Lol I have no idea what I'm doin save me ran bro
Problem with this. Even early game he's looking to attach himself to a strong IC. He wants to make himself indispensable within their eyes. Bad play.
I voted GaGa because his first major action was to "force content" but really only helped to shift focus onto pwndidator for no discernible reason. Mad shady homie. Also Ran my dawg raises valid points about Pwn but yeah as I'm typing this out he's being SUPER defensive for really no reason after most people unvoted him. (After the train deal ye?)
Unvote Vote pwndidater
He votes to keep people quiet? Excuse me if I'm not interpreting this correctly however it sounds like he didn't like GaGa because he was putting content out.
@ Ran
don't hate me
cos u ain't me
This really bothers me because he has several posts like this that don't even address anything. He's not putting anything out and it's really not helping.
Rake is training me because he's either fake reading scum/ I'm bad at arguing/ he's dumb.
His appraisal of me as scum seems circumstantial at best and he's reading way too deeply into silly **** I post at 4 in the morning. I don't think he's scum, he's just going too ham on too little.
Also not a hundred percent sure but I thought I answered a few of banana man's questions :/ will go back and check
Still weak distancing, if he does flip scum I'm throwing more weight onto Rake.
I have said why before, generally I get reprimanded for it. And since when is lurking scummy? I mean if lurking was scummy at that point then why isn't anyone taking jabs at Badwolf? Who has said literally nothing of import.
And aren't you just agreeing with Ran and Rake?
Rake's point on me being essentially, that I'm bad at arguing and therefore scum
Not very convincing tbh.
AtE. And shifting focus onto me. Don't like. It really does sound like he found out that he could get someone for being inactive and chose to. It screams opportunistic to me.
The conversation right now is about me to be fair. Additionally you just pointed out that an issue with my posting is that I agree with people without backing it up, and to be fair you did similar things with your first point condemning me, although now this is a bit more drawn out.
@Rake how is it odd?
Difference between me and Badwolf?
+ I feel as though you and pwn are highly overreading into the fact the thread says I am viewing it. My browser may have this tab open in it, not necessarily am I looking through the thread constantly or w/e.
Still trying to shift focus onto someone else. In this case still me.
yeah I think wolf might be lurkscum
I didn't vote badwolf because at the time I read pwn scum which apparently everyone doesn't believe me on but I digress. No one was voting Badwolf and I wasn't confident that I could sway people on the other hand people were training pwn, and obv I would probably want to lynch scum who I could. Instead looks like I'm getting lynched welp :/ I suck.
in addition to mari77, badwolf was making at the very least attempts at posting to remind me he was there which made me notice his lack of doing anything whereas I had completely forgot mari was in the game because I'm bad lol. Mari could forseeably be unable to post whereas badwolf had the chance to and did nothing.
In regards to potass yeah I want you to leave me alone. I'm just a townie :/
Soft claim that slightly stirs town into FUD. Plus, throwing suspicion onto me that wasn't warranted.
Side note: I do what I can. I have another life and you need to accept that.
Top 2 lynch choices
-Barely shows up to post inconsequential things
-when pressured immediately attempts to shift focus like in #244 along with citing he couldn't be scum because in his previous games he acts differently (wtf why I care bout that)
I'm really at a tossup on pwn right now need to go back and reread his posts, but I can still him being scummy.
He's still bandwagoning and is guilty to some of the same accusations leveled at me in #305
In addition he also puts xiroey on null-town. Xiroey had one post. One. Where does he get the confidence to put Xiroey at null-town considering he claims to trust no one?
Top scum lynch is still me. No other even though he says he has one. Says I'm throwing off focus and doesn't get the point of meta.
Washy read on Pwn. He doesn't want to commit to him being anything because he is in a state that it would be alright to push a mislynch without getting backlash.
For one thing K,
Your posts can be hard to decipher. And I'm lazy. Sometimes it's hard to tell what you really want me to answer? IDK I have difficulty understanding you sometimes.
Ironic in that he calls me out for not doing things then says he's too lazy to do them himself.
Vote Tuz