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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2018
1. Predictions

  • Inklings - Splatoon 1&2 (duh, for sure)

  • Springman - Arms (pretty certain)

  • Ribbongirl - Arms

(clone or different costume of Springman)

  • Choirboys - Rhythm Heaven

(less likely then the first two but still a prediction. Or someother rhythm heaven character. Maybe different costumes that make them a different trio of rhythm heaven characters from the game.. If not them or something like that then Tibby from the recent game. But I think rhythm heaven could def be in there and if it is I think the choirboys are the most likelycandidate. They’ll stand side by side and be controlled like onecharacter. They won’t separate like the ice climbers and you’ll tap the A with rhythm to make them sing. The power will build. Like “ya, yaa, YAAAA!!)

2. Personal wishes for characters. Less likely but maybe possible.

  • Henry Fleming - Codename Steam

(This ones a whole lot less likely then the others cuz the gamedidn’t sell well and some of the reviews were not the best butit’s still possible! I loved it. Some reviewers loved it.

It was very iconic and fun and made by the fire emblem team.Fire emblem has like a million characters in smash so maybe it’s possible. Also smash doesn’t have a steam punk themedcharacter so that’d be cool. This is probably my number one wish. If not Henry Fleming then John Henry or Tom Sawyer. John Henry would be cool cuz then there would be a black character in smash that isn’t one dimensional. That’s a play on words. Cuz of mr game and watch. But more just cuz John Henry is awesome in that game. Either Henry Fleming, John Henry or Tom Sawyer)

  • Jimmy T or Mona - Warioware

(I want more warioware love in smash. Love those games. Idon’t think it’s likely but it’s possible it could happen with a new warioware game coming out around the corner. I picked Jimmy T cuz I like him the most and he’s sort of the most iconic outside of Wario but I think Mona is more likely. I think that because she could be a wario clone cuz she rides a scooter in the game. Like Warios bike. Wait no she doesn’t fart or bite on people though. she’d be a semi clone. No farting or biting people)

  • Chibi & Giga Robo - Chibi Robo

(Actually this might be my #1 wish. The first chibi Robo game was amazing. And it was a Nintendo exclusive! They still know it has fans cuz they keep putting out lame spin offs so it’s possible. Very unlikely. This ones more a wish then prediction.

I don’t think Chibi could be a fighter on his own cuz he’s like an inch tall.. how is a tiny cleaning robot going to fight mewtwo? No I think what they should do is make a clone of Rob that’s Giga Robo then Instead of a little top he’ll throw Chibi Robowho’s cord spins around and hits people.. I know it’s not perfect. Or they can be an all new character! But yea Chibi & Giga Robo would be amazing cuz I love that game with all my heart and would love if Nintendo represented it.)

  • Professor Layton - Professor Layton series.

(Only guest character on my list but every main game from the first two trilogys were exclusively on Nintendo systems so he’s basically a Nintendo character. It would be kind of weird cuz he’s a lover (of puzzles) not a fighter. I mean he has gotten into a couple sword fights before. He’d have to have a sword. Less likely to happen but that would be cool.

Honestly I would prefer if he wasn’t in the game but they just gave the Layton Series a stage! Like they did with electroplanton and animal crossing in brawl. Now that’s anidea. Imagine fighting on top of Big Ben to the Layton main theme. Or have on that big tower in the curious village or in the miracle mask city. I’d prefer that to him being playable. Still would be cool if he was playable it’s just that he really wouldn’tjoin smash if they asked. He might investigate the mysterious master hand but that’s it.)

3. Now my less likely predictions that aren’t personal wishes.Not that I really don’t want them in the game but I don’t wantthem in either.

  • Paper Mario - Paper Mario Series

(Paper Mario has been around forever and I think they have to throw Next Level Games wait no.. who makes them? Intelligent Systems a bone. I mean they’re so popular and the Wii U game got awesome reviews! I wouldn’t mind seeing paper Mario in there.)

  • Dixie Kong - Donkey Kong Country

(Donkey Kong Country returns has sold very well, reviewed very well and is coming back this year right before smash so I actually think this could happen. I don’t care either way. I just think it’s possible)

  • Saki and or Airan or whatever the other two from the newer game are named - Sin and Punishment

(Less likely but the game had a sequel on the wii so maybe? I don’t think it sold that well. I think that would be cool though.It’s considered first party Nintendo. There was a sin and punishment assist trophy in the last smash. Honestly this is more of a wish than a prediction.)

Quick ending notes I think they should make a Pushmo stage.That’s first party right? Intelligent Systems. Those games are the bomb. Plus they sold well and reviewed well and with four games out Pushmo deserves some love. I don’t think Malloshould be a character though. What would he do?

Also gotta say y’all need to stop saying walugi. He’s not likecool enough. Only reason wario is in is cuz he has his ownseries of games outside of the Mario series.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Personally, I think the likeliest are Waluigi, Bandana Dee and I think they might sneak in Bomberman. There'll be another Xenoblade rep but I haven't played 2 to say who, and I doubt they'll come from X. There'll also be 1 ARMS character, likely Springman, but without it being that popular I'm not sure they'll add a second, especially given Inklings took until now to get in and 1 was massive in Japan. Don't know about Pokemon but at this point another rep from Alola is a pretty safe bet for them. There might be another FE character but there's already a Fates rep, and with Heroes coming out it opens the door to just about any popular character making it in, but I don't think they're quite guaranteed an extra slot.

My personal wants (not among my 'likely's) are Andy from Advance Wars (but that's not happening), Travis Touchdown, Crash (cos why not) and Lyn. The super out there choices of Sora, Spyro, Blitzcrank (of LoL, for ****s and giggles) and Master Chief are not going to happen but would be hype as hell.
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Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2018
Personally I like the Chorus Kids as an option more because they play off of the music and rhythm motif more obviously, due to being singers. I just think it's a nifty concept.
Yea I think it’ll be the choir kids and they could have costumes that make them into a different trio of characters. There are tons of trios in that game.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Predictions cuz wynaut?

Returning Veterans:
Ice Climbers

Newcomers (not counting Inklings since they are confirmed):
King K Rool
Bandana Dee
Rex (Pyra/Mythra could be assist trophy like supports for Rex)
Spring Man (alts will be various Arms fighters; Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, Min Min, etc)
Gen 7 Pokemon (Decidueye, Incineroar, or Lycanroc most likely)

Third Parties:
Crash Bandicoot (possibly for DLC)
Shovel Knight (also for DLC)
Doomguy (once again DLC)

Wild cards:
(Characters in weird spots but could still sneak in):
Banjo & Kazooie


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Hmmm... can I take a wild guess as to how many newcomers we could get?

Smash 64 had 12 newcomers.
Melee had 14 newcomers.
Brawl had 18 newcomers.
SSB4 had 21 newcomers.

6 x 2 = 12
7 x 2 = 14
6 x 3 = 18
7 x 3 = 21
6 x 4 = 24

24 newcomers. Yeah, let's go with that. :awesome:

As for 24 newcomers (who I think has a fighting chance of getting in Smash) I would like to see.
  1. Toad / Captain Toad
  2. Dixie Kong
  3. Toon Zelda (I want Impa more but she's so old in Breath of the Wild and Sheik is likely getting the BOTW outfit)
  4. Bandana Waddle Dee
  5. Decidueye
  6. new protagonist from Fire Emblem Switch
  7. Alph as a separate character who is a semi-clone of Olimar that uses only Rock Pikmin
  8. Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
  9. Inklings (confirmed)
  10. Spring Man
  11. Toy-Con Robot from Nintendo Labo
  12. Chorus Kids (a Rhythm Heaven character was allegedly planned for Smash 4)
  13. Takamaru (he was considered for Smash 4)
  14. Wandering Heroes from StreetPass Mii Plaza: Find Mii I & II (cats, dogs, and bunnies that fight with swords and magic)
  15. Dillon
  16. Mallo from Pushmo
  17. a new NES era character following Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., and Duck Hunt (rooting for Track Meet, the generic athlete from World Class Track Meet, and he could represent the Power Pad games)
  18. Bomberman (I want Simon Belmont more but Konami isn't giving Castlevania much love lately)
  19. Crash Bandicoot (especially now that his trilogy remake is coming to the Switch; he could be Smash 5's token PlayStation character after Snake and Cloud)
  20. Shantae
  21. Shovel Knight
  22. Rayman
  23. Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury games and King of Fighters games (the Switch is getting many Neo Geo games, including many SNK fighting games)
  24. Amaterasu (always wanted her in Smash and now she has a chance thanks to Okami HD coming to the Switch; also Hideki Kamiya worked on both Okami and Bayonetta)


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
If we’re looking at a full sequel, and there’s a decent amount of newcomers, I think we’ll be seeing a lot of long-overdue characters (talking Isaac, K. Rool, Lyn, those kinds of guys). Nintendo’s running out of “obvious” characters.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2007
People lose their minds on Shrek and Goku and no one sees the serious threat:

Of all the fourth party characters that might come into the game I think she's the one that has the biggest chance.
And by chance I mean...
Between her and Super Smash Bros. Switch there is only the will of Sakurai, and the man has already brocken his own rule about the number of third party characters in the game.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
People lose their minds on Shrek and Goku and no one sees the serious threat:

Of all the fourth party characters that might come into the game I think she's the one that has the biggest chance.
And by chance I mean...
Between her and Super Smash Bros. Switch there is only the will of Sakurai, and the man has already brocken his own rule about the number of third party characters in the game.
That's an out there one for sure, I think if 4th parties start becoming a thing it's going to start with Goku or Mickey though.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
It's really difficult this time to guess what newcomers may or may not come. Except for the Inklings, who I'm sure many people predicted, there is not a single name that comes to mind (if you put aside the third parties).
There are the obvious Pokémon newcomer, the (I'm 90% sure) new Fire Emblem hero, and the classic representation.
In the previous game, Pac Man, Palutena, Mii were obvious (with or without leak), there were new series which popped-up on Wii, new characters who appeared...
But on Wii U? I admit that I didn't focus much on recent series, but I only recall Splatoon. Arms was released last year.

Here comes the theory : knowing that the Wii U would not beable to fill the quota of new IPs/characters for Nintendo, the smash poll was used to have an idea of characters, so the next Smash Bros. (the one we are getting) will deliver the long awaited characters, as mentioned by people previously.
Which is why I honestly believe that the likes of K. Rool, Ridley or Bandana Dee, have more chances for this game than the previous one. It also means nothing because I don't have a cabin in Sakurai's brain.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It's really difficult this time to guess what newcomers may or may not come. Except for the Inklings, who I'm sure many people predicted, there is not a single name that comes to mind (if you put aside the third parties).
There are the obvious Pokémon newcomer, the (I'm 90% sure) new Fire Emblem hero, and the classic representation.
In the previous game, Pac Man, Palutena, Mii were obvious (with or without leak), there were new series which popped-up on Wii, new characters who appeared...
But on Wii U? I admit that I didn't focus much on recent series, but I only recall Splatoon. Arms was released last year.

Here comes the theory : knowing that the Wii U would not beable to fill the quota of new IPs/characters for Nintendo, the smash poll was used to have an idea of characters, so the next Smash Bros. (the one we are getting) will deliver the long awaited characters, as mentioned by people previously.
Which is why I honestly believe that the likes of K. Rool, Ridley or Bandana Dee, have more chances for this game than the previous one. It also means nothing because I don't have a cabin in Sakurai's brain.
I personally believe Spring Man obvious for the same exact reasons that Inkling's were given; however, apparently that is not universally accepted for whatever reason. Beyond that, a Xenoblade 2 character, presumably Rex and Pyra, are super easy guesses as well. Sakurai allegedly has a thing for the game and even if he did not, it is like, one of the only new games since Smash for Wii U as is.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
I feel like this game's character speculation is anybody's guess because, aside from the Inklings, Spring Man, and a 2nd Xenoblade rep, there aren't many other absolute shoo-ins -- likely candidates, sure, but very little by the way of go-ahead-and-guarantee-them characters like Villager, Little Mac, and the Miis were in retrospect. Of course, that didn't stop Rosalina, Wii Fit Trainer, and Greninja, among others, from eventually joining the roster. But I'm beginning to feel like the type of characters Nintendo continually goes for are running thin -- this means that Nintendo will largely be improvising with more subversive choices.

I'm gonna end up being pleasantly proven wrong on this, but I think we're in for a limited amount of newcomers compared to the last game. At least, that's what I tell myself so I am able to easily avoid disappointment. But I feel like the roster is already huge... they may not want to strain themselves with too large of a roster. They shouldn't, to be honest; I'd take the developers' well-being over a lot of newcomers any day.

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Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2015
I feel like this game's character speculation is anybody's guess because, aside from the Inklings, Spring Man, and a 2nd Xenoblade rep, there aren't many other absolute shoo-ins -- likely candidates, sure, but very little by the way of go-ahead-and-guarantee-them characters like Villager, Little Mac, and the Miis were in retrospect. Of course, that didn't stop Rosalina, Wii Fit Trainer, and Greninja, among others, from eventually joining the roster. But I'm beginning to feel like the type of characters Nintendo continually goes for are running thin -- this means that Nintendo will largely be improvising with more subversive choices.

I'm gonna end up being pleasantly proven wrong on this, but I think we're in for a limited amount of newcomers compared to the last game. At least, that's what I tell myself so I am able to easily avoid disappointment. But I feel like the roster is already huge... they may not want to strain themselves with too large of a roster. They shouldn't, to be honest; I'd take the developers' well-being over a lot of newcomers any day.

I'm not sure ARMS is that much of a shoe-in for a rep. After all, there's only been one game. In fact, I think Chibi-Robo might even be more likely in some ways.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I'm cautiosly optimistic for Captain Toad given it's one of the few new IPs that debuted on the Wii U alongside Splatoon and he has also been heavily involved in both the successful Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Odyssey so it's basically a now or never thing for me with the guy.
For all I know he'll get ignored (again) and we'll get say..Pauline or something with an Odyssey/March of the Mini Marios moveset, but god damn I hope not. That said I certainly wouldn't be against MULTIPLE Mario newcomers, providing Captain Toad(or I could settle for Toad) is one of them.

Paper Mario also had a game again so maybe we'll get him as a result. Colour Splash was...well it wasn't the best for poor old Papes, but it did happen. I'd prefer a mor

I'm really hoping after the success of Tropical Freeze we'll get some sort of new DK rep(my pick is still Dixie, sorry K. Rool), and with Hyrule Warriors being released three times I'm hoping we get a new Zelda character of some variety since that game really made me fall in love with Impa, Medli, Midna, Ghirahim and even Tingle. Of the lot I'd pick Impa first, but I feel like Midna might be a bit more likely with her surprisingly large ongoing popularity.

Bandana Dee got a relatively big push with Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush and with him sticking around to be classified multiple times as Mr. Player 4 in the Kirby games, it's a good time to be a fan of the Dee.

Decideye is probably getting in. He's the most popular Sun and Moon Starter and nicely completes an elemental trio with Charizard and Greninja. I think he's the most obvious pick for Pokemon, but they've surprised us in the past, I really didn't expect Greninja at the time of his reveal so I guess we'll see.

I'm not really sure where to stand on ARMS right now. It's good for sure and a worthy new IP, but most of Sm4sh's roster came from the generation prior to the Wii U. Spring Man is probably more likely than not IMO, but who knows what will happen?


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Here's an interesting topic (that I wasn't sure if it would be allowed to live if it was it's own thread)

Charizard, Little Mac and the Inklings all got promoted from a secondary gameplay mechanic to being full blown characters.

Do you think any other Mii costumes, Assist Trophies or Pokeball Pokemon will make the jump?


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Here's an interesting topic (that I wasn't sure if it would be allowed to live if it was it's own thread)

Charizard, Little Mac and the Inklings all got promoted from a secondary gameplay mechanic to being full blown characters.

Do you think any other Mii costumes, Assist Trophies or Pokeball Pokemon will make the jump?
King K Rool, Lyn, and Waluigi I see being the most likely tbh...maybe Geno as some sort of surprise character...I can't remember everyone that was released as a Mii Costume so I might be missing someone crucial...

I don't see any poke-ball summons happening since Pokemon newcomers largely goes by recency (PKMN Trainer being the exception though HG/SS was released around that time I believe)...Although I'd love to see Zoroark or even past pokeball summons like Weavile and Scizor...


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
Here's an interesting topic (that I wasn't sure if it would be allowed to live if it was it's own thread)

Charizard, Little Mac and the Inklings all got promoted from a secondary gameplay mechanic to being full blown characters.

Do you think any other Mii costumes, Assist Trophies or Pokeball Pokemon will make the jump?
I am totally not sure. If I were to guess, King K. Rool is a likely candidate.

I don't see any poke-ball summons happening since Pokemon newcomers largely goes by recency (PKMN Trainer being the exception though HG/SS was released around that time I believe)...Although I'd love to see Zoroark or even past pokeball summons like Weavile and Scizor...
I'm for Scizor getting a promotion to fully playable status. In spite of already having a Steel typing in Lucario, I think Scizor Bug typing would be unique to the other Pokémon and would get us a Gen 2 Pokémon back into Smash.

In fact, I'm for more diverse Pokémon types and generations for playable Pokémon in Smash.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Here's an interesting topic (that I wasn't sure if it would be allowed to live if it was it's own thread)

Charizard, Little Mac and the Inklings all got promoted from a secondary gameplay mechanic to being full blown characters.

Do you think any other Mii costumes, Assist Trophies or Pokeball Pokemon will make the jump?
Isabelle is a definite, I think. Depending on the extent of new additions, I'd say Takamaru as well.


Smash Cadet
May 2, 2017
I'm cautiosly optimistic for Captain Toad given it's one of the few new IPs that debuted on the Wii U alongside Splatoon and he has also been heavily involved in both the successful Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Odyssey so it's basically a now or never thing for me with the guy.
For all I know he'll get ignored (again) and we'll get say..Pauline or something with an Odyssey/March of the Mini Marios moveset, but god damn I hope not. That said I certainly wouldn't be against MULTIPLE Mario newcomers, providing Captain Toad(or I could settle for Toad) is one of them.

Paper Mario also had a game again so maybe we'll get him as a result. Colour Splash was...well it wasn't the best for poor old Papes, but it did happen. I'd prefer a mor

I'm really hoping after the success of Tropical Freeze we'll get some sort of new DK rep(my pick is still Dixie, sorry K. Rool), and with Hyrule Warriors being released three times I'm hoping we get a new Zelda character of some variety since that game really made me fall in love with Impa, Medli, Midna, Ghirahim and even Tingle. Of the lot I'd pick Impa first, but I feel like Midna might be a bit more likely with her surprisingly large ongoing popularity.

Bandana Dee got a relatively big push with Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush and with him sticking around to be classified multiple times as Mr. Player 4 in the Kirby games, it's a good time to be a fan of the Dee.

Decideye is probably getting in. He's the most popular Sun and Moon Starter and nicely completes an elemental trio with Charizard and Greninja. I think he's the most obvious pick for Pokemon, but they've surprised us in the past, I really didn't expect Greninja at the time of his reveal so I guess we'll see.

I'm not really sure where to stand on ARMS right now. It's good for sure and a worthy new IP, but most of Sm4sh's roster came from the generation prior to the Wii U. Spring Man is probably more likely than not IMO, but who knows what will happen?
I really think Captain Toad is joining, since well, he is getting his game now on Switch and on 3DS. It would be a good way of promoting the game.
About Paper Mario... Maybe he can get in but without having a new "Popular" Paper Mario i think it's really hard.
Bandana Dee, has in my opinion 99% chance of getting him (Just like Ice Climbers, since well we don't know what Sakurai thinks) and he would have a unique moveset so... He fits the criteria.
Decidueye is the same case on Bandana Dee
And Dixie, i do prefer her over King K. Rool but if Donkey Kong series even get a new character, for sure it will be the fan-service of King K Rool.


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, California
I have never really played Arms. I believe they all have different passive abilities and whatnot; however, I suppose that would be fine. Spring Man is just my favorite design. Ribbon Girl as well, but she would probably fall into the same category. The last character they revealed, Dr. Coyle, is pretty sick. It just seems as though Smash usually tries to establish the "main" character first. But in a fighting game, I guess that is never truly a thing outside of Ryu, pretty much.
Scorpion isn't the main character in Mortal Kombat, but he's pretty much been their go- to guy from the very beginning in much the same way Pikachu became the "mascot" for Pokemon as a whole.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Isabelle is a definite, I think. Depending on the extent of new additions, I'd say Takamaru as well.
No newcomer is guaranteed my dear Opossum (oh God that's 2 animals) except at least one Pokémon and Spring Man.

(And a new 3rd party characters too!)

Not that Isabelle has a bad shot, but let's not jump the gun yet.

Takamaru though has been a name thrown around for a decade and a half. He isn't anywhere near a "definite" addition. He's still sort of a fringe pick. Has a chance, but let's not jump the gun. We've heard this same old story, same old song and dance my friend... thrice (Brawl, Smash 4, Smash 4 DLC).
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Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2013
I'm hoping for Dixie Kong, Eevee (so many evolutions they could incoporate into his/her moveset), Impa (Hyrule Warriors design plz), and Toad in terms of newcomers. I'd say at least 3 of them have a pretty good chance also. In regards to returning veterans, please bring back Ice Climbers. I never played them much but Smash isn't the same without them.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
No newcomer is guaranteed my dear Opossum (oh God that's 2 animals) except at least one Pokémon and Spring Man.

(And a new 3rd party characters too!)

Not that Isabelle has a bad shot, but let's not jump the gun yet.

Takamaru though has been a name thrown around for a decade and a half. He isn't anywhere near a "definite" addition. He's still sort of a fringe pick. Has a chance, but let's not jump the gun. We've heard this same old story, same old song and dance my friend... thrice (Brawl, Smash 4, Smash 4 DLC).
If they were willing to remove Mewtwo, three times, yeah, definitely no guarantees. That being said, I do agree with you, Spring Man, a new Pokemon, and I would even throw in a Xenoblade 2 (given Sakurai) and Fire Emblem (lmfao) are as close as humanly possible.

The issue with Takamaru is that his conditions have, more or less, been met. I could see him as one of those "retro" picks in the same vein as so many other characters. Most of the remaining ones would just be living hell from a design perspective and arguably even more obscure.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Here's an interesting topic (that I wasn't sure if it would be allowed to live if it was it's own thread)

Charizard, Little Mac and the Inklings all got promoted from a secondary gameplay mechanic to being full blown characters.

Do you think any other Mii costumes, Assist Trophies or Pokeball Pokemon will make the jump?
Mii Costumes: King K. Rool (has a lot of popularity and the Mii costume could be indicative of Sakurai recognizing it), Isabelle (a very popular and promoted AC character), Monster Hunter (one of the most popular third parties in Japan, and was growing in size even before World blew up)

Assist Trophies: Dillon (has a third game on a way that may allow another look), Isabelle (again), Lyn (since IS now knows of her popularity and has started pushing her more heavily now)

Pokémon: None (unfortunately)


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
For the new third parties, here is who I am hoping:

- Ubisoft - Rayman or the Rabbids
- Atlus - Jack Frost or someone from the Persona series
- Konami - Bomberman or Simon Belmont
- Crash Bandicoot
- Namco Bandai - Someone from Tekken
- Level 5 - Professor Layton or Jibanyan
- SNK - Kyo Kusanagi or Terry Bogard
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Dixie would be lovely, as would be a Rhythm Heaven rep. Also, Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) would be a funny addition. Still, Smash 4 taught me to not have high hopes. So I am expecting some lame Xenoblade 2 characters (the main character has laughably bad design and the female characters are just gross) and about 4 or 5 new Fire Emblem characters. Well, at least I have the Inklings, which is great.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Here's an interesting topic (that I wasn't sure if it would be allowed to live if it was it's own thread)

Charizard, Little Mac and the Inklings all got promoted from a secondary gameplay mechanic to being full blown characters.

Do you think any other Mii costumes, Assist Trophies or Pokeball Pokemon will make the jump?
Lyn, easily. Even if I don't believe she can make it, she still has realism. The Pokeball options are completely unrealistic. Charizard was already a Pokémon mascot.

I may sound bias but, Ghirahim seem to have realism with his strong move set potential and fresh design.

Edited. I forgot about Isabelle. She's the most realistic option, period.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Here's an interesting topic (that I wasn't sure if it would be allowed to live if it was it's own thread)

Charizard, Little Mac and the Inklings all got promoted from a secondary gameplay mechanic to being full blown characters.

Do you think any other Mii costumes, Assist Trophies or Pokeball Pokemon will make the jump?
King K. Rool, Toad, and Takamaru seem the most likely.

I don’t think Pokeball Pokémon besides Charizard will ever be playable in Smash. RIP Meowth :sadeyes:
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