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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
I'm just going to repost what I said in the Doom Slayer Support Thread.

I still think Doom Slayer is the most likely DLC #5. Ryu Hayabusa is still very possible (and still someone I very much support and would like), but I don't believe that 4chan leak at all. Continuing off of Simon's trailer? That honestly makes no sense to me.

If it's no though, that's okay. I got Joker and Banjo & Kazooie, who were also among my most wanted alongside Doom Slayer. Hero and Terry are really great additions too. So I really shouldn't complain.

Also, predictions for Fighter Pass 2: Ninja Gaiden/Tekken/Resident Evil/Devil May Cry makes the most sense for remaining Japanese franchises, while Doom/Crash Bandicoot/Half-Life/Halo makes the most sense for western franchises. All that assuming we keep with more classic franchises. Leaving out SNK was a bad miss on my part for predictions last time around though. I wonder if I'm missing any big ones. Maybe Tales or Digimon? Though they seem to be mostly ignoring Bandai Namco compared to Smash 4. Hmmm....
If we get Terry and his trailer is a continuation of Ken's trailer, along with 15-20 tracks, would that change your outlook on Doom Slayer?


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
Going off your last point, I’m shocked that Bandai Namco, despite helping with production, still only has one character. Then you got Konami with 3. It’s bananas
Not gonna lie this really bothers me. You'd think Lloyd would have at least been added by now.
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Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Nah it's really easy to botch it. Make those 5 characters all female anime reps with sword type weapons that are from obscure franchises, and then watch the world burn.
But that would be dope as heck.

Akira Howard
Katalina (Grandblue)
Tsubasa Oribe (TMS #FE)
Jeanne from Bayonetta (wielding her sword)

I'd even add Anna from FE, but you might argue it's not obscure enough. I can think of like... at least 7 more who'd be unique and even more niche that'd fit that criteria and still be awesome.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Nah, they could have easily ****ed it up. Other games do it all the time, see PSABR as a good example. Or Noctis over Tifa in Tekken 7.

Here, let me show you, Fighter’s Pass Monkey’s Paw version:

-Frisk (Undertale)
-Steve (Minecraft)
-Tracer (Overwatch)
-Fortnite Guy (Fortnite)
- Dovakin (Skyrim)

I was gonna say Cristiano Ronaldo (Fifa), hut in a stream of ****, he’d be unironically based and the only redeeming factor, lol.
That could easily please many people.

Though I’d personally only care for Steve and Frisk.
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Deleted member

Hecc the collectors addition came with a fatal cutie hat. Literally everyone wants girl terry except a select few who think shes "cringe"
I think id be really shocked if they didnt put her in. Id say rn its

Terry + Girl Terry as most likely
Terry with no alts
Terry with wolves alt

in order of likelyhood
Mark of Wolves Terry is his most likely Alt. Girl Terry is “not happening” tier. They don’t even match the same hit/hurt boxes.

I love how people are grasping for girl-Terry as a final attempt at getting some sort of waifu for the Fighter’s Pass. You’re priorities are definitely straight :smug:

Nah it's really easy to botch it. Make those 5 characters all female anime reps with sword type weapons that are from obscure franchises, and then watch the world burn.
Angry Red Seibah
French Seibah
Big ***** Okaa-san Seibah
Edgy Evil Seibah


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
Girl Terry? Wouldn't that be the same as adding new Pac-Man as an alt?

I don't see it as likely since Girl Terry never existed in the original games, nor is integral to Terry or King of Fighters' identity. It's very hard to determine how much people really like Girl Terry too, since SNK Heroines has some of the most shameless fan pandering to ever be made official. Presumably though, Terry's name has enough clout to catch attention regardless of what gender he is.


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Not gonna lie this really bothers me. You'd think Lloyd would have at least been added by now.
I just don't think companies of any kind are a priority to Nintendo and Sakurai. It's all about the franchises and promoting things. I really do think Tekken has a big chance though in a theoretical Fighter Pass #2.
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Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Switch FC
What surprises me is that Terry of all characters is the guest. I love the dude as much as all the other supporters, but I would've thought SNK would've chose to not repeat the same character in two different crossovers.
I wouldn't be surprised if SNK wanted to go with a different character what with them wanting to have a different character for each crossover (Mai and Terry are in DOA and Fighting EX Layer respectively) but got vetoed. Then again, I'll just wait till the Direct airs whenever so there is official confirmation (nothing is 100% until it is officially announced)


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Right now, I'm pretty freaking confident that the last Fighters Pass character is gonna be Jill Valentine. Resident Evil is probably the biggest Japanese franchise not in Smash right now and one of the last big genre-defining franchises not in the game, so it only makes sense for her to cap everything off.

I'm kinda on the fence towards the possibility of a second DLC pass, but if it were, I could see it featuring some Spirit promotions and first party characters. I may be in the minority here, but someone recent like Byleth or an Astral Chain character would be really cool to see for a second Fighters Pass, since they have a lot of stuff to work with in terms of music and moveset potential. I'm not getting my hopes up for more DLC, but the possibilities for a second Fighters Pass would be amazing if it ever comes to fruition.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2014
If it’s not too late:

Joker: B
Hero: C
Banjo-Kazooie: A
Terry: C-

The other candidates being thrown around don’t really excite me either.

Ryu: C-
Doomguy: C

Also I would love to have a second fighters pass, but I personally don’t think it’s too likely.
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Deleted member

This stuff is beyond me. I'm a casual. I just look things up on youtube.

That said, aren't Ryu Hayabusa's games really bad now?
Only one (two?) of the more recent ones. The Black series is great.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Oh i know kazooie is a fantastic heroine. I am super happy she is in. Ita just she also shares the limelight with her partner Banjo. Look at the ice climbers, do we consider them a female rep because Nana is there? Same thing basically.
Well, I do. Nana's kind of a big deal to me. No Ice Climbers without her.
Right now, I'm pretty freaking confident that the last Fighters Pass character is gonna be Jill Valentine. Resident Evil is probably the biggest Japanese franchise not in Smash right now and one of the last big genre-defining franchises not in the game, so it only makes sense for her to cap everything off.

I'm kinda on the fence towards the possibility of a second DLC pass, but if it were, I could see it featuring some Spirit promotions and first party characters. I may be in the minority here, but someone recent like Byleth or an Astral Chain character would be really cool to see for a second Fighters Pass, since they have a lot of stuff to work with in terms of music and moveset potential. I'm not getting my hopes up for more DLC, but the possibilities for a second Fighters Pass would be amazing if it ever comes to fruition.
Jill over Leon? Hmmm...


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Oh i know kazooie is a fantastic heroine. I am super happy she is in. Ita just she also shares the limelight with her partner Banjo. Look at the ice climbers, do we consider them a female rep because Nana is there? Same thing basically.
You can control Nana directly with the even-numbered alt. colors.

But I also agree with GoodGrief741 GoodGrief741 , it’s not the Ice Climbers without her, and it’s not Banjo-Kazooie without the bird.
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Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
People keep talking about Hayabusa being the 5th pick, but even as someone who really wants Hayabusa, I don't really think he is absolutely set in stone. Primarily because that one leak (aka the one real thing keeping people invested in him right now) has a lot of shaky things in it (I doubt they'd pull from CvS for music, having his trailer continue off of Simon's trailer for no real reason, etc.), but that might just be me subconsciously trying to keep my hopes in line.
This stuff is beyond me. I'm a casual. I just look things up on youtube.

That said, aren't Ryu Hayabusa's games really bad now?
Yaiba isn't exactly looked upon fondly, but the modern trilogy is pretty well regarded. While III is definetely the weakest link of the modern NG games, both Black and II are still considered very highly today. Hell, I've seen people say Black is one of the most influential modern action games ever, alongside games like DMC3, and I wouldn't really disagree.

Deleted member

Current rankings of the pass?
Joker - A+
Hero - S+
Banjo - C
Terry - Undecided, will need the trailer

Overall while I don't care too much for or against Banjo, I would say that I'm currently liking the Fighter pass. I look forward to seeing Terry in action.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
Speaking of predictions for Fighter #5, it's interesting to note that the newcomers we've had so far don't just come from any old third-parties. They come from companies that have had long histories with Nintendo, companies that Nintendo would've conceivably filed under a list of "old friends" that they then handed to Sakurai.

- Atlus
- Enix / Chunsoft
- Rare

("But Sega/Square owns-" Yeah, they own the publishing rights, but they sure as hell didn't make them. Square and Enix were separate entities once upon a time.)

SNK's a little different in that it was focused primarily on arcade machines, but it's still a completely new company to add to the copyright rollcall. And as it turns out, it's difficult to imagine Japanese games today without them, especially given their apparent influence in the fighting game genre.

Which is all to say, I don't see us getting any double-dips anymore, and I'm not certain we'll see another Western rep either. Our likeliest candidates will probably come from another "old friend", which of course still leaves us with big cast of candidates to pick from.

Deleted member

That said, aren't Ryu Hayabusa's games really bad now?
The recent games were not received very well, especially Yaiba (I mean there's a part of the game where the mic quality drops on Yaiba so that basically explains how terrible it is). Vanilla Ninja Gaiden 3 was also not very well received because of performance issues and things Team Ninja added and changed that took away a lot of the things that made the first 2 games great for what they were. Unnecessary QTEs, forced walking sections, a really bad story that's seemingly as bad as Other M, even the combat was a huge stepdown from the previous 2 games. Razor's Edge was made sometime after NG3 and apparently it is at least a step up from the original but still considered not as good as the first 2 titles.

I still hope at some point Hayabusa will be in Smash, but right now, I'm going to be rooting more for Zhao Yun to be in the last Fighter Pack since I'm hopeful Dynasty Warriors can bring a ****load of music and spirits to Smash to justify its inclusion (even though DW9 is also considerably bad as well and Warriors Orochi 4 turned out to be a lackluster game).


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2019
I guess I personally don't see what there is to be hype about Terry for. If he is a character you already like, or you already like his game, then sure. He won you over a long time ago. Can't argue with that.

But if you aren't already invested, I just don't see him as an interesting character in comparison to the rest of Smash. He is a muscular fighting game guy in a trucker hat who punches and kicks. Nothing particularly novel there, and he doesn't really bring anything to the table as an archetype that Ryu doesn't already bring. I understand that Terry has more of a street style and Ryu/Ken are more martial arts, but my point is that Ryu's gimmick is the introduction of fighting game mechanics into Smash, with the potential to enter combos and perform light and heavy tilt attacks based on button presses. What is Terry's unique gimmick going to be?

Basically it's the same way I feel about Ryu Hayabusa. Him and Terry are both rather generic characters that appeal to people who already like them based on their games, but don't bring anything unique in terms of personality or style or proportions or personality or aesthetic that isn't already on the roster. Characters like Doomslayer, Tracer, D.VA, Frisk or even Nakoruru(who I'd never heard of till she was mentioned for Smash) are actually appealing to people who aren't already invested in them or their games, because their design and playstyle are actually appealing and unique in and of themselves.

Never played Doom? well how does a demon killing marine with a shotgun and a chainsaw sound?

Like, you don't have to already know Nakoruru to think that a petite girl who fights with a hawk and a short sword is interesting. The same can be said for Joker or Hero. It doesn't matter if you don't know Persona 5, the character has unique enough mechanics that he seems compelling. It doesn't matter if you don't play Dragon Quest, Hero is the Dragon Ball Z looking guy(s) with an MP bar and a command menu. But the appeal for guys like Terry or Ryu comes completely from already being a fan. If you aren't, then it seems to me they just come across as generic fighter guy, or generic ninja guy. I mean.. at least Heihachi is old and has weird hair. Terry doesn't even look interesting... I guess the trucker hat is kinda unique? but that's such a low bar.

I mean, it's fine. I have all the characters I need already. No need to riot. Just my two cents on a potential reveal.
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Man... I just want Marco and the Metal Slug Crew as a fighter. He would've been so cool and another gunner would be a warm welcome. Terry just doesn't seem that interesting, what with being another fist-fighting brawler and all.

View attachment 236574View attachment 236574
Speaking of gunners and brawlers, it's very likely that they'll add Mii Fighters skins from SNK franchises like Metal Slug, Fatal Fury, Samurai Shodown or even KOF. I don't care much about Mii Fighters, but it's good to see some other characters having some recognition - even if it's as a Mii costume.
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Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
could also be kyo

calling terry a KoF rep isn't technically wrong but it is very confusing when he's from fatal fury and only guest-starring in KoF
They might as well be the same thing at this point..almost every character is originally from a different game..even non-fighters like Athena Asamiya being from Psycho Soldier..but she's pretty much considered a KoF character by this point, the same goes for Terry.
As for Kyo..I kind of doubt it'd be him if only because just about every other character in King of Fighters is more popular than he is and Kyo is..well..he's essentially a Ryu/Ken clone in both style and moveset.
Good point. I didn’t think about that. Hopefully they get female Terry in then (unless she’s like the Jar Jar of SNK or something. I speak will very little knowledge of the series).
She's not..she actually originates due to Capcom, essentially..femTerry first appeared as the transformation caused by Capcom's Dimitri, a vampire from the Darkstalkers series, when he uses an attack known as Midnight Bliss. Midnight Bliss turns male characters into attractive females and female characters into either sexier, fetishy, or humorous forms for a moment..as shown here.

That's why I said it was hard and not impossible. And for the matter being, I'm gonna just throw two examples of third-party line-ups with different themes just to showcase that they can work:

FP2: Another round of brand-new franchises:
*Dante (Devil May Cry)
*Doomguy (DOOM)
*Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
*Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)

FP3: Unique characters from already-featured franchises:
*Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
*Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
*Soma Cruz (Castlevania)
*Mega Man Zero
*Dr. Eggman (Sonic)

They're all guests and I bet no one would complain about these.
Oh, I would agree with quite a few of those myself..here would be my choices for an additional 2 Fighter Passes under the same rules as your own.

FP2: Brand New Franchises!
- Sora (Kingdom Hearts) [Disney]
--- KHIII & KHII Costumes
- Dante (Devil May Cry) [Capcom]
--- DMC1 & DMC3 Costumes
- 2B (NieR Automata) [Square-Enix]
- Heihachi Mishima (Tekken) [Namco]
--- Old & Young Costumes
- Professor Layton (Professor Layton) [Level-5]

FP3: Already Represented Franchises
- Zero (Mega Man Zero)
--- Based on MMZ, alt costume for MMX Zero
- Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
--- Costumes for Normal & Alpha
- Terra Branford (Final Fantasy) [Final Fantasy VII series will be renamed as Final Fantasy]
- Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
--- Based on Sonic Adventure 2 Egg Walker version
- Shanoa (Castlevania) [Would have been Alucard if he wasn't an Assist Character]
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Jill over Leon? Hmmm...
I think Leon still has a good chance of getting in, but I'm leaning a bit more towards Jill right now since she's the original posterchild of the series and one of the most iconic video game women. I could see it going either way depending on who Sakurai wants, but Resident Evil in general just seems really likely right now.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
I guess I personally don't see what there is to be hype about Terry for. If he is a character you already like, or you already like his game, then sure.

But if you aren't already invested in the character, I just don't see him as an interesting character in comparison to the rest of Smash. He is a muscular fighting game guy who punches and kicks. Nothing particularly novel there,and he doesn't really bring anything to the table as an archetype that Ryu doesn't already bring.

Basically it's the same way I feel about Ryu Hayabusa. Him and Terry are both rather generic characters that appeal to people who already like them from their games, but don't bring anything unique in terms of personality or style or proportions or personality or aesthetic that isn't already on the roster. Characters like Tracer or even Nakoruru(who I'd never heard of till she was mentioend or Smash) are actually appealing to fans who aren't already invested in them, because their design and playstyle are actually appealing in and of themselves.

Like, you don't have to already know Nakoruru to think that a petite girl who fights with a hawk and a short sword is interesting. But the appeal for guys like Terry or Ryu comes completely from already being invested in them. If you aren't, then it seems to me they just come across as generic fighter guy, or generic Ninja guy. I mean.. At least Heihachi is old and looks weird. Terry doesn't even look interesting...
Come on Bran, Terry is cool. I respect your opinion, but thats totally based on YOUR concept of what's interesting or not. For example: i see nothing interesting in Banjo-Kazooie's design. For me, it's very childish AND i have no attachment to the character. I know Banjo since it's release in '98, i've seen friends playing it, but i never wanted to. Some people will like things you appreciate, some other don't. But if Terry was chosen to be in smash, he indeed is - at minimum - interesting.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I guess I personally don't see what there is to be hype about Terry for. If he is a character you already like, or you already like his game, then sure. He won you over a long time ago. Can't argue with that.

But if you aren't already invested, I just don't see him as an interesting character in comparison to the rest of Smash. He is a muscular fighting game guy in a trucker hat who punches and kicks. Nothing particularly novel there, and he doesn't really bring anything to the table as an archetype that Ryu doesn't already bring. I understand that Terry has more of a street style and Ryu/Ken are more martial arts, but my point is that Ryu's gimmick is the introduction of fighting game mechanics into Smash, with the potential to enter combos and perform light and heavy tilt attacks based on button presses. What is Terry's unique gimmick going to be?

Basically it's the same way I feel about Ryu Hayabusa. Him and Terry are both rather generic characters that appeal to people who already like them based on their games, but don't bring anything unique in terms of personality or style or proportions or personality or aesthetic that isn't already on the roster. Characters like Doomslayer, Tracer, D.VA, Frisk or even Nakoruru(who I'd never heard of till she was mentioned for Smash) are actually appealing to people who aren't already invested in them or their games, because their design and playstyle are actually appealing and unique in and of themselves.

Never played Doom? well how does a demon killing marine with a shotgun and a chainsaw sound?

Like, you don't have to already know Nakoruru to think that a petite girl who fights with a hawk and a short sword is interesting. The same can be said for Joker or Hero. It doesn't matter if you don't know Persona 5, the character has unique enough mechanics that he seems compelling. It doesn't matter if you don't play Dragon Quest, Hero is the Dragon Ball Z looking guy(s) with an MP bar and a command menu. But the appeal for guys like Terry or Ryu comes completely from already being a fan. If you aren't, then it seems to me they just come across as generic fighter guy, or generic ninja guy. I mean.. at least Heihachi is old and has weird hair. Terry doesn't even look interesting... I guess the trucker hat is kinda unique? but that's such a low bar.

I mean, it's fine. I have all the characters I need already. No need to riot. Just my two cents on a potential reveal.
None of these characters would be generic gameplay-wise though. Maybe they appear that way to the layman, but that's why characters are revealed through trailers and not text leaks.

With Terry you need to see him or play him to see how he'd differ from the SF guys. For Ryu I think just a list of his power-ups is enough - not a lot of characters throw scythes, or have a shield of fire spawn around them.

Though I will say I find it hilarious that the Smash speculation scene has so little imagination that they can now complain that any character would be exactly the same as another one.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2019
Come on Bran, Terry is cool. I respect your opinion, but thats totally based on YOUR concept of whats interesting or not. For example: i see nothing interesting in Banjo-Kazooie's design. For me, it's very childish AND i have no attachment to the character. I know Banjo since it's release in '98, i've seen friends playing it, but i've never wanted to. Some people will like things you appreciate, some other don't. But if Terry was chosen to be in smash, he indeed is - at minimum - interesting.
Are you saying that Terry is interesting as someone who is, or isn't already a fan of him from Fatal Fury or KoF?

But of course everything is based on our own individual conceptions of what is interesting. But like, you can't really deny that Banjo is at least conceptually unique, whether or not you feel you are too mature for the idea of a bear and bird duo. Again, same thing about Hero. Maybe the Dragonball Z art style on a swordsman with a command menu and an MP bar doesn't interest someone. But at least it's not already in Smash.

I just don't see what Terry brings to Smash (conceptually) that isn't already there.

Deleted member

Now is Crack Shoot going to be a special move or Terry's dash attack?

It’s missing Power Dunk cause he didn’t have it in XIII, but whatever. Best case scenario:

Down B - Power Wave (maybe becomes Power Dunk in mid Air)
Up B - Rising Tackle
Side B - Crack Shoot
B - Burn Knuckle

Buster Wolf and Power Geyser, Side and Down Smash respectively.

Final Smash, a Cinematic FSmash with two other characters from Fatal Fury or KoF. Randomized between Ryo, Andy, Kyo, Mai, etc... or it could just be his canon team, whichever.

Gimmick. Has a classic fighting games meter. Press A+B to do EX versions of your special moves at the cost of one stack. They’re stronger and come out faster.

He has other moves that could fill out his other attacks, and also had Trinity Geyser as another option for Final Smash. I’d just like it so that his coolest moves aren’t locked behind the ****ty Smash Ball.

Outfits. Classic Red Vest, and Mark of Wolves jacket.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2019
None of these characters would be generic gameplay-wise though. Maybe they appear that way to the layman, but that's why characters are revealed through trailers and not text leaks.

With Terry you need to see him or play him to see how he'd differ from the SF guys. For Ryu I think just a list of his power-ups is enough - not a lot of characters throw scythes, or have a shield of fire spawn around them.

Though I will say I find it hilarious that the Smash speculation scene has so little imagination that they can now complain that any character would be exactly the same as another one.
I don't think it's a question of lack of imagination. It's a question of being aware that there are much more unique characters out there that it's a bit of a let down when we are (potentially) given one that feels so "samey" to what is there. Like, I'm watching Terry Bogard gameplay videos right now. I see and understand that he doesn't fight exactly like the SF guys. I just don't see anything very interesting about his fighting style.

It's always a strawman that gets use whenever someone says that a character looks samey, that we are accused of claiming they'd be a clone of someone else. But that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying he's not different enough from a guy like Ryu or Ken where I feel his inclusion brings something truly new to the table. KoF and SF are similar fighting games stylistically, to the point where you could probably show someone a KoF match and convince them they are watching SF.

Compare that to someone like Nakoruru. Again, I'm not president of the Nakoruru fanclub or anything, but you watch that character for 5 seconds and immediately you know there is nothing like that in Smash. Same with Doomslayer.

Maye the reveal will prove me wrong and there is some crazy unique mechanic that would make Terry super unique. It just doesn't seem like it atm.

As for Ryu Hayabusa. Idk bud. I'm not sure how I would make his design any more generic than it already is. You could dress a ninja henchmen like Ryu Hayabusa and no one would think that the henchmen look any less like henchmen.

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
So the 4th character is almost certainly an SNK character.

I hope it's someone from Metal Slug, becaause it's (IMO) the most famous/iconic SNK game and it's not a fighting game (because we already have Ryu/Ken for that type of moveset), but some rumors already hinted at a fighting game character in the past, so it will probably be.

4 pass character out of 5 seem to be third party, if this is true it's almost the confirmation that the 5th one will also be third party too then.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Are you saying that Terry is interesting as someone who is, or isn't already a fan of him from Fatal Fury or KoF?

But of course everything is based on our own individual conceptions of what is interesting. But like, you can't really deny that Banjo is at least conceptually unique, whether or not you feel you are too mature for the idea of a bear and bird duo. Again, same thing about Hero. Maybe the Dragonball Z art style on a swordsman with a command menu and an MP bar doesn't interest someone. But at least it's not already in Smash.

I just don't see what Terry brings to Smash (conceptually) that isn't already there.
Well, play some KOF and discover by yourself, then. You see, your complaining is basically the same from all the people who's against fighting game characters in smash: you think they're all the same just because they come from fighting games. I've seen people worried that Terry would play like Ryu or Ken and then you say that he doesn't bring anything new to smash. I mean, really? Do you even know the character?... As for Banjo, i have nothing to complain about him. Nor Joker, nor Hero. None of them hyped me up, but hey, i've seen a lot of people happy with their inclusion. That's what smash is about - diversity.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2019
Well, play some KOF and discover by yourself, then. You see, your complaining is basically the same from all the people who's against fighting game characters in smash: you think they're all the same just because they come from fighting games. I've seen people worried that Terry would play like Ryu or Ken and then you say that he doesn't bring anything new to smash. I mean, really? Do you even know the character?... As for Banjo, i have nothing to complain about him. Nor Joker, nor Hero. None of them hyped me up, but hey, i've seen a lot of people happy with their inclusion. That's what smash is about - diversity.
I've played it. It's fine. I'm not against any fighting game character. Nakoruru or Athena would have been cool.

And again, what does does Terry bring to Smash that is unique? Even if they didn't hype you up specificaly, Joker brought his Persona, his rebel meter, his unique aesthetic, his dagger and his gun. Hero brought his MP meter and command menu. In terms of diversity, what does Terry bring stylistically that isn't already in Smash?
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Deleted member

If they give Terry a meter gimmick (Drive Meter?), they could also give him Drive Cancels and Hyper Drive Mode (a sort of “KaioKen-like mode that lets you autocancel moves and stuff for a limited time at the cost of meter), to differentiate him from pretty much everyone on the roster. Hell, they could even make something like Trinity Geyser his Desperation/Climax Move, rather than a FS, keeping the FS for a celebratory homage to his games in the form of a cinematic Team Attack.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
So the 4th character is almost certainly an SNK character.

I hope it's someone from Metal Slug, becaause it's (IMO) the most famous/iconic SNK game and it's not a fighting game (because we already have Ryu/Ken for that type of moveset), but some rumors already hinted at a fighting game character in the past, so it will probably be.

4 pass character out of 5 seem to be third party, if this is true it's almost the confirmation that the 5th one will also be third party too then.
It's Terry. Vergeben confirmed it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2013
Terry (or any SNK character) was never going to light my world on fire, but I do get why they would include them.

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed, but I hope the last character is somebody a bit more hype and more recognisable.


Banned via Warnings
Sep 15, 2018
So are we 99% sure it will be Terry and not Nakoruru?

Also, who thinks we should get new difficulty, SNK Boss Syndrome difficulty?
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2014
I found a post on 4chan unironically, given people jumping on the random 4chan posts last week, that sums up my feelings about this situation.

I must warn you that given it’s 4chan, it has words that are offensive so I’ll spoiler it. You’ve been warned.
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Ben Holt

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2013
The Moon
Switch FC
5283 2130 1160
Terry (or any SNK character) was never going to light my world on fire, but I do get why they would include them.

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed, but I hope the last character is somebody a bit more hype and more recognisable.
My thoughts exactly.
Crash Bandicoot or Doom Slayer would be my hype characters.
Master Chief as well, but I kinda feel like it's one character per company for this pass.
Pass 2 would be a different story though.
Nintendo could easily milk 200 bucks outta me if they keep pumping out new fighters.


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2014
Character #5 is still Doomguy to me.
The Terry/Hayabusa leak is just dumb.
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