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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Deleted member

This, but maybe in a kinder tone. [IMG]https://smashboards.com/data/avatars/s/441/441619.jpg?1569628376[/IMG] Lesley Black Velvet I don't necessarily agree with you, but maybe getting that invested isn't too healthy? Like, I get boycotting and such, make corporations hear you, but you constantly sound way too depressed by the notion of not getting a female character and it's somewhat concerning.
It's in my goddamn DNA. I make big deals out of small things. Somehow I can't get it out of my system.

If you're curious why I don't sound like ME it's because I every right to not sound like me.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I’m-a be honest here.

While it’s still not enough, when it comes down to representation, I don’t get why character alts. aren’t counted.
It might come down to the fact that, except for Wendy Koopa, most alts are for avatar characters that don't canonically have a set gender. (I don't agree, as I see Villager and Robin as canonically and WFT, Inkling and Corrin as canonically female, but that's bound to vary per person). I figure what some people want is a pure, no asterisks, no color swaps, no-way-around-it female character.

(Also maybe people are like me and hate alts for what they did to Alph)

Then tell me what you're expecting to test their popularity against each other? It's not like I don't know that it's not airtight evidence, you know. I'm just at a loss at what to provide given the lack of resources I have.
Given this is 'Worldwide classic' vs. 'Japan-only classic' I think the argument is so airtight that I can't really conceive any other test possible. But, you know, unless you're arguing for Riesz chances, you don't really have to convince me.

Now if that's what you were going for, the popularity argument is not the way to go. But I think the argument could be made that while Randi is kind of stuck in relative irrelevancy, Trials of Mana is technically a new game in the West and has a new remake coming out so it would benefit from possibly being an advertising pick.

I don't agree, but it's a road to take, I guess.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I'm a feminist.

I don't want a female character for the sake of having one.
I want a female character who has fought for her spot in Video Game history.
I want Dixie.
I want Octolings.
I want Impa.
I want Twintelle.
I want Jill Valentine.
I want Lara Croft.
I want Carmen Sandiego.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I’m-a be honest here.

While it’s still not enough, when it comes down to representation, I don’t get why character alts. aren’t counted.
The character select screen. If you look at it at face value with no prior knowledge, you wouldn't be aware of the alts even existing. Same goes for dark skinned characters, sure, Villager has some darker tones and so does Dark Pit, but the only one you'd be able to tell from the CSS is Ganondorf as it shows the default


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2019
No they don’t need to be addressed. Smash ultimate is the biggest fighting game ever because of doing what they been doing with they same mentality they currently have. You guys would worsen the game.

This games massive crossover is partly why it’s so big. That massive crossover of sakurai picking the big picks are why it’s so big. Not sidelining the biggest characters for fake female genitalia


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
The character select screen. If you look at it at face value with no prior knowledge, you wouldn't be aware of the alts even existing. Same goes for dark skinned characters, sure, Villager has some darker tones and so does Dark Pit, but the only one you'd be able to tell from the CSS is Ganondorf as it shows the default
That’s fair I suppose.

Y’all should at least count Nana, unless there’s another reason.

It might come down to the fact that, except for Wendy Koopa, most alts are for avatar characters that don't canonically have a set gender. (I don't agree, as I see Villager and Robin as canonically and WFT, Inkling and Corrin as canonically female, but that's bound to vary per person). I figure what some people want is a pure, no asterisks, no color swaps, no-way-around-it female character.

(Also maybe people are like me and hate alts for what they did to Alph)
That’s fair.

(and yes the Alph alt sucks; I like that he’s at least there, but his eyes only blink when he’s hit and it’s weird. Plus the poor representation of his and Olimar’s personalities, like seriously their voices weren’t even used...)


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
I think the problem with getting more women and racially diversifying the cast lies less with the idea of it, and more to do with the theoretical execution of it based on the current breakdown of the games industry.

I apologize in advance for the length. However, given the sensitive nature of this topic, I wanted to be as precise in both my speech and logic as possible when sharing my thoughts on the matter.
Counting Sheik as female, the current gender ratio for the roster is approximately 47 males to 12 females (not counting characters who have alternate gendered costumes like Robin or Pokemon Trainer, genderless characters like Dark Samus or R.O.B., characters who represent a species rather than a specific individual like the Pokemon or Piranha Plant, or the Ice Climbers and Banjo & Kazooie who have a member of each gender).

Likewise, nearly the entire cast is white, east asian, or ambiguously between those two, with the only characters not falling into those camps are Pokemon Trainer, Villager (who both have alts of multiple races), and Ganondorf (who is debatable, given how he's technically a fantasy race).

So, it can be seen that Smash is pretty homogenous in terms of race and gender. However, the question then becomes, what do you do about that? The obvious answer is put more females and more racially diverse people into the cast. That's a lot easier said than done, honestly.

Most of Nintendo's leading ladies are already in the game, such as Peach, Daisy, Samus, Lucina, and Isabelle. Off the top of my head, the only remaining female Nintendo characters I really think have much of a chance at this point are Ayumi Tachibana, Style Savvy Girl, and Edelgard. Likewise, there aren't that many third party franchises with female leads, so that's a pretty dead end as well. Out of all the non-Nintendo games I can think of, the only major female leads I can really think of Jill Valentine (unless you count Chris or Leon as the lead of Resident Evil), Lara Croft, Shantae, Nakoruru (unless you count Haohmaru as the lead of Samurai Showdown), and Kasumi (unless you count Ryu Hayabusa as the lead of Dead or Alive).

Games with non-white/asian protagonists are even harder to come by. The only one I can think of is CJ from Grand Theft Auto. Likewise, the only Nintendo character period I can think of that fits that description is Anthony Higgs from Metroid: Other M.

So, then the question becomes, do you give characters in these categories priority over other candidates who may be more popular or could translate themselves in a more interesting way? Ultimately, that's a subjective judgement based on personal values. However, I don't think its as easy as simply pressing the "add underrepresented groups to Smash button", given how the imbalance between these groups will still be relatively vast even if Sakurai were to go out of his way to add characters to solve this issue.

Likewise, I think it's the fact these groups don't have an abundance of candidates that makes the Smash community less supportive of them as opposed to a quota like "villains" or "side characters". I don't think the movement to get villains into Smash came about because people really liked the idea of playing as the bad guys, but instead came because a handful of villains were really popular and people wanted to play as those characters. That's why a lot of people stopped playing the "Smash needs more villains!" quota once Ridley and K. Rool joined the roster. There wasn't this great sentiment that Smash finally had enough bad guys, a lot of people just supported it as a vehicle for those two in particular and withdrew there support once they got what they wanted. Likewise, the side character quota didn't really come up until recently, when it was felt that characters like Waluigi and Bandana Waddle Dee had a realistic shot now that most franchises have their main cast in order. Put simply, I don't think much of the Smash fanbase will support the "female" and "racial diversity" quotas until they have some popular faces who fall under those labels.

TL;DR: There is a gender and racial imbalance in Smash Bros. However, the issue lies in the the lack of prominent females and non-white/asian people that Smash could really draw from. Likewise, most of the Smash Bros. community isn't super supportive of the idea given this lack of prominent candidates to draw from.
I crave diversity for the simple reason of variety. It's much less about filling quotas, to me it's about just bringing a good amount of variety to the game. Admittedly characters of color are hard to come by, especially those that you can readily justify in a game like Smash since most characters of color are either not MCs or are side characters that wouldn't be either first or second in line. For example, There's no justifying Dee Jay in Smash over Ryu, Ken or Chun-Li or even Guile. However, I don't feel that female characters have that same hindrance. There are plenty of female characters that you can justify in smash that has nothing to do with their gender. You can justify Reimu and Shantae as an indie rep over Shovel Knight or Sans. You can justify Saber or Ayumi Tachibana as a VN rep over Phoenix Wright. You can justify Ayane, an Atelier girl or Fatal Frame girl over Hayabusa as a KT rep. You can justify Arle as another Sega rep over Kiryu or a 2nd Sonic character. They all have things going for them that don't equate to their gender. There's really no shortage of justifiable females for Smash.

The main problem is that a lot of people in this fanbase tend to write off anything that isn't a mega hit. One look at the DLC should tell you that's not important. The only series in the DLC right now that can even be considered that is DQ and that's only in Japan.

If you want an example of something I think would be forced female representation, that would be Female Terry being an alt. It's not at all representative of the character and something that only exists as a gag for SNK Heroines and the CvS games.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Then tell me what you're expecting to test their popularity against each other? It's not like I don't know that it's not airtight evidence, you know. I'm just at a loss at what to provide given the lack of resources I have.
Well you know, if you don't make statements like "Riesz is the single most popular Mana character by a wide margin", people won't ask you to provide evidence that doesn't exist.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
The character select screen. If you look at it at face value with no prior knowledge, you wouldn't be aware of the alts even existing. Same goes for dark skinned characters, sure, Villager has some darker tones and so does Dark Pit, but the only one you'd be able to tell from the CSS is Ganondorf as it shows the default
I wouldn't even count Ganondorf since he's not exactly human...Also he's grey.

To me it seems that Villager and Dark Pit are the only ones who can be...Mexican.

Y’all should at least count Nana, unless there’s another reason.
People tend not to count tandem characters like Nana and Kazooie.

You can justify Reimu and Shantae as an indie rep over Shovel Knight or Sans.
For Shovel Knight, you could add the girl skin. It doesn't run into the same issues as female Terry since it was created for people who wanted to make the characters more relatable to them.

As far as I know Super Smash Bros. will never help create equal gender and ethnic representation, but rather, it will show the effects of such a thing happening.
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Smash Ace
May 21, 2019
No they don’t need to be addressed. Smash ultimate is the biggest fighting game ever because of doing what they been doing with they same mentality they currently have. You guys would worsen the game.

This games massive crossover is partly why it’s so big. That massive crossover of sakurai picking the big picks are why it’s so big. Not sidelining the biggest characters for fake female genitalia
This comes off like you don't think there any female characters left that are worthy of being in Smash.
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Deleted member

I'm a feminist.

I don't want a female character for the sake of having one.
I want a female character who has fought for her spot in Video Game history.
I want Dixie.
I want Octolings.
I want Impa.
I want Twintelle.
I want Jill Valentine.
I want Lara Croft.
I want Carmen Sandiego.
Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.

No they don’t need to be addressed. Smash ultimate is the biggest fighting game ever because of doing what they been doing with they same mentality they currently have. You guys would worsen the game.

This games massive crossover is partly why it’s so big. That massive crossover of sakurai picking the big picks are why it’s so big. Not sidelining the biggest characters for fake female genitalia
Fake female genitalia? Is what I was fighting for fake female genitalia? seriously?

Yes, it's the greatest crossover, but women need to be justly represented in the bonus content. I want to stuff I can identify myself with.

I crave diversity for the simple reason of variety. It's much less about filling quotas, to me it's about just bringing a good amount of variety to the game. Admittedly characters of color are hard to come by, especially those that you can readily justify in a game like Smash since most characters of color are either not MCs or are side characters that wouldn't be either first or second in line. For example, There's no justifying Dee Jay in Smash over Ryu, Ken or Chun-Li or even Guile. However, I don't feel that female characters have that same hindrance. There are plenty of female characters that you can justify in smash that has nothing to do with their gender. You can justify Reimu and Shantae as an indie rep over Shovel Knight or Sans. You can justify Saber or Ayumi Tachibana as a VN rep over Phoenix Wright. You can justify Ayane, an Atelier girl or Fatal Frame girl over Hayabusa as a KT rep. You can justify Arle as another Sega rep over Kiryu or a 2nd Sonic character. They all have things going for them that don't equate to their gender. There's really no shortage of justifiable females for Smash.

The main problem is that a lot of people in this fanbase tend to write off anything that isn't a mega hit. One look at the DLC should tell you that's not important. The only series in the DLC right now that can even be considered that is DQ and that's only in Japan.

If you want an example of something I think would be forced female representation, that would be Female Terry being an alt. It's not at all representative of the character and something that only exists as a gag for SNK Heroines and the CvS games.
Exactly. Exactly, Exactly.

People don;t want a homogenous dlc pack. We want a fully fledge one, with a girl and a duo.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
That’s fair I suppose.

Y’all should at least count Nana, unless there’s another reason.

That’s fair.

(and yes the Alph alt sucks; I like that he’s at least there, but his eyes only blink when he’s hit and it’s weird. Plus the poor representation of his and Olimar’s personalities, like seriously their voices weren’t even used...)
Nana's on the CSS so yeah.

Speaking of Diversity, it's another reason I shill Sol Badguy

Not only is very visually different due to the metal inspirer design, he's ikely Indian considering he's based off of Freddie Mercury, and would be the second dark skinned character in the game, with a completely different shade from Ganondorf. If he were to be added in Smash, he'd stand out so much on the CSS as again, nobody shares the same basic design traits


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I'm a feminist.

I don't want a female character for the sake of having one.
I want a female character who has fought for her spot in Video Game history.
I want Dixie.
I want Octolings.
I want Impa.
I want Twintelle.
I want Jill Valentine.
I want Lara Croft.
I want Carmen Sandiego.
I want Shantae [Shantae].
I want Toadette/Captain Toad [Treasure Tracker]
I want Jill Valentine [Resident Evil]
I want Amaterasu [Okami]
I want Morrigan [Darkstalkers]
I want Nakoruru [Samurai Shodown]
I want Ribbon Girl/Spring Man [ARMS]
I want the SV-001 Metal Slug [Metal Slug] driven by Fio, Eri, Marco and Tarma.
And I want Impa as a Sheik echo.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
For Shovel Knight, you could add the girl skin. It doesn't run into the same issues as female Terry since it was created for people who wanted to make the characters more relatable to them.
Is there actually a difference in the sprite or does it just change the text in game?

As far as I know Super Smash Bros. will never help create equal gender and ethnic representation, but rather, it will show the effects of such a thing happening.
I don't think anybody's really asking for 1:1 on gender equality.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Is there actually a difference in the sprite or does it just change the text in game?
It gets a tinier waist for the most part.
Also gender pronouns aren't tied to the sprites. You can use "he" with the female sprite, "she" with the male sprite, and "they" with either.
I don't think anybody's really asking for 1:1 on gender equality.
Well...No but that's not exactly what I meant by equality...I'm not sure that's what most people mean by equality either considering true equality often times isn't actually equal.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
Well, at least you gav eme that advice.

I don't want to hear gloomy music. I'm not in the mood to watch my favorite anime, and I threw all my Mobile Legends matches.
I'd say listen to kirby music if that's your thing or go with sonic ost never a sad moment if that's what your into

Deleted member

I don't think anybody's really asking for 1:1 on gender equality.
Of bloody course. All I'm asking is just one. One. SINGLE. I know it will never reach equality, but it's better than being entirely shafted out.

I'd say listen to kirby music if that's your thing or go with sonic ost never a sad moment if that's what your into
Thank you for the suggestion.

Y'all we are making Lesley's thread obsolete.:sadeyes:

But seriously there are some female characters who are no-brainers.
Of bloody course.

No-brainers, like mine.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Honestly I feel like a huge problem with the gender diversity topic is that it's being framed as if people want a 50/50 split for male and female characters when that's simply not the case. The base roster is fine, but I can definitely see why people might feel alienated with an all-male DLC lineup. I think most people would be fine with at least one female character making it in or even an avatar character with female alts. Even if the options are pretty narrow, they're still there and should be considered just as much as Doomguy or Hayabusa.

Deleted member

Honestly I feel like a huge problem with the gender diversity topic is that it's being framed as if people want a 50/50 split for male and female characters when that's simply not the case. The base roster is fine, but I can definitely see why people might feel alienated with an all-male DLC lineup. I think most people would be fine with at least one female character making it in or even an avatar character with female alts. Even if the options are pretty narrow, they're still there and should be considered just as much as Doomguy or Hayabusa.
Yes, yes, yes.

Just one is easy to ask.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
She’s both on the CSS and directly controlled when using one of the last four alts., though.
Not to mention that Nana actively gets acknowledged by players. It's not "Woah did you see that Popo play from Big D?" but rather "Wow did you see that Ice Climbers play from Big D?". It may seem insignificant, but the language used is very telling, it makes it clear Nana is just as important as Popo

Deleted member

Not to mention that Nana actively gets acknowledged by players. It's not "Woah did you see that Popo play from Big D?" but rather "Wow did you see that Ice Climbers play from Big D?". It may seem insignificant, but the language used is very telling, it makes it clear Nana is just as important as Popo
And there goes my Kazooie argument.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Like I've said, the disparity between men and women on the roster is a lot less extreme than it once was. The gaming industry isn't historically sensitive to that kind of thing, but Smash 4 introduced quite a few ladies to the limelight.

The series may have some catching up to do. But I think that there are efforts to do so.

Deleted member

Like I've said, the disparity between men and women on the roster is a lot less extreme than it once was. The gaming industry isn't historically sensitive to that kind of thing, but Smash 4 introduced quite a few ladies to the limelight.

The series may have some catching up to do. But I think that there are efforts to do so.
Exactly. It's not like we're in the 80s or something. Female demographics need to be addressed these days.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Y'all we are making Lesley's thread obsolete.:sadeyes:

But seriously there are some female characters who are no-brainers.
Eh. We're not completely off topic or at each other's throats so I'm ok with it. I like having civil talks about potentially touchy subjects such as this. As for great female candidates as a whole, I really only see Lara Croft, Jill, or Arle happening (Inb4 I forget someone really important because I tend to do that). Arle being the most decisive since Puyo Puyo isn't all that popular in the U.S. (And before someone replies that the shortsighted Americans needing to suck it up, this is an observation, not a point against the character. I believe she will get backlash from over here, but that doesn't mean I think she shouldn't be added.)

Not to mention that Nana actively gets acknowledged by players. It's not "Woah did you see that Popo play from Big D?" but rather "Wow did you see that Ice Climbers play from Big D?". It may seem insignificant, but the language used is very telling, it makes it clear Nana is just as important as Popo
That is true. If you refer to the lead climber as Popo when it is actually Nana then you will be called out on it without fail.

Deleted member

Eh. We're not completely off topic or at each other's throats so I'm ok with it. I like having civil talks about potentially touchy subjects such as this. As for great female candidates as a whole, I really only see Lara Croft, Jill, or Arle happening (Inb4 I forget someone really important because I tend to do that).
If that's the case, what's the point of setting up my thread?


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
The series started off as a point-and-click adventure game, so she counts. I doubt Carmen will ever make it in, but she's so outlandish that I can't help but want her anyway.
I mean she's got her notoriety (hope that's the right word) and she's be interesting don't know what she'd do but I wouldn't be surprised if someone made a thread for her


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
I appreciate your concise and professional language with a topic like this.
But here's my one question about this: why is this even a topic of discussion? In the most respectful way possible, is this something that people actually care about? And if so, why?
Admittedly, I'm a bit tardy to the party on this issue. It was a pretty big discussion a few pages back in the thread. The conversation has mostly died down now, but I felt it was worth discussing anyway.

This is ultimately a thread discussing which characters should get into Smash Ultimate, and there is a significant part of the fanbase that does believe this is a significant issue that can justify a character getting in or not getting in. As such, I feel its important for everyone to raise their honest opinions on these issues while being respectful to those of differing opinions.

I’m-a be honest here.

While it’s still not enough, when it comes down to representation, I don’t get why character alts. aren’t counted.
The reason I didn't count it in my analysis is because I was mostly concerned about the difference in the amount of male to female characters. Characters that represented both genders either through alts or being a team wouldn't do much but inflate the data without changing the the actual outcome. I could've made value judgements to include more characters by saying things like "Banjo is the main part of Banjo & Kazooie and is a male, so I'm gonna count them as male" or "Jigglypuff is has a 75% of being female in Pokemon and wears a feminine hat, so she's female", but I wanted to remain objective and only use characters that could be uncontroversially considered one gender.

I could definitely see an argument for alts being counted as representation, as it ultimately achieves the underlying reason that people want diversity in media. You want to see someone who looks like you on screen? Choose the alt that matches your gender. Obviously, this isn't a perfect solution as it doesn't necessarily make sense to give someone like Mario or Little Mac a female alt, but I personally think it does go a l

I crave diversity for the simple reason of variety. It's much less about filling quotas, to me it's about just bringing a good amount of variety to the game. Admittedly characters of color are hard to come by, especially those that you can readily justify in a game like Smash since most characters of color are either not MCs or are side characters that wouldn't be either first or second in line. For example, There's no justifying Dee Jay in Smash over Ryu, Ken or Chun-Li or even Guile. However, I don't feel that female characters have that same hindrance. There are plenty of female characters that you can justify in smash that has nothing to do with their gender. You can justify Reimu and Shantae as an indie rep over Shovel Knight or Sans. You can justify Saber or Ayumi Tachibana as a VN rep over Phoenix Wright. You can justify Ayane, an Atelier girl or Fatal Frame girl over Hayabusa as a KT rep. You can justify Arle as another Sega rep over Kiryu or a 2nd Sonic character. They all have things going for them that don't equate to their gender. There's really no shortage of justifiable females for Smash.

The main problem is that a lot of people in this fanbase tend to write off anything that isn't a mega hit. One look at the DLC should tell you that's not important. The only series in the DLC right now that can even be considered that is DQ and that's only in Japan.

If you want an example of something I think would be forced female representation, that would be Female Terry being an alt. It's not at all representative of the character and something that only exists as a gag for SNK Heroines and the CvS games.
This is a very good point that I failed to make in my original post, so thank you for that.

There are a lot of female characters who do get overlooked because there's a male character who fills a similar playstyle or thematic niche. And Smash does have a bad habit of assuming that there can only be one character who fits a certain idea, so a lot of people believe that only the forerunner of that specific idea should be looked at. That in turn cuts off a lot of viable female choices.

The difficult in Smash speculation is most people can agree what makes a good Smash character, but what quality is most important seems to be the point of division. Do you choose the character who would make the most interesting fighter, or do you choose the character who's more interesting from a thematic and visual perspective, or do you go around that and choose the most popular and historically significant candidate?


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
Another big issue about the gender of the videogames characters is oversaturation...

I don't mind INTERESTING straight white cis males, there are a couple, of very cool and interesting ones in modern gaming such as Geralt or Joker.. or....(Damn, my mind memory is slow today, let's assume there are a couple more) but if you ask me between a boring male protagonist or a boring female protagonist, i will choose female boring protagonist mosty because i'm sick to death of male boring protagonists...

A good example is spring man... noone is asking for spring man because it's great character arc or it's stellar personality, people ask for an arms rep mostly because they liked arms, they like the gameplay possibilities, they want teh originality or the uniquness of it, or they want the fresh faces and pretty colors.
And when you get a guy that it's designed to be the "white dude" of the game Is by oversaturation, that we are oversaturated of protagonists that are just "white dudes" because thats the most "neutral" (It's not) it's not hard to understand why characters like ribbon girl, Min min or twintelle are waaay more popular (specially twintelle) than springman.

This is mostly due to the assumption that male is the "default" template which means is teh one that will connect with the biggest ammount of players. this is obviously changing little by little, but this is a sexist notion that does more harm than good. not trying to demonize people that think like that for a lot of us, is part of our sexist culture (i have to go to great lenghts to not think of duck hunt duo as a "him" even if there is nothing in teh character that is gender coded and for all purposes, is a gender neutral character, unlike Banjo and kazooie which are clearly gender coded)

Still, there is an interesting ammount of gender neutral cast in smash (most of the pokemons, ROB, PP, Duck Hunt Dog) and if you count male/female characters as gender neutral you got a couple more.

Anyways, of my top 5 most wanted characters, 2 are females (Morrigan and Edelgard) 2 are gender neutral (Frisk and Chosen Undead) and one is a bishonen, (Alucard) but i want none of them to fill quotas, i want all of them for both their characters and their games, but is true than just having a female lead immediatly make you stand out more. if just because of the army of generic bland white dudes "neutral" protagonists out there. Variety is an important factor in deciding teh roster, this is known by sakurai thats why we have a friggin plant.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Honestly the reason I never posted there is because I know there's enough chuds who'd see the thread title and cause ****. That, and I don't like generalized support threads
It's actually had pretty positive discussion! I was mostly joking, though. As this is the overarching Newcomer Discussion thread, basicially anything in this subforum could find its way into words here.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
If that's the case, what's the point of setting up my thread?
*shrugs* If you want to talk about it after we've moved on? In my opinion it's better to let the conversation happen than to say "everyone move over instead" since that might kill the conversation. And that's not ideal in my eyes; It's a conversation worth having.

This is mostly due to the assumption that male is the "default" template which means is teh one that will connect with the biggest ammount of players. this is obviously changing little by little, but this is a sexist notion that does more harm than good.
In many cases I feel like it's just the first thing that people come up with. I'm not white, but if you asked me to make up a human character on the spot I guarantee you it will be white, male, and assumed to be straight. In fact, I dislike designing black guys because I can't think of any hairstyle that looks good on them that isn't short, afro, or dreadlocks, and unless I'm making myself, I don't really want those hairstyles. (It's probably a reason why most of my characters aren't human. lol) I suppose I'm getting a little off topic here, but my point is that it's not inherently sexist so much as it's just a tendency. I'm not saying that's good or bad, it just is.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
on a somewhat related tangent, one of the main reasons I'd rather have more females revealed now is because I've gotten pretty much every male/masculine character I've ever wanted (except Vaati and Yuri). I've gotten none of the females I've wanted except Lucina and Inkling. I've gotten Bowser, Mewtwo, Ganondorf, Wolf, Falco, King Dedede, K. Rool, Sonic and Erdrick (Still salty over no female alt, though). That just leaves my top 5 as Ashley, Shantae, Vaati, Yuri and Reimu so I would actually like to get some of the females I want for once.
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Deleted member

on a somewhat related tangent, one of the main reasons I'd rather have more females revealed now is because I've gotten pretty much every male/masculine character I've ever wanted (except Vaati and Yuri). I've gotten none of the females I've wanted except Lucina and Inkling. I've gotten Bowser, Mewtwo, Ganondorf, Wolf, Falco, King Dedede, K. Rool, Sonic and Erdrick (Still salty over no female alt, though). That just leaves my top 5 as Ashley, Shantae, Vaati, Yuri and Reimu so I would actually like to get some of the females I want for once.
That's good. I'd wish you the best of luck.
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