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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2007
Where people don't always speak English.
Personally I was thinking of having it be done like this.
It would be like tha, but with the Spoon Sword? Hmm... I like it.

I don't think his moveset really NEEDS the Spoon Sword, but if it does, it's awesome.

[hey, do you think we'll be able to transfer Wii data - such as saves, Miis, VCgames, etc. - to the WiiU?]


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
It would be like tha, but with the Spoon Sword? Hmm... I like it.

I don't think his moveset really NEEDS the Spoon Sword, but if it does, it's awesome.
Yeah, I doubt it would happen but it would be awesome and make good use of his signature move. Plus it would make buffing him all the easier.

I just wish though that they would take some ideas from the manga, besides costumes. The manga would be a much better example for a fighting game to take ideas from then the non-violent cartoon.

Besides, at least the manga references Smash a few times, and I think Sakurai should repay the favor.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Smashchu's Super Awesome Fiery Sexy Roster of Explosions That All The Cool Kids Love

Ok, so I hoped to pull someone in with the name. This is something I've been working on for a while, and I wanted to finally get it out there. I'm sure it will be forgotten with the conference tonight, but who cares. On with the show!

You may think this is just another roster right. Well, it's not. It's MORE. I've been a huge fan of Smash Brothers for a while, and like a good nerd, I've decided that I will actually predict the entire roster. Why you may ask? Across future Smash Brother discussions, the topic always comes up of this character is likely and this will happen and your wrong because of this ect. But when the game comes out, most of these people are wrong. And worst, they will just do the same thing when talking about the next game. Moving from Brawl to SSB4, I'm going to try to break this. For one, I'm putting my *** on the line by making something everyone can see and criticize. But if I'm right, than I gain just a bit more e-fame and finally say that X idea is not as likely as you say it is.

Here are the rules that I have to follow.

First, after October 31st, I am not allowed to change anything on here. It is forever set in stone. Before that date, I'm allowed to do what ever I want with it, but not after Oct 31. Also, in that sense, I will only grade this (I'll do a score system or something), on characters known before that date. Any character that is after that doesn't count. I might say he/she/it may happen, but it wont matter for the purpose of this. Note that this is any character that is announced in a new game. The only thing I can add after Oct 31st is other predictions that are not characters, but I still can't withdraw them. So let's get started...

The characters

Before I begin, let me set up with what I'm trying to do with this. As I mentioned before, people love to say things are likely without any idea if it could happen or not. So my roster will try to not follow the conventional wisdom that people so love to follow. I'm going to look at the characters on their own merit and less on the wisdom or “representation.” My idea is to pick characters who stand out on their own and are worthy in their own right as opposed to being a villain or unique or needed for a series. Basically, I'm picking good characters.

But first, some general things......

There will be 48 total character slots-I'm saying individual characters slots here. Not counting things like Sheik. Those people who want to make a stink about the number can go fly a kite. If anyone is pessimistic about this, note that this is 11-13 new characters and Brawl added that amount with ZZS and three characters for Pokemon Trainer.

Mewtwo and Roy will come back-Saying this because I doubt they had much intention of removing them (especially Mewtwo) and people really want them back. Likely.

No Nintendo character (the 33 in the game) will be cut-People will go crazy over this one. "But how?" they might say. Seeing as they planned to have everyone including Dr. Mario back, I doubt they'll take a big chopping block to Brawl's roster. Melee had a lot of characters there to fill up the roster. The clones. It was easier to cut out characters like Dr. Mario who was there more to boost the number of characters. In the same vein, he was planned to come back. So when given a roster made more from the ground up, they will likely not cut anyone. People are too cut happy anyway. But how will they work all of this?

Sonic and Snake will be cut and no new third party character will take their place-I'm sure people will go with this one, but others will be surprised.
There are two reasons I'm saying this. First, Sakurai has stated that they are guest quite a bit on the DOJO. This may not seem like much, but note what he is saying. He is saying these characters are not staples and are there temporarily (which is what a guest is). The other is Sonic. Sakurai stated Sonic was added in 2007 where the rest of the cast was at least a year earlier. But this is the most popular character and one who people wanted before they added third party characters. If Sakurai waited so long to add him, why would he add anyone else. Megaman has never come close to how much people wanted Sonic. My thinking is that Sakurai added Snake as that one cool thing, but Sonic made it in because he was so wanted. Also, the conventional wisdom was that there would be three third party characters. Yet there were only two in the end. I could go on and on, and maybe one day I will make on big post going into more detail, but for now, I'm saying no.

Part 2 below :cool:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Part two of the roster all the cool kids are talking about.

Now on to what you have been waiting for. The roster.

Toad-I'm putting Toad here because of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, but there is a bit more too it than that. Toad has always been a predominate character in the Mario games and is perhaps the only Mario character not added yet. He was popular back before Melee and is always requested at least once. He has also appeared in a lot of game including Super Mario Bros 2 and all of the Mario Kart games. I say New Super Mario Bros Wii because I think this is what put him back into view in a big way (and how well the game did. It was like the best selling console game in Japan in the last 15 years). Interestingly enough, Toad was the only new character added to Mario Sports Mix (from the Mario Hoops game). People may ask about Peach's attack, but I'm sure they can find a way to make it work. There is more than one toad.

Palutena-I'm sure people are scratching their head over this one. Many are banking on Medusa. But why Palutena? If you've noticed throughout Kid Icarus Uprising and even Brawl, Palutena is emphasized more. She is the stronger player in that series (second to Pit of course). I put her here because she stands out. Before people ask “Well, what can she do?” Remember Zelda.

Medusa-Now I went and added two Kid Icarus characters. Kid Icarus is being revived with Uprising. Now, a series that went take for over 20 years has had an explosion of content, including characters. So it should not be surprising to add two characters from this series. Medusa has been revamped much like Pit and Palutena and is still a major player in the game.

Little Mac-Not much to say here. There is demand for him, even before Brawl. A new Punch-Out game has been released. Sakurai likes the games. He'll get in.

Dixie-More people are saying K. Rool (see below), but Dixie is extremely predominate in the series. She is the second character to Diddy and appeared in DKC 2 and 3 (where she was the main character). She is also featured in the Mario sports games now. Not to mention she was planned for Brawl in some way. So she would not be a surprise.

King K. Rool-And now I add a second DK character. I'm adding K. Rool because he is the more popular of the two, but both are very important and prominent in the series and they are popular. So it makes sense to add both. He has appeared in a lot of games and was the boss of all three DKC games. People may not like the fact that there are two DK characters and two Kid icarus characters as well. Do note that both Melee (with Fire Emblem, Mario, Pokemon and Star Fox) and Brawl (with Kirby and Pokemon) has series that added two characters. Doing this will be just as aligned with Brawl.

Shulk-It may not be clear to us folks in the US, but Xenoblade is very popular overseas and is definably popular with Japanese players (no surprise). Let's also not forget all the publicity around Project Rainfail which caused NoE to push up the launch date for the game in Europe. Plus, it's a new 1st party series. Probably getting in.

Takamaru-Again, this will be weird to us Western folk because his game, Mysterious Murasame Castle , never released here in the west. However, it is on the same level as Metroid, Kid Icarus and The Legend of Zelda over there. This is because they were all part of what was known as the Famicom Disk System. So, in a lot of ways, they are like brothers. Sakurai has actually mentioned interest before in adding him back in Melee, but was waiting for a new game to come out.(Source) However, I think he''ll be proactive like with Pit.

Zourark-I'm not 100% on this guy and I'll explain at the end, but I'm banking on a 5th gen pokemon and I'll place my bet with Zourark. It's mainly that he is the one everyone is talking about and also the one that is getting promoted (I know there is quite a bit in the US with the movie and what not). The Japanese are talking about him among any other Pokemon. Plus, illusion makes him interesting. The reason I'm not keen on him is that we are using Lucario as a judge for him. We say, “Lucario made it, so so will he.” But that's more of the conventional wisdom and I think Lucario got in because he was very popular. Think that maybe starters from the game or N somehow (another trainer?), but Zourark is a little more practical.

Ridley-No brainer really. I'm sure someone will mention his size, but many before me have gotten the point across.

Samurai Gohor-I don't here a lot of talk about him, and it's strange. I actually think he's a shoe-in. There is huge demand for another F-Zero character, and he is probably the next most recognizable due to his relation with Captain Falcon, but also that he was one of the original 4. Seeing as there is a lot of demand for another F-Zero character, Gohor will likely get in.

Sherrif-Ok, so this is my crazy prediction. What I'm going for here is the retro character that seems like a norm. We got Mr. Game and Watch in Melee and ROB in Brawl. So who would be next? I'm thinking Sherrif because that was Nintendo's first game. How retro is that? I will say that even I'm on the fence about this one. I'm not even sure how he will work. It's a long shot, but I doubt we can easily guess the whole roster and there will be a characters or two that throws us for a loop. I'm guessing it will be Sheriff.

Now, I am one character short. I will probably add it before Oct 31st. Just waiting for the conference. I'll also add other predictions to this.

So, there we are. Whew, nice to finally finish this. It was an idea for a while. Feel free to tear it down.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Did not expect this to come from Smashchu of all people. Wow, I'm very interested in this. Seeing a more jovial Smashchu is a plus as well. lol

Somehow having Takamaru and Samaurai Goroh feels redundant to me. But it cannot be any worse than the Star Fox crew.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Same here, I'll comment later when I'm home. Really though I agree with most everything stated. I'd just throw in one final character.

Deleted member

I'll comment on SmashChu's list tonight

Oh and one thing SmashChu, each game has added 12 to 14 newcomers. So 47 to 49 slots is possible.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yeah, I just find the Sonic/Snake thing a little too extreme, and some points state fact rather than proof, I'll have some fun with you all as well.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
So, there we are. Whew, nice to finally finish this. It was an idea for a while. Feel free to tear it down.
Interesting list. My comments:

1) I don't think Kid Icarus or Donkey Kong will get two characters. Neither has been very prominant and have only recently been rebooted (properly...Konga never existed). I'd say Dixie and Medusa have higher chances.

2) I'm still in the camp that believes Zoroark will lose the slot to Victini. More movies around development time and all that jazz.

3) I'm not sure if Samurai Goroh and Takamaru will essentially be competed for the samurai slot. *shrugs* If they do, Takamaru will probably win.

4) Sheriff is actually a really great guess. Personally, I haven't found the retro characters interesting enough to feel their slots were justified, but if the pattern holds his odds are very good.

5) You're correct in thinking that Sonic and Snake probably won't return. It costs extra to have third party characters, which is why most fighters only have a couple and they never stay the same. Need to make room in the budget for new third party characters to snag another demographic. Sonic might actually manage to break that tradition, though, given how dependent the franchise has become on Nintendo...and how now matter how low it sinks it still has a huge, rabid fanbase.

6) Shulk? Maybe? Honestly I couldn't possibly judge that decision, but I do know that Isaac, Saki, Mach Rider, and even Captain Rainbow might have better chances than a Xenoblade character. Which new franchises they'll add is pretty much a coin flip.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Correction, Shulk definetly has higher chances than Captain Rainbow and Mach Rider at this point in time, I fail to see your point of them since they aren't as big as XenoBlade is doing at this current point in time.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
Correction, Shulk definetly has higher chances than Mack Rider at this point in time, I fail to see your point of him.

I said: I couldn't judge. I am completely ignorant of the Xenoblade series. To be honest, it looks terrible. Shulk might have higher chances, he might not, but there are several unrepresented franchises with assist trophies that were also requested.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Interesting list. My comments:

1) I don't think Kid Icarus or Donkey Kong will get two characters. Neither has been very prominant and have only recently been rebooted (properly...Konga never existed). I'd say Dixie and Medusa have higher chances.

2) I'm still in the camp that believes Zoroark will lose the slot to Victini. More movies around development time and all that jazz.

3) I'm not sure if Samurai Goroh and Takamaru will essentially be competed for the samurai slot. *shrugs* If they do, Takamaru will probably win.

4) Sheriff is actually a really great guess. Personally, I haven't found the retro characters interesting enough to feel their slots were justified, but if the pattern holds his odds are very good.

5) You're correct in thinking that Sonic and Snake probably won't return. It costs extra to have third party characters, which is why most fighters only have a couple and they never stay the same. Need to make room in the budget for new third party characters to snag another demographic. Sonic might actually manage to break that tradition, though, given how dependent the franchise has become on Nintendo...and how now matter how low it sinks it still has a huge, rabid fanbase.

6) Shulk? Maybe? Honestly I couldn't possibly judge that decision, but I do know that Isaac, Saki, Mach Rider, and even Captain Rainbow might have better chances than a Xenoblade character. Which new franchises they'll add is pretty much a coin flip.
What Captain Rainbow? No thanks... I think Issac,Saki, and Starfy should be on that list though they all should have gotten in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
What Captain Rainbow? No thanks... I think Issac,Saki, and Starfy should be on that list though they all should have gotten in Brawl.
I don't like the prospect of Captain Rainbow, either, but the reality is...it's there, and it's a Nintendo crossover. Come to think of it I don't really want Saki or Starfy playable, either. Saki's too animu for me and Starfy really doesn't do more than spin. But I'm trying to be realistic...they all have pretty good chances of getting in. The only thing going against them is that they'll have to fight amongst themselves for a limited number of slots.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
I don't like the prospect of Captain Rainbow, either, but the reality is...it's there, and it's a Nintendo crossover. Come to think of it I don't really want Saki or Starfy playable, either. Saki's too animu for me and Starfy really doesn't do more than spin. But I'm trying to be realistic...they all have pretty good chances of getting in. The only thing going against them is that they'll have to fight amongst themselves for a limited number of slots.
Starfy does a lot more than spin I have one of the Starfy games for the D.S I lost it though... besides the Ice Climbers only jump around in their game am I correct?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
Starfy does a lot more than spin I have one of the Starfy games for the D.S I lost it though... besides the Ice Climbers only jump around in their game am I correct?
Okay, I've just watched a vid and I concede he can work, maybe. I feel equal parts amusement and revulsion. I think the only way to reconcile this when SSB4 comes out would be to beat the **** out of Starfy...with Starfy.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I'll comment on SmashChu's list tonight

Oh and one thing SmashChu, each game has added 12 to 14 newcomers. So 47 to 49 slots is possible.
Very true. I say that though because there are some pessimistic people out there. Some think we'll have a lot fewer.

Interesting list. My comments:

1) I don't think Kid Icarus or Donkey Kong will get two characters. Neither has been very prominant and have only recently been rebooted (properly...Konga never existed). I'd say Dixie and Medusa have higher chances.

2) I'm still in the camp that believes Zoroark will lose the slot to Victini. More movies around development time and all that jazz.

3) I'm not sure if Samurai Goroh and Takamaru will essentially be competed for the samurai slot. *shrugs* If they do, Takamaru will probably win.

4) Sheriff is actually a really great guess. Personally, I haven't found the retro characters interesting enough to feel their slots were justified, but if the pattern holds his odds are very good.

5) You're correct in thinking that Sonic and Snake probably won't return. It costs extra to have third party characters, which is why most fighters only have a couple and they never stay the same. Need to make room in the budget for new third party characters to snag another demographic. Sonic might actually manage to break that tradition, though, given how dependent the franchise has become on Nintendo...and how now matter how low it sinks it still has a huge, rabid fanbase.

6) Shulk? Maybe? Honestly I couldn't possibly judge that decision, but I do know that Isaac, Saki, Mach Rider, and even Captain Rainbow might have better chances than a Xenoblade character. Which new franchises they'll add is pretty much a coin flip.
Gonna mention one thing:
I'm going to look at the characters on their own merit and less on the wisdom or “representation.”
I'm not using representation. The rep talk never really got us anywhere and numerous times we were wrong. Sakurai has added two characters to a series before, like Kirby in Brawl. So I don't see it as Goroh and Takamaru fighting for spots or we have to pick one DK character. Dixie and K. Rool are both good, so let's have both.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
He's basically next gen's Kirby. Monopolized the cute niche, that one has.
Well, one can also concurr that if Slime can work to utilize moves, so can Starfy, I just don't see a big enough fanbase/demand for him, I may be wrong.

Also, I don't get how Captain Rainbow would even happen, I don't know much about him though.


Deleted member

I'm looking forward to seeing the games that get announced tonight.

Also I do think that one of the first things Sakurai will confirm in regards to characters is if third-party characters will return. If not, I expect to know right away.

Can we all agree to this?



Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
I'm looking forward to seeing the games that get announced tonight.

Also I do think that one of the first things Sakurai will confirm in regards to characters is if third-party characters will return. If not, I expect to know right away.

Can we all agree to this?

Oh is Sakurai talking about Smash Bros tonight?


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
"Will Snake or Sonic be returning?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't answer that question at this time."

Son of a *****.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
SSBF, Snake and Sonic had a huge explosion in popularity after Brawl's release. And because of the fact Snake is really a ****ing good character this increased it. I'm sure Sakurai will keep these two in as they were both demanded (well, in regards to Snake, otherwise.)

Anyways great news for Mewtwo. What a coincidence.

Sucks the stream starts so late for me I won't be able to stay awake all day for skool tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
Gonna mention one thing:
I'm going to look at the characters on their own merit and less on the wisdom or “representation.”
I'm not using representation. The rep talk never really got us anywhere and numerous times we were wrong. Sakurai has added two characters to a series before, like Kirby in Brawl. So I don't see it as Goroh and Takamaru fighting for spots or we have to pick one DK character. Dixie and K. Rool are both good, so let's have both.
That's because Kirby's his baby, though. It's very evident that he tried to cram as much Kirby in Brawl as possible...all three characters are starters, all three hold unparalleled importance to SSE's plot, hell even the most OP item in the game is from a Kirby game no one remembers. I don't think Sakurai would have done that for any other franchise, excepting of course the cash cows that are Mario and Pokemon.

My predictions are that Dixie will tag team with Diddiy, K. Rool won't make it in because we already have two villainous heavyweights, Palutena will lose to Medusa because the latter has more moveset potential and marketability, and we'll only get one new samurai to make room in the roster for more diverse characters like Little Mac, Isaac, and the inevitable WTF character. That is how I look at the characters on their own merit. That's just how I see things going...people may interpret differently.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2010
With the Wii U being more open to have 3rd party games, I can't imagine SSB4 not having 3rd party characters on the roster. Especially with how popular Snake & Sonic were in Brawl.
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