let's say FP6 is another hype bringer to give ppl an incentive to get the pass, but let's also assume MandyCanNot is wrong and it's NOT Crash.
Who could fill that role? Hayabusa? Neku? A Nintendo character (say who)?
If I stick to usual contenders, and if I'm taking into account the general public and not the circlejerk that is the Smash speculation scene, IMO, the biggest hype bringer is
Sora. Master Chief, for being the face of a direct competitor, is probably at the same level
if you only take into account the West and not Japan. Crash, Dante, Lloyd, Phoenix, Doomguy, Rayman, Ryu, Steve... and even further Travis, Geno, Shantae, Arle, Spyro, KOS-MOS... are all interesting and hype bringers but at a lower level than Sora would be. And I repeat: it's by taking into account the general public.
But the biggest hype bringers would be big characters we rarely discuss, and there are still a lot! To name a few, in no order, and without considering their renown in Japan:
- Some Sony character like Kratos or Ratchet
- Some Blizzard character like Tracer or Thrall
- Some Valve character like Heavy or Chell
- A Borderlands rep
- A League of Legends rep
Unless Nintendo is really trying to corner the East Europe market it will never happen but
I want this to happen.
Also speaking of first parties, who would be the most likely frontrunners for Pass 2?
tl;dr: new Xenoblade or Zelda rep for already represented franchise, otherwise it's unrepresented franchise, first of all Golden Sun.
I'm subjective because Isaac is my most wanted, but even by trying to keep a clear mind and stay objective, I believe in the chance of both
Isaac and a
Xenoblade rep (Elma or Rex) to be tied to respectively an unannounced Golden Sun and to XC:DE or an unannounced XCX remake or XCX2. There could also eventually be a
Zelda rep tied to BOTW2. Last but not least, we could get, like Isaac would be, characters for other unrepresented franchises (even if less likely IMO)
if tied to a new game, like Andy (Advance Wars), a Rhythm Heaven rep, etc.
Outside of that I strongly doubt in the chance of any characters of series that already have fighters, including Waluigi, Dixie, Krystal and Bandana Waddle Dee. They would not bring the "new worlds" Sakurai mentionned, and even several of them wouldn't have a "gameplay uniqueness". I also doubt in the chance of a Gen 8 Pokémon, considering their recent spirits as hard diconfirmation.