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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
While I'm not arguing that can't be the case, I'm just pointing out a huge hole in your argument.
A huge hole? It is Toad. Toads come in many colors.

Default color - red spots, blue vest (Toad from SMB2)
Red Team - red spots, red vest
Blue Team - blue spots, blue vest (Blue Toad from NSMB games)
Green Team - green spots, green vest
Yellow - yellow spots, yellow vest (Yellow Toad from NSMB games)
Purple - purple spots, purple vest

Smash Toad is Toad from SMB2, the Blue Toad and Yellow Toad from NSMB games and the whole Toad Brigade from Galaxy games rolled into one. If Little Timmy or Aunt Gertrude wants to play as Ala-Gold or Bucken-Berry, they can change Toad's colors. It's not that complicated!

Deleted member

A huge hole? It is Toad. Toads come in many colors.

Default color - red spots, blue vest (Toad from SMB2)
Red Team - red spots, red vest
Blue Team - blue spots, blue vest (Blue Toad from NSMB games)
Green Team - green spots, green vest
Yellow - yellow spots, yellow vest (Yellow Toad from NSMB games)
Purple - purple spots, purple vest

Smash Toad is Toad from SMB2, the Blue Toad and Yellow Toad from NSMB games and the whole Toad Brigade from Galaxy games rolled into one. If Little Timmy or Aunt Gertrude wants to play as Ala-Gold or Bucken-Berry, they can change Toad's colors. It's not that complicated!
Dude, you didn't read a word I said. I said they wouldn't CARE enough about Toad in Smash JUST BECAUSE of the two Toads. Especially since, well, they just started the Mario series.

Here, let me make it clear:
I don't think Little Timmy Who Never Played a Mario Game or Aunt Gertrude care enough to want Toad in Smash because of Ala-Gold and Bucken-Berry


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I'd say overall Bowser Jr. comes away better, because Bowser Jr. features in SMG, SMG2, NSMB, NSMBWii, NSMBU, and NSMB2 as the secondary antagonist. Meanwhile, Toad is the tertiary protagonist in NSMBWii and NSMBU. Still seems in Bowser Jr.'s favour to me.
That's assuming Little Timmy, Aunt Gertrude, and your mom are good at those games to get far enough to see Bowser Jr. in the later levels. Meanwhile, they are just playing as Mario, Luigi, and Toads the whole time.

Deleted member

That's assuming Little Timmy, Aunt Gertrude, and your mom are good at those games to get far enough to see Bowser Jr. in the later levels. Meanwhile, they are just playing as Mario, Luigi, and Toads the whole time.
That's assuming they give a **** about Smash.
Also, they haven't gotten far enough to see Bowser. Guess they don't want Bowser. :troll:


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
But you got to admit, the two Toads do help solidify the fact that their species aren't always useless cowards.

Though it makes me wonder why Mario and Luigi do all the heavy lifting anyway.

Deleted member

But you got to admit, the two Toads do help solidify the fact that their species aren't always useless cowards.
No doubt about it. I actually support Toad for Smash as I feel he deserves it.
It's just Arcadenik says stupid things like saying that Bowser Jr. isn't worthy because Mario Newbs see Toad recolors first. And also assumes that 7 year old Little Timmy Who Never Played A Mario Game and 30 year old Aunt Gertrude knows what Smash is, play it, and really want Toad in it just because of said Toad recolors. All that's left is for Arcade to say that they play Duck Hunt and want the Dog. :troll: Or that Meowth is their favorite Pokemon and they want him just because of the anime that they may not even watch. :troll:


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Dude, you didn't read a word I said. I said they wouldn't CARE enough about Toad in Smash JUST BECAUSE of the two Toads. Especially since, well, they just started the Mario series.
Even if they don't care about the specific red-spotted, blue-vested Toad because they are gaga for two Toads, they can easily change the palette swaps. Is it that so difficult for Little Timmy and Aunt Gertrude to grasp?

Deleted member

Even if they don't care about the specific red-spotted, blue-vested Toad because they are gaga for two Toads, they can easily change the palette swaps. Is it that so difficult for Little Timmy and Aunt Gertrude to grasp?
Again, you fail to grasp what I am saying.
I am saying that they don't care about Smash enough to want Toad's inclusion as a result of two recolors.

I NEVER said they were gaga over them, NEVER said that they can't "understand" that the two Toads would be alternate colors.
Please read before you make yourself look more like an idiot than you already do.

Now here's some logic even you would understand.
Toad's support would come from the following:
1. People that actively play the Mario series.
2. People that know about Toad's history.
3. People that care about Smash.
4. Actual Toad fans.
5. Newer Mario fans that see Toad as worthy due to NSMBW (Again, they must know what Smash is and care enough to want him).

Little Timmy Who Never Played A Mario Game and Aunt Gertrude aren't within any of these categories.


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
I'd like if Krystal came packaged with a Dinosaur Planet stage. Her addition could add a lot, I think.

But I wouldn't expect it.
5 Reasons why I want Kyrstal in Sm4sh

1. She wouldnt be a Fox rip-off and have her own Final Smash.
2. She could use her staff as a weapon and have a pretty unique moveset.
3. Krystal would be a great addition for the females as well.
4. A dinosaur planet stage may be needed since they are running out of ideas for a Star Fox stage.
5. I think she's been in enough Star Fox games to be considered a reconizable Star Fox representitive.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
You know who don't play Sin & Punishment and Golden Sun? Little Timmy and Aunt Gertrude. :awesome:


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
It's funny that Command had a "female ending" where all the women got together to bake cakes and throw a party for when all the men got home.

Panther was broken, btw.

Deleted member

You know who don't play Sin & Punishment and Golden Sun? Little Timmy and Aunt Gertrude. :awesome:
But again, why would that ****ing matter, since they don't likely play SMASH either.

Seriously, do you have to work to be a ******, or does it come natural?

5 Reasons why I want Kyrstal in Sm4sh

1. She wouldnt be a Fox rip-off and have her own Final Smash.
2. She could use her staff as a weapon and have a pretty unique moveset.
3. Krystal would be a great addition for the females as well.
4. A dinosaur planet stage may be needed since they are running out of ideas for a Star Fox stage.
5. I think she's been in enough Star Fox games to be considered a reconizable Star Fox representitive.
I don't get why people say Krystal CAN'T be another character with similar specials to Fox.

She can easily be another Wolf, in that she has unique normals (due to staff), but similar specials.

B: Fire Blaster-Shoots firebolts like lasers.
Side B: Krystal Projection-Dashes forward in an ice field.
Up B: Rocket Boost-Flies in a pressed direction, staff first.
Down B: Force Field-Creates a barrier that reflects projectiles.
Final Smash: LANDMASTAH. :troll:
3 of these Specials are even taken from Adventures. The Side B is the only Special that's not, but it's based on the fact that the staff has ice projection powers. And I suppose the Up B was changed a little to reflect the Fire Fox/Fire Bird/Wolf Shoot (screw it being called "Fire Wolf").

You were saying?


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
He has a point, Sakurai would opt for something that appeases people who eat up Mario instead of people with actual taste, as they are the TROO GAEMERS he wants to cater to with Smash

Deleted member

Hmm...I think Simon Belmont may be a bit more likely than I thought....

He is a bit of a requested character (not nearly as much as Mega Man but still), is now a Kojima property (still owned by Konami, but Kojima is in charge of the series now), and appears in the latest game for the 3DS.
Think maybe Kojima will try to get him in Smash 4?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Golden, you are assuming that anyone who has never played a Smash game before have never played a single Nintendo game before or never heard of "Nintendo" before like they were living under a rock in the last 30 years. We live in the digital age now. Even if Little Timmy or Aunt Gertrude never played a Nintendo game before, they most likely would have heard of Nintendo and their characters. They would most likely know what certain Nintendo characters look like because the media is all around them.

As for caring about Smash, we didn't care about Smash in 1999 when it first came out. Hell, most of us didn't even know what Smash was. But when we first played Smash, we were delighted to see many familiar faces. Even if Little Timmy or Aunt Gertrude never played any of the Nintendo games before and Smash 64 was their first Nintendo game, they would enjoy some of the unfamiliar characters and they would want to learn more about them. And that encourages Little Timmy and Aunt Gertrude to go out and buy more Nintendo games featuring those characters. It worked wonders for Fire Emblem, that's for sure!

Bottom line, it is really moot to use that "people who don't care/play Smash/Nintendo games won't care about character X" line as an argument against character X.

Deleted member

All I read is that you still don't understand what I'm getting at and you're still an idiot, blah blah blah giving a long winded explanation about nothing and still assuming 30 year old women are interested in Smash.

Subject is about Simon Muthafugging Belmont now.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Only Simon Belmont I want is Captain N version. >_>

To note, the first point about Krystal is not correct. She might be unique, she might not.

The other four points are very good, though.


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
But again, why would that ****ing matter, since they don't likely play SMASH either.

Seriously, do you have to work to be a ******, or does it come natural?

You were saying?
Is this supposed to be the moveset she would have? Cuz lets face it this wouldnt be the moveset.....And cmon landmaster as her FS? No way! Not funny!

If it were up to me and think its time to let Falco go so the Star Fox reps will now be Fox, Wolf, and Krystal. So her being in wouldnt even take up a slot. She would just be an original sub for what would of been Falco. That's my solution...


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Not counting third-party characters and veterans, these are the Nintendo newcomers I would like to see in Smash 4.



Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
Is this supposed to be the moveset she would have? Cuz lets face it this wouldnt be the moveset.....And cmon landmaster as her FS? No way! Not funny!

If it were up to me and think its time to let Falco go so the Star Fox reps will now be Fox, Wolf, and Krystal. So her being in wouldnt even take up a slot. She would just be an original sub for what would of been Falco. That's my solution...
And thanks Hyper Falcon for agreeing with my points....This wasnt supposed to be its own reply but an edit with my response to Golden. Owell.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Krystal can only be a fourth Star Fox character. None of the others should or would be cut in favor of her.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
i noticed some Toad talk a page back.

I think Toad would be happy staying under Peach's dress.
Yeah, let's have more than one Toad. One Toad under Peach's dress and another Toad is playable.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Krystal can only be a fourth Star Fox character. None of the others should or would be cut in favor of her.
Sad but true.

Krystal didn't ruin Star Fox, Rare did.

Tbf, that game was like a murder-suicide on their part tho.

MOTHER 'cutesy' what is this?
This guy gets it. Also, I meant their designs. Not the STORY. Pokemon's story has never been cute either. But their designs DEFINITELY are.

Personally Assault is my favorite game in the series. >:/
Definitely agree.

All I missed was alot of Golden and Hab when I was gone. Good.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Hoots is talking bull**** as Wolf isn't a clone from Fox. Neither is Falco at this point I feel. I'm perfectly fine with all three of them as they are in Brawl. Though Wolf could maybe have a new side B, or a slightly chargable Blaster. And Falco, how about duo lasers? And a few more new moves, though I don't feel that's needed. Only character that REALLY needs work from the 'Brawl clones' is Ganondorf. All others to me are perfectly fine.
Falco can use some new normals (just a few really), a flash kick Up B, and a less broken dual wielding laser for B. You could do something for his other specials, but those two would really stick out for Falco.

For Wolf, all I can say is Jon Freaking Talbain.

Personally, I think Star Fox Command is the reason for the series's downfall. After all, that game has multiple storylines, and hardly any of them can be considered canon.
I got a strong Sonic '06 vibe with Command's sudden introduction of so many characters. That must have been an omen like I've been suspecting all this time.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
StarFox Wii U, F-Zero's revival, Nintendo x Capcom, Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire 3D will all make their arrival, I bet on it.

Just like I betted on Xenoblade AND TLS coming to America. What can I say? I'm practically as psychic as John.

Also, I like it when Kuma gets catty, or snippy. When that happens, you know someone is being an idiot.

How am I being catty?
NOT NOW. Just, when it happens. I like it.

Deleted member

Is this supposed to be the moveset she would have? Cuz lets face it this wouldnt be the moveset.....And cmon landmaster as her FS? No way! Not funny!

If it were up to me and think its time to let Falco go so the Star Fox reps will now be Fox, Wolf, and Krystal. So her being in wouldnt even take up a slot. She would just be an original sub for what would of been Falco. That's my solution...
You can't say it wouldn't. You are not Sakurai.
Conversely, I'm not saying it will be the moveset. I'm only counterpicking the "can't be a clone" bullcrap that I hear a lot of Krystal fans say.
We're talking about the same guy that made a character from an unrelated series into a clone of another :ganondorf: just because they had the same body frame. It is highly probable that the same can happen for another character from the same series as two other clones/semi-clones. Especially with what is given in the source material.
Having a magic stick means nothing if you are completely capapble of mimicing the others that don't have the stick.
Also, removing a character that deserved the spot more, be it Falco or Wolf, for Krystal is not good at all. All it does is tick off the fans of one character to suit some arbitrary necessity. If Krystal gets in, it won't be at Falco's or Wolf's expense.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Nintendo X Capcom? Is that true?
Nononono these weren't revealed, yet. I'm betting on them though.

I would love to see someone's comparison of the Ghirahim fans, to the Midna fans of Brawl.

And because Arcade made me. Personal interests:

Also, Krystal can be a clone, but it's far more of a stretch than Wolf/Falco. Because unlike them, she has ACTUAL STUFF to work with.


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
You can't say it wouldn't. You are not Sakurai.
Conversely, I'm not saying it will be the moveset. I'm only counterpicking the "can't be a clone" bullcrap that I hear a lot of Krystal fans say.
We're talking about the same guy that made a character from an unrelated series into a clone of another :ganondorf: just because they had the same body frame. It is highly probable that the same can happen for another character from the same series as two other clones/semi-clones. Especially with what is given in the source material.
Having a magic stick means nothing if you are completely capapble of mimicing the others that don't have the stick.
Well you got a point about the whole Gannon being a clone to Falcon who is in a completly different series. But to me it seems very unlikely for Krystal to be a clone of Fox when Fox already has 2 characters(Falco and Wolf) that are just like him.

It would make the Star Fox franchise look bad if they have 4 characters that all have similar movesets and FS. What would be the point of having her in if she wasnt going to have her own style of play? I want her in because I would hope Sakurai would be able to make her as unique as possible. Do you think Sakurai 100% cares if removing Falco or even Wolf would "tick" people off? He took out Mewtwo and Roy and people were angry about that but hey it's a sequel and sometimes you gotta evolve the roster and move on.

Deleted member

Instead of wanting to add a new character JUST to have a unique character from that series, why not focus on the two already there and make them unique? I mean, Wolf is practically there, all he TRULY needs in my opinion is a new FS, as his Special moves work different enough from Fox, and has completely original normals.
Falco on the other hand, needs his double guns from the SSE, some heavy artillery like his Assault artworks, and an Arwing to better reflect the fact that he "poisonally prefuhs da AIR".
We don't need to pointlessly add another character just because they CAN be unique, as other characters within that series can be unique were added, and yet were clones/semi-clones, which can also happen to the proposed character.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Instead of wanting to add a new character JUST to have a unique character from that series, why not focus on the two already there and make them unique? I mean, Wolf is practically there, all he TRULY needs in my opinion is a new FS, as his Special moves work different enough from Fox, and has completely original normals.
Falco on the other hand, needs his double guns from the SSE, some heavy artillery like his Assault artworks, and an Arwing to better reflect the fact that he "poisonally prefuhs da AIR".
Because he wants Krystal to be added? Dafuq you don't get?
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