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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
It doesn't have to be necessarily. Yeah, he is the best choice but he's barred from entry outright. 21 has a better chance
No, she has the same exact chance. A flat 0%.
Dragon Ball is not a video game IP; it is a manga IP. That alone is going to stop anything under that copyright from showing up, full stop.

No, debuting in a video game doesn't magically make her more eligible than Goku and people need to stop pretending it does just because they're hopelessly desperate for Dragon Ball content despite Sakurai saying repeatedly Goku will not happen. The same exact legal hurdles to get licensing for Goku also apply to 21. And like hell they're going to go through that for her or Shallot or Cronoa or who the **** ever random character who has first appeared in a game instead of the actual protagonist of the series that people won't stop bugging Sakurai about.

The literal only time we got something from a non-gaming IP was the old Motion-Sensor Bomb from GoldenEye 007 N64. But think about it. The design of the bomb is likely a Rare copyright rather than the rights owners for James Bond considering said mines don't appear in the Activision remakes of GoldenEye 007 or....literally anywhere else in the James Bond franchise from what I can tell (anyone can correct me if they know more).
James Bond or anything licensed from the franchise doesn't appear and Sakurai even stated the licensing is why he could never show up back in the Melee days.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Originating from a game automatically her a better chance by default egardless Goku makes a better choice on paper. If they want to represent Dragon Ball and whilst keeping the non-video game rule in-fact. She would be frontrunner. DB Video Games are popular enough on their own warrant

FighterZ has an original story. She was literally created for an original scenario. In fact most of recent DB games so far like Heroes and Xenoverse have different stories and continuity from the main series.

Again She is main villian and flagship character of FighterZ. She isn't some enemy mook. How is that not the same as StarKiller?
Yeah, it's pretty much zero chance. I won't repeat what Golden said. I'll just quickly reply to the rest.

My bad on the story front, though.

Starkiller got integrated beyond the video games too(though not a movie, as the video game was the centerpiece. It's also noted that it was intended to be a true game universe, but Disney combined it into the full extended universe, so it's not even separate), so she's actually quite different in that way. She actually counts as being from a more game-based universe where he no longer does. That said, it really doesn't matter due to the franchise's origins.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Generally speaking, I prefer Noah and Mio. But I do think they'd be extremely difficult to implement well. You'd likely have to leave out one them entirely which means Ouroburos would likely be left out. Noah is the main character but as another Sword user, he'd be less appealing than Mio. Mio doesn't have a sword but that also means no potential Being interesting with Lucky 7. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is complicated and simplifying that down to work in Smash may be too much. (Though maybe they could be alts of each other, with the main moveset gimmick being they attack using the weapons of the party members since any character can be any class)
My idea of having it work was making them another switch character…but having their switch work more like a spiritual successor to Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite’s Active Switch. My idea was having the switch occur by pressing B and any direction in the middle of a special move.

Anyway, Thorgi just did a Smash video if anyone’s cringing anus is interested.
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Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
No, she has the same exact chance. A flat 0%.
Dragon Ball is not a video game IP; it is a manga IP. That alone is going to stop anything under that copyright from showing up, full stop.

No, debuting in a video game doesn't magically make her more eligible than Goku and people need to stop pretending it does just because they're hopelessly desperate for Dragon Ball content despite Sakurai saying repeatedly Goku will not happen. The same exact legal hurdles to get licensing for Goku also apply to 21. And like hell they're going to go through that for her or Shallot or Cronoa or who the **** ever random character who has first appeared in a game instead of the actual protagonist of the series that people won't stop bugging Sakurai about.

The literal only time we got something from a non-gaming IP was the old Motion-Sensor Bomb from GoldenEye 007 N64. But think about it. The design of the bomb is likely a Rare copyright rather than the rights owners for James Bond considering said mines don't appear in the Activision remakes of GoldenEye 007 or....literally anywhere else in the James Bond franchise from what I can tell (anyone can correct me if they know more).
James Bond or anything licensed from the franchise doesn't appear and Sakurai even stated the licensing is why he could never show up back in the Melee days.
I don't support Android 21 but according to Sakurai, a character has to originate from a video game, and since that is the case with Android 21, that technically makes her eligible.

Now the chances of her getting in is a totally different story and that's something nobody is even disputing. In fact, it's pretty much agreed by everybody that her chances are slim to none. But being a Dragon Ball character shouldn't invalidate her video game origins.


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
I don't support Android 21 but according to Sakurai, a character has to originate from a video game, and since that is the case with Android 21, that technically makes her eligible.

Now the chances of her getting in is a totally different story and that's something nobody is even disputing. In fact, it's pretty much agreed by everybody that her chances are slim to none. But being a Dragon Ball character shouldn't invalidate her video game origins.
Yes it absolutely should. Because Smash does not feature licensed content from non-gaming IPs with the SOLE EXCEPTION of a design of an explosive weapon that has since changed design over a decade ago because of Rare being out of the picture. And bear in mind, Nintendo was tied to copyright of said game.
Why people keep perpetuating the myth that a character from a manga IP is eligible just because "they debuted in a game" is beyond me.

Sakurai should not have to clarify what is common sense.

Did Android 21 debut in a video game? Yes.
Is Dragon Ball a video game IP? No.
Ergo, she is not eligible no matter how you slice it when the IP itself will not even be seriously considered for inclusion.
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Smash Cadet
Mar 1, 2023
Saw the thorgi video earlier.

I'm not sure why we still need to justify "importance to Nintendo" in the year 2024 to the point you pick Soma Cruz over Alucard,.

Also not one but two human Pokemon characters, whilst only adding one actual Pokemon is very questionable.

I also noticed all the new Nintendo franchises added are ones either old or dormant. This roster totally could've had a younger series like Ring Fit or Astral Chain imo. It can't all just be legacy stuff.
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Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
I don't support Android 21 but according to Sakurai, a character has to originate from a video game, and since that is the case with Android 21, that technically makes her eligible.

Now the chances of her getting in is a totally different story and that's something nobody is even disputing. In fact, it's pretty much agreed by everybody that her chances are slim to none. But being a Dragon Ball character shouldn't invalidate her video game origins.
I don't think you understand that she is tied to Dragonball legally and that means negotiating for her would be that kind of hell.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
My idea of having it work was making them another switch character…but having their switch work more like a spiritual successor to Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite’s Active Switch. My idea was having the switch occur by pressing B and any direction in the middle of a special move.

Anyway, Thorgi just did a Smash video if anyone’s cringing anus is interested.
I watched this roster live with friends and holy **** it is insane. Baffling decision after baffling decision. What the ****


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I still count her as a video game character regardless. For me it’s based on the medium the character themselves debuted in, not the franchise itself.
You can if you want, but it's wrong. It’s based on the medium the franchise debuted in.

That's why we can have Ash Greninja and Advent Children Cloud, but not Kyle Katarn or Talion.

To be fair, that was the point of post; to list characters that have such low chances that voting for them is almost pointless.
Yes, but he divided his picks between non-4th Party characters and 4th Party characters. And had 21 in the former section when she belongs in the latter.

This is literally the Piranha Plant argument
No it's not. It would only be the Piranha Plant argument if PP was the FIRST Mario character added to the franchise, instead of, like, the 10th.

That's what choosing a video game OC D-lister as the first DB character in Smash would be.

If he originated from a game, he should be eligible.
There's no evidence of that being the case.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2020
You did misinterpret just about everything I said though. "Very internet" no, you just didn't understand/purposely misunderstood what I said. It's not that deep!

Being anti-port isn't mutually exclusive with being pro-reboot. The likeliest scenario is that we won't get one or the other. The next game will most probably, based on series precedent, be an iterative sequel that both subtracts and adds content.

Brawl shares some assets with Melee but Sakurai has said that Brawl was an original production from scratch. Same for Smash 4. That's because the teams that worked on those games are totally separate. Ultimate on the other hand was built using Smash 4 as a straight up base. None of these qualify for ports though. If you think "Brawl can kinda sorta qualify as a Melee port", you really just have zero idea how these games work. Melee has 64's DNA in it but is also largely original or just tweaked beyond recognition. Still in no way a port though.

The point of a port is to save on budget while marketing a new game. Funding Ultimate DX as Smash 6 would be a horrible idea because the game would be unoriginal (= less sales) and take up a whole unique game's budget.

Again, if you think port = a previous game is used as a base... you're just horribly misinformed. New SMB Wii uses New SMB DS as a base but is in no way a port of it. New SMBU DX uses NSMBU as a base and is a port, because that's the exact same game with very minor additions. If you still don't get it, you might wanna work on that.
Okay I'm clearly not talking to somebody well composed. I don't need to work on anything and I already told you to stop that. You need to work on communication skills in general.

First I wanna be clear about something. Back when Ultimate was announced and people were saying it's an enhanced "port" heavily based on Smash 4 (which was obvious to anyone with eyes) you got massively flamed, downvoted, and smeared from Nintendo's fans. I find it very annoying how the moment Sakurai stated the absolute obvious was the precise moment it suddenly became okay to refer to Ultimate as a Smash 4 port of sorts.

No I don't think I'm misinformed I think we just use the term port differently or have different connotations associated with its use negative or otherwise. Seems like for some people term port is an extremely contentious term that some people associate with laziness, and disrespect. You see the same kinds of fans now freaking out when TOTK is referred to as the obvious enhanced port that it is. This is what this conversation seems like to me.

I don't see how Melee and Brawl having different teams really means anything as far was reuse is concerned. I remember something about Brawl's production where Sakurai or somebody else was talking about having some trouble getting those Melee assets but eventually getting them in time for production. How would those assets even work unless their core engine was similar enough... Can I just take Melee assets and put them in any game I want? Same for 64. You acknowledge asset reuse and sharing "DNA" but treat the term port as a kind of smear. You didn't really disprove anything I said and even seem to acknowledge I was correct in my overall assessment you just take massive umbrage with the term port. I also find it odd how you're seemingly okay with Smash 4 to Ultimate reuse qualifying as a new game but a hypothetically mainline funded Smash 6 using Ultimate + DLC as a base is this inherently low-effort endeavor that's possible additions must be minimalist by default. I don't take your framing for granted because I think it's the warped framing of somebody clearly with a stake in this conversation against Ultimate DX

Lastly you also don't get to arbitrarily decide what the point of a port is and why that's absolute for all ports. This is Smash and Smash has a certain reputation as a brand and needs as a series that would qualify for funding a port with the same amount of budget/resources you would an entry made from scratch. One of those needs could be retaining the roster and building upon it which seems to me like a core element of Smash's brand identity; this large video game all of fame super crossover roster of notable icons of their respective series and genres. Maybe Nintendo thinks less characters translates to less sales? There's no reason why they couldn't give this game a fresh name but I think even a name like Ultra Ultimate would do just fine in selling consumers on the game so long as the additions were numerous and abundant.

You really can't argue it's not the safest and economical approach if done right (using Ultimate+DLC as a base while funding it like Smash 6) so you lot come up with these fantastical assertions that you expected everybody to take for granted. Well I don't. Come up with a better argument. We know for sure that Sakurai had a meeting with Nintendo about the future of Smash right at the end of 2021 when DLC was wrapped up. We know he's working on a new game and we know that a new system is coming out 2025 with Smash taking usually no more than 2 years after a new system's launch to be included on said system. We also know that he went from doing Smash 4 DLC straight into Ultimate so there's precedent there. We know that each Smash game has at the very least pulled content from previous iterations Sakurai and team could certainly put something together from scratch by 2027 but I think a hypothetical Ultimate DX funded like Smash 6 would be the safest bet based on what we actually know.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
My idea of having it work was making them another switch character…but having their switch work more like a spiritual successor to Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite’s Active Switch. My idea was having the switch occur by pressing B and any direction in the middle of a special move.

Anyway, Thorgi just did a Smash video if anyone’s cringing anus is interested.
Oh dear, apparently this is one of his weaker BTR videos. Anybody willing to give the rundown?

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
Yes it absolutely should. Because Smash does not feature licensed content from non-gaming IPs with the SOLE EXCEPTION of a design of an explosive weapon that has since changed design over a decade ago because of Rare being out of the picture. And bear in mind, Nintendo was tied to copyright of said game.
Why people keep perpetuating the myth that a character from a manga IP is eligible just because "they debuted in a game" is beyond me.

Sakurai should not have to clarify what is common sense.

Did Android 21 debut in a video game? Yes.
Is Dragon Ball a video game IP? No.
Ergo, she is not eligible no matter how you slice it when the IP itself will not even be seriously considered for inclusion.
Actually, Sakurai does have to clarify. It's his game. You keep saying "it should" but that just shows that such a thing has never been confirmed, so nobody can say that for sure. It's just a mere assumption. Sakurai only said that the character has to originate from a video game, not the IP they come from.

I don't think you understand that she is tied to Dragonball legally and that means negotiating for her would be that kind of hell.
Nobody is talking about negotiations. It's about what counts as being eligible.
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Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Originating from a game automatically makes her a better chance by default
No actually she doesn't because Dragon Ball has zero chance of appearing in the first place. This is a crossover of video game-first franchises. Dragon Ball is an anime franchise, first and foremost, Star Wars is a movie franchise first and foremost.

Trying to compare it to Kingdom Hearts us a crock of **** too because Kingdom Hearts is a video game franchise, not a part of a larger franchise, and even though it haopens to feature Disney characters doesn't make it a Mickey Mouse spinoff. Note how Dragon Ball is literally in the ****ing name of FighterZ, how Star Wars is in the name of the Force Unleashed

Non video game franchises have a zero percent chance of ever happening end of story, with the only potential ones being franchises Nintendo objectively owns


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Actually, Sakurai does have to clarify. It's his game. You keep saying "it should" but that just shows that such a thing has never been confirmed, so nobody can say that for sure. It's just a mere assumption. Sakurai only said that the character has to originate from a video game, not the IP they come from.
Except common sense and actually putting thought into this would point to the IP.

Look at goddamn :lucario: .

Did Lucario debut in a game? Actually, no. Lucario debuted in an anime film in July of 2005 and wouldn't appear in any game media until November of 2005 as a cameo in Mystery Dungeon via statue and rank icon, and wouldn't appear in the main series proper until September of 2006.

Yet not only was Lucario not seen as ineligible, Lucario got in. Why is this?

By your logic, Finding Nemo characters are eligible to appear in Smash because the video game released before the movie, so they "debuted in a video game".
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Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
My idea of having it work was making them another switch character…but having their switch work more like a spiritual successor to Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite’s Active Switch. My idea was having the switch occur by pressing B and any direction in the middle of a special move.

Anyway, Thorgi just did a Smash video if anyone’s cringing anus is interested.
I'm a big Thorgi fan. Would love to collab with him some day, and normally his rosters are pretty fire but as a Smash fan, this one just ain't it. There were so many baffling decisions made to line in with a completely arbitrary rule that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
Except common sense and actually putting thought into this would point to the IP.

Look at goddamn :lucario: .

Did Lucario debut in a game? Actually, no. Lucario debuted in an anime film in July of 2005 and wouldn't appear in any game media until November of 2005 as a cameo in Mystery Dungeon via statue and rank icon, and wouldn't appear in the main series proper until September of 2006.

Yet not only was Lucario not seen as ineligible, Lucario got in. Why is this?

By your logic, Finding Nemo characters are eligible to appear in Smash because the video game released before the movie, so they "debuted in a video game".
But then again, Pokemon is also a Nintendo IP, so...yeah.

Also, unlike your Lucario and Finding Nemo comparisons, Android 21 only made appearances in one media...which is just video games.

Like I said, this is just all assumption. It's true that no character in Smash come from a non-gaming IP but Sakurai has never shown to be straight up against characters like that at any point.
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Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
But then again, Pokemon is also a Nintendo IP, so...yeah.

Also, unlike your Lucario and Finding Nemo comparisons, Android 21 only made appearances in one media...which is just video games.
21 as her pre-Android self has appeared in cameo in the Super Hero movie and manga arc where we learned her original name is "Vomi".

And even if she didn't.....what the **** does that matter? You're just making excuses why she somehow counts while others don't.
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023
Oh dear, apparently this is one of his weaker BTR videos. Anybody willing to give the rundown?
the roster has a gimmick of "cut half add half in their place" the characters cut are
yoshi, rosalina, bowser jr, daisy, plant, diddy, k. rool, sheik, young link, toon link, jigglypuff, pichu, lucario, inciniroar, zero suit, falco, wolf, every FE rep other than marth and chrom, lucas, paultina, dark pit, pyra\mythra, ice climers, r.o.b., game and watch, olimar, min-min, snake, both belmonts, every fighting game rep other than ryu, min-min, sephy, jokeradded

Newcomers added

Waluigi, Captain Toad, Pauline, Paper Mario, Geno, Midna, Skull Kid, Urbosa, Cynitha, Giovani, Meowscarada, Dixie, Funky, Lyn, Alear, Anna, Squid Sisters, Off the Hook [Echo], Tom Nook [Half Villager and Half Isabelle Echo], Noah and Mio, Rex [XBC3 Grown Up], Bandana Dee, Black Shadow, Raven Beak, Rescue Corps [Pikmin], Ashley, Twintelle, Chibi-Robo, Karate Joe, Isaac, Andy, Saki, Starfy, Jeanne [Bayonetta Echo], Shovel Knight, Shanate, Chun-Li, Soma Cruz, Shadow (Sonic Echo), Phoenix Wirght, Miles Edgeworth [Echo]

some of the reasoning behind certain choices is very flimsy
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Android 21 is a such a niche character to argue about, but it's made me think of an interesting hypothetical.

Say we have franchise, that made their origin as a book or something (like The Witcher) but proved to be far more successful as a video game franchise to the point where it's become widely known for its video games. Like for the last 20 years, the franchise has been primarily about video games

Would that IP be eligible for Smash? And would you change your mind if the IP was owned by Nintendo?


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Say we have franchise, that made their origin as a book or something (like The Witcher) but proved to be far more successful as a video game franchise to the point where it's become widely known for its video games. Like for the last 20 years, the franchise has been primarily about video games

Would that IP be eligible for Smash? And would you change your mind if the IP was owned by Nintendo?
I mean, we already have Dracula as a Boss(although compared to the Witcher, Dracula is long since public domain).

That said, the Witcher has not entirely been about video games in the last 20 years, considering we had the Witcher Netflix series. That said, while common sense dictates "No" due to it's origin as a book series, with the big focus on the video games lately, it's one of those I can't say with certainty. But I'm still leaning towards "No" for the Witcher.
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Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
21 as her pre-Android self has appeared in cameo in the Super Hero movie and manga arc where we learned her original name is "Vomi".

And even if she didn't.....what the **** does that matter? You're just making excuses why she somehow counts while others don't.
So I'm NOT wrong. That was Vomi, not Android 21.

And what do you mean? Dragonball FighterZ was her first appearance and it came out years before the movie and manga arc.
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Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Android 21 is a such a niche character to argue about, but it's made me think of an interesting hypothetical.

Say we have franchise, that made their origin as a book or something (like The Witcher) but proved to be far more successful as a video game franchise to the point where it's become widely known for its video games. Like for the last 20 years, the franchise has been primarily about video games

Would that IP be eligible for Smash? And would you change your mind if the IP was owned by Nintendo?
If not Nintendo, absolutely not.

If Nintendo, you miiiiight have a slight case for the rules to be bent.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2020
I would really like a Shonen Jump platform fighter... It's almost utter madness there isn't already one on market. Well other than that one old handheld one. I can't believe I've never played that game lol. I need to emulate sometime.

You're Bandai Namco and you literally not only host the devs/team that make Smash but you also hold the video game rights to the entire Shonen Jump magazine... What are you waiting for? That game has to have been pitched a few times and turned down each time at this point. I wonder what challenges they face and why they feel they can't overcome them because this game seems like a clear winner in terms of potential sales.

My best guess is that the abundance of transformations makes fully representing some of these characters difficult. You don't want your entire cast to have a transformation gimmick (unless you do I guess and you start from that premise at the beginning of development which would be quite the task in my opinion) and you don't want each transformation to be its own character either like in some of these anime games.

One Piece is also kind of a drag on this SJ Platform Fighter concept because it's still ongoing making representing it kind of inherently shaky since you don't know what's still yet to come in the series.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I'd actually love for Nintendo to start diving more into it's non-video game content. Like imagine how epic it would be if the original Pokémon theme song was in Smash Bros. Or the Kirby right back at ya theme. And honestly low key I'd love Jessie and James to show up in Smash Bros, playable or Boss.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
If not Nintendo, absolutely not.

If Nintendo, you miiiiight have a slight case for the rules to be bent.
Or how about this; what if it was a non-gaming brand that has multiple series and one of them was a video game series that Nintendo was involved in?

Would you say the main character from that series is eligible for Smash?
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I'd actually love for Nintendo to start diving more into it's non-video game content. Like imagine how epic it would be if the original Pokémon theme song was in Smash Bros. Or the Kirby right back at ya theme. And honestly low key I'd love Jessie and James to show up in Smash Bros, playable or Boss.
The only thing related to this that I really want is an Ultra Hand item. It kinda baffles me how that doesn't exist yet.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Say we have franchise, that made their origin as a book or something (like The Witcher) but proved to be far more successful as a video game franchise to the point where it's become widely known for its video games. Like for the last 20 years, the franchise has been primarily about video games

Would that IP be eligible for Smash?

And would you change your mind if the IP was owned by Nintendo?

o I'm NOT wrong. That was Vomi, not Android 21.
If 21 is a 17/18-style android, then she's actually a modified human cyborg, and they're the same person.

Or how about this; what if it was a non-gaming brand that has multiple series and one of them was a video game series that Nintendo was involved in?
Do you have an example?
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
You're Bandai Namco and you literally not only host the devs/team that make Smash but you also hold the video game rights to the entire Shonen Jump magazine... What are you waiting for? That game has to have been pitched a few times and turned down each time at this point. I wonder what challenges they face and why they feel they can't overcome them because this game seems like a clear winner in terms of potential sales.
Well it already exists and it's called Jump Force and that was a miserable failure.

For one, well, it was just bad because Bamco love pushing garbage anime tie-in games, but for two, and more relevant, it was taken off storefronts and shut down all its online servers probably once the licenses for all the different properties expired:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2020
Well it already exists and it's called Jump Force and that was a miserable failure.

For one, well, it was just bad because Bamco love pushing garbage anime tie-in games, but for two, and more relevant, it was taken off storefronts and shut down all its online servers probably once the licenses for all the different properties expired:
That was an arena fighter and a half-hearted effort at that. I'm talking a platform fighter and something along the lines of Smash's quality here at that. I did do some lite research into that whole legal situation after that post and it seems Shueisha is way more a player in this relationship that I gave them credit for. So it seems that while Bamco does have exclusive video game rights to these properties it's still a very slow and somewhat shaky system with approval and there's always the looming threat of Shueisha having the ability to squash everything at a moment's notice making the endeavor much riskier that I had previously imagined. I think my creative challenges have a decent chance at being somewhat a factor in this hypothetical game's hurdles in getting made but I now mostly think it's a matter Shueisha's influence.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2020
I also noticed all the new Nintendo franchises added are ones either old or dormant. This roster totally could've had a younger series like Ring Fit or Astral Chain imo. It can't all just be legacy stuff.
A lot of fans end up falling into one of two traps. One is the seniority trap. Prioritising older faces over newer ones, be it veterans and newcomers. I get why, because they grew up with those characters, or enjoy them.

But I think we’re going to be at a point where most nostalgia is no longer from the NES, SNES, N64, or even GC eras. We’d be looking at the Wii onwards for nostalgia.

The second trap is one seen EVERYWHERE. That is cutting all clones. We know from every Smash game that clones are normal, and exist at the tail end of development. We saw it with 64, Melee, Brawl, 4, and Ultimate.
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