Ok, so I guess I should write about my speculation stuff after the stage announcement.
So, I will say that it;s very likely we get a second stage, just because of the filename, it;s quite obvious tbh. My question is just why? @
Frostwraith just said in this thread that they would have photoshopped the JP version to make sense and in this case, this means that it's REALLY in dev and not ready yet, but it also means that they probably jsut done it to hype people (maybe time constraints?),
Anyway, what is very interesting is why even doing this if we know they have at least one stage more to show? Like, If I think about it, the SMM stage cannot indicate any new characters so announcing the stage ALONE, it;s fine. Hiding another stage however, I just have to say it;s fishy. Cause it might just be because they want to surprise people with an unexpected stage, but what if THEY DIDN'T WANTED that we know its existence? I feel the filename were an accident, so I would like to bring the possibility that that stage might have been hidden for a character trailer. To me, I don;t feel it;s particularly likely and I would prefer to not put too much into that possibility, but I jsut still question the decision enough to consider it would be a stage reveal in a trailer.
OR, what if they actually just release that stage on that update, nothing else, but shortly after, they would release another update with the second stage and a character? Feels weird, but I just think the direct time are screwed up now since we have no idea when and what will come anyway.
The other possibility is it;s just a past stage, could happen, but then I still question why they would wait to reveal it. Ok, it might have been because they jsut wanted to hype the SMM one with its dedicated trailer, but why not jsut do both at the same time?
As for the ballot, I will maintain my stance that I really think preballot is really done. I explained a lot why but the summary is that I would expect stuff to have happened way before now to believe otherwise. This still means that I'm even more iffy on wolf mind you.
As for the number of characters, ........I just have no idea other than my absiolute maximum is 4, I will not go any higher in expectation and Sakurai would gladly troll me if we gets more. I however think 2 OR 3 are much more likely than 4 as far as chances goes. Considering the ballot is about to end and that we already have a rumor about one of them, I feel it;s either going to start on the next update if they actually did hid the stage for a character or i expect October cause I think we would get a direct and if we haven't heard of the second stage, I would expect to hear it there.
Other than that, I don;t have much changes in which I think are more likely (considering my stance on preballot being done). Technically, I do feel paper mario is the msot likely, but like I said, it doesn't matter much because I might jsut say that he has good chances like others candidate and that would be more accurate and more meaningful. bdee, I would say has enough to possibly make in, Dixie is.....not sure, but I'll say ok chances, inklings, I still think they were too new and the costume doesn;t help, same for KKR. the problem with KKR is because of the costumes, he has less chances than he would normally have and this is even after ballot so I'll just say he has chances, but not THAT much. SK, depends ont he rumor tbh because he could be in without the rumor though, I wouldn't think he's there tbh. As for Isaac, I don;t feel he has that much chances.
As for vet, I would say the only one with a very substantial chances is wolf, but like I said above, kinda iffy on it.
other than that, I have nothing to say, it does make me want to learn what;s next though