kary, the post you put up in #857 was horribly agressive, as have most of you posts regarding Rake. most of your posts lately end with the general idea of, hurry up and kill him because its totally obvious and you all should have noticed it right now. while this may be the case, you have to consider that making such a huge accusation is very VERY controversial. since this game runs on people revealing their roles after they die, if you are wrong then this game is over for you because everybody is going to tunnel you to china on day 3. i have a lot of conflicting thoughts about this subject, the more that i think about it.
1. You are yellow scum.
If this is the case, you are trying to tunnel a very influential player out of the game which only makes your job easier. you may actually think he is red scum and that if you can kill him off, he will flip and you will be practically invulnerable for a long time while. i know that red scum are a priority, so suspicoin on you would not even be valid until all the red scum are dead.
2. You are red scum.
If this is the case, you are pushing a yellow scum so that way when he dies, you are still a hero and you have another chance to keep pushing your influence to kill of the rest of the yellow during the day while you kill townies at night. also, aggression is exactly what gave badwolf away. when he began to be heavily suspected, he became flustered and he made a lot of posts with *s in them. i think that this is what pushed a lot of players onto him. since most everybody noticed that, why are you letting yourself get angry? even if you are innocent, this is a bad playstyle and after a while people are going to start looking into you more. i am also considering the possibility that you know this and that by copying the playstyle of a known red scum, you are masking your real role because a real scum would be smart enough to not. i risky move, but here i think its biting you in the back and if i have anything to say about it, it will get you lynched because this is the possibility that i think is the most likely.
3. you are a Townie
the agression ploy could be the same as i described in point 2, only with you using it to mask your townieness. this i highly doubt since it would be unnesecary and would only draw attention to yourself. it would further the townie cause if you were right and frankly, while i doubt this option the most, i also want this to be true the most because i want the scum dead as the rest of us townies. i just wish i could believe you. you agression has kinda ignored some of his arguments and responded with telling him that he spent a while defending himself, not explaining to the rest of us that his defense is wrong and why. if you really wanted to do the best job of it, you should have done it a different way. you have not played this game a lot online im guessing so it could just be a rookie mistake because Lord knows i have made them too.
now for something else that i would love some opinions on. we havent really talked about who would lynch J and why. J supported me a lot in this game and i believe that the comments he made have really helped my reputation given what he said and his amount of online experience. even though he flipped yellow scum, i dont think he was trying to befriend me in-game just so i would be suspected if he died. i think that it was his honest attempt to take out the red scum so that he could play his role with a lot less worry and a lot more fun. my real issue here is, who would want J dead? my thought now is Clover. since J was one of the people who was totally convinced that i was town, if he were to die then my support would dwindle as well. this would leave me to be a relativly easy target to have executed during the day. if nothing else, it would be easier. this would allow the town to take out a villager since i was no longer under the wing of an experienced player. that is why he waited untill today to post and vote me. i know i didnt post a lot during day 1 but he would have pushed me more if he had a real suspicion. thats why for now, im going to
does anybody else have any ideas about this subject? i would appreciate some feedback on this.