I would expect that Arc System Works would prefer Guilty Gear in Smash if they're including a character.
Hah! I'm sure they would!
But no. It's always been Kunio.
This user has continually been pushing an anti-Joker sentiment for months now and has gone as far as to go into the Joker thread to promote it while also claiming that Arthur from Ghost N' Goblins deserves it more
I mean...he does.
Also, this is the first time I'm hearing about ArcSys owning River City. I thought some other company owned that series, but I guess I was wrong about that.
You weren't. Technos owned it. But ArcSys bought Technos a few years ago.
The only other viable candidate I could see is Billy & Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon, another franchise that is owned by ArcSys now funnily enough.
Kunio is still the better pick. While Double Dragon was bigger in NA, Kunio has a much more varied and fun moveset, he has WAY more games(though, a lot of them didn't get NA releases), and the River City games are also just better than the Double Dragon games.
Not to mention, Kunio has the historical cache, as the first Kunio game(Renegade) is pretty much the start of the "side scrolling beating up thugs in the street" genre. I mean, if you look at
the arcade version, that game is just straight up single player
Double Dragon. Right down the character animations.
He also might have pioneered the whole "Let's take our action game character, and put him in a bunch of sports spinoffs!" thing that's, like, half of Mario's library these days.
I really want Billy and Jimmy Lee in the game, for the simple reason that the Double Dragon Theme song would be awesome to fight to.
You can still get that with Kunio, as
that theme regularly
shows up in the River City games.
If Billy and Jimmy were to be in Smash, would 1 of them be an alt or an echo fighter?
They are identical in almost all of their games, so an Alt would seem more likely.
More on topic, my sister is a huge GoldenEye fan and asked how possible it'd be if Smash had a bootleg James Bond (named 'Top Secret') but with Sakurai's likeness as the very last DLC character for the game for free. I laughed at how silly it sounded, but then I realized that'd low-key be great.
It's funny, because the original Smash Bros. had the proximity mine from GoldenEye in it. But the mine was redesigned in later games to remove the reference.
Out of all three Double Dragon is definitely the best known.
In the West. It's definitely not the more popular one in Japan.
What if in Smash we had Kunio and he came with alts of Riki, Kyoko, and Misako?
Well, Kunio and Riki traditionally play the same in a lot of their games, so I could see him as an alt/echo. But Kyoko and Misako have completely different moves than Kunio and Riki, so I'm not sure they'd do that.
If we were to get a beat em up character I'd prefer Abobo tbh
That would be fun, but you know they go protags first.
Still, Abobo has appeared in multiple River City games, so I could easily see him getting a Spirit. Fighting Donkey Kong, while the Double Dragon theme plays. Oh yeah.
Again, it comes down to the series I think Arc System Works takes pride in
I think it comes down to who Nintendo wants more. And River City has a much bigger history with Nintendo, stretching from the NES, to today.
Nintendo: "We want Kunio in Smash."
ArcSys: "We'd rather it was Sol."
Nintendo: "Do you want to be in Smash or not?"