I can safely say that Subspace Emissary has a lasting impression for Smash Bros. The atmosphere, story and the characters make you feel you are watching a big movie play out. You are assisting them like the figure to advance the story.
I'm getting chills seeing it again while playing.
Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. While it wasn’t perfect, SSE was the only mode Smash has ever had that actually let the characters show off their personalities and interact. That’s something WoL just didn’t really do. I also enjoyed the platforming stages of SSE. It felt more like you’re actually part of a world.
I rewatched the SSE cutscenes just last week and I have to say, between that and actually replaying through Subspace late last year? It reminded me of the same thing.
I remember last year or so, we all had a discussion on here about Smash not taking FULL advantage of its crossover nature, and watching these cutscenes again will ALWAYS reaffirm the notion to me that... no, it's not. Say what you will about Subspace's platforming and even its unusually "dark epic" of a story, but at least these characters were doing something OTHER than existing in the same game engine and beating each other up.
Ngl, it's part of why I'm a bit iffy on whether or not I'd be cool with EiH not happening again/not happening again for a LONG time. If by some miracle, we do get a follow-up to what Subspace gave us, I'd like to see the ENTIRE Smash Bros. cast interact with one another in an SSE-follow-up before we really get into cutting the roster down.
Side note, but while I also wish the various Nintendo worlds were more prominently featured in Subspace, I'm cool with the relatively generic areas we got. Mainly because I can't help but wonder how Sakurai would have depicted such different worlds being mish-mashed into one planet...
Just one of the reasons Melee-Brawl was Smash's golden age to me. Still love Smash, but the atmosphere just isn't there anymore.
Honestly, I stand by the notion that while Bandai Namco's take on Smash isn't BAD by any means, there's absolutely an... "aesthetic" Smash Bros. lost after Brawl. Heck, the vibe I'm describing? I'd say that even Brawl sort of did away with it and Melee was the final time it was a thing.
It might just be me, but some of you on here have been saying that there's a 'vibe' Smash Bros. lost over the years... this is just a guess on my part, but do you all think it might be that Smash Bros. has been downplaying the 'toys-to-life' aspect of the series? Like, I don't mean amiibo, but after Brawl... I don't know, it feels like the Trophies have been downplayed as an aspect of Smash since Smash 4.