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Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl General Thread - All Star Brawl 2 Available Today!


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
I actually do love the bat**** insane Smash stages like Pac-Land and Venom just as much as I love the comp stages, both with and without items, and do lament how other platform fighters tend to not make stages as ridiculous, but they're not "the" definitive way to play the game, even in modern Smash, and are not at all essential to the genre, same with items.
I know that, but at the same time those crazier stages don't take away anything from the game, and your awesome idea of both casual and competitive versions of each stage seems to be coming true, if Harmonic Convergence is anything to go by! We can have our cake and eat it, too!

Also, in regards to Tremerton, I'm not saying that ALL floating platform stages are bad, I still use ones like Jellyfish field very often! I just don't want some of the crazier and super memorable stages to be replaced by more of them when we already have plenty. Trmerton has a fun gimmick still, and the background is so beautifully crafted that it feels like you're literally part of the show! Putting the stage on a moving vehicle was a genius idea!


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
I don't think that Lincoln of all characters would be unlockable.

Granted, it is a little odd that him and the turtles would be unlockables, but there's a first time for everything. Maybe this story mode gimmick has been why they've been so hesitant to show off any missing veterans.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Youre right, of course. I forgot he's getting cut.
Not really. There is a second TLH stage in the game, so if Stage Theory still applies to this game and Lincoln is cut that means we would have to get a new TLH rep that has completely avoided getting leaked.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
The conversation about arguing which type of stage is better is becoming pretty overbearing to me, can we please stop talking about it?
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Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Not really. There is a second TLH stage in the game, so if Stage Theory still applies to this game and Lincoln is cut that means we would have to get a new TLH rep that has completely avoided getting leaked.
Which I don't think is happening, as all newcomers have lined up with the key art leak so far.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
Not really. There is a second TLH stage in the game, so if Stage Theory still applies to this game and Lincoln is cut that means we would have to get a new TLH rep that has completely avoided getting leaked.

Yeah okay. Anyway,

Granted, it is a little odd that him and the turtles would be unlockables, but there's a first time for everything. Maybe this story mode gimmick has been why they've been so hesitant to show off any missing veterans.
I think this is probably the case. It's possible that the veterans on the leaker's image isn't indicative of which ones will come back, he just picked a few and not all of them for space reasons or something. We could be getting them all back as far as we know.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016

Yeah okay. Anyway,

I think this is probably the case. It's possible that the veterans on the leaker's image isn't indicative of which ones will come back, he just picked a few and not all of them for space reasons or something. We could be getting them all back as far as we know.
Especially considering that one missing turtle is there and not the other one.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
I think this is probably the case. It's possible that the veterans on the leaker's image isn't indicative of which ones will come back, he just picked a few and not all of them for space reasons or something. We could be getting them all back as far as we know.
That's my guess, especially since someone like CatDog would take up a lot of space on the image.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
That's my guess, especially since someone like CatDog would take up a lot of space on the image.
This does ease a lot of worries about the state of the unseen veterans. They're not showing them because they're story mode unlockables.

Now for me to go back to worrying about solo or duo Beavers, like god intended.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Personally speaking I'm still going to err on the side of caution and not get my hopes up, but I would be so happy if everyone returned.

For the time being I am still gonna speculate 4-5 cuts.

I suppose there is a potential way that could mean Stage Theory is still active with unlockable stages through the Story Mode as well, if characters are unlockable too, though it's equally possibly Stage Theory ends up being bupkiss and characters just share stages (which I'm also totally fine with, I'd rather them limit themselves on stages in order to get more characters).

At least hype results in people ACTUALLY playing the game.
Just because you have negative experiences with hype in the past doesn't make all hype inherently a bad thing.

I mean, I only recently got through some long term trauma about a show I loved and it's grossely toxic fandom which resulted in tons of harassment and bullying to me. But I eventually realized that it was the people, not the shows, that were the problem.

As long as you hype responsibly you should be good, and if hype starts getting toxic, you exit the situation.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Just because you have negative experiences with hype in the past doesn't make all hype inherently a bad thing.
You quoted the wrong person. I was saying hype is a good thing, because it reminds the public the game exists, and thus makes it possible to play this multiplayer-focused game with multiple players without relying on 3AM matchmaking pings.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
I like the hype, depending on how it manifests, and I wanna see more people get into NASB! I feel bad for the devs that their big reveal plans got completely thrown off! Though at the same time I'm glad we got the bandaid ripped off early for Gerald, Azula, and Gertie.
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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
You know, I was thinking about this last night after Ember's reveal, but I honestly wish the artwork leak didn't happen, because it effectively robbed me of the experience of learning that characters I enjoyed were playable in the game.

Like, I feel like had I learned about both El Tigre and Ember through their reveal trailers, I might've had a similar reaction of excitement that I had for Sonic's reveal in Brawl, Greninja's reveal in Smash 4, and the reveals of Everyone is Here, King K. Rool, Banjo & Kazooie, and Sora in Ultimate. Or in the context of the first All-Star Brawl, the reveal of Jenny as the first DLC.

But instead, thanks to that leak, once it became clear that it was legit, I already knew that the likes of El Tigre, Ember, and Azula were gonna be in the game beforehand, so instead of getting an excited reaction for characters I thought were cool/underrated/unexpected, I'm instead just waiting for them to be made official and to see what their movesets are like.

So TLDR, I honestly wish the image leak didn't happen so I could have a reaction to these characters that feels a bit more genuine.
Honestly, the only downside to the key art leak in my book is that it sparked the rut of cut discussion we've been stuck in ever since. I don't mind seeing all the newcomers since I'm not a big hype beast when it comes to games like this (real bummer for the devs though), but hearing the endless loop of "but what if Lincoln/Hugh/the Turtles aren't in" every week for the past month has gotten pretty exhausting.
My thought on the matter is the unseen veterans need to be unlocked by beating them in story mode, perhaps?
This seems likely to me. I doubt every vet's gonna be returning this way, but it would make some amount of sense why we haven't seen 'em yet. Maybe they're saving them for a Story Mode trailer?
i am so damn happy this game got leaked. i hate hype so much. i'd rather have cut doomposting over hype any day of the week. i want to see funny grandma, go "ah that's cool", and be done with it

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
I do think the "cut" vets being revealed in a Story Mode trailer is quite likely, and probably THE place where we'd see them. I hope the cut vets aren't unlockable though. Leaning a lot more towards "not all 11 are cut" now, but still assuming everyone's gone until I see them


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
If anything the leaks don't really matter to the public. Judging by the views/replies to the Gamespot Tweet, more people learned about Ember from the official reveal than the leak anyway. Which means hype culture technically still exists for the crowd who isn't watching NASB2 leaks 24/7, AKA most of the gaming sphere.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
You quoted the wrong person. I was saying hype is a good thing, because it reminds the public the game exists, and thus makes it possible to play this multiplayer-focused game with multiple players without relying on 3AM matchmaking pings.
No, I quoted you because I already had a post in the works and didn't want to go back a full page thus deleting my work from my ****ty phone lol. And you contributed to that part of the discussion anyway.

This picture though is still pretty vague. It could mean just about anything. Or, considering the dude is a massive troll, he could just be ****ing with us


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
This picture though is still pretty vague. It could mean just about anything. Or, considering the dude is a massive troll, he could just be ****ing with us
I'd be upset if it was just a troll post, it was actually helping ease my worries...


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Based on some ideas thrown around the Subreddit, some base roster characters probably unlock their counterparts in said story mode:
  • Spongebob/Patrick - Sandy
  • Raphael - Leonardo
  • Donatello - Michelangelo
  • Lucy - Lincoln
  • Gerald - Helga
  • R&S - Powdered Toast Man
  • Jimmy - Hugh
  • Aang - Toph
  • Angry Beavers(?) - CatDog (iconic 90's animal duos)
  • ??? - Oblina
Shredder's probably a part of the story mode villains like Vlad, Ember, Plankton, or Azula. Aside from him and Oblina, every unconfirmed veteran has a character to be rescued by. It also matches up to the image very nicely.
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Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
And look at both Danny Phantom stages we've seen. Both big, wide, flat platforms with nothing else. Completely wasted potential.
There's a pretty good chance that those are just competitive layout variants and not the actual stages.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
based on some ideas thrown around the Subreddit, base roster characters probably unlock their counterparts in said story mode:
  • Spongebob/Patrick - Sandy
  • Raphael - Leonardo
  • Donatello - Michelangelo
  • Lucy - Lincoln
  • Gerald - Helga
  • R&S - Powdered Toast Man
  • Jimmy - Hugh
  • Aang - Toph
  • Angry Beavers(?) - CatDog (iconic 90's animal duos)
  • ??? - Oblina
Shredder's probably a part of the story mode villains like Vlad, Ember, Plankton, or Azula. Aside from him and Oblina, every unconfirmed veteran has a character to be rescued by. It also matches up to the image very nicely.
I can’t see Lincoln being unlockable.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Just because you have negative experiences with hype in the past doesn't make all hype inherently a bad thing.

I mean, I only recently got through some long term trauma about a show I loved and it's grossely toxic fandom which resulted in tons of harassment and bullying to me. But I eventually realized that it was the people, not the shows, that were the problem.

As long as you hype responsibly you should be good, and if hype starts getting toxic, you exit the situation.
If this is about me, I. DO. NOT. LIKE. HYPE. This is not something I enjoy but swore off as a for-the-greater-good sacrifice, it is something I see no positives in without even considering negatives. even if I didn't have my K. Rool incident or the Smash community was completely level-headed when it comes to speculation and criticism, it is something I would've grown out of and begun to see as groan-inducing before I hit my 20s.
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Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
If this is about me, I. DO. NOT. LIKE. HYPE. This is not something I enjoy but swore off as a for-the-greater-good sacrifice, it is something I see no positives in without even considering negatives. even if I didn't have my K. Rool incident or the Smash community was completely level-headed when it comes to speculation and criticism, it is something I would've grown out of and begun to see as groan-inducing before I hit my 20s.
The issue is that just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean that it is inherently negative, and just because other people like it doesn't make it inherently positive. The issue is that everytime someone brings it up you have to be fuddy-duddy and complain about. Let people enjoy things, they aren't hurting you by being excited, and the fact of the matter is that hype gets eyes on the game and thus makes it more likely to succeed, which is a net positive. That doesn't necessarily mean that toxic positivity doesn't exist, it does, but moreso that you need to acknowledge that your opinion is an opinion, stop trying to have other people downplay their own hype, and stop pouting about it, because that's the way you bringing it up all the time reads as, at least to me.

In other words

Stop being so goddamn negative.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
The issue is that just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean that it is inherently negative, and just because other people like it doesn't make it inherently positive. The issue is that everytime someone brings it up you have to be fuddy-duddy and complain about. Let people enjoy things, they aren't hurting you by being excited, and the fact of the matter is that hype gets eyes on the game and thus makes it more likely to succeed, which is a net positive. That doesn't necessarily mean that toxic positivity doesn't exist, it does, but moreso that you need to acknowledge that your opinion is an opinion, stop trying to have other people downplay their own hype, and stop pouting about it, because that's the way you bringing it up all the time reads as, at least to me.

In other words

Stop being so goddamn negative.
I was being positive though, celebrating an aspect of the game's pre-launch I am happy about.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
I was being positive though, celebrating an aspect of the game's pre-launch I am happy about.
Mentioning the "I hate hype" **** is what we call making a back handed compliment. You don't have to bring it up as frequently as you do. We all know you hate hype.

You could've just said "I don't mind that the roster leaked as it does not affect my enjoyment of the end product."

But instead you brought it up when people were expressing their own disappointment in the hype they could've had. Ultimately them look at spoilers and speculation is their perogative, but you saying stuff like "yeah well I'm happy that it leaked because I hate hype" comes off as you rubbing it in their noses. This is prime toxic positivity which you claim to be so heavily against.

Half the time you're negative, and the other half is back-handed positivity. Neither one of them is a good thing.

And let's make it clear: being negative or critical is not an inherently bad thing, but when you're upset about something that is basically agreed to be a good thing, perhaps it's just best to keep it to yourself rather than try to bring down the room.

What I should have said, rather than don't be negative, is "learn to read a room."

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Based on some ideas thrown around the Subreddit, some base roster characters probably unlock their counterparts in said story mode:
  • Spongebob/Patrick - Sandy
  • Raphael - Leonardo
  • Donatello - Michelangelo
  • Lucy - Lincoln
  • Gerald - Helga
  • R&S - Powdered Toast Man
  • Jimmy - Hugh
  • Aang - Toph
  • Angry Beavers(?) - CatDog (iconic 90's animal duos)
  • ??? - Oblina
Shredder's probably a part of the story mode villains like Vlad, Ember, Plankton, or Azula. Aside from him and Oblina, every unconfirmed veteran has a character to be rescued by. It also matches up to the image very nicely.
I like this theory, and it could lead some credence to certain characters being required to unlock everyone.

Danny for example could unlock Ember
Aang/Korra could unlock Azula
SpongeBob/Patrick/Squidward could unlock Plankton

Completing a full run with everyone could unlock Vlad.

As for Oblina I honestly think Reptar might be the one you'd need to unlock her. Clasky-Ksupo characters, the two had a crossover, both monsters, etc.

Or, maybe everyone is available from the start but the mode unlocks some of their costumes on successful completion?
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