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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I would main Duster just so I could have an excuse to change my tag to "PushDusterIn"

Good evening fellow citizens of Nintenzone! Here's the latest news. Zoroarking seems to have suddenly been permabanned after this post with a note saying 'my name u little ****' The mods haven't found the culprit, but witnesses claim they saw a star-like object yelling WAAA at the crime scene

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Does anyone elseuse Smashboards on their mobile and when tweets are embedded they're cut off at the end?

Like this:


If it happens to others I'll pass it on to THE CHAMP


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
That's one thing I appreciate about Yacht Club is they're open and friendly. I like that in studios.

Oasis Dealer

Apr 8, 2015
Virginia, U.S.A
I'd main Duster. He's a pretty cool dude, and I'm playing through Mother 3 right now.

Time to add another character to the "List of characters I want but will never get in." Good choice by Yacht Club Games anyway.


Smash Cadet
Aug 20, 2014
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have to go for today. I start classes tomorrow (quite the timing), and should sleep a bit at least :p

Nice to meet all of you, I'll definitely be back tomorrow ^^

Good night!

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Firus edit: Not really an appropriate metaphor to be making here.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble

I mean you could just end up with someone who never got you off.
Something tells me that most of us women experience that then
I'm not sure why you left, so I dont see a reason for you to leave. :/
Er...Didn't you notice I got banned for a week? Part of me wanted to leave due to sheer depression which caused a suicide attempt recently


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Wait what?
Shovel Knight confirmed to be replaced

Anyway, I'd put more votes in the ballot for who I want, but I don't think the last few days will be as counted as the past few months. I might still put some in though.


Smash Ace
Jan 22, 2002
Yacht Club is making a ton comments about the Smash Ballot. Very interesting timing, as well. I like how all their replies regarding Shovel Knight are very generic and don't hint at anything one way or the other. Guess we'll see if this means anything, but they've been extremely quiet on the subject recently, refusing to comment in any way. Now they start the conversation and reply to just about every tweet.


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015

Do I have good Google Translate Skills? :troll:

Deleted member

My friend just told me how his life in Canada sounds like an anime
It's a 8/10 but 9/10 would watch again
Brb going to actually turn it into an anime


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2013
Something tells me that most of us women experience that then

Er...Didn't you notice I got banned for a week? Part of me wanted to leave due to sheer depression which caused a suicide attempt recently
I knew you were banned, but I didnt know why. But I hope you're feeling better. I've had to talk to plenty of depressed friends who were thinking of suicide...It's rough.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
My friend just told me how his life in Canada sounds like an anime
It's a 8/10 but 9/10 would watch again
Brb going to actually turn it into an anime
I remember an anime Tumblr conceptualized. A tampon company accidentally gets a pentagram on a tampon and a girl going through puberty accidentally summons the devil to do her bidding


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Yacht Club confirmed Mother 3 fans.

This pleases me greatly.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Come on guys.
Boney for Smash.
Screw the dog and duck, I'm going to sniff the **** out of every last fighter. We even got some Alts going yo.

We all know what'll happen when he sniffs Wario though.

Deleted member

That was the show that wants to cater towards Tumblrinas, right? I highly doubt the trans lead will be wellwritten but is just trans because 'HEY LOOK WE TOTES DIVERSIVE'. Wonder when it ever airs
I'll predict the first episode of the show
"Hey, I'm trans"
"Wow you r so diverse"
"I know! [Input Tumblr meme here]"
*crowd laughs*
Executive Producer
**** Wolf

EDIT: I'm laughing at my own post because **** Wolf's name got auto censored
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I remember an anime Tumblr conceptualized. A tampon company accidentally gets a pentagram on a tampon and a girl going through puberty accidentally summons the devil to do her bidding
I'll be honest, that doesn't sound too bad. Hell I'm all for stupid concepts if done well (though I am a bit iffy on the "going through puberty" part).

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I'll be honest, that doesn't sound too bad. Hell I'm all for stupid concepts if done well (though I am a bit iffy on the "going through puberty" part).
Tumblr can truly shine at times. Someone even made an image of Satan appearing, seeing a young girl nearly pissing herself going 'not again...'
I'll predict the first episode of the show
"Hey, I'm trans"
"Wow you r so diverse"
"I know! [Input Tumblr meme here]"
*crowd laughs*
Executive Producer
**** Wolf
inb4 one of the writers uses this post as inspiration 'Sir, I don't think he should make this the script' JUST. DO IT!

Oasis Dealer

Apr 8, 2015
Virginia, U.S.A
View attachment 75451
Do I have good Google Translate Skills? :troll:
Funny, I just got done making this moveset for Crash out of boredom.

Ok, after a couple hours of doing this out of boredom, I think I've created a rough idea on what Crash's moveset could end up looking like in Smash 4. I'm putting it in spoilers due to how long it is.

Crash in Smash 4!

Character Design

First, let's talk about how he'll end up looking like in game. Personally, I think a modern update of his PS1 design is the best choice and the most likely, due to Sakurai usually basing 3rd parties after their most recognizable appearance. This artwork from the GBA title "Crash's Huge Adventure" is the best way to show off an example of what he could end up looking like.


It's important to figure out a move-set for a character, but it's also important to know how that character will move around and interact to each individual character. Listed Below are the many different ways Crash will act.

Entrance animation: Crash teleports into battle, Ala Crash 2. Another idea is for him to ride in on the polar bear, fall off, scratch his head, then get right back up.

Idle animation: His idle animations from the series. Crash will occasionally look around him nervously, just like how he does in Crash 2. He may also take a giant breath and exhale as if he's exhausted.

Walking and running cycle: Walks and runs just like how he would in his own games.

Jumping animation: Crash will jump with both hands in the air for the first jump, just like how he does normally. For the second jump, he can either do his second jump from Twinsanity (Raises one hand in the air, legs are side to side) or he can do a front flip like in the PS1 games. When he's done jumping, his fall animation would have him just keeping his hands in the air until he lands.

Crouching animation: Will get on his hands and knees and can crawl like other characters. Think Zero Suit Samus's crawling animation.

Falling animation: Crash will just fall in a circle like any other character, hands and legs curled towards his body.

"Attacked" animation: When Crash is hit by an enemy, he'll grit his teeth and eyes will be closed. When hit by a smash attack, his eyes will widen and mouth would make an "o" shape.

Dizzy animation: Crash will slowly move in circles, like how he did in Crash: Mind over Mutants when he span too much.

Sleeping animation: Crash will lay on the floor and sleep with arms, and legs stretched out. His tongue will also be out.

Clapping animation: When ever Crash loses, he'll clap normally with his tongue sticking out, grinning.

Wall Jump Animation: Crash will spring himself forward, like in Mind over Mutant

Swimming Animation: Crash will do swim strokes through the water

It seems like a lot, but I tried to make sure Crash acted like how he would in his own games, just like the other 3rd party characters.


I tried to choose ones I thought could fit Crash quite well.

Up-taunt: Crash will scratch his head and look side to side curiously.

Side-taunt: Crash will dig into his pocket and bring out a yo-yo, like in Crash 3.

Down-taunt: Crash will bring out a Wumpa fruit and eat it.

And now, we get to the good stuff, his moveset!


Probably the most interesting aspect for Crash. It's been debated as to what he should use for each special, so here's what I would like to see done.

Neutral B: Fruit Bazooka

Crash will bring out the Fruit Bazooka to pelt his enemies! When Crash brings it out, a cross hair will appear in front of Crash, and it will move up and down in the direction he is facing (Think of the cross hair from Yoshi's Island). When you press the B button again, Crash will shoot in the direction the cross hair is at, dealing around 8-10% and decent knockback. He will then put the Fruit Bazooka away.

Side-B: Spin

Ah yes, Crash's signature move, his spin! This move may seem like nothing special at first, considering we have Meta Knight and Ryu with both spinning moves. However, I feel like this move can work a bit differently than those moves. When pressing side-b, Crash will immediately do his spin for around 2 seconds. When doing this move, Crash can quickly move across the floor, knocking opponents out of the way. Unlike Ryu, he can change the direction he goes in. However, when doing this move in the air, Crash can't spin staying in the air, and will fall normally unlike Ryu and Meta Knight. Think of how Mario's side-b stalls, but Dr. Mario's doesn't and he keeps falling when using it.

Up-B: Jet-Pack.

I thought of letting Crash use an arrow crate for jumping high, but I thought it would be a bit to similar to Sonic and Megaman (Only difference I could find was that it would stay in the air, but Pac-Man does the same). Instead, using the Jet-Pack makes him a bit more different compared to the others. When using it, Crash will be able to go in any direction he wants for a short amount of time. Think R.O.B's recovery, except he can't stop and charge it up. After the time is up, Crash will then plummet down until he reaches ground.

Down-B: Crates

This was the hardest for me to figure out. It's been debated as to what his down-b could be, more specifically Aku Aku and crates. Personally, I think the crates can add something special so I went with those instead. Basically, Crash will kick a crate into the battle field, and it will cycle through different crates in a set order. You can only have one crate on the battle field, and they will be able to destroyed by you and the other fighter.

Regular Crates: Regular crates do nothing but just be there for you to destroy as they can block you from attacking Crash.

Question Mark Crates: Crates with a question mark on them lead to three different options. The first is that it's just an old regular crate. The second option is that it leaves a wumpa fruit inside, restoring 5% health to who ever gets it. The final choice is that the box will explode on contact, dealing about the same damage and knock back as being hit by the Fruit Bazooka. You have a 1/3 chance basically to get one of these options.

Arrow Crates: Crates with an arrow on them allow you to bounce on them like a spring, though they can be broken.

Iron Crates: Iron Crates are indestructible. They will break in about 5 seconds, however, if ti hits any other fighter, it will send them flying!

TNT Crates: TNT Crates work like you would expect them too. Set one on the battle field, and whoever hits one will set it off! If no one touches it, it will simply count down from 3, then explode.

I feel like this can add something special to Crash, as it allows him to space opponents with different crates and keep them guessing.

Well, there you have it. All of Crash's specials done by me. But we're just getting started, now onto tilts, smash attacks, and aerials.

Smash Attacks and Tilts

Jab: Crash will punch once, then twice, then lead into an upwards kick.

Side-Smash: Crash will lean back, extend his arms, and punch forward, like in Mind over Mutants.

Down-Smash: Crash will spin in place, moving in a slow circle.

Up-Smash: Crash will kick upwards (Think Ryu's forward smash, but aimed more higher).

Forward-Tilt: Crash will kick forward then stomp the ground, like in Mind Over Mutant.

Down-Tilt: Crash will extend both fists, trying to punch the opponent.
Up-Tilt: Crash will try hitting with his head upwards.

n-air: Crash will extend his arms out, and spin in a circle, like in Mind over Mutant

d-air: The classic body slam! Crash will fall right down on his stomach, also acting as a metor.

f-air: Crash will do a side kick similar to Pac Man's f-air.

up-air: Crash does a kick similar to Mario.

And now finally, we get to the final move...his final smash!

Final Smash

For Crash's final smash, he summons the mech from Wrath of Cortex. Then, he can walk around and shoot, hit people with his claw, and also be impervious to damage. The final smash lasts around 10 seconds.

Victory Animation

Victory Animation 1: Crash will do his classic dance from the PS1 trilogy.

Victory Animation 2: Crash rides in on the polar bear, stops it, and gives a thumbs up while smiling.

Victory Animation 3: Crash flies in on the jet-pack, and does a fist pump.

And there you have it! A moveset for Crash. This would be an idle one for me in my eyes, and if Crash ever does get the opportunity to be playable, it will be a dream come true.

So, thoughts on this? I would like to see what others think of this and what could be changed.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Speaking of Tumblr, in the last week of school before holidays, a person in our grade (who loves going on Tumblr) was going on a rant about how society needs gender equality, yet 5 mins later she says men can't hit women, even in self-defense and I was like:

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Speaking of Tumblr, in the last week of school before holidays, a person in our grade (who loves going on Tumblr) was going on a rant about how society needs gender equality, yet 5 mins later she says men can't hit women, even in self-defense and I was like:
View attachment 75468
Society DOES need gender equality. It's pretty much already there though, not to mention the fact that society takes care off women, more women become victims of say, domestic violence, and there are more shelters for women in that area


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I checked the wiki and all the previous waves had 8 costumes, 7 sets and one hat. So if this update counts as a wave we'll have that to look forward to.
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Deleted member

Tumblr can truly shine at times. Someone even made an image of Satan appearing, seeing a young girl nearly pissing herself going 'not again...'

inb4 one of the writers uses this post as inspiration 'Sir, I don't think he should make this the script' JUST. DO IT!
If I was hired to write Gen Zed, I could go into two directions: a)cancel the show and delete any traces of its existence or b)use it to mock tumblr
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