Problem with Sheik is that she's gatekeeping other Zelda characters, mainly Impa, but other Zelda one offs too. We'd be better off with a one off from Zelda as one of the Champions.
I know you have had your vendetta against Sheik since Smash 4, but this is just wildly untrue. Sheik being in the game does not gatekeep a one off Zelda character from ever joining the roster. If anything, she helps the argument because she is a one off Zelda character that joined the roster. Just becuase you might want Impa in and see Sheik as this obstacle for that does not mean that Sheik is this obstacle for anyone to get in the game.
I mean, there would probably be less cuts chatter for Sheik if we had gotten, like, something along the lines of Ghirahim in 4 and/or Skull Kid in 4 or Ult. But even if we had gotten that, I'd still be arguing for Sheik to be cut because the saved effort doesn't necessarily have to be explicitly redirected towards Zelda stuff. Even with other Zelda characters on the roster I'd still view Sheik as a Melee relic.
This is a stupid argument. Cuts are not done out of some arbitrary reason like this. The alternative to getting Sheik in 4/Ultimate was not getting Ghirahim or Midna or Skull Kid. The alternative to having Sheik was not having Sheik. Cuts in most games tend to veer in this direction, especially in Smash. They have never cut someone for a reason this arbitrary.
I will also highlight that any talk of Sheik being cut is a very, very vocal minority. She is a super popular character in general in terms of Smash, both casually and competitively. Even if we were to cut almost a dozen characters or so for the next game, Sheik would not be on that list. Smashboards already especially now is not a perfect representative sample. Not many people are actively theorizing or discussing a hypothetical next game that does not even exist yet. Even then, this is one thread on one website that has plenty of wildly different opinions on the matter. Sheik as a cut has historically even on here been a controversial idea, which only had people talking about it when Zelda was shown with a new Down B in Smash 4.
I hate talking about cuts in general because I don’t want to see anyone go but the names that always seem to come up the most just happen to be some of my favorite characters in Smash.
I hate talking about cuts because so many people have arbitrary or outright dumb reasons for wanting cuts. You have people that want to thanos snap the roster, which I think almost everyone can agree is an extremely unlikely concept on top of being one that a lot of people just do not like. People whine about "irrelevant" characters "stealing" spots or being a "relic of another era", when that is never how Smash worked. Characters like Corrin or Zero Suit or Sheik being in Ultimate are not stealing spots from whatever dream character one has. The alternative to Corrin in Ultimate was no Corrin in Ultimate. The alternative to Sheik in Smash 4 was no Sheik in Smash 4. In some very select circumstances, sure, you can apply that train of thought. We got Robin instead of Chrom in 4 and Incineroar instead of Decidueye in Ultimate. But those are very rare circumstances and for newcomers. Cut talk in general feels arbitrary as well and I will stress is a very vocal minority.
People for some reason assume automatically that by cutting characters from the game they do not care for it will automatically give them their dream pick or dream game. Its not like that. Especially in Smash, a series that we know has done everything it can to avoid cuts, even for the "irrelevant" characters. Most discussion of cuts goes in circles because the people whining for cuts want this vision of the game that is unrealistic. Some people in this thread have wanted third parties broadly to get the boot, despite how that is not only wildly unlikely but also something that at least in the Smash zeitgeist beyond here extremely niche and unpopular. Some people want cuts so that their dream character will have a better shot of getting in, when that is just how Smash has never worked. You do not get addition from subtraction, you just get subtraction.
Full bias exposure, I ****ing hate cuts discussion in this thread for many reasons. For one, I think that it is a waste of time to discuss the ideas of removing content for the next game that we do not even know exists yet. We have at best vague statements from Sakurai that you could argue either matters or doesn't matter broadly, but even then the next smash game is not coming for a while. I think wasting time and energy talking about cuts, a very contentious topic that really we have no way of having any proper discussion on, is boring. Its boring to hear the same people make the same points about cuts that people in general do not like. Its boring to see every 5-10 pages we get into cuts talk because it goes nowhere. It never goes in an interesting direction and just lets a few users get to talk about their very niche views on a fringe topic.
We could discuss so many more interesting things in terms of the next Smash. If support threads were still a thing, we could talk about cool character concepts or ideas in them. We could talk about cool stage ideas. We could talk about what characters we would like to see. We could talk about literally anything outside of whether or not Corrin is gonna be in the next game. It is such a boring line of thought to just talk about cuts when no one changes their minds. No one listens to opposing arguments. People are gonna dig their heels until Smash 6, and most likely a lot of the super pro cut people will grumble and moan about how X character did not get cut. I just wish we could talk about literally anything else other than cuts. I honestly wouldn't mind at least periods of time where topics like cuts or other topics that this thread just discusses every 5 pages are blacklisted for at least a certain amount of time. At least then maybe we would discuss something different.