renown business school. Don't even try to attack my knowledge of business principles. I never said it doesn't make them money, its completely questionable and comes off as greedy. Look at Minecraft, it pursued just about every medium possible and is still looking for new avenues to make them money.
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