Characters from anime, movies, toys, and real life Nazis I didn't count. All votes for my mother went to cooking mama.
First place (4 votes) cooking mama and crash bandicoot
(3 votes) reimu (touhou), skull kid (Zelda), the knight (hollow knight), 2b (nier autonima)
(2 votes) bandana waddle dee, phoenix wright, sol badguy, sceptile/ grovyle, eggman, tails, zero, Noah
(1 vote) Raz, 47, Larharl, Hat kid, Freddy Fazbear, any team fortress 2, master chief, smeargle, mametchi, emolga, morrigan, kamek, big boss, solaire, any Danganronpa, mach rider, ahri (league of legends), waluigi, elma, Todd snap, a2, V1 , professor Layton, Medline, marina Liteyears, jibanyan, impa, Sub-Zero, Geno, battle toads, arle nadja, metal sonic