As far as changes for the Marth's go. I'd personally opt for giving Roy a couple more differences again and adjusting Chrom and Lucina accordingly:

- Remains mostly the same and continues to serve as the base for the others.

- Echoes Marth, serving as an in between of Marth and Chrom.

- Echoes Roy, serving as in between of Marth and Roy. Give Skyward Slash the option of being direction forward as well, doubling as better horizontal recovery and referencing the duel at Arena Ferox. Give the same to Lucina.

- Further differentiated from Marth. Still clearly based on him but given a few more unique moves.
Basically, a gradual shift between two move sets between four characters. Lucina works as being the closest to Marth since she spends a good while masquerading as him and of course being his descendant,
Chrom's not a graceful fighter so having him closer to Smash's "rougher" Roy as Ultimate already did was a good move.
If possible, I would like for a one or two, (maybe three?) unique normals and maybe a special to be given to Chrom and Lucina. They could share these as moves unique to them not taken from either Marth/Roy).
Why would they have to ask when Bandai Namco is in charge of development? Pretty sure that on latter and Sakurai to decide if the priority is to be made.You literally said that Bamco is providing the manpower to make this game. Where is it for the online?
What was the point on bringing this up if you later on admit to it being irrevelant to the point at hand?
Yeah, their OWN games. The ones they actually make. Not the ones out-sourced
You bring up points then immediately contradict them or even answer them yourself. No point in complaining about online if you can't address the actual culprits
It is outsourced, but it's still Nintendo's game. If Nintendo wants them to do something a certain way, they can ask the team at Namco to do so. The manpower is there, they even tried to work it out, but likely due to time constraints and the many issues involving the many variables in a game of Smash, they dropped it and continued with the delay based netcode they already had.
I brought up Namco's involvement in the other two because you seem to be hung up on the fact that Namco's making it. And I agree, Namco has also been very stubborn when it comes to adding rollback.
I don't see how it's a contradiction though, when it's something both have been slow to adopt. And it still remains relevant to the point at hand, because again it's still Nintendo's game. They mostly let Sakurai do his thing, but they do have the ability to step in and make requests or mandates. They still get final say.
I'm in no way disagreeing with the fact that Namco's been slow to adapt, but Nintendo themselves are also only recently coming around. In a way it's almost fitting that this is a collaboration between the two.