Ok listening to Earthbound music all day long has been making me think about stages for Earthbound. Star perfectly explained why there would be a need for a new Earthbound stage as NPC is just plain hated and melee's stages likely won't return. Therefore since there's room for two earthbound stages(assuming NPC is cut) then I've been thinking a nice place for an Earthbound stage will be Magicant!
Magicant is quite an important place in both Mothers, 1 and 2:
The last picture shows where our combatants will be fighting. It's a fairly simple stage, but notice the question marks? Well, if they get close to a player they'll transform! The things they can turn in to are these: Electro Swoosh, Loaded dice, Care free bomb or French Kiss of Death. If you touch the Loaded dice you'll get the equivalent of Link's bomb. If you touch the Electric swoosh you'll take damage for a while(like with pikachu's down smash) and then be blasted off. If you touch the french kiss of death you'll be put to sleep, and if you dare touch the care free bomb it will act like a Bob omb.
Otherwise the stage will be set on the red walkway, with bubbles floating in the background. The stage goes to the background when it turns dramatically in the picture on both sides, and so you can fall in to the purple water(and potentially drown). Another thing are the strange stalagmites(i think they are) can be broken and the shards from them can be used as items.
Music for the stage:
Mother 1:
Mother 1:
Eight Melodies(no crying until the end! )
Magicant(sped up a bit to reflect the fast paceness of the fighting)
Eight Melodies
Otherworldy foe
Kraken of the Sea
Mother 3:
Love Theme
Mother 3:
Mother 1 + 2:
Humoresque of a Little Dog
Some are from brawl, others aren't hehe.
I like it, it would be a great acid trip-type stage. Which is most of what Earthbound it. lol
The location you chose is perfect. Although I'd love to see a birdman make it somewhere in there.
I don't know if you saw my idea for an Earthbound stage? You can take a look and tell me what you think? Earthbound needs some love, getting a good stage with good music is my #1 priority in Smash, not characters or anything else, just have a good MOTHER stage. Either of these two ideas would be sweet!
[COLLAPSE="Saturn Valley and The Cave of the Past"]So let me ask a question, Earthbound stages. What is next? Now that Melee will be two generations behind I doubt we will see either Onett or Fourside return, New Pork City is so loathed I doubt they will be bringing that back. Meaning we will be due for a new stage. So let me ask, what should it be? Here is my proposal ladies and gentleman, Saturn Valley.
The level is found in both Mother games and play significant roles in both stories. They could model it more after the Mother 2 design since it was larger.
The stage would be very simplistic looking. You fight in the middle of Saturn Valley. Not much to it, the houses will be your platforms and you'll see in the background Saturn's walking around. Occasionally stepping onto the battlefield and becoming a normal item. Up on the cliffs will be the shop and hot spring, along with some Mr. Saturns floating via balloon. If you look hard enough, towards the very top of the stage, in the cliffs you will be able to see Milky Well. Ness' third sanctuary location.
Behind you you will notice something rather large and mechanical in the shape of a Mr. Saturn. Why it's the Phase Distorter 2! Dr. Andonuts will be standing next to it, doing repairs and occasionally taking a break to look at the field.
What is special about this stage is it has an alternate... In the alternate, everything will proceed as though you were having aa normal match in Saturn Valley. Except this time it is anything but normal. Andonuts makes a mistake, activating the Phase Distorter and sending you into the past! So the stage will blur and black rings will begin pulsating from the Phase Distorter. [The timing of this will be about 2 seconds after the match begins.]
You are now stuck in The Cave of the Past to finish out the remainder of your fight. The colorful, friendly world of Saturn Valley has now been substituted for the isolated, monochrome world filled with diamond shaped objects buzzing behind you. All the way in the distance is a cave with a mysterious red glow... The light moving as a heartbeat would... It is a menacing cold land.
Now the stages are different in design beyond just aesthetics. Whereas Saturn Valley is a walk off, The Cave of The Past is not; you can actually fall off.
Stage Example: Saturn Valley
Alternate Example: Cave of the Past
"+" indicates open space, also indicating where the edges of the stage are
Stage: Saturn Valley/Cave of The Past
Icon: Earthbound logo
(Saturn Valley)
Earthbound -
Saturn Valley (i iMaGiNe tHiS sOnG rEmIX? bOiNg!)
Mother 3 -
Mr. Batty Twist
Earthbound - Battle Medley -
New Age Retro Hippie ~
Mobile Opponent ~
Weird Opponent ~
Against a Machine
Mother 3 -
Unfounded Revenge / Smashing Song of Praise (Brawl)
Mother -
Humoresque of a Little Dog (Brawl)
Mother -
Snowman (Remastered) (Brawl)
Earthbound -
Fourside (Melee)
Earthbound -
Onett (Melee)
(Cave of The Past)
Eathbound -
The Cave of the Past
Earthbound -
Pokey Means Business!
Earthbound -
Kraken of the Sea ~
Otherworldly Foe
Earthbound -
Sanctuary Guardian
Mother 3 -
Strong One (Masked Man)
Mother 3 -
Porky's Porkies
Mother 3 -
You Call This a Utopia?! (Brawl)
Mother 3 -
Porky's Theme (Brawl)
Two stages for the price of one. If any stage or series deserves this, it is Earthbound.[/COLLAPSE]
Real quick announcement about my blog. A navigation menu was added to the front page. Finding specific stages concepts now don't require sifting through the entire blog.
Oh dang, listen to this song I just stumbled across.
Roving Tank
That song is so metal it isn't even funny! Its like 8 -bit Megaman X!