Took a bit to write this out so I'm probably late as ****.

: Was tuning in and out because I had to get ready for a 2nd "job"/"internship" that I'm thankfully away from now, so when I saw it, I thought they were showing like a free bonus item or Assist that you could pick up and have bite people or set down to bite anyone that got near it. Then it acted more like a fighter and got a splash screen. I'd never laughed so much at a character reveal in my life from the sheer insanity of it.

: Was working a shift at my old 1st job and wasn't really following the VGAs so I didn't see the reveal live. I checked Discord on some downtime and heard about Joker and my reaction was more of a "The Persona guy? Really? They added
him? Alright then." Didn't really have any strong feelings one way or the other.

: Was watching during my current job with no sound and was having issues with the stream. "Ah there's Erdrick." Until it was shown to be the Luminary and I was like "No wait, it's Heccer (an inside joke between a couple people elsewhere on the Boards). Plop will be excited." Then the actual Erdrick showed up with the other Heros. "Ah,
there's Erdrick."

: "Wait, are they playing K. Rool's trailer? Is this a streaming error....? -the part with K. Rool with the Kongs is added- Ah, something new. A new enemy? -DK's house again- Ok...? -Jiggy- Ah, here's Banjo. So people were right about him showing up here."

: Took a convenient break around this time to see the Direct. Went in expecting Terry due to the SNK Leak and Vergeben, so it was just a matter of waiting for him to be confirmed. So there was no surprise here, though was probably more "excited" about him than the other Fighter Pass DLC up to that point.

: A reveal so underwhelming after so much buildup that it straight up left me in a low mood the whole day. I wasn't "angry" like I was back with Corrin, just....disappointed.

: Was just glad to get it over with since the "guessing game" was too long. Not really much to say about her specifically, but her trailer made me think it was going to be Ribbon Girl at first since it obviously wasn't going to be Spring Man :V
.....I also dreaded how this gave ammunition to a certain sector of DLC speculation that had already become infamous for twisting everything to be how their character is all but confirmed and would spam about it in places. Won't name the character directly since my intention isn't to start something with the fanbase here, but it should be obvious who.

: Was getting ready for work when this dropped. I collectively sighed and went on my day.

: Took a break when the VGAs were going to start and watched while walking the building. Freaked out over hearing the first two notes of One-Winged Angel and was hyped the whole rest of the trailer since Sephiroth was someone I was predicting right before Min Min got revealed.

: Watched the Nintendo Direct at my desk quietly. "Ah, some DLC expansion for Xenoblade 2, whatever." -then Pyra shows off the invitation- "Wait, what? Smash? She's there by herself? Odd, but alright."

: "Oh
that's what they're going for. Didn't think we'd get another Zelda/Sheik style ever since the split. Cool."

: Was home for the E3 Direct (because I broke my toe) so got to watch live with sound on. Not what I was expecting since Vergeben decided to tank his momentum with Master Chief. I believe my exact words regarding Kazuya once the closeup of his chest while carrying Ganondorf was "Jin? I thought Tekken already got a costume?" (I knew it was Kazuya, but in the heat of the moment, I mixed their names up). I thought it was cool, but I was kind of over the wild ride by this point.

: Was surprised this happened since I straight up didn't think Disney would ever cooperate, but otherwise was just a "meh" out of me. Objectively a good finale, but subjectively mediocre as far as I'm concerned since I couldn't care less about Kingdom Hearts.