Joker was added as a crossover with Persona 5, and there’s no content at all tied to Shin Megami Tensei, the series that some folks claim makes him have this “Nintendo connection”. Seems like that argument is made to tie everything to Nintendo when that isn’t necessarily the case.
If Nintendo is the one making picks for DLC, which are made essentially for additional money from their mascot fighter, it’s less about legacy (with every pick, some are different like Banjo, though I think that’s easily tied in with Microsoft collars) and more about striking while the iron is hot with a mainstream pick. I find it hard to believe that Nintendo is considering history and not opting with a different pick simply because it has “no history”.
2B is a mainstream icon in the same vein that Joker is, that’s true. NieR Automata, however, is a game that stands as one of the best of the generation, alongside other greats like The Witcher 3, Persona 5, Dragon Quest XIS, and a handful of others. She has crossed over with plenty of other games including Soul Calibur, which in itself shows what she’s capable of
It also works as a way to develop continued working relationships with cooperating 3rd party developers and publishers.
Not to mention she’s just...different. Uses two types of swords, has a projectile with her pod (which can also change the type of attacks it uses), and that’s just tip of the iceberg with what she can do. There’s way more to her than just “ass robot”.
Lastly, this is a side note, but if you haven’t listened to the soundtrack I would highly recommend it. It’s great!
I see her as a pick that Nintendo could totally go for.