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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Yeah. It'd be nice if people could try and find a balance. Though I know that can be a bit hard...
It's not a manner of balance, but moreso being openminded. The people who go "LITERALLY WHO?" all know a ****ton of obscure ****, EVERYONE here knows something obscure, but the minute we're asked to google something, that's just far too much for some people, I wouldn't have become a fan of countless media had I not googled some names, including my favourite franchises, and to see people claik they shouldn't have to do so because they're sinply casual gamers on a dedicated Smash Bros forum they could never have found on their own without google or anything just irks me, especially if they recognize obscure dead Nintendo franchises


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
The most interesting part about Jane Hairbones is that the art director for Persona 5 has stated in an interview that Kasumi's Phantom Thief outfit was deliberately designed to look like a female version of Joker's.
That and Cendrillon really isn't too different from Arsene in terms of basic body structure.
You can reasonably put her over Arsene and, given how Joker works, there's no hitbox worries because they can't be hit.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2019
It's not a manner of balance, but moreso being openminded. The people who go "LITERALLY WHO?" all know a ****ton of obscure ****, EVERYONE here knows something obscure, but the minute we're asked to google something, that's just far too much for some people, I wouldn't have become a fan of countless media had I not googled some names, including my favourite franchises, and to see people claik they shouldn't have to do so because they're sinply casual gamers on a dedicated Smash Bros forum they could never have found on their own without google or anything just irks me, especially if they recognize obscure dead Nintendo franchises
Some people either pride themselves in their own ignorance, too lazy to do simple google searches, feels that someone else's personal wants are an attack to their own personal wants.

Let me tell you something, I am open minded to the idea of characters like Master Chief possibly getting into the game just as I am with someone like Reimu. I am beginning to dislike hearing terms like "Literally Who" and people using Niche as a Bad thing even though if certain 1st parties in Smash were third parties, they'd probably do the same thing to them. And honestly it was disheartening to see Hero and Terry get that treatment. Without Dragon Quest, we wouldn't have gotten JRPGs as we know today and SNK influenced fighting games.

It does bring up that both Casuals and Hardcore gamers are into Smash, though. And it'd be great to try and appeal to both. And these "Literally Who's" as people state should be given a chance to be in Smash so Hardcore people can learn to appreciate them. It's a bit why I felt happy seeing Terry Bogard in Smash because I played various SNK games in Arcades back in the day(Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, Metal Slug) and while it pained me to see people act like he was some super obscure, underground, extremely niche character who had no place in Smash, it's good to see people eventually began to love him.

I vouch for less mainstream series because it gives them a new audience and a lot of these lesser mainstream characters do in fact have their own little piece of gaming history into them, whether it's Reimu and how she basically blew up the Indie scene in Japan, Monokuma being Spike Chunsofts Mascot and how Spike is a long lasting partner for Nintendo, Dynasty Warriors basically creating the Musou genre, etc etc. They may not be as obvious as other influential series but their impact is still there and IMO shouldn't be ignored.

Lesser Mainstream characters should be given a chance too IMO even though it'd be good to throw casuals a bone. That is the magic of Smash, really. Characters of all sizes are possible, even if the fandom thinks certain ones don't have a chance.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Some people either pride themselves in their own ignorance, too lazy to do simple google searches, feels that someone else's personal wants are an attack to their own personal wants.

Let me tell you something, I am open minded to the idea of characters like Master Chief possibly getting into the game just as I am with someone like Reimu. I am beginning to dislike hearing terms like "Literally Who" and people using Niche as a Bad thing even though if certain 1st parties in Smash were third parties, they'd probably do the same thing to them. And honestly it was disheartening to see Hero and Terry get that treatment. Without Dragon Quest, we wouldn't have gotten JRPGs as we know today and SNK influenced fighting games.

It does bring up that both Casuals and Hardcore gamers are into Smash, though. And it'd be great to try and appeal to both. And these "Literally Who's" as people state should be given a chance to be in Smash so Hardcore people can learn to appreciate them. It's a bit why I felt happy seeing Terry Bogard in Smash because I played various SNK games in Arcades back in the day(Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, Metal Slug) and while it pained me to see people act like he was some super obscure, underground, extremely niche character who had no place in Smash, it's good to see people eventually began to love him.

I vouch for less mainstream series because it gives them a new audience and a lot of these lesser mainstream characters do in fact have their own little piece of gaming history into them, whether it's Reimu and how she basically blew up the Indie scene in Japan, Monokuma being Spike Chunsofts Mascot and how Spike is a long lasting partner for Nintendo, Dynasty Warriors basically creating the Musou genre, etc etc. They may not be as obvious as other influential series but their impact is still there and IMO shouldn't be ignored.

Lesser Mainstream characters should be given a chance too IMO even though it'd be good to throw casuals a bone. That is the magic of Smash, really. Characters of all sizes are possible, even if the fandom thinks certain ones don't have a chance.
See, here's the thing. Casual fans don't go here and post "LITERALLY WHO?" They go "Well, that was disappointing" at worst and that's IF they find out to begin with. A colleague of mine plays video games a lot, we chatted about games we used to play and as he's older, he got to play DMC and FF earlier than I did yet I still knew more details about that than he did, he knew Cloud was in Smash, but not that he was a returning fighter in Ultimate instead of a newcomer. Casuals don't go out of there way to learn this **** yet everyone on this hellsite pays close attention to social media to find out when Nintendo announces literally anything, we are NOT casuals


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2019
See, here's the thing. Casual fans don't go here and post "LITERALLY WHO?" They go "Well, that was disappointing" at worst and that's IF they find out to begin with. A colleague of mine plays video games a lot, we chatted about games we used to play and as he's older, he got to play DMC and FF earlier than I did yet I still knew more details about that than he did, he knew Cloud was in Smash, but not that he was a returning fighter in Ultimate instead of a newcomer. Casuals don't go out of there way to learn this **** yet everyone on this hellsite pays close attention to social media to find out when Nintendo announces literally anything, we are NOT casuals
It's likely just a lot of people proud of their ignorance which is a big issue here. Or trolls. Or both.

Either way it's just behavior that becomes obnoxious to see after a while.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Adding to the current discussion: Sakurai himself said recognizability isn't everything.

Hailing from a well-known series is obviously a plus for DLC characters, as they have a larger demographic that can potentially purchase them. But if you bought the Fighter Pass for Smash and participate in the character speculation online, chances are you are not that casual. Smash has an enormous amount of franchise in it and we are at a point where not global heavy hitters can still find a sizable following among Smash fans. Plus, some lesser-known games can have unique characters and design elements that can make their addition debatable more worthwhile.

Also, I usually see much more negativity towards characters for being "literal who"s than any sort of elitism from their fans but that's just me.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Adding to the current discussion: Sakurai himself said recognizability isn't everything.

Hailing from a well-known series is obviously a plus for DLC characters, as they have a larger demographic that can potentially purchase them. But if you bought the Fighter Pass for Smash and participate in the character speculation online, chances are you are not that casual. Smash has an enormous amount of franchise in it and we are at a point where not global heavy hitters can still find a sizable following among Smash fans. Plus, some lesser-known games can have unique characters and design elements that can make their addition debatable more worthwhile.

Also, I usually see much more negativity towards characters for being "literal who"s than any sort of elitism from their fans but that's just me.
Osby my dude, he said recognizability DOES matter, but it's not the only factor. It's just that people don't seem to know what recognizability means. I'm going to use Neku Sakuraba as an example, I only ever got to play TWEWY a few months ago and I never looked up a lets play, reviews, anything about the game really. But when I saw a friend play Kingdom Hearts DDD, I saw she was in a cutscene with an orange haired kid with headphones and recognized it as TWEWY due to me having seen a poster for it in Official Nintendo Magazine back in 2007 or something, Neku's design makes him very easy to spot in a crowd, hence why he'd count as recognizable yet your average army soldier in any US Propaganda flick looks identical to all the others


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Uwu I'm just a casual gamer please don't include non Nintendo characters as I never heard of popular non Nintendo IPs. Also I think Joy Mech Fight should be revived, only a casual gamer would know of Joy Mech Fight, Ayumi Tachibana, Takamaru, Yuyuki and more
No one (at least in this thread) is claiming "Nintendo = iconic, non-Nintendo = obscure". If someone started saying that Ayumi Tachibana was a gaming icon and whenever someone asked who that was and what credentials Ayumi has to be in Smash, they responded "Go Google her and it'll become evident. Quit living under a rock", most people would think they're being abrasive at best.

A lot of Smash speculation is selling your case to other people. That often can mean dealing with people who have no idea of who your character is. Gaming is still largely blocked off in its own little bubble of the culture, with many game characters who are popular within the community failing to really crossover and have a mainstream presence. There's also the factor of gaming being an international hobby with global markets that have specific trends to them. Therefore, it's entirely possible that characters can be simultaneously be iconic and important to their genre while also being unknown to a large chunk of the population. For example, Terry and SNK are recognized by millions and have an incredibly demonstrable influence on their genre. However, if you didn't grow up in a region of the world where they were popular and you don't dabble in fighting games, its understandable why you might not know who he or his company really are. This also applies to Nintendo characters as well, not everyone is going to know who Bandana Waddle Dee is in depth and his relevance to the Kirby series.

So, the question then comes up, what's the best way to inform people that they don't know? Telling someone do their own research and come back when they know who they are definitely saves time and energy, but I really don't think it's the best way to get people up to speed. Google isn't always a great way demonstrate why a character is iconic or works well in Smash. For example, Googling Shiori Fujisaki will tell you that she's the main heroine of Tokimeki Memorial, but it won't tell you how her game was an unprecedented success, birthed a genre, and how it basically bankrolled Konami to expand and develop titles like Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It also tells you nothing really of what her Smash moveset might look like and how she would be unique from other characters on the roster.

Instead, the way to go is to personally guide people who are unfamiliar with your character through who they are, why they're important, and why they'd be good in Smash. It doesn't have to be long, it can literally be "Dante is the main character of Devil May Cry. His game is important because A, B, and C. He'd be fun in Smash because X, Y, and Z. Here's his support thread if you want more information". Even Sakurai does this with his little crash course on gaming history at the start of his "Sakurai presents" presentations. The Ridley and K. Rool support threads were extremely effective at this, actually. The main post on each thread was an overview of who the characters were, their relevance to their series, and what they bring into Smash. They were also written in such a way that even people who had never touched a Metroid or Donkey Kong game. Did this make those write-ups a pain in the ass to do? Oh yeah, probably. But those write-ups also helped attracted and convince people to put their support behind Ridley and K. Rool when they otherwise wouldn't have. If Ridley and K. Rool weren't able to grow their fanbase outside of a small group of vocal supporters, they may not be in the game today.

"Literal Who"ism does suck, but that behaviour is meant to be intentionally degrading to get a rise out of people. Most people who come into the thread wanting to learn more likely aren't here for that sort of mean-spirited mocking, but instead a genuine interest in speculation. As such, while it's appropriate to tell people who want to troll to **** off, it's really not fair to the majority that just wants to sincerely doesn't know the character in question.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Games like Yakuza and Guilty Gear are still sort of casual in my eyes. At least they're recognizable and have actual fanbases, you know? They're not truly obscure. There's a range to this, it goes from Pokemon to Sonic to Halo to Mortal Kombat to 20 other tiers of popularity to Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys to even more obscure games.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Okay, so I've been playing Indivisible ever since it was shadowdropped on Switch, so I have a favor to ask. If anyone sees any fake leaks about Ajna in Smash, let me know. It'd make me feel good knowing there are people who think she's good enough to make a fake leak of.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
Speaking of franchises we didn't know until Smash, this is probably an unpopular opinion (its certainly a pretty uneducated one), but if Granblue Fantasy were to get a character, I think it would be Gran (with Djeeta as an alternate costume since she's Gran, but a girl) since he seems to be the most important character in the game. You could also have some gacha style mechanics where you summon a random character that could then be able to be called on command to do an assist style attack. The common characters would be useless, the rare characters would be situationally helpful, and the super rare characters would be overpowered. Just like an actual gacha game!
lol you actually think the average super rare character is good


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I feel like the age of the truly niche fighters is over anyway. The last time we had stuff like that was Brawl. Not a single fighter since then is from an old dead franchise or a Japan-only franchise. Anyone who said "Literally Who" about a fighter in Smash 4 or Ultimate just isn't a fan of those genres or series.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I feel like the age of the truly niche fighters is over anyway. The last time we had stuff like that was Brawl. Not a single fighter since then is from an old dead franchise or a Japan-only franchise.
*plays Lifelight on recorder*

Not saying Mega Man and PAC-MAN are/were niche, but they certainly weren't active franchises (beyond highly low profile spin-offs in the case of PAC-MAN) when they were added.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
*plays Lifelight on recorder*

Not saying Mega Man and PAC-MAN are/were niche, but they certainly weren't active franchises (beyond highly low profile spin-offs in the case of PAC-MAN) when they were added.
I guess I meant to say dead and not legendary. Those are gaming icons. Even if they're dead people still know them. Compare them to Ice Climbers.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
I mean, Pacman is Pacman. The character would still be recognizable even if Namco decides to not make more games.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Fair enough. I guess I'll put it this way. Melee is the last game to give us a fighter from a dead forgotten game that very few people cared about. And Brawl was the last game to give us a Japan only character.

I wish this wasn't the case. I'd like them to give more series a chance. Banjo is loved by an entire generation but the same can't be said for, I don't know, Billy Hatcher or something. That was just a game that popped up in my head I don't know if its true.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
*plays Lifelight on recorder*

Not saying Mega Man and PAC-MAN are/were niche, but they certainly weren't active franchises (beyond highly low profile spin-offs in the case of PAC-MAN) when they were added.
Mega Man 10 came out roughly four years before Smash Bros. 4, and roughly three years before his Smash announcement. Mega Man wasn't inactive, at least compared to the others.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Fair enough. I guess I'll put it this way. Melee is the last game to give us a fighter from a dead forgotten game that very few people cared about. And Brawl was the last game to give us a Japan only character.

I wish this wasn't the case. I'd like them to give more series a chance.
That I can get behind.

Mega Man 10 came out roughly four years before Smash Bros. 4, and roughly three years before his Smash announcement. Mega Man wasn't inactive, at least compared to the others.
Huh. I must have remembered wrong due to complaints of nothing being done with the franchise. Must have been talking about the franchise beyond classic Mega Man (or being impatient and treating a 4 year gap between games like an eternity even though that's how long a normal development cycle takes).

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
No one (at least in this thread) is claiming "Nintendo = iconic, non-Nintendo = obscure". If someone started saying that Ayumi Tachibana was a gaming icon and whenever someone asked who that was and what credentials Ayumi has to be in Smash, they responded "Go Google her and it'll become evident. Quit living under a rock", most people would think they're being abrasive at best.

A lot of Smash speculation is selling your case to other people. That often can mean dealing with people who have no idea of who your character is. Gaming is still largely blocked off in its own little bubble of the culture, with many game characters who are popular within the community failing to really crossover and have a mainstream presence. There's also the factor of gaming being an international hobby with global markets that have specific trends to them. Therefore, it's entirely possible that characters can be simultaneously be iconic and important to their genre while also being unknown to a large chunk of the population. For example, Terry and SNK are recognized by millions and have an incredibly demonstrable influence on their genre. However, if you didn't grow up in a region of the world where they were popular and you don't dabble in fighting games, its understandable why you might not know who he or his company really are. This also applies to Nintendo characters as well, not everyone is going to know who Bandana Waddle Dee is in depth and his relevance to the Kirby series.

So, the question then comes up, what's the best way to inform people that they don't know? Telling someone do their own research and come back when they know who they are definitely saves time and energy, but I really don't think it's the best way to get people up to speed. Google isn't always a great way demonstrate why a character is iconic or works well in Smash. For example, Googling Shiori Fujisaki will tell you that she's the main heroine of Tokimeki Memorial, but it won't tell you how her game was an unprecedented success, birthed a genre, and how it basically bankrolled Konami to expand and develop titles like Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It also tells you nothing really of what her Smash moveset might look like and how she would be unique from other characters on the roster.

Instead, the way to go is to personally guide people who are unfamiliar with your character through who they are, why they're important, and why they'd be good in Smash. It doesn't have to be long, it can literally be "Dante is the main character of Devil May Cry. His game is important because A, B, and C. He'd be fun in Smash because X, Y, and Z. Here's his support thread if you want more information". Even Sakurai does this with his little crash course on gaming history at the start of his "Sakurai presents" presentations. The Ridley and K. Rool support threads were extremely effective at this, actually. The main post on each thread was an overview of who the characters were, their relevance to their series, and what they bring into Smash. They were also written in such a way that even people who had never touched a Metroid or Donkey Kong game. Did this make those write-ups a pain in the ass to do? Oh yeah, probably. But those write-ups also helped attracted and convince people to put their support behind Ridley and K. Rool when they otherwise wouldn't have. If Ridley and K. Rool weren't able to grow their fanbase outside of a small group of vocal supporters, they may not be in the game today.

"Literal Who"ism does suck, but that behaviour is meant to be intentionally degrading to get a rise out of people. Most people who come into the thread wanting to learn more likely aren't here for that sort of mean-spirited mocking, but instead a genuine interest in speculation. As such, while it's appropriate to tell people who want to troll to **** off, it's really not fair to the majority that just wants to sincerely doesn't know the character in question.
It's not that only Nintendo is iconic, but that I've noticed that the people who refuse to google names when a character out of there comfort zone is considered tend to be Nintendo purists who can tell you the name of any Pokemon you show them and can tell you what games the Assists all come from off the top of their head and claim the name they didn't recognize must be super obscure and a bad addition if they could not recognize them and if people provide info of the characters, they refuse to listen as seen with when 2B became the big topic here, people who've been vocal about disliking third parties dismissed her and when others tried provided info, they were met with "Hmph! I never heard of this!" and then refuse to learn why people cared about the idea of 2B in Smash

Also damn near every character support thread does that, it's just that the people who dismiss the idea of looking stuff up wouldn't want to click on support threads either


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
...I've noticed that the people who refuse to google names when a character out of there comfort zone is considered tend to be Nintendo purists who can tell you the name of any Pokemon you show them...
What? It's Pokémon! It's the highest grossing media franchise ever! Are you telling me that you can't tell that this

is a Maractus just by viewing its silhouette? :4pacman:


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Huh. I must have remembered wrong due to complaints of nothing being done with the franchise. Must have been talking about the franchise beyond classic Mega Man (or being impatient and treating a 4 year gap between games like an eternity even though that's how long a normal development cycle takes).
It was due to the specific timing: by 2013, Inafune had left Capcom, several Mega Man projects (Legends 3, Universe etc.) had been cancelled and Bad Box Art Mega Man's appearance in SFxT was not recieved well at all. Those things lead to many Mega Man fans proclaiming that the franchise was dead. It was in that climate that Mega Man made his Smash 4 appearance.

It's a massive reason why Mighty No. 9's Kickstarter campaign blew past expectations too.
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Fair enough. I guess I'll put it this way. Melee is the last game to give us a fighter from a dead forgotten game that very few people cared about. And Brawl was the last game to give us a Japan only character.

I wish this wasn't the case. I'd like them to give more series a chance. Banjo is loved by an entire generation but the same can't be said for, I don't know, Billy Hatcher or something. That was just a game that popped up in my head I don't know if its true.
I loved Billy Hatcher. Does that count?


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I liked it too. But lets be honest. It doesn't have the fanbase and reputation that Banjo does.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
What? It's Pokémon! It's the highest grossing media franchise ever! Are you telling me that you can't tell that this
View attachment 270824
is a Maractus just by viewing its silhouette? :4pacman:
How dare you Maractus is one of my special babies who deserves more love like the rest of gen V. I'm still mad gen V gets the shaft so much compared to other gens
Okay, so I've been playing Indivisible ever since it was shadowdropped on Switch, so I have a favor to ask. If anyone sees any fake leaks about Ajna in Smash, let me know. It'd make me feel good knowing there are people who think she's good enough to make a fake leak of.
God, I still need to get that game, the kickstarter looked super promising and I want to see the world with these crazy ass characters myself


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
In response to what Gwen has been saying all along. I am a person who has supported obscure Nintendo characters like Barbara the bat for a while. And I am always shocked to see other Obscure Nintendo supporters put down any suggestion for a fighter, especially ones that aren't really obscure. It's like they have no self awareness.

If I'm going to engage in a discussion about the possibility of a fighter, I always do some research. I suggest other people do the same. Especially if you are an obscure character supporter like me.

FYI: I know Barbara has no chance in hell. I just like the idea of it.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I mean, when I was the local Resident Evil stan, it seemed to really drum up interest in the series. There were some folks who even tried the series out from this very site because of the stuff I posted.

Despite the fact that it isn’t playable, it was kinda cool to see how folks were legitimately shocked it wasn’t playable.

Though, I also got responses that were kinda sorta rude. Like, “STOP TRYING TO EDUCATE US, YOU’RE NOT MY TEACHER” which, to me, seems to embody the overall dilemma of the situation. Folks can talk up their stuff and really make them seem legit to folks who haven’t played the games, but there has to be an audience that is reachable. Some folks don’t even want to hear it, even when the person sharing their ideas tries to make it accessible as possible.

At the end of the day, it seems to me that each Challenger Pack, 1-6, has been consistent in the context of, “bringing new things” to Smash. Obviously new characters, but each pack has brought a new game or series into Smash entwined with the new gameplay ideas. I, for one, think it will continue, and if it does it will not work out for folks with very strict interests.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
How dare you Maractus is one of my special babies who deserves more love like the rest of gen V. I'm still mad gen V gets the shaft so much compared to other gens
I actually quite like Maractus (in fact, Gen V had the highest amount of designs that I really liked). It's just the first Pokémon I could think of that people tend to call forgettable. I probably forgot the ones that are more widely regarded as forgettable. lol

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I mean, when I was the local Resident Evil stan, it seemed to really drum up interest in the series. There were some folks who even tried the series out from this very site because of the stuff I posted.

Despite the fact that it isn’t playable, it was kinda cool to see how folks were legitimately shocked it wasn’t playable.

Though, I also got responses that were kinda sorta rude. Like, “STOP TRYING TO EDUCATE US, YOU’RE NOT MY TEACHER” which, to me, seems to embody the overall dilemma of the situation. Folks can talk up their stuff and really make them seem legit to folks who haven’t played the games, but there has to be an audience that is reachable. Some folks don’t even want to hear it, even when the person sharing their ideas tries to make it accessible as possible.

At the end of the day, it seems to me that each Challenger Pack, 1-6, has been consistent in the context of, “bringing new things” to Smash. Obviously new characters, but each pack has brought a new game or series into Smash entwined with the new gameplay ideas. I, for one, think it will continue, and if it does it will not work out for folks with very strict interests.
For real Jones seeing you go from "Pssssh nah Pheonix Wright is dumb" to "AIGHT LADS WE NEED OUR BOY NICK" is the best redemption story one could hope for, Zuko ain't got **** on you
I actually quite like Maractus (in fact, Gen V had the highest amount of designs that I really liked). It's just the first Pokémon I could think of that people tend to call forgettable. I probably forgot the ones that are more widely regarded as forgettable. lol
Gen V not getting a character is the biggest problem with Smash's Pokemon roster, Greninja's my favourite Pokemon so I'm not mad we never got Zoroark, but I always wonder what would have happened if things were different, like Alucard and Decidueye getting in


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
Games like Yakuza and Guilty Gear are still sort of casual in my eyes. At least they're recognizable and have actual fanbases, you know? They're not truly obscure. There's a range to this, it goes from Pokemon to Sonic to Halo to Mortal Kombat to 20 other tiers of popularity to Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys to even more obscure games.
For the least obscure character ever, Sakurai is making a third fighter’s pass just to make Dr. Goomba Tower.

And the world is thankful to him for bringing us this most important character but understands it keeps him from starting work on his next game, Dr Goomba Tower: Uprising.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
*plays Lifelight on recorder*

Not saying Mega Man and PAC-MAN are/were niche, but they certainly weren't active franchises (beyond highly low profile spin-offs in the case of PAC-MAN) when they were added.
Duck Hunt's the only one even inactive. Or could be called "dead", since it wasn't active in some unique way.

Pac-Man literally had a new TV show as is. Not a popular one, but was active during 4's period. MegaMan's latest content was a new comic, so it was outright used. Banjo-Kazooie are consistently an advertised franchise via Microsoft well before getting into Smash an still are. They're all active and not "dead".

It's not a new game thing. It's using the franchise overall and keeping them in the spotlight. Now, MegaMan's comic was definitely niche, but not the charater or franchise. New content in general counts too, really. MegaMan and Pac-Man are multi-media franchises too, not purely games only. Even then, as I noted, they made sure people knew who Banjo-Kazooie were, even without new games. It wasn't hard to recognize them due to being constantly active. It'd be nice if BK got some new games, though.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I think the major issue just stems from people being uppity or bratty when characters they don't know are in the game, so it's frustrating to even attempt discussing things with them. Like, punch for punch I can almost promise you more people know Terry than Geno or Isaac, the latter of which I'm a fan of. Even before getting into SNK games a few years ago, I could recognize Terry from "ARE YOU OKAY? BUSTAH WOULF!" And his overall design. Kind of like how Richter's lines with Dracula in SOTN are so iconic. But it wouldn't seem like that's the case on certain sites.

When people are open-minded, it leads to more interesting discussion. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have known Banjo-Kazooie as well as I do if it wasn't for people on Youtube sharing their experiences with the games. To the point where I was actually excited to see them in Smash, because I knew about their general impact, and their titles seem like they're up my alley. I'm far more familiar with Crash and especially Spyro given that era.

Another example for me would be Sol Badguy. I do I play GG? No, not yet. But I've seen the character, what he can do and I like some of the GG music, so that alone would make the character a cool choice to me. Most people aren't gonna ask me to be a Sol expert, and suggesting everyone's expectations are like that is a slight exaggeration. But basic research or asking someone why they like this weirdo you don't know would be minimal effort I feel.

If anyone feels the need to get to know the character, I'd gladly help them if they are someone I know about. I admit I just gotta work on not getting annoyed at the sometimes willful ignorance.

Either way, if Jin Kazama gets in Smash, and you ****** have a lack of Tekken knowledge. Talk to me and I'll show you some cool videos or art work.
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
Duck Hunt's the only one even inactive. Or could be called "dead", since it wasn't active in some unique way.

Pac-Man literally had a new TV show as is. Not a popular one, but was active during 4's period. MegaMan's latest content was a new comic, so it was outright used. Banjo-Kazooie are consistently an advertised franchise via Microsoft well before getting into Smash an still are. They're all active and not "dead".

It's not a new game thing. It's using the franchise overall and keeping them in the spotlight. Now, MegaMan's comic was definitely niche, but not the charater or franchise. New content in general counts too, really. MegaMan and Pac-Man are multi-media franchises too, not purely games only. Even then, as I noted, they made sure people knew who Banjo-Kazooie were, even without new games. It wasn't hard to recognize them due to being constantly active. It'd be nice if BK got some new games, though.
also depends if you consider the duck hunt mode in wii play or the virtual console version redesigned for wii motes as activity for Duck Hunt as a franchise.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
also depends if you consider the duck hunt mode in wii play or the virtual console version redesigned for wii motes as activity for Duck Hunt as a franchise.
It really depends if it's consistently advertised. If it isn't, then no.

That's pretty much the only reason Banjo-Kazooie was consistently known beyond the 64 game, and somewhat known for later spin-offs. Microsoft advertised the hell out of it. Can't get more active than being used like that.

Rare Replay was heavily sold just by using Banjo-Kazooie alone. Conker was the other one. The rest weren't as advertised as these two by Microsoft. Being animal-like mascots, it was probably easier to do so.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
At the end of the day, it seems to me that each Challenger Pack, 1-6, has been consistent in the context of, “bringing new things” to Smash. Obviously new characters, but each pack has brought a new game or series into Smash entwined with the new gameplay ideas. I, for one, think it will continue, and if it does it will not work out for folks with very strict interests.
I'll bet that all the fighters in this pass will either be from 3rd Party series that doesn't already have a fighter in Smash. (Meaning no one from Castlevania, Sonic, etc)

Or it will be from a relatively new Nintendo game. (Even if the series already has a fighter so we could get a new Zelda fighter for BotW2)


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
No one (at least in this thread) is claiming "Nintendo = iconic, non-Nintendo = obscure". If someone started saying that Ayumi Tachibana was a gaming icon and whenever someone asked who that was and what credentials Ayumi has to be in Smash, they responded "Go Google her and it'll become evident. Quit living under a rock", most people would think they're being abrasive at best.

A lot of Smash speculation is selling your case to other people. That often can mean dealing with people who have no idea of who your character is. Gaming is still largely blocked off in its own little bubble of the culture, with many game characters who are popular within the community failing to really crossover and have a mainstream presence. There's also the factor of gaming being an international hobby with global markets that have specific trends to them. Therefore, it's entirely possible that characters can be simultaneously be iconic and important to their genre while also being unknown to a large chunk of the population. For example, Terry and SNK are recognized by millions and have an incredibly demonstrable influence on their genre. However, if you didn't grow up in a region of the world where they were popular and you don't dabble in fighting games, its understandable why you might not know who he or his company really are. This also applies to Nintendo characters as well, not everyone is going to know who Bandana Waddle Dee is in depth and his relevance to the Kirby series.

So, the question then comes up, what's the best way to inform people that they don't know? Telling someone do their own research and come back when they know who they are definitely saves time and energy, but I really don't think it's the best way to get people up to speed. Google isn't always a great way demonstrate why a character is iconic or works well in Smash. For example, Googling Shiori Fujisaki will tell you that she's the main heroine of Tokimeki Memorial, but it won't tell you how her game was an unprecedented success, birthed a genre, and how it basically bankrolled Konami to expand and develop titles like Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It also tells you nothing really of what her Smash moveset might look like and how she would be unique from other characters on the roster.

Instead, the way to go is to personally guide people who are unfamiliar with your character through who they are, why they're important, and why they'd be good in Smash. It doesn't have to be long, it can literally be "Dante is the main character of Devil May Cry. His game is important because A, B, and C. He'd be fun in Smash because X, Y, and Z. Here's his support thread if you want more information". Even Sakurai does this with his little crash course on gaming history at the start of his "Sakurai presents" presentations. The Ridley and K. Rool support threads were extremely effective at this, actually. The main post on each thread was an overview of who the characters were, their relevance to their series, and what they bring into Smash. They were also written in such a way that even people who had never touched a Metroid or Donkey Kong game. Did this make those write-ups a pain in the ass to do? Oh yeah, probably. But those write-ups also helped attracted and convince people to put their support behind Ridley and K. Rool when they otherwise wouldn't have. If Ridley and K. Rool weren't able to grow their fanbase outside of a small group of vocal supporters, they may not be in the game today.

"Literal Who"ism does suck, but that behaviour is meant to be intentionally degrading to get a rise out of people. Most people who come into the thread wanting to learn more likely aren't here for that sort of mean-spirited mocking, but instead a genuine interest in speculation. As such, while it's appropriate to tell people who want to troll to **** off, it's really not fair to the majority that just wants to sincerely doesn't know the character in question.
[Applause gif]

I know my big support in Sm4sh was because of the threads and the community. I was still in the "only rare third parties" at the time, so my big support back then was K.Rool and Ridley, despite never having played more than 1 level of DK64 and having Metroid II in my game boy for a total of 10 minutes. I learned about who the characters were and why they were important all because of the support threads and the community around them.

Not to mention that there were characters that I wanted for myself, but Midna got the assist trophy treatment...

And that's also why Sm4sh burned me so bad. That was the first time I got involved in speculation, and none of my most wanted got in. But we did get loads of characters who I had to google to know. I wouldn't even have been all that interested if they hadn't given us Mewtwo as DLC, considering how I felt they left out my big name wants and then seemingly ignored my favorite series content-wise.

And yeah, there's a lot of undeserving hate that characters get also because of their fanbases. Sometimes people inflate their favorites' importance of that was helped by people who were claiming that Shulk (or another more obscure character) was more important to gaming than Ridley or that Dark Pit deserved a unique victory theme but Ganondorf didn't. I know there were two characters who I got completely turned off from since the biggest detractors of my most wanted inevitably had one of them in their avatar/sig.

It's not that only Nintendo is iconic, but that I've noticed that the people who refuse to google names when a character out of there comfort zone is considered tend to be Nintendo purists who can tell you the name of any Pokemon you show them and can tell you what games the Assists all come from off the top of their head and claim the name they didn't recognize must be super obscure and a bad addition if they could not recognize them and if people provide info of the characters, they refuse to listen as seen with when 2B became the big topic here, people who've been vocal about disliking third parties dismissed her and when others tried provided info, they were met with "Hmph! I never heard of this!" and then refuse to learn why people cared about the idea of 2B in Smash
I don't consider myself a Nintendo purist anymore. Heck, I used to be able to name all the Pokémon on sight, but that stopped in Gen II (the first time they cut the roster down, and then they dropped my favorite). Really, I just want some names I recognize outside of this site.

I've never been really adventurous with gaming. I'm one of those people who plays to get lost in the world, so a game that I can complete in less than 100 hours isn't worth it. And if I'm gonna devote that much time to learning the entire history and lore, it had better be something I like. And yes, I completely believe you can know you'll like something or not. I remember when Game of Thrones first came out, I immediately tried to stay away from it since I didn't want to get hooked until the series ended. Medieval, fantasy, dragons, etc? Right up my alley. I knew I would get so deep into that as soon as I started watching. And I was right. On the other hand, when Joker got announced for Smash, I knew just from his look and the synopses here that I'd be completely indifferent to the character. And then I went and looked him up, looked at his parent game, looked into his gameplay and stage, listened to the music... and I found that yes, there is nothing I like about this character. At all. Someone could gift him to me and I'd never look at him.

It's also a personal thing to how well you think the character fits. Do you know them? Do you think they fit in the setting? The more positive those are, the more likely you'll enjoy them.

I've never been big on guest characters in the first place. If I know the character, I think it's fantastic. If not, I'm just annoyed at the extra character (who's probably got a lot more developmental love in relationship to the rest of the cast). Best example here is probably Soul Calibur - I got into the series with SCII for one reason only: Link as a gues fighter. And I loved it. Even got a cheap PSIII on ebay just to be able to play the heck out of SCIII (best entry in the series, imho). But then SCIV brought Star Wars guests... Yeah, I knew them (who doesn't), but I've never been big on Star Wars and they honestly didn't fit with the whole setting in the 16th century. It was blatant advertisement for The Force Unleashed (and it worked too; sad that that series ended). SCV brought Ezio, which was phenomenal beyond reason (unfortunately the rest of the game was trash). And now with SCVI, it's again guests I have only heard of and not played - one that I knew from the beginning I'd love, and one I wouldn't, all because of the bio I'd read on them. And yes, one fits beautifully and is loads of fun, and the other feels shoehorned into the setting and I really don't care about.

I mean, when I was the local Resident Evil stan, it seemed to really drum up interest in the series. There were some folks who even tried the series out from this very site because of the stuff I posted.

Despite the fact that it isn’t playable, it was kinda cool to see how folks were legitimately shocked it wasn’t playable.

Though, I also got responses that were kinda sorta rude. Like, “STOP TRYING TO EDUCATE US, YOU’RE NOT MY TEACHER” which, to me, seems to embody the overall dilemma of the situation. Folks can talk up their stuff and really make them seem legit to folks who haven’t played the games, but there has to be an audience that is reachable. Some folks don’t even want to hear it, even when the person sharing their ideas tries to make it accessible as possible.

At the end of the day, it seems to me that each Challenger Pack, 1-6, has been consistent in the context of, “bringing new things” to Smash. Obviously new characters, but each pack has brought a new game or series into Smash entwined with the new gameplay ideas. I, for one, think it will continue, and if it does it will not work out for folks with very strict interests.
I was pretty indifferent to RE for a while because, again, not really up my alley. Then I watched someone play it and tried the RE2make when I got it on sale, and I did enjoy it, despite sucking miserably at it. I would really have liked to see Leon/Chris/Jill share a moveset, especially after seeing them in the remakes.

I'll completely agree that opening your mind to other series is a good thing and may introduce you to new stuff. I know I got into most of my favorite series - Soul Calibur, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age - from recommendations from friends. Also related series with similar themes or gameplay: I know I got into Fallout since it was post-apocalyptic Elder Scrolls.

But forcing people to enjoy something more often backfires than not if it's something that the person may not have liked in the first place. It's a balance and "Just google it" isn't gonna inspire someone who doesn't like JRPGs or modern games to play Persona. But if someone likes something like Fire Emblem, they may be more open to something like Golden Sun.


For me, at the end of the day, I'd just like a character I recognize. It's nerve-wracking enough that there are such limited spaces, and that Smash has evolved into what looks almost like a hall of fame among gaming, so it's natural we want our favorites to get one of the limited remaining slots. I know that if they give me my most wanted and nobody else I've even heard of, I wouldn't care. I just want one of the slots to acknowledge a character I want.

I came to this site to discuss and hope, but the character speculation boards are pretty well dead unless you're supporting one of the favorites (or whichever character gets named in a plausible leak). There's something that's also disheartening about that as well. Sure, we can all make the case that our favorites deserve to be in - I've got a whole litany of reasons for my top three - but that doesn't make them any more talked about since my top three all have a 'fan favorite' from the same company who's talked about more.

I mean look at Dovahkiin: I've heard people complain about him because i) he's an avatar, ii) he's got a sword, iii) Todd Howard, iv) Skyrim is overrated, v) one-off, vi) older game, vii) Bethesda games are buggy, viii) little Nintendo history, ix) open world RPG isn't unique. Never mind a lot of those arguments are pithy. But that doesn't change the fact that every open-world game since 2012 is like that because of influence from Skyrim, including a little game called Zelda: Breath of the Wild. BotW really did feel like Skyrim in a lot of ways, and the Skyrim Switch port even gave BotW gear as a crossover. Heck even about that port - remember the Switch announcement trailer? They showed a guy playing BotW, and then the next scene was someone playing Skyrim. Skyrim was the second game shown off for the Switch - before Mario - and served to show that Nintendo could 'play with the big boys.' And I'll argue that the genre is kinda unique - yeah we've got loads of JRPG characters, but nobody from any other RPG genre...unless you want to count BotW Link. Not to even mention that it would seemingly fit perfectly in Smash: one of the bosses in Smash is a literal dragon, while the theme of Skyrim is being a dragon hunter. All of the marketing for Skyrim has shown off that helmet, and there's a character in Smash who's schtick is wearing the hats of other characters to copy their abilities. And what's the memetic move from Skyrim? Using your voice to fling enemies off of cliffs. How do you get KOs in Smash? There is a lot that Skyrim has going for it...
But nobody will talk about that because of Doomguy. Even that article we got a while ago suggesting that Bethesda talked to Nintendo about Smash put Doomguy all over the pictures, as if it was inconceivable that Bethesda owns properties other than Doom. Yes, Doom has good reasons as well: grandfather of a genre, loads of ports, the latest game is very recent, and massive fanbase. It's just hard to get excited when people don't want to even consider your favorite or their merits since there's another character from the same company that also has merits, but a larger fanbase.

Look also at Tails. Tails is well known as Sonic's sidekick, and was even the basis of an April Fool's hoax back in 2002. Sonic's the only third party who's been in continually since Brawl, and yet still has so little content compared to the rest. But Tails, who's honestly on the level of Luigi in terms of the player-2-who-developed-his-ofn-personality, is still stuck in the background. Really, with Luigi, Diddy, Ken...why not get Sonic's iconic 90's player 2?
But again, there's a fan-favorite who stifles discussion of any Sonic character outside of Shadow. I find it interesting that most of the discussion is "Tails can't be an echo since he flies and can't do Sonic's up throw!" when Tails' first game was Sonic 2, where he was a literal pallette swap of Sonic and only flew when he was an NPC. Meanwhile these same people say "Shadow is a perfect echo, but he could get a different up special and a different this and a different that..." I get it: Shadow's popular. But just because "Tails is a coward!" that doesn't mean that Tails is a worthless character.

And of course, I'd like a new Zelda character, but they all got shoved in the assist trophy box. At least there people are open to more than one possibility.

I could even say that my fourth most wanted is also affected by all of this. I'd like to see Nightmare from Soul Calibur as well, but most of the SC discussion centers around it not being Tekken. I'll admit, though, SC was dead for a while and only recently came back (and they're certainly taking their time with DLC characters) while Tekken is the main franchise, so that I feel is more understandable. Still while Tekken only got Nintendo costumes, it was SC that got a crossover character.

Ah well... Not really sure where I was going with this, but it turned into a giant wall of text. I guess it's just railing against our habits of stifling discussions, either from blindly saying "literally who is this" or from saying "your fave is unimpressive go away." Not everyone is gonna like everything - not everyone has to, and it's okay to choose not to buy a character. It's just not okay to be a **** if someone is calmly choosing not to buy the character who you like. And it's okay to say "I wish they had picked X," but not "Y is the worst character ever and only weebs like them, they should have gone with X since he's so much cooler!"


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2015
Serious question: Do you guys think the popularity/recognizability of a character will play a huge role in this fighters pass? If so, do you think they'll prirotize certain regions or try to appeal to them all equally?
i'm pretty sure the man himself said the character's popularity and recency isn't the ultimatum on who ever him or Nintendo selected for DLC
not over if they're able to prove a fun playstyle and if they'll bring a new gameplay mechanic at least.

just reading off from the Terry and Byleth showcases.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
[Applause gif]

I know my big support in Sm4sh was because of the threads and the community. I was still in the "only rare third parties" at the time, so my big support back then was K.Rool and Ridley, despite never having played more than 1 level of DK64 and having Metroid II in my game boy for a total of 10 minutes. I learned about who the characters were and why they were important all because of the support threads and the community around them.

Not to mention that there were characters that I wanted for myself, but Midna got the assist trophy treatment...

And that's also why Sm4sh burned me so bad. That was the first time I got involved in speculation, and none of my most wanted got in. But we did get loads of characters who I had to google to know. I wouldn't even have been all that interested if they hadn't given us Mewtwo as DLC, considering how I felt they left out my big name wants and then seemingly ignored my favorite series content-wise.

And yeah, there's a lot of undeserving hate that characters get also because of their fanbases. Sometimes people inflate their favorites' importance of that was helped by people who were claiming that Shulk (or another more obscure character) was more important to gaming than Ridley or that Dark Pit deserved a unique victory theme but Ganondorf didn't. I know there were two characters who I got completely turned off from since the biggest detractors of my most wanted inevitably had one of them in their avatar/sig.

I don't consider myself a Nintendo purist anymore. Heck, I used to be able to name all the Pokémon on sight, but that stopped in Gen II (the first time they cut the roster down, and then they dropped my favorite). Really, I just want some names I recognize outside of this site.

I've never been really adventurous with gaming. I'm one of those people who plays to get lost in the world, so a game that I can complete in less than 100 hours isn't worth it. And if I'm gonna devote that much time to learning the entire history and lore, it had better be something I like. And yes, I completely believe you can know you'll like something or not. I remember when Game of Thrones first came out, I immediately tried to stay away from it since I didn't want to get hooked until the series ended. Medieval, fantasy, dragons, etc? Right up my alley. I knew I would get so deep into that as soon as I started watching. And I was right. On the other hand, when Joker got announced for Smash, I knew just from his look and the synopses here that I'd be completely indifferent to the character. And then I went and looked him up, looked at his parent game, looked into his gameplay and stage, listened to the music... and I found that yes, there is nothing I like about this character. At all. Someone could gift him to me and I'd never look at him.

It's also a personal thing to how well you think the character fits. Do you know them? Do you think they fit in the setting? The more positive those are, the more likely you'll enjoy them.

I've never been big on guest characters in the first place. If I know the character, I think it's fantastic. If not, I'm just annoyed at the extra character (who's probably got a lot more developmental love in relationship to the rest of the cast). Best example here is probably Soul Calibur - I got into the series with SCII for one reason only: Link as a gues fighter. And I loved it. Even got a cheap PSIII on ebay just to be able to play the heck out of SCIII (best entry in the series, imho). But then SCIV brought Star Wars guests... Yeah, I knew them (who doesn't), but I've never been big on Star Wars and they honestly didn't fit with the whole setting in the 16th century. It was blatant advertisement for The Force Unleashed (and it worked too; sad that that series ended). SCV brought Ezio, which was phenomenal beyond reason (unfortunately the rest of the game was trash). And now with SCVI, it's again guests I have only heard of and not played - one that I knew from the beginning I'd love, and one I wouldn't, all because of the bio I'd read on them. And yes, one fits beautifully and is loads of fun, and the other feels shoehorned into the setting and I really don't care about.

I was pretty indifferent to RE for a while because, again, not really up my alley. Then I watched someone play it and tried the RE2make when I got it on sale, and I did enjoy it, despite sucking miserably at it. I would really have liked to see Leon/Chris/Jill share a moveset, especially after seeing them in the remakes.

I'll completely agree that opening your mind to other series is a good thing and may introduce you to new stuff. I know I got into most of my favorite series - Soul Calibur, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age - from recommendations from friends. Also related series with similar themes or gameplay: I know I got into Fallout since it was post-apocalyptic Elder Scrolls.

But forcing people to enjoy something more often backfires than not if it's something that the person may not have liked in the first place. It's a balance and "Just google it" isn't gonna inspire someone who doesn't like JRPGs or modern games to play Persona. But if someone likes something like Fire Emblem, they may be more open to something like Golden Sun.


For me, at the end of the day, I'd just like a character I recognize. It's nerve-wracking enough that there are such limited spaces, and that Smash has evolved into what looks almost like a hall of fame among gaming, so it's natural we want our favorites to get one of the limited remaining slots. I know that if they give me my most wanted and nobody else I've even heard of, I wouldn't care. I just want one of the slots to acknowledge a character I want.

I came to this site to discuss and hope, but the character speculation boards are pretty well dead unless you're supporting one of the favorites (or whichever character gets named in a plausible leak). There's something that's also disheartening about that as well. Sure, we can all make the case that our favorites deserve to be in - I've got a whole litany of reasons for my top three - but that doesn't make them any more talked about since my top three all have a 'fan favorite' from the same company who's talked about more.

I mean look at Dovahkiin: I've heard people complain about him because i) he's an avatar, ii) he's got a sword, iii) Todd Howard, iv) Skyrim is overrated, v) one-off, vi) older game, vii) Bethesda games are buggy, viii) little Nintendo history, ix) open world RPG isn't unique. Never mind a lot of those arguments are pithy. But that doesn't change the fact that every open-world game since 2012 is like that because of influence from Skyrim, including a little game called Zelda: Breath of the Wild. BotW really did feel like Skyrim in a lot of ways, and the Skyrim Switch port even gave BotW gear as a crossover. Heck even about that port - remember the Switch announcement trailer? They showed a guy playing BotW, and then the next scene was someone playing Skyrim. Skyrim was the second game shown off for the Switch - before Mario - and served to show that Nintendo could 'play with the big boys.' And I'll argue that the genre is kinda unique - yeah we've got loads of JRPG characters, but nobody from any other RPG genre...unless you want to count BotW Link. Not to even mention that it would seemingly fit perfectly in Smash: one of the bosses in Smash is a literal dragon, while the theme of Skyrim is being a dragon hunter. All of the marketing for Skyrim has shown off that helmet, and there's a character in Smash who's schtick is wearing the hats of other characters to copy their abilities. And what's the memetic move from Skyrim? Using your voice to fling enemies off of cliffs. How do you get KOs in Smash? There is a lot that Skyrim has going for it...
But nobody will talk about that because of Doomguy. Even that article we got a while ago suggesting that Bethesda talked to Nintendo about Smash put Doomguy all over the pictures, as if it was inconceivable that Bethesda owns properties other than Doom. Yes, Doom has good reasons as well: grandfather of a genre, loads of ports, the latest game is very recent, and massive fanbase. It's just hard to get excited when people don't want to even consider your favorite or their merits since there's another character from the same company that also has merits, but a larger fanbase.

Look also at Tails. Tails is well known as Sonic's sidekick, and was even the basis of an April Fool's hoax back in 2002. Sonic's the only third party who's been in continually since Brawl, and yet still has so little content compared to the rest. But Tails, who's honestly on the level of Luigi in terms of the player-2-who-developed-his-ofn-personality, is still stuck in the background. Really, with Luigi, Diddy, Ken...why not get Sonic's iconic 90's player 2?
But again, there's a fan-favorite who stifles discussion of any Sonic character outside of Shadow. I find it interesting that most of the discussion is "Tails can't be an echo since he flies and can't do Sonic's up throw!" when Tails' first game was Sonic 2, where he was a literal pallette swap of Sonic and only flew when he was an NPC. Meanwhile these same people say "Shadow is a perfect echo, but he could get a different up special and a different this and a different that..." I get it: Shadow's popular. But just because "Tails is a coward!" that doesn't mean that Tails is a worthless character.

And of course, I'd like a new Zelda character, but they all got shoved in the assist trophy box. At least there people are open to more than one possibility.

I could even say that my fourth most wanted is also affected by all of this. I'd like to see Nightmare from Soul Calibur as well, but most of the SC discussion centers around it not being Tekken. I'll admit, though, SC was dead for a while and only recently came back (and they're certainly taking their time with DLC characters) while Tekken is the main franchise, so that I feel is more understandable. Still while Tekken only got Nintendo costumes, it was SC that got a crossover character.

Ah well... Not really sure where I was going with this, but it turned into a giant wall of text. I guess it's just railing against our habits of stifling discussions, either from blindly saying "literally who is this" or from saying "your fave is unimpressive go away." Not everyone is gonna like everything - not everyone has to, and it's okay to choose not to buy a character. It's just not okay to be a **** if someone is calmly choosing not to buy the character who you like. And it's okay to say "I wish they had picked X," but not "Y is the worst character ever and only weebs like them, they should have gone with X since he's so much cooler!"
Wait so you want names you recognize but you refuse to play games that don't completely absorb all your free time? Idk that feels a tad contradictory as if you refuse to play games that don't waste 100 hours od your life, then obviously you don't get to play much stuff, which is the same deal, only instead of strictly playing Nintendo IPs, it's strictly playing 100+ hour games.

Also this argument here can die in a fire
It's also a personal thing to how well you think the character fits.
I'm so tired of people trying to pretens this is a thing when we've had 3 different aesthetics for humans since Smash 64, anyone unironically using this for Smash is an idiot. Saying this for GG, BB, MK, whatever, those make sense, but Smash's sense of fitting is the equivelant of letting a 3 year old dress themselves, it's an ugly hot mess, but it's ok

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Serious question: Do you guys think the popularity/recognizability of a character will play a huge role in this fighters pass? If so, do you think they'll prirotize certain regions or try to appeal to them all equally?
Sakurai himself said that being recognizable isn't the end all be all for choosing a character. Though it probably still matters to some extent. Terry's well known in South America and fairly popular in Japan as well, but people here in the States won't know him as well unless you're a fighting game fan. Banjo and Kazooie probably also apply to this since they don't even have all their games out in Japan, but are fondly remembered icons of the 64 era.

I can see them doing something similar again. Characters that appeal to multiple regions at a time or certain subsets of the gaming market. Hopefully we'll get more badass Fighting Game and Platformer characters, but only time will tell. ARMS is a good start for me personally though.
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