Just gonna say real quick and then I’ll be done.
Although there's nothing else to speculate on. We already know who all the DLC characters are, and there's no confirmation that we're getting anymore. We've basically hit a dead period in speculation as we're just sitting here either waiting for more DLC fighters to be confirmed or all the DLC characters we do have being released.
They’ve gone on record saying this DLC is the
first one. As in they’re saying right out that more is planned. NASB2 ain’t over yet.
You can thank or blame
for this, depending on which side you're on, but would you guys want to see Ren and Stimpy separated in the future?
Funny enough I’ve had the same thought about the Beavers because of course I have but I figured I’d give it a rest for a while.
I wouldn’t mind it. I feel like they’ve finally gotten them to where they feel a bit more equal in role (instead of Stimpy doing everything and Ren just being along for the ride for the most part) and being a unit does fit Ren and Stimpy well enough on a characterization basis, but there’s definitely potential in either character to make it work.
I’m gonna agree with Triple Dubs and say keep them together if they’re planning on just building off NASB2. Put that time towards other newcomers and returning veterans from 1.
… Aw screw it.
The assist moves are cool and all but I feel like you could just put Dag’s assist moves into his own moveset and same with Norb. Also Dag is so good compared to Norb there isn’t often much reason to switch him out. So… give Norb his own slot and retool him to be viable in his own way or something?