Sad Panda323
Smash Journeyman
People still can't seem to get enough of the Wii, at least judging from its monthly dominance of the sales charts, but one place it hasn't dominated is online gaming. Its reliance on players exchanging twelve digit "friend codes" to connect with each other flies in the face of the Wii's approach of being so easy to use anyone can pick it up and play right away. They've left the door open for someone else to seize the mainstream audience for creating an online community accessed through your home gaming console, and with the none-too-subtle avatars in the new Xbox Live experience launching this week Microsoft seems eager to take advantage of the opportunity.
With all those Wii owners out there, Nintendo must be planning something, and we've got our first hint at that in the latest Game On column over at In it, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime says this about their plans for online:
Nintendo has always had a vision on community. The issue is that we define community differently than our competitors...Our consumers do want a sense of community, and we're going to deliver that -- but in a way that's unique to Nintendo.
Not a lot to go on, but it does at least get it out there that Nintendo plans to jump into the online space with something. Since Fils-Aime describes it as being unique to Nintendo I suppose that rules out a combination of Miis -- since they've now been mimicked by the Xbox avatars -- and some sort of room-like space -- since that's Sony's Home. That leaves it pretty open as to what they have in mind. With Wii Speak turning out to be a glorified speakerphone, it remains to be seen how well Nintendo even gets the online connected world. For all we know a "way that's unique to Nintendo" could be nothing more than announcing an automated friend code exchange system alongside an online multiplayer version of F-Zero for the Wii.
This may sound good, but I'm not getting my hopes up. What do you guys think?
People still can't seem to get enough of the Wii, at least judging from its monthly dominance of the sales charts, but one place it hasn't dominated is online gaming. Its reliance on players exchanging twelve digit "friend codes" to connect with each other flies in the face of the Wii's approach of being so easy to use anyone can pick it up and play right away. They've left the door open for someone else to seize the mainstream audience for creating an online community accessed through your home gaming console, and with the none-too-subtle avatars in the new Xbox Live experience launching this week Microsoft seems eager to take advantage of the opportunity.
With all those Wii owners out there, Nintendo must be planning something, and we've got our first hint at that in the latest Game On column over at In it, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime says this about their plans for online:
Nintendo has always had a vision on community. The issue is that we define community differently than our competitors...Our consumers do want a sense of community, and we're going to deliver that -- but in a way that's unique to Nintendo.
Not a lot to go on, but it does at least get it out there that Nintendo plans to jump into the online space with something. Since Fils-Aime describes it as being unique to Nintendo I suppose that rules out a combination of Miis -- since they've now been mimicked by the Xbox avatars -- and some sort of room-like space -- since that's Sony's Home. That leaves it pretty open as to what they have in mind. With Wii Speak turning out to be a glorified speakerphone, it remains to be seen how well Nintendo even gets the online connected world. For all we know a "way that's unique to Nintendo" could be nothing more than announcing an automated friend code exchange system alongside an online multiplayer version of F-Zero for the Wii.
This may sound good, but I'm not getting my hopes up. What do you guys think?