I learned a few things from this new development/story/recent events involving Nintendo (and the Wii U):
1. Nintendo is definitely partnering with Valve on some stuff.
2. EA likes Nintendo's new direction.
3. Ubisoft thinks it can build off it's success on the Wii with the Wii U.
4. Nintendo's Press Conference is going to be more 3rd party-centered than previous ones (and with less garbage games displayed).
5. Nintendo's Press Conference is going to have more diverse titles. Action games, fighting games (I smell Street Fighter X Tekken), FPS', adventure games, platform games (Sonic 4 Episode 2?), stealth games, sports games, RPGs (Draogn Quest X Online?), sandbox games (GTAV??? Probably not... yet), rail shooters, and more.
6. There are going to be less and less 3rd party games that only come out only on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
7. The next Counter-Strike may come out on the Wii U.
8. The Wii U's processing is definitely next generation worthy.
9. Nintendo is very serious about it's online, especially with the added achievement system.
10. Nintendo is still very mysterious with the Wii U.
11. The Wii U is going to have some secrets "hidden" even after E3 and the console's launch.
12. Nintendo probably has got some big plans for the 3DS it's saving on the back burner.
13. The Wii U is probably going to have some uber cool connection thing with the 3DS Nintendo is gonna save as an ace up the sleeve (or at least a Jack).
14. The next Mario game on the Wii U is probably going to be very interesting.
15. Smash is probably going to be showcased later in E3, if even at all.
16. I got a feeling Madden 13 and/or NCAA Football 13 is going to be showcased at Nintendo's Press Conference (for the Wii U).
17. Triple Dash has some ~sassy~ ~sass~ for his ~sassing~ ~sasses~ .