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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Piranha Plant: …wait, what?
Joker: I don’t really know who this is but everyone seems excited so I’m happy for them!
Hero: Cool!
Banjo & Kazooie: **** YEEEEAAAAAH!!!
Terry: I also don't know who this is but he seems cool!
Byleth: …I’m going back to bed.
Min Min: Sure.
Steve: HOLY ****
Pyra/Mythra: Meh…
Kazuya: Okay
Sora: Hell. Yes.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Dimitri was nice before he snapped and after he recovered. Edelgarde is nice to her friends at least and she has some justification for her actions based on everything that happened to her.
i don't think you can justify starting a war. considering the person she starts the war against also went through similar horrors you'd be saying at the same time she was justified in doing the things she did at the same time. if anything three houses is a game with no real heroes which many say is just true of war. i know plenty would say that "claude was protecting his home from invaders" wouldn't defend what he did. so no i don't think there is anything justification for what she did.

Thats not really a good comparision
Bayonetta was almost a 7 year old franchise when it was added.
Bayonetta latest game at the time was funded by Nintendo
Devil May Cry had no games in Nintendo consoles at the time.
point being that the whole "this franchise would get in over this franchise" and "this character would get in over this character" doesn't hold up in smash


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
Oh, what the heck.

:ultpiranha: Haha, what?
:ultjoker: Of all the characters they could have gone for, it was this guy? Sheesh.
:ulthero: Nice!
:ultbanjokazooie: YEAH BABYYY
:ult_terry:Oh, okay.
:ultbyleth:...I suppose this was inevitable.

:ultminmin Fair enough.
:ultsteve: sensible chuckle.gif
:ultpyra::ultmythra: I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
:ultkazuya:not jin


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
i don't think you can justify starting a war. considering the person she starts the war against also went through similar horrors you'd be saying at the same time she was justified in doing the things she did at the same time. if anything three houses is a game with no real heroes which many say is just true of war. i know plenty would say that "claude was protecting his home from invaders" wouldn't defend what he did. so no i don't think there is anything justification for what she did.

point being that the whole "this franchise would get in over this franchise" and "this character would get in over this character" doesn't hold up in smash
Fair point. Perhaps justified was the wrong word. I think I meant you could understand what might drive someone in her situation to drastic action like that, even if it is misguided. She was still wrong for inciting war and there were better ways of resolving her issues.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2023
Though, part of it might also be familiarity with the source material; Everyone acknowledged Tekken was pretty big, but it seemed like the bulk of the Smash fanbase weren't also tekken fans, so naturally they weren't quite as excited at Kazuya's presence
Yeah, some franchises just don't have much fans within Smash Bros fanbase for whatever reason.
Tekken, KOF and Dragon Quest fans don't seem to have much crossover with Smash Bros fans compared to let's say Persona 5 fans.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Oh I didn’t include PP when I did mine earlier. Anyway it was confusion. And some disappointment obviously as a toad supporter

Scrimblo Bimblo

Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2023
:ultinkling:: Fair enough
:ultdaisy:: Lol what?
:ultsimon:: Great, let's go!
:ultrichter:: Oh, there's another one.
:ultchrom:: Makes sense...
:ultdarksamus:: I can't believe they actually made her playable :')
:ultkrool:: -dances to Gangplank Galleon-
:ultisabelle:: Meh, but I've always liked playing as Villager, can't complain.
:ultken:: That's cool!
:ultincineroar:: This character looks fun!
:ultpiranha:: Ahahahahahah
:ultjoker:: Meh
:ulthero:: Instantly loved the spell menu
:ultbanjokazooie:: Shed a tear, I'll main them no matter what
:ult_terry:: Another classic character, great!
:ultbyleth:: ...I wonder why I was expecting anything else.
:ultminmin: Don't really care about Arms but she looks fresh and different enough.
:ultsteve:: Lmao, this is cool! Love these crazy movesets
:ultsephiroth:: Whaaat?! Incredibly epic reveal.
:ultpyra::ultmythra:: Yaaaawn...
:ultkazuya:: Cool, cool.
:ultsora:: Meh. As long as people are happy...
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
As far as initial reactions go, I was pretty happy with every newcomer.
The only significantly different ones were :ultsora::ultsephiroth::ult_terry:who I got the most excited for, :ultsteve: who I was mostly indifferent too but happy for MC fans and :ultbylethf:who I was happy got in but I remember audibly going "Oh no..." as the trailer started because I knew it was going to be Corrin 2.0 for the community.

Otherwise everyone else was a happy:


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Just to be 100% clear these are my reactions to the reveal trailers, not how much I like/dislike a character's presence in the game.

:ultpiranha: - Bewildered but also happy at how silly and absurd it was. Fun reveal, I liked it.
:ultjoker: - My brother told me "they added Joker to Smash" and I thought he was talking about like, the Batman character. So I didn't believe him for like thirty minutes lol. My thoughts then were like "I'll wait to see the gameplay before judging", very neutral.
:ulthero3:- Disappointed but didn't have much to do with the actual character. Was annoyed he got leaked so far in advance and I was hoping we didn't actually know who "brave" was lol.
:ultbanjokazooie: - Feel like I should've cared more but kinda didn't for whatever reason. Another guy we saw coming from miles away, albeit not as obvious as "brave" but still. Was glad for his fans but had no real reaction, barely felt anything.
:ult_terry: - Cool, slightly positive reaction. I was mainly focused on "zomg, snas undertale realll!!!" at the time than anything else, poor Terry didn't have a real chance to get my attention lol.
:ultbyleth:- My reactions are a lot more mild than most people, but with Byleth I legitimately felt nothing. I was expecting Fire Emblem eventually so there was no surprise and as for my thoughts on Byleth, I didn't have any. There was no opinion, thought, feeling, anything positive or negative really. Byleth reveal was a thing that existed I guess?
:ultminmin - We already knew we were getting ARMS something and the fact they told us that made her very unsurprising. Didn't really care much either way that it was Min Min and not like, idk, Twintelle or Helix or something. Thought she was kinda boring regardless, was a mostly neutral reaction.
:ultsteve: - Saw him coming from a mile away (not necessarily for that specific reveal but like, in general) yet I still liked his reveal. I wanted to see Minecraft in Smash, I got Minecraft in Smash, neat!
:ultsephiroth:- Really cool honestly, very fun reveal and came as a little surprising at the time. Also funnily enough, I remember playing a couple silly games with friends where we'd act as if a music playlist decides who gets in Smash, and One-Winged Angel played. Remember thinking "Huh wait nobody talks about him but he actually makes a lot of sense" one day before the reveal, maybe the playlist method is magic or something lmao
:ultpyra::ultmythra: - I don't remember my initial thoughts on them honestly? I remember my day 1 thoughts when she came out and for the moveset preview, but not the actual reveal. Probably didn't react much but I can't remember.
:ultkazuya: - Wasn't very excited but I also thought he was a good choice. I remember realizing Terry, "the Minecraft guy" and him were the only FP characters my father would recognize and appreciating him for that.
:ultsora: - So this one's interesting. I felt he was a very fitting last character, was happy for his fans and glad we finally got some closure on the ballot. On the other hand, I reeeaallllyyy didn't like his trailer. Not because like "oh Sora bad" or something, but the whole vibe of it was kinda off to me. Like, a Smash trailer that's trying to make us feel all sappy and relies on you already having some deep emotional connection to the character? Bleh. It didn't hit at all for me and just felt incredibly unfitting.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2023
The only significantly different ones were :ultsora::ultsephiroth::ult_terry:who I got the most excited for, :ultsteve: who I was mostly indifferent too but happy for MC fans and :ultbylethf:who I was happy got in but I remember audibly going "Oh no..." as the trailer started because I knew it was going to be Corrin 2.0 for the community.
I wounder who could be the next "Oh no..." character that could cause a fire in the community?
Maybe Fortnite?


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I wounder who could be the next "Oh no..." character that could cause a fire in the community?
Maybe Fortnite?
Jonesy has a pretty bland design but other than that I’m okay with Fortnite. The building mechanic could be interesting.

I’m pretty much fine with anyone since every character has fans but if I had to pick two least wanted characters now it’s probably Freddy Fazbear and Conker. Freddy is mostly just because his design doesn’t really appeal to me. Conker is in the same boat but I just never cared for the character in general. He’s also a RARE character so his inclusion would make two of my most wanted less likely since most people would be more than content with two characters. That said, if either gets in, I’ll still be happy for their fans like I was when we got Steve so I’ll manage.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2020
Spoiler tagged for the sake of not clogging up the thread with a massive post, my reactions to the reveals through Ultimate;
:ultinkling:: Going from "huh, more Splatoon?" to "OH **** NEW SMASH" to "Oh, and Inklings were confirmed as well. They appeared in the trailer ala Villager in Smash 4 so that's cool. Makes sense"

:ultdaisy:: "New clone character? Oh it's Daisy? Yeah, that's pretty neat."


:ultsimon: / :ultrichter:: "Oh, so the leaks were real. That's cool, CastleVania is a pretty neat series. I hope they reveal K. Rool later on (clueless)"

:ultchrom:: "Eh, another echo fighter and it's Chrom, that makes sense. I don't really care though."

:ultdarksamus:: "Eh, another echo fighter and it's Dark Samus, that makes sense. I don't really care though."


:ultisabelle:: "Oh? This isn't a bad inclusion. I don't really care one way or another but it certainly makes sense."

:ultken:: "Oh that's pretty cool, I wish Ryu got the same cinematic trailer that Ken has but I'm glad that Ken is here. Does this mean the Grinch Leak is--?"

:ultincineroar:: "LMAOOOOO I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT FOOLED BY THE GRINCH LEAK DANG IT. (holds a grudge against Incineroar for five months before realizing that his inclusion is actually pretty cool)"


:ultjoker:: "I only vaguely know of Persona 5 but the aesthetics look really cool and his inclusion is really surprising. (proceeds to buy a PS4 and his game once DLC wraps up)"

:ulthero:: "I don't really care about Dragon Quest but it's certainly a big franchise so it's cool I guess? (proceeds to buy the DQ games for iOS once DLC wraps up)"

:ultbanjokazooie:: "OH HEY, IT'S ABOUT TIME THEY WERE ADDED! Happy for Banjo's fans :3"

:ult_terry:: "I don't know anything about SNK but I'm happy to learn. Terry looks really cool, I love his personality and he came with HOW MANY SONGS??? (proceeds to buy like 11 SNK games and eventually thinks of Terry as the best DLC inclusion)"

:ultbyleth:: "LMAOOOOOOOO THAT'S CRAZY! I played and enjoyed FE: Three Houses so sure but at the same time oh my lord the Smash Fanbase is going to have a meltdown. People wanted Dante, Arle, anyone else besides a Fire Emblem character so this is pretty funny."

:ultminmin: "LMAO this trailer is really cute. I don't care about ARMS but I love how stylistic this reveal is. Oh it's Min Min? I know someone who really likes that character so that's cool."

:ultsteve:: "YOOOOOO THAT'S AWESOME!! I have a lot of attachment to Minecraft and after Banjo got in I'm glad that Steve does as well. The Banjo vs. Steve wars have ended and it's declared that both have won."

:ultsephiroth:: "Oh... There goes Geno. (Geno being my most wanted with K. Rool following closely behind) ...But hey, Sephiroth is a really cool character and more villains is welcome. I can't be too mad I guess, if there's any character to disconfirm Geno I'm glad it's Sephiroth."

:ultpyra: / :ultmythra:: "(having bought XC2 before Smash Ultimate base game was done, it being my first Xenoblade game, and loving it a lot despite it's flaws) YO THIS IS REALLY COOL!! I DIDN'T EXPECT XC2 TO GET A NEWCOMER IN THE YEAR 2021 THAT'S AWESOME!!"

:ultkazuya:: "The trailer feels a lot more low-key than maybe it should be for a TEKKEN character, but I'm really glad he's in. I loved Terry's inclusion so I'm all for Kazuya being included as well. TEKKEN is overdue for an inclusion so LET'S GO KAZUYA!"

:ultsora:: "AYYYYYY NOT WHO I EXPECTED BUT A WELCOME SURPRISE. Never thought the day would come, It's a really nice way to wrap up Smash Ultimate as well. And he's the most voted for character on the Smash Ballot? That makes things even better."


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I wounder who could be the next "Oh no..." character that could cause a fire in the community?
Maybe Fortnite?
Something new that kids like, like Fortnite.

And obviously Fire Emblem. It’d take a lot for an FE character to get a positive response from Smash fans these days.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
My reactions were:

:ultpiranha:: shrugs
:ultjoker:: Not another PlayStation character. This is worst than Cloud. Although, this time, my reaction wasn't out of pure anger.
:ulthero3:: It was just a matter of time.
:ultbanjokazooie:: FINALLY! I've been wanting this since the first game!
:ult_terry:: Cool. Didn't see this coming but I'm not surprised.
:ultbyleth:: Not interested.
:ultminmin: Not interested.
:ultsteve:: laughs at the Steve haters who thought he had no chance at getting in
:ultsephiroth:: Nice but not as hyped other as people are.
:ultpyra::ultmythra:: Not interested.
:ultkazuya:: He's okay.
:ultsora:: Wow! He actually made it in. Good...for his supporters, that is.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I played them all multiple times and the DLC, just she seemed to me the most important character by design.
She was, Blue Lions and Golden Deer were made their own thing much later in development and it shows with how Claude got a church route copy and even Dimitri's route is still extremely similar to it.

The original intention with Edelgard was to be a rival character that could interact with Byleth's divine pulse ability then the devs gave her a route split then they decided to add BL and GD later. There's a reason the main theme of the game is a song sung from her PoV and she got an early merch push with the figma.

Is she? I thought the actual villain was Thales and Edleguard was as "duped" as everyone else? I am thinking of starting it up again lol.
Less duped and more Edelgard is in a position where she's more or less forced to work with him which she openly hates


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
She was, Blue Lions and Golden Deer were made their own thing much later in development and it shows with how Claude got a church route copy and even Dimitri's route is still extremely similar to it.

The original intention with Edelgard was to be a rival character that could interact with Byleth's divine pulse ability then the devs gave her a route split then they decided to add BL and GD later. There's a reason the main theme of the game is a song sung from her PoV and she got an early merch push with the figma.
no CF was the late addition added after KT joined the dev team cause they liked her.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Took a bit to write this out so I'm probably late as ****.

:ultpiranha: : Was tuning in and out because I had to get ready for a 2nd "job"/"internship" that I'm thankfully away from now, so when I saw it, I thought they were showing like a free bonus item or Assist that you could pick up and have bite people or set down to bite anyone that got near it. Then it acted more like a fighter and got a splash screen. I'd never laughed so much at a character reveal in my life from the sheer insanity of it.

:ultjoker: : Was working a shift at my old 1st job and wasn't really following the VGAs so I didn't see the reveal live. I checked Discord on some downtime and heard about Joker and my reaction was more of a "The Persona guy? Really? They added him? Alright then." Didn't really have any strong feelings one way or the other.

:ulthero: : Was watching during my current job with no sound and was having issues with the stream. "Ah there's Erdrick." Until it was shown to be the Luminary and I was like "No wait, it's Heccer (an inside joke between a couple people elsewhere on the Boards). Plop will be excited." Then the actual Erdrick showed up with the other Heros. "Ah, there's Erdrick."

:ultbanjokazooie: : "Wait, are they playing K. Rool's trailer? Is this a streaming error....? -the part with K. Rool with the Kongs is added- Ah, something new. A new enemy? -DK's house again- Ok...? -Jiggy- Ah, here's Banjo. So people were right about him showing up here."

:ult_terry:: Took a convenient break around this time to see the Direct. Went in expecting Terry due to the SNK Leak and Vergeben, so it was just a matter of waiting for him to be confirmed. So there was no surprise here, though was probably more "excited" about him than the other Fighter Pass DLC up to that point.

:ultbyleth:: A reveal so underwhelming after so much buildup that it straight up left me in a low mood the whole day. I wasn't "angry" like I was back with Corrin, just....disappointed.

:ultminmin : Was just glad to get it over with since the "guessing game" was too long. Not really much to say about her specifically, but her trailer made me think it was going to be Ribbon Girl at first since it obviously wasn't going to be Spring Man :V
.....I also dreaded how this gave ammunition to a certain sector of DLC speculation that had already become infamous for twisting everything to be how their character is all but confirmed and would spam about it in places. Won't name the character directly since my intention isn't to start something with the fanbase here, but it should be obvious who.

:ultsteve: : Was getting ready for work when this dropped. I collectively sighed and went on my day.

:ultsephiroth:: Took a break when the VGAs were going to start and watched while walking the building. Freaked out over hearing the first two notes of One-Winged Angel and was hyped the whole rest of the trailer since Sephiroth was someone I was predicting right before Min Min got revealed.

:ultpyra: : Watched the Nintendo Direct at my desk quietly. "Ah, some DLC expansion for Xenoblade 2, whatever." -then Pyra shows off the invitation- "Wait, what? Smash? She's there by herself? Odd, but alright."
:ultmythra: : "Oh that's what they're going for. Didn't think we'd get another Zelda/Sheik style ever since the split. Cool."

:ultkazuya: : Was home for the E3 Direct (because I broke my toe) so got to watch live with sound on. Not what I was expecting since Vergeben decided to tank his momentum with Master Chief. I believe my exact words regarding Kazuya once the closeup of his chest while carrying Ganondorf was "Jin? I thought Tekken already got a costume?" (I knew it was Kazuya, but in the heat of the moment, I mixed their names up). I thought it was cool, but I was kind of over the wild ride by this point.

:ultsora:: Was surprised this happened since I straight up didn't think Disney would ever cooperate, but otherwise was just a "meh" out of me. Objectively a good finale, but subjectively mediocre as far as I'm concerned since I couldn't care less about Kingdom Hearts.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2024
It’s time, everyone.
I like the idea of them being focused on spacing and having high mobility on paper as a counterpart to the Marth template, but I think the meter is just too strong for not much downside. The drawback of it not being chargable I feel doesn't work because it still just rewards failing to properly space and land effective hits in neutral, and since they have strong anti-camping tools and mobility, they can basically just freely control neutral the entire time, combined with their normals being safer on shield and the dash attack. It would make sense for them to have a meter, but I think its conditions would need to be adusted.

Beyond that I like the general format and emblems used. Hope 2B wins that poll, or Takamaru, I have specific ideas for how I'd want both to play.
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Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
:ultpiranha: Hahahaha, what?!
:ultjoker: OH ****!
:ulthero: Nice!
:ultbanjokazooie: YEAH BABYYY
:ult_terry: Cool!
:ultbyleth: Pffftthhahaahhaha ok lol!

:ultminmin Nice!
:ultsteve: ....sigh ok
:ultpyra::ultmythra: Oh **** YEAH!
:ultkazuya:not jin

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
My reactions, I think I've typed this out at some point before but it's always pretty fun to reminisce about.

:ultinkling: - No duh. I really didn't have much reaction to the character choice since I was more taken by the fact that we were getting a new game. They were 100% guaranteed and I thought they obviously deserved it.

:ultridley: - Watched this reveal alongside my diehard Metroid fan buddy and we embraced in excitement. I came to expect this a bit from the underlying rumors, but I had nearly given up on the big guy. It was an extremely validating and emotional reveal, felt like the end of an era.

:ultsimon: - Even before he leaked, I had been banking on Simon. His trailer was fantastic and he looked about as good as he could possibly look. I'm not gonna pretend that I'm a huge Castlevania fan but I was content with this and it fit like a glove. Sakurai said Simon was "finally" here and I think that summed it up.

:ultkrool: - Holy **** this one caught me off guard. Probably the most visceral, giddy reaction I've ever had to a newcomer. I was reeling over in bed and my voice was probably up two octaves. Probably still my favorite trailer of the bunch, the Gangplank Galleon arrangement had me floating.

:ultisabelle: - Very, very happy. I love Isabelle but more importantly, I actually had $5 down on this one and my friend had to pay the **** up. I felt validated that she was NOT an echo fighter, a belief I had been fairly vocal about. She looked adorable and it just felt right to have her here.

:ultincineroar: - I actually don't remember much of how I felt, because I kinda just went on autopilot after the confirmation that Incineroar was in fact the last newcomer, but I do recall really being impressed with how expressive he was. After all the tension subsided it didn't take long for me to love him.

:ultpiranha: - I don't really remember how I felt, I think I was kinda numb to everything after the Grinch officially met his demise. I wasn't spiteful toward Incineroar or Plant though, this quickly became an addition I really liked. I just don't think I had much of a reaction other than a blank stare at first.

:ultjoker: - This is the only character reveal I missed. I was staring at TGA stream for hours and nothing happened, so I figured it was a lost cause and I dipped to pick up my copy of Ultimate from GameStop. I got there and everyone is stirring about Joker being in Smash. I was so confused and a bit frustrated that it happened the moment I closed my laptop and stepped outside. I thought it was cool but very surprising.

:ulthero: - Was very much a neutral "there he is" reaction from me, not because I didn't think it was exciting or warranted but because we could all come to expect Hero at that point. The execution was not something I expected, and was actually a bit mixed on myself. I had become a little frustrated with Smash's increasingly more gimmicky, convoluted character designs and Hero was looking to be the most extreme example of that. Eventually I got my hands on him and he was loads of stupid fun. So I couldn't stay mad at it, although that random critical hit is still bull.

:ultbanjokazooie: - I had never played Banjo, so this was secondhand happiness. It was easy for me to grasp how important this reveal was and it was nice to see an estranged member of the Nintendo family able to join the rest of the gang.

:ult_terry: - It's what I expected after the leak, but the trailer was ridiculously charming. It took a while to see him in action but he quickly won me over and became one of my favorite additions to Ultimate in general. Nowadays I'm a fan of SNK and KOF, moreso than I was when he was first revealed.

:nessecho: - I was watching this presentation during class and pretty much sat there mouth agape. I couldn't say anything and didn't want to give away that I was on my phone so I ran to the bathroom soon after to see what everyone had to say about it. Throwing this in with the group because it's one of my funniest memories from this cycle.

:ultbyleth: - Numb, that's all. I thought it was a really bad decision to close the pass off on and was not a trailer that evoked any excitement. The people in VC with me were laughing and then left the call a few minutes later out of indifference. I'm still not especially wowed at the "each direction is a different weapon" ""gimmick"" and felt this was a pretty lame way to try and redeem FE's reputation in Smash.

:ultminmin - I was happy, since Min Min was the one I wanted, but I kinda knew it was going to be her from the beginning. The trailer was loads of fun and I was overall pretty excited. Her gameplay didn't quite land when she actually came out but she looked pretty dope during the presentation.

:ultsteve: - I didn't have strong opinions about it, but I was amused by the trailer and how insane his kit looked. I hadn't quite been a believer of Minecraft getting a playable character up to that point, but it was an impossible thing to argue against. It was obviously warranted and brought a lot of quirky moveset potential. So I'd say my reaction was fairly positive, but not particularly intense emotions like some others.

:ultsephiroth:- I had to watch this one with the volume off during class, which means I didn't get to hear the One Winged Angel cue. I kinda didn't believe what I was seeing, which is a similar reaction that I had to Cloud. Except back then I was confused, because Cloud struck down many of my preconceptions about the roster, and Sephiroth was just a really cool surprise. He ended up being one of the best newcomers.

:ultpyra::ultmythra: - Did not care all that much, but tried to keep an open mind. Presentation came along and I was generally kind of optimistic for them. I liked that they took more of a flashy anime direction which was more unique for swordies in Smash. They also felt like a more intuitive stance change mechanic than anything we had seen up to that point. This is an addition that aged pretty well for me, I have no attachment to the characters but I think they were implemented in a smart way. My friends who outright hate Xeno 2 still love playing Pyra in Smash.

:ultkazuya: - "Oh cool, that makes sense". Once again no extremely strong feelings, but I thought this was a cool shakeup. We had counted Tekken out and this was another reminder that we couldn't trust our preconceptions about what does or doesn't signify a character. I was intrigued by how many moves he had, I thought that was really neat.

:ultsora: - Full disclosure, one of my least wanted characters. But it was hard to deny that he was a strong finisher, revealing that he was the literal ballot winner kinda shut me up immediately and had me defending this on the basis of literally ending DLC with the biggest bang possible. I respected the move. And it didn't take long for me to warm up to his implementation, how he was animated with the Disney-esque whimsy you could expect and how they brought over the aerial combat system from the games. I don't find him that fun to play, but they did a nice job visualizing him in Smash.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Took a bit to write this out so I'm probably late as ****.

:ultpiranha: : Was tuning in and out because I had to get ready for a 2nd "job"/"internship" that I'm thankfully away from now, so when I saw it, I thought they were showing like a free bonus item or Assist that you could pick up and have bite people or set down to bite anyone that got near it. Then it acted more like a fighter and got a splash screen. I'd never laughed so much at a character reveal in my life from the sheer insanity of it.

:ultjoker: : Was working a shift at my old 1st job and wasn't really following the VGAs so I didn't see the reveal live. I checked Discord on some downtime and heard about Joker and my reaction was more of a "The Persona guy? Really? They added him? Alright then." Didn't really have any strong feelings one way or the other.

:ulthero: : Was watching during my current job with no sound and was having issues with the stream. "Ah there's Erdrick." Until it was shown to be the Luminary and I was like "No wait, it's Heccer (an inside joke between a couple people elsewhere on the Boards). Plop will be excited." Then the actual Erdrick showed up with the other Heros. "Ah, there's Erdrick."

:ultbanjokazooie: : "Wait, are they playing K. Rool's trailer? Is this a streaming error....? -the part with K. Rool with the Kongs is added- Ah, something new. A new enemy? -DK's house again- Ok...? -Jiggy- Ah, here's Banjo. So people were right about him showing up here."

:ult_terry:: Took a convenient break around this time to see the Direct. Went in expecting Terry due to the SNK Leak and Vergeben, so it was just a matter of waiting for him to be confirmed. So there was no surprise here, though was probably more "excited" about him than the other Fighter Pass DLC up to that point.

:ultbyleth:: A reveal so underwhelming after so much buildup that it straight up left me in a low mood the whole day. I wasn't "angry" like I was back with Corrin, just....disappointed.

:ultminmin : Was just glad to get it over with since the "guessing game" was too long. Not really much to say about her specifically, but her trailer made me think it was going to be Ribbon Girl at first since it obviously wasn't going to be Spring Man :V
.....I also dreaded how this gave ammunition to a certain sector of DLC speculation that had already become infamous for twisting everything to be how their character is all but confirmed and would spam about it in places. Won't name the character directly since my intention isn't to start something with the fanbase here, but it should be obvious who.

:ultsteve: : Was getting ready for work when this dropped. I collectively sighed and went on my day.

:ultsephiroth:: Took a break when the VGAs were going to start and watched while walking the building. Freaked out over hearing the first two notes of One-Winged Angel and was hyped the whole rest of the trailer since Sephiroth was someone I was predicting right before Min Min got revealed.

:ultpyra: : Watched the Nintendo Direct at my desk quietly. "Ah, some DLC expansion for Xenoblade 2, whatever." -then Pyra shows off the invitation- "Wait, what? Smash? She's there by herself? Odd, but alright."
:ultmythra: : "Oh that's what they're going for. Didn't think we'd get another Zelda/Sheik style ever since the split. Cool."

:ultkazuya: : Was home for the E3 Direct (because I broke my toe) so got to watch live with sound on. Not what I was expecting since Vergeben decided to tank his momentum with Master Chief. I believe my exact words regarding Kazuya once the closeup of his chest while carrying Ganondorf was "Jin? I thought Tekken already got a costume?" (I knew it was Kazuya, but in the heat of the moment, I mixed their names up). I thought it was cool, but I was kind of over the wild ride by this point.

:ultsora:: Was surprised this happened since I straight up didn't think Disney would ever cooperate, but otherwise was just a "meh" out of me. Objectively a good finale, but subjectively mediocre as far as I'm concerned since I couldn't care less about Kingdom Hearts.
Lol you seem to mostly be working or otherwise engaged when they reveal, maybe during smash 6 you can get some time off :p


Smash Ace
Jan 30, 2024
Peach's Castle
Since we're apparently all reminiscing about our reactions to Ultimate's newcomers...

:ultinkling:: This was probably the single most obvious newcomer candidate in Smash history, so much so that I genuinely forgot to even process the fact that they were a newcomer. After the initial hype of a new Smash game being announced for Switch sunk in, and I realized Inklings were going to join the roster, I'm pretty sure my reaction was just a casual "okay, cool". I remember looking at moveset concepts to get a grasp of how they'd play, but the actual result came out so much different (and better!)

:ultdaisy:: She was my most wanted character for years, so this reveal was pretty emotional for me. I wanted Daisy to be playable in Smash ever since I played Brawl at the ripe age of five. Seeing her in the game had me ecstatic and I didn't even care that she was a clone. I was a bit shocked, when they did the whole "here's a new echo fighter", because I didn't expect it to be Daisy at all... online haters had me convinced she'd never get anywhere near Smash.

:ultridley:: Pretty much everyone expected this due to Vergeben, but it was still surreal to watch. Ridley in Smash, looking... natural? Not overtuned, not gigantic, just fitting in with the rest of the cast. I remember loving his design and moveset because it encapsulated how vicious he was in Brawl's boss fights (that was my only experience with the character before SSBU). The Meta Ridley alt was a really nice cherry on top.

:ultsimon:: I'd never played Castlevania before but I had heard of the name Simon Belmont. He was also included in the Vergeben leaks. Speaking of leaks, the music leak on the site kinda ruined Simon's reveal, but...

:ultrichter:: He made up for that! I'm sure everyone was as surprised as I was. I didn't even know this guy, but he looked much cuter than Simon so I naturally liked him more instantly.

:ultchrom:: I really didn't care much because everyone expected him due to the Ike alt missing. I was a bit weirded out that he turned out to be a Roy echo but it all made sense afterwards.

:ultdarksamus:: Another obvious one. Not much to say, I just liked how creepy and alien she looked compared to normal Samus. It really showcased how much a simple animation change can do for an echo, even if the moveset is the same.

:ultkrool:: I remember him having lots of detractors, so this was super exciting. I loved the CGI animation and the Dedede fake-out scene was hilarious at the time. I remember thinking his redesign thankfully looked so much better than the fan mockups. His moveset looked very fun and unique, so I was unusually excited for this character I had no prior attachment to.

:ultisabelle:: This trailer just dragged on wayyy too long man... we all already knew it was Smash anyway, and Isabelle was a super obvious inclusion. I was glad she was a semiclone and not an echo, because her exclusive stuff looked much more fun than what Villager has.

:ultken:: Really obvious echo, and also leaked before. I just said something along the lines of "okay, and?" to myself and moved on. It was interesting that he had more unique stuff than the average echo though.

:ultincineroar:: I've said it before on the boards that I don't like Pokémon, so Incineroar being a very prominent character in Smash speculation was lame to me. After the box leak, it was all but confirmed that Vergeben was right... I wasn't mad, just indifferent and very disinterested. But when Incineroar showed up on that ring... the way it's animated is just so fun, and the moveset made me accept it instantly, despite being a character I don't really care for.

:ultpiranha:: I thought this was an item or assist at first, then it dodged and F-Smashed Mario and I was like "what..?" Even after the splash screen, I couldn't believe that they really made a Piranha Plant playable in Smash and a DLC character too at that. Bewilderment turned to excitement as I saw the super fun animations Sakurai and co came up with, the creative ways in which the enemy's history was used. Really appreciated it as a Mario fan.

:ultjoker:: Didn't know who he was but my brother who's a pretty big Persona 5 fan was excited and acted like Joker was a big deal so I went along with it. I actually didn't even watch the initial Game Awards teaser... he just didn't interest me. The formal reveal the following April was alright. I was glad Sakurai didn't oversaturate his moveset with Personas and stuff. Cool visual flair. I remember that really dumb "controversy" about Joker's moves being recycled from other characters lol.

:ulthero:: Link being beat up in the trailer made me believe, for a brief moment, that this could he a LOZ character. However, Hero was cool too. I didn't recognize the Luminary but once the music started playing it all made sense. The other Heroes being alts was super cool and the menu was just a crazy addition at the time. The whole Internet was curious as to how it would work. I went crazy when they said it'd be RNG.

:ultbanjokazooie:: Nice reveal, pretty cool to harken back to the K. Rool trailer. Admittedly I never really cared about Banjo and his moveset seemed meh but the animations were priceless. I was super happy about the 20- and 30-something year olds that had finally gotten their childhood character though.

:ult_terry:: ..Who? Didn't help that he was revealed the day one of my favorite artists dropped an album and film. I was too invested in that to care about whoever Terry Bogard was.

:ultbyleth:: This trailer was lame. I absolutely adore Three Houses and wanted some representation from it in Smash but the way the reveal was set up turned me off so bad. I was also concerned with how the Internet would react (which was, in retrospect, very justified). I stuck around till the end though and it actually was worth it because Byleth's moveset seemed so cool. This was also the first DLC reveal I could gush about with my brothers because we all loved Three Houses, so that was fun.

:ultminmin: The wait for this one was horrible. I remember the dumbest theories were made during this time (like an ARMS all-in-one package with costumes like Hero ??? seriously) so I was very relieved when it turned out to be just Min Min. The visual style of the trailer was too pretty and the ramen-eating Kirby and CF are still some of the funniest Smash trailer screencaps. I remember thinking "watch how Smash fans will make it a fan rule that every newcomer batch has to introduce a character with more range than the last" because Ike beat Marth, Shulk beat Ike, Corrin beat Shulk, Simon beat Corrin, and now Min Min had just insane range lol.

:ultsteve:: Expected. It was so funny to see them in Smash though. Still is. Didn't really care though. This was another one I was pretty indifferent towards.

:ultsephiroth:: One of the most unexpected characters ever. To me at least. The trailer was also amazing. His moveset and presence just felt awesome and threatening. I hadn't even played any FF but this was my favorite FP2 character by far.

:ultpyra::ultmythra:: Seemed kinda likely after Min Min, but seeing them in Smash was trippy. They just didn't look like they belonged, I can't explain it. I was really excited for another female character though (two in one!) and also the moveset seemed super fun. I remember thinking "three whole games later, maybe they finally pulled off Zelda/Sheik"

:ultkazuya:: Didn't care. I remember a Tekken character was requested since Sakurai mentioned Heihachi in the SSB4 days, so I was glad for the fans. The trailer was funny.

:ultsora:: I was working super late, so I missed this one. I told my brothers to set up the laptop for me so that I wouldn't get spoiled. I didn't really care about Sora's reveal. Had bigger things to worry about. He did feel like a fitting end and I really liked that they referenced the very first teaser but Sora himself just didn't really rile me up.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2023
:ultpiranha: : I was actually kinda mad at this lol. I warmed up to him since, through!
:ultjoker: : Kinda hype even throuhg i never played Persona 5, the trailer was cool
:ulthero2: : DQ8 is my favourite game of all time, nuff said lol.
:ultbanjokazooie: : Okay
:ult_terry: : "Who?" "He's kinda cool"
:ultbyleth: : Dissapointing but understable

:ultminmin : Confused why ARMS got a rep, but thinking it was cool anyways.
:ultsteve: : WHAT
:ultsephiroth: : WHAT
:ultpyra: : Okay
:ultkazuya: : Oh, that's cool.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2018
I literally laughed out loud when plant was revealed. I was honestly pretty happy because it meant smash could still add characters that were a complete surprise to me, smash speculation has been preyty samey for a while with the usual few characters getting brought up over and over. I wasnt really familiar with most of the other DLC besides banjo and sora so my reaction to them was just spending the next few days learning what the games they were from were about, which was fun in its own way.

But man the feeling that "If piranha plant can get in, that means ANYONE can, right?" was great. They didnt add any other dlc on the same level of weirdness, but its nice to know they could. (My never-gonna-happen pick is spelunky guy, his moveset basically makes itself)
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