Man. For all its faults, this game had an amazing opening.
I'd like to discuss a couple of things though.
Why didn't this game work?
SSB works just fine. As does various other crossovers.
Why didn't it catch on?
Was it just the gameplay? I mean it wasn't perfect but for all intents and purposes it was really fun. It should have at least been a great starting point. I hope it comes to PS4 someday as I would love to own it finally.
Was it the roster? I'm not so sure...
I mean look at the first party line up!
Debuted on PS1.
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Toro (Doku Demo Isskyo)
Sir Daniel Fortisque (Medievil) <--Best Character
Spike (Ape Escape)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)
Debuted on PS2.
Colonel Radec (Killzone)
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
Rachet and Clank (Rachet and Clank)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Kratos (God of War)
Zeus (God of War)
Debuted on PS3
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sackboy (Little Bit Planet)
Cole MacGrath/Evil Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
Emmett Brown (Starhawk)
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)
Even one character from the PS Vita!
Kat (Gravity Rush)
This isn't a bad list of characters! They got several Sony icons there and were smart enough to bring both the megatons and the obscure. For the characters they could get. They used them pretty well.
Even the third party picks aren't that bad.
Heihachi (Tekken), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Raiden (Metal Gear) all have direct ties to the PlayStation brand. And while Big Daddy (Bioshock) and Isaac (Dead Space) are a bit odd. They definitely work and have fun tools to use.
They were pretty darn smart. They even gave each console a lot of love.
Are there any real problems with it? I mean there are clashing art styles sure but that's the point. Even then other crossovers have done that. Smash does it all the time.
So what happened?
I don't think the developers respected each brand. I mean. Look at the rival cutscenes. These characters are often needlessly hostile. Some of them work great. Like Kratos being a gigantic prick. Others like say... Dante and Nariko? Why does Dante think Nariko is a demon? Why does Parappa already know Spike? Why are these characters so needlessly hostile when they aren't in their respective games? It's just off putting to me.
On a similar note. The stages. I admit that combining worlds was pretty neat at first I started to think it was because the creators weren't sure some of these brands could stand on their own. It's also somewhat lops sided as some series get stages and others don't because...? It feels like some were just favored over others.
I dunno. What do you guys think?