At this point, we're all kind of spinning our wheels here, myself included. We're hung up on the handful of characters that just gotta be #5. Collectively, I think we've more or less narrowed it down to five real hopefuls: Ryu, Doomguy, Leon/Jill, Crash, and Sora (coincidentally listed by order of probability haha).
I'm pretty sure these are also the five characters we've been circling around since E3, right? There wasn't nearly this much serious speculation around an SNK rep, much less Terry from Fatal Fury.
I'm not saying that these characters don't have a chance (literally all of them have an impossibly high chance, and you've all done a great job at detailing why), but I'm also beginning to wonder if we're all so certain about at least Ryu, Doomguy, and an RE rep only because we've been talking about them for so long. Like how we were all so sure that Steve was definitely going to get in, especially over Banjo, mostly due to Vergeben's insistence and the whole "relevancy" debate.
By chilling in this echo chamber we've accidentally set up, how much are we setting ourselves up for another Bayonetta-sized disappointment at the end of this Pass?
Eh, but speaking of echo chambers, anyone else really hoping that they'll just drop an Echo Fighter pack on us? $10 for all five Echoes, low risk/high reward from their perspective? And that's how we'll get those missing fan favorites like Dixie, Octoling, Ms. Pac-Man, Metal Sonic, and, I dunno, Tetra? Because man do I really want more Echo Fighters in this game, guys...