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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Light Flaming Warning
At this point, all of the necessary historical characters have already gotten in. Relevant characters are simply more popular. Just look at how much more buzz the Sans costume reveal got compared to Hat Ken.
A really cool and good thing to do when faced with something you don't know is to do your research instead of being a jerk. I promise it'll make your life much better.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2019
I find it sad nobody ever puts any Level 5 characters in their prediction when it's literally one of the last big japanese company that's pretty linked to Nintendo like Koei Tecmo not referenced in Smash lmao
Don't know if this counts as a Level 5 rep, but...


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Is Snk really a household name? Idk a lot of y’all are giving SuperSceptile15 a lot of flak for calling Terry Bogard Hat ken, lol but I’m not gonna lie I immediately thought the same thing.

Unfortunately a large amount of people will believe the same thing. Not everyone one who plays smash is knowledgeable in Video game history. It is ignorance, but a majority of the people who buy this game are exactly that when it comes to some of these more obscure choices.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
The DQ8 Hero is ironically a Level-5 rep.

DQ8 was made by Level-5.
DQ8 has some Dark Cloud/Dark Cloud 2 vibes to it, which is great cause I loved those games in my preteen/early teen years so much. Some of my most played games on the Playstation 2


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Fighting games are a niche genre and any fighting game that's not called Street Fighter, Tekken or Mortal Kombat is even more obscure. I don't know why insecure Terry fans are so desperate to act like Hat Ken is a household name and that anyone who doesn't know who he is is ignorant.

It's always so lame when people hold up a character for their "historical value" or because they represent a particular company or genre. They'll take the boring, generic character over the interesting or popular one just for the sake of a roster that they think is "correct".

The harsh reality is that SNK is dead, KoF has never been mainstream, and unless you are a fighting game junkie or a Latin American, the only reason you might have even heard of Terry is because of memes.
My go-to response to Terry haters:

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Deleted member

Based on my experience both on Discord and this site, I feel that Crash gets way too much hate inside the Smash community just because people don’t know enough about the character or find him as a menace to their wanted picks.

And honestly, I don’t find it that fair. We can always get both the character of Crash alongside many other kinds of characters. For what we know we could get many kinds of fun, creative and even surprising picks alongside Crash. There isn’t really a need to consider the character as a block or menace for other choices.

Another thing would be disliking the character itself for personal reasons while respecting others no matter their stance on the character. In my case, as long as you dislike Crash but don’t try to get so much nerves to “deconfirm” him at any cost as many people on Discord... you are completely fine. I would personally dislike Doomguy since I really didn’t enjoy the Doom series (doh hopefully Eternal changes that), but I do still feel completely fine towards the idea of him getting in.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
Is Snk really a household name? Idk a lot of y’all are giving SuperSceptile15 a lot of flak for calling Terry Bogard Hat ken, lol but I’m not gonna lie I immediately thought the same thing.

Unfortunately a large amount of people will believe the same thing. Not everyone one who plays smash is knowledgeable in Video game history. It is ignorance, but a majority of the people who buy this game are exactly that when it comes to some of these more obscure choices.
Finally someone who shares my feelings. Terry's just not important. SNK fighters are second string at best. It’s like expecting people to get excited at a Gex reveal for Smash.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I remember seeing KoF and Metal Slug in arcade cabinets whenever I visited Puerto Rico to visit my now deceased grandmother. Probably cause the Neo Geo was essentially a glorified arcade cabinet which is why it was so damn expensive


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Finally someone who shares my feelings. Terry's just not important. SNK fighters are second string at best. It’s like expecting people to get excited at a Gex reveal for Smash.
Woahwoahwoahwoahwoahwoahwoahwoah. Woah. Gex is an old but notable platformer that (from what I can tell) is easy to find annoying and stopped being relevant long ago with no foreseen plans to revive the franchise. Fighting games developed by SNK are still kicking around with King of Fighters having an older release in this decade and a new release coming soon, and Samurai Showdown doing fairly well against it's competition. The two aren't a good comparison. SNK games might not be the biggest thing here but they do at least exist in the current market.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Is Snk really a household name? Idk a lot of y’all are giving SuperSceptile15 a lot of flak for calling Terry Bogard Hat ken, lol but I’m not gonna lie I immediately thought the same thing.
There is a difference between not knowing a new character and being a giant ******** about a new character.

I get it. Not everyone will have SNK nostalgia. Not everyone will know fighting games. Not everyone will know that King of Fighters inspired Smash and its mechanics and crossover nature. Not everyone will have played Neo Geo games on the Wii or Switch. Not everyone will have played King of Fighters 14 which came out in 2016 for the PlayStation 4. But to be so disrespectful is such a negative, lame thing to be.

I didn't know who Ness was in Smash 64 when I was a kid. The Mother series are now among my favorite games. It took a little research and a little time but I learned.

Deleted member

That’s something I heard a lot on Discord.

Apparently Metal Slug having a strong presence at arcade cabinets in general.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2019
I remember seeing KoF and Metal Slug in arcade cabinets whenever I visited Puerto Rico to visit my now deceased grandmother. Probably cause the Neo Geo was essentially a glorified arcade cabinet which is why it was so damn expensive
I still remember SNK cabs and I live in little ol' Maine here in the US. I remember greatly those cabs, be it the fighters or Metal Slug, were always crowded. Good times.

People not knowing who Terry or SNK is actually is good for Terry being in Smash. The idea is being represented could invigorate curiosity/interest in said franchises. See what they were missing. I know jack about Persona. I know little to nothing about Joker. Him being in Smash has, admittedly, garnered some interest from me to check the series out despite it being a genre I rarely ever play. I wouldn't be all that surprised that if people find they LIKE Terry after his release, there'd be enough people willing to check out his home franchise even if it's just the older series of games.

Sort of feels like the point of all this. Not just Terry but the guests in general.

Deleted member

Finally someone who shares my feelings. Terry's just not important. SNK fighters are second string at best. It’s like expecting people to get excited at a Gex reveal for Smash.
Terry might not be important for you but in other countries and places it's quite popular, SNK and KoF are doing really well having many of their characters crossing over to other games. Personally, I'm not a KoF fan but I can see why they put Terry in, they're trying to reach out to other audiences to get them to buy Smash and the DLC. SNK had a strong start in the arcade scene that had a long lasting impact.


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
I remember seeing KoF and Metal Slug in arcade cabinets whenever I visited Puerto Rico to visit my now deceased grandmother. Probably cause the Neo Geo was essentially a glorified arcade cabinet which is why it was so damn expensive
I live in Puerto Rico, back in the day EVERY arcade, supermarket, hotel or pizza place had either a KOF game or Metal slug. Those were the good old days.

Everyone I talk too can recognize Marco even if they don't know his name lol

Deleted member

I remember seeing KoF and Metal Slug in arcade cabinets whenever I visited Puerto Rico to visit my now deceased grandmother. Probably cause the Neo Geo was essentially a glorified arcade cabinet which is why it was so damn expensive
Been in PR before and can confirm SNK cabinets were in every pizza parlor and arcade.

Deleted member

If you had to ask me, Smash should push a lot for picks such as Terry, Hero or Joker while keeping a certain amount of interest towards fan demand.

Smash is indeed a game that overall assembles many of our favourite series... but wouldn’t it make sense for the Smash team to also showcase picks from games they played but don’t get enough love from the fans overall? Sakurai added Joker both because of Atlus’ relationship with Nintendo and personal love for the series which he wanted to motivate some of his fans to experience, Hero was added since both the Smash team, Nintendo and Square wanted the western market to give more value to DQ as a series so people could get contact with stuff even Sakurai personally admires due to the impact DQ had on his country, all while adding some fanservice to the Western DQ fandom; Terry is an icon from the series that basically inspired Sakurai to make Smash, so of course Sakurai could want to give his series more widespread attention so it gets more reputation. Hell, even back in Melee we had additions such as these through Marth and Roy, who were added in hopes of growing interest towards Fire Emblem in the West.

And sure, I may be one who would deeply love to see Crash Bandicoot sharing screen with Eight and Samus on official media.... but at the same time I love to see Smash getting me invested on series such as KoF, Persona or even Metroid back when I knew nothing about videogames in general outside of a casual point of view.
Is it fine to please the fans... but it is also a great choice to add picks that could give underrated series the love they deserve.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2019
SNK games are super popular in Spanish-speaking countries, and still retain a notable presence in Japan. The world of gaming doesn't revolve exclusively around American or European interests.

Deleted member

SNK games are super popular in Spanish-speaking countries, and still retain a notable presence in Japan. The world of gaming doesn't revolve exclusively around American or European interests.
More than spanish countries, they seem to be popular in South America.

Here in Spain and my island there doesn’t seem to be a huge thing for SNK overall. Doh I feel this presence in Smash will do good for the company over here.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2014
Smash on To Yer Helmet
Switch FC
For my previous I want to add that in my explanation. Those character I choose are mostly for complete existing series, adding new obscure character a la R.O.B. like Chibi Robot. That's it's for mainly the Nintendo IP.

Some of you noticed Sub-zero from Mortal Kombat but do I have to remind you that the game came in SNES without blood also Mortal Kombat got a crossover with DC Comics character where even in this game there was no blood at all.

So Sub-Zero can be added minus the gore and represent Mortal Kombat, HECK Sakurai can find a way to make his final Smash out of his Friendship friendship ... again.

Also for Mickey it was here again in risk to repeat myself as a what if. Because if ever Sakurai break the idea that only Video game character are to be added in Smash Bros who are the likely hood to be the first to end up in Smash Mickey Mouse this character is exactly the counterpart of Mario IMO.

As for Adam people who read the manga and played also Metroid Fusion can't hate the dude, sure the guy was a bit unbearable in Other M but for me it was somehow okay. (I didn't find Other M that bad)


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
Unironically I want a character like Sub zero or Scorpion to have multiple final smashes depending on the tone of the franchise they use it on. If it's something like Metal gear is a fatality and if it's something like animal crossing if a friendship.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2014
Smash on To Yer Helmet
Switch FC
Unironically I want a character like Sub zero or Scorpion to have multiple final smashes depending on the tone of the franchise they use it on. If it's something like Metal gear is a fatality and if it's something like animal crossing if a friendship.
So an adaptative Final Smash depending on who they fought ? For Samus Aran fatality ? Donkey Kong Brutality ? Is it possible ????

Also for the SNK topic for me and in France in general I think SNK is well beloved and praised. Though I was more a Metal Slug player than Fatal Fury. The goofiness of the Metal Slug franchise always appealed to me mostly when you use the flamethrower and you burn your adversaries lmao. The animation was top notch at that time and still hold its own today.

That being said I don't know why people are holy shwoop angry at Terry Bogard being in smash ? NEO GEO MOTHER OF TOLEDOS !


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Unironically I want a character like Sub zero or Scorpion to have multiple final smashes depending on the tone of the franchise they use it on. If it's something like Metal gear is a fatality and if it's something like animal crossing if a friendship.
Scorpion: Imma incinerate this fool.
Sakurai: What? NO! You can't do that to poor Pichu!
Scorpion (Frantically): Uh. Uh. Here! Buy this Scorpion doll!
Pichu: Pi? <3
FRIENDSHIP! (Friendship?)

EDIT: If they were to go all out on character/series specific Final Smashes then I hope they make they use a Babality when the Final Smash is used against Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina & Luma, Wario, or Bowser since they have official baby forms.
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Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2019
So an adaptative Final Smash depending on who they fought ? For Samus Aran fatality ? Donkey Kong Brutality ? Is it possible ????

Also for the SNK topic for me and in France in general I think SNK is well beloved and praised. Though I was more a Metal Slug player than Fatal Fury. The goofiness of the Metal Slug franchise always appealed to me mostly when you use the flamethrower and you burn your adversaries lmao. The animation was top notch at that time and still hold its own today.

That being said I don't know why people are holy shwoop angry at Terry Bogard being in smash ? NEO GEO MOTHER OF TOLEDOS !
I don't think it'd be impossible. Just make the 'fatalities' cinematic but they don't have to be brutal/goretastic. Obviously, Nintendo won't let you decap their characters or make them burst into pieces but you could do something interesting one way or another. The final hit or whatever would just cause them to blast zone or 'explode' as other final smashes do where you sort of get deleted on the spot (Thwak/Whack style 'death').

Would be interesting to see what they could do.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2019
Oh god, the ignorance of calling Terry 'Hat Ken' here we ****king go with this. The same ignorance to constatly calling Hero Android 16 or Goku or whatever. Like....seriously...? 'A waste of a slot?' My god.

Deleted member

Oh god, the ignorance of calling Terry 'Hat Ken' here we ****king go with this. The same ignorance to constatly calling Hero Android 16 or Goku or whatever. Like....seriously...? 'A waste of a slot?' My god.
A lot of people get upset when the revealed character is outside their roster circle-jerk.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2019
More than spanish countries, they seem to be popular in South America.

Here in Spain and my island there doesn’t seem to be a huge thing for SNK overall. Doh I feel this presence in Smash will do good for the company over here.
Yeah, I was referring to South America mostly, since the majority of countries there have their official language as Spanish (I know Portugese is spoken in Brazil though, as a notable exception). I wasn't trying to be overly specific, but I know trying to refer to regions can be tough since there's always outliers to a broader statement. Like, I could've said South America, but then Mexico (which is also fond of SNK games) would be excluded, for instance. But then Spanish-speaking also includes Spain + regional islands, so it can be confusing, heh!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So how many more DLC do you think we will be getting?
Personally, I think we'll get four post-Pass characters. That's not based on anything specific; it's just a gut feeling.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Oh god, the ignorance of calling Terry 'Hat Ken' here we ****king go with this. The same ignorance to constatly calling Hero Android 16 or Goku or whatever. Like....seriously...? 'A waste of a slot?' My god.
I don't think calling Hero Android 17 or Goku is ignorance. That's more of a meme.
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