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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Ah, okay. I didn't fully see the context. Ignore list is used and all for various reasons.

Yeah, it's hard to say. Jr. is cool, but I personally like Krystal better. If we're going for likely, Jr. has more appearances and possibly more popularity.

I think they both equally apply to Sakurai's criteria, but Sakurai pays a bit more attention to Jr. I mean, he got more stuff in Brawl, and at least he heard of him. :lol:
Takamaru to star in his OWN game, and not a guest. That one didn't seem to be counted. :/

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
No. There was only Toon Sheik. Stop deluding yourself. Tetra was NEVER in the data. If she was, it would explicitly say TETRA. It says Toon Sheik.

And you're actually quite wrong on all accounts.

1) Sakurai wanted Toon Sheik in before Impa. The latter of which he clearly gives no crap about.
2) Toon Sheik has to be a form of Zelda, as Sheik will always be Zelda. Impa is not Toon Sheik. Stop twisting facts because you cannot accept that Impa is not important to Smash and probably won't be at this point.(you'd think she'd be mentioned a LOT more)
3) Sakurai has yet to show caring about "ooh, character got more interesting". Impa's one and only other notable appearance(besides OOT) isn't going to help much. OOT was her best chance, and Sheik was more important. At best, Sakurai may notice her a little, but it really won't ultimate "get her in". It may help at best... at being a Trophy for once. You severely overestimate her already pathetic chances on the realistic scale.
I really don't see how you CANNOT see the logic that a 2008 game (which had it's roster decided in 2005!) would somehow add a character from a 2011 game (Impa: Skyward Sword edition, not fat, very slim, and smexy as ****KK :) ). It doesn't make sence, and that situation will never happen.

Also, Tetra's ship is in Brawl, and she's in as a trophy. Not so much for Toon Sheik.

Besides, Diddy, Ivysaur and R.O.B. never got any throphies either in Melee, and still got to made playable in Brawl. Though, you could argue Diddy should've been playable anyway. :glare: (Up till this day, I STILL miss mah Diddy in Melee :urg: , doesn't help much that I miss mah Mewtwo in Brawl to :urg: x 2 )

Toon Zelda / Toon Sheik is UNFINISHED bussiness, so I simply don't give a ****, and will deny any possibility. First I want the proof of the actual Sheik making it before Impa. E3 is our best bet for this imo with a new Wii U Zelda trailer, or stuff like that.

Impa 4 Smash!

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Bowser Jr. could throw shells and stuff. Breate fire balls instead of fire breath, do a shell spike attack with Down B... I don't really think he should use that paint brush at all. Maybe for his side B?

Anyway: Toad is cooler. :cool:

Deleted member

Junior with a paintbrush would be interesting and I could see myself enjoying playing as him. But I don't support him due to likelihood of him being a semi-clone.

Still beats a Wario character, thought. All barring Orbulon would be boring.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
Bowser Jr. could throw shells and stuff. Breate fire balls instead of fire breath, do a shell spike attack with Down B... I don't really think he should use that paint brush at all. Maybe for his side B?

Anyway: Toad is cooler. :cool:
Not really.

Bowser Jr. is still the best.
inb4 flamewar

Propeller Toad

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2010
how do you figure? he's more of a fighter, less of an underling, and even looks the part better than toad.
I think Toad looks a lot better than Jr. in terms of design (at least he isn't a mini version of an already pre-existing character). :troll:

Of course, that is my own opinion to hold. ;)

Sage of Ice

Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2012
reminiscing back in Subspace
how would he be a clone? a lot of bowser's moves rely on his size and his claws, neither of which junior has. they both breathe fire, but like diddy said, jr. could have fireballs instead of a stream of fire like his dad. all that plus the brush means he really couldn't be a clone.

propellor toad: i don't begrudge you your opinion at all. i really don't like one over the other design-wise, but all i was saying was that i think jr's look lends itself to a smash bro better than toad's.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
I think Toad looks a lot better than Jr. in terms of design (at least he isn't a mini version of an already pre-existing character). :troll:

Of course, that is my own opinion to hold. ;)
I love Toad too.

My dream is seeing these two characters on smash 4,but I think Bowser Jr. is cooler.

Just a opinion.

Propeller Toad

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2010
I'm not suggesting that Jr. would be a clone; however, it is true that Jr. has been showing a lot more similarity to his father in the more recent games as opposed to Sunshine (where he was pretty unique as a character). In NSMB Wii, he was able to breathe fire, and I wouldn't put it past him to start using scratching moves ala his father if he was implemented in Smash Bros.. Additionally, the whirling fortress move has been used by him (in a way) and the Koopalings in the NSMB games. Just the recent games have been giving me that indication.

Though don't look at me as a non-Jr. supporter! Bowser Jr. is actually one of my favourite characters (ironically) in the Mario series and I do support him for SSB4. However, I feel that it is wrong to put him over Toad as a new Mario rep through Toad's history and importance to Nintendo in general. Like with Lukinhasss, I support the inclusion of both characters in SSB4. ;)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
And only two of the three upgradable franchises are allowed to have an extra character. I personally would rather see minimal new franchises, and the expansion of existing ones. PERSONALLY, I don't care for almost any franchises that haven't been added. (Exceptions of course would be Punch Out!!, Xenoblade, and TLS)
Obviously you haven't played many Nintendo games beyond those franchises.[COLLAPSE="I can list a few quality Nintendo IP's without playable characters in smash:"]Golden Sun: The best traditional RPG series on any Nintendo handheld console, along with Pokémon.
Nintendo Wars: Specifically Advance Wars. Battalion Wars deserves a mention, too. But still, Advance Wars is amazing. Really amazing.
Rhythm Heaven: An up and coming series. Kind of an oddballs' alternative to music and rhythm games.
Mach Rider: A boring game, but good music and an awesomely designed character.
Captain Rainbow: Lulz. Just lulz at the details. I don't know anything about the game, though.
Fossil Fighter: Golden keeps mentioning it.
The Legend of Starfy: Gonna get stuff in Smash Wii U and Smash 3DS. This is a quality series, and a pretty consistent one at that.
Endless Ocean: A weird conceptual game.
Chōsōjū Mecha MG: Had that awesome "Marionation Gear" song on the Norfair stage in Brawl. I don't know anything else about it.
Custom Robo: A undervalued franchise. Based around some cool ideas.
Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan (Elite Beat Agents is Ouendans' spiritual successor): Elite Beat Agents was a fun game. I haven't played Ouendan, because it is Japan-only.
Eternal Dark: A GameCube classic. It deserves a sequel.
Excite Bots/Trucks: Kind of a continuation of the Excite Bikes franchise. Nonetheless, it is underrated.
ASH - Archaic Sealed Heat: Some Japan-only game my friend kept mentioning to me that he played (via ROM's and translators probably) that he said wasn't too bad.
Baten Kaitos: An underrated GameCube gem that sadly was overlooked because of how late it was released during the GameCube's life span.
Chibi Robo: Sadly released a few years after the robot mini-craze, and thus, not as popular, hip, or relevant.
Steel Diver: Has some fun/funny music. I don't know anything about it, though.
Blast Corps: This is assuming Rare doesn't own it (Rare made it). It had some awesome gameplay. I played this game a lot back in the summer of 1999.
Pandora's Tower: Basic action RPG made by Nintendo supposedly.
GiFTPiA: Looks really random.
Devil's World: "the Devil" from it was an Assist Trophy character. As for the game itself, it is the only Shigeru Miyamoto developed game not to leave Japan.
Drill Dozer: Jill Dozer was obviously an Assist Trophy character in Brawl. As for her game, I haven't played it, but it looks good based on the gameplay I've watched of it.
The Last Story: Very Final Fantasy-like, and very good from what I hear. It is on my short-list of games to play this summer; a list that is very long.
Killer Instinct: Assuming Rare doesn't own it. It is one heck of a franchise.
The Nintendo series: Consists of all the "Wii games" (Sports, Fit, Games, Party, etc) as well as such games on other consoles.
Duck Hunt: Fun game that I enjoyed during my childhood with that then considered "high tech" NES Zapper.
Wave Race: Classic N64 game. Underrated GameCube game. This series needs to be revived.
Star Tropics: Underrated game series that was never released in Japan, which is a rarity for Nintendo.
Jet Force Gemini: If Nintendo still owns it (and not Rare), since Rare developed it. I enjoyed this N64 game. A sequel would definitely make sense.[/COLLAPSE]
Isn't Smash Nintendo All-Stars?

Well.... Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale has All-Star written on the title yet, they still are gonna have 3rd party content but..... The 3rd party character might become the main spotlight instead of the nintendo cast. Look what happened to Snake. Lots of people pay attention to him instead of the cast of nintendo (And also Sonic).
It's only on the non-Japanese cover of Melee dude. It ain't that big of a deal that an artist put it on there. It's not like Sakurai refers to Smash Bros. as that. Even if Sakurai did refer to Smash Bros. as "Nintendo's All-Stars," Snake and Sonic are Nintendo All-Stars. However, they aren't owned by them.
In fact, this game was only meant for nintendo and nintendo only. Sakurai is just kind enough to let only like a few 3rd parties in the game.
Uh.... no. Sakurai never said that. Heck, the game was only meant for original characters initially. But the series evolved, featured 12 Nintendo characters (because those were the easiest to secure), and then became a series that featured more Nintendo-owned characters and then 2 party characters. I'm not saying litter the series in only 3rd party characters, but add a few "big ones" that have been on Nintendo consoles.
The non-gaming public has no idea about who's this or who's that (If that's your definition). Maybe they know Mario or Sonic or Link but not well enough. Megaman is not an exception in this case. Basically, the gameplay and accessibility of the game will have to take care of the casual-gamers and the non-gamers. The characters are purely fan service for the nintendo fans and maybe some fans outside nintendo if there is gonna be a 3rd party
When Sonic got in, every knew. Mega Man would be the next step down from that. While not everyone would know, it certainly would be news or at least back page news internationally. Also, that may sell some copies to casual gamers. Plus, it helps casual gamers to know some of the faces in the game. If Smash was filled with obscure characters like Ness, Captain Falcon, the Ice Climbers, Marth, Roy, Pit, Olimar, and ROB, many casual gamers or non-gamers would be indifferent towards smash. Once they see faces they recognize, it makes the game automatically feel a bit familiar. Then, such characters as Marth, Pit, Olimar, ROB seem like cool and unique oddballs. For you see, each character has a role in how the gamers perceive the game.
These surprisingly numerous amount of words don't matter UNLESS you were also talking about new franchises such as Xenoblade or TLS. If you were talking about them then ignore the many words above. Lol.
I have a list of about 3 or 4 dozen Nintendo IP's that could get a large amount of content in smash.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Junior with a paintbrush would be interesting and I could see myself enjoying playing as him. But I don't support him due to likelihood of him being a semi-clone.
I personally don't get the hate for clones. I would personally use Pico even if he ended up being a Melee-styled Snake clone. Its the character, him/herself being in that matters the most to me. I want to see the characters I love from Nintendo's various games not because I think they would have interesting moveset potential, but because I love their games, their character, their importance to Nintendo, and developed a bond with those characters over the years.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Yeah, Sakurai isn't going "they can get in if retro" for everyone.

Lip is still retro, though. She has no main appearance yet, just a cameo in a modern game. That's about the same as Geno's appearance in the first Mario & Luigi game. As in, he needs to be playable/key in a non-retro game.

Then again, Sheik'll never be retro either(not even outside of Smash). ...Toon Ganondorf is the second the Wii U launches. Two systems below is considered retro by Nintendo, notably. Only retro games are on the VC, after all.

Sage of Ice

Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2012
reminiscing back in Subspace
i could go for both. and i wouldn't be upset if toad did end up getting in instead of jr.

i'd just rather see jr.

I personally don't get the hate for clones. I would personally use Pico even if ended up being a Melee-styled Snake clone. Its the character, him/herself being in that matters the most to me. I want to see the characters I love from Nintendo's various games not because I think they would have interesting moveset potential, but because I love their games, their character, their importance to Nintendo, and developed a bond with those characters over the years.
also, this. i'd rather see new characters have new movesets, but the clones we have are fine as-is. even Captain Ganondorf doesn't bother me.

Propeller Toad

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2010
i could go for both. and i wouldn't be upset if toad did end up getting in instead of jr.

i'd just rather see jr.
That's fine. :) Of course, we are entitled to our opinions. Regardless, both characters do have a rather good resume to send in to Sakurai this time.

I'm personally hoping for another Melee case where we get both of the two most wanted Mario characters (my hopes is for both Toad and Jr.). Add in a bonus Paper Mario, and we've got a ton of fans happy. :awesome:


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Chrono cares so little about Leaf that he wouldn't mind if he was presented as a magic user in Smash. Doesn't care about the character at all, just the design.

Anyway, Toad is better than Junior since he's not another overalls or another koopa. It's just that he's really boring, so all the possible Mario characters are kind of not-good.

Variety is a pretty cool thing, you know?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Chrono cares so little about Leaf that he wouldn't mind if he was presented as a magic user in Smash. Doesn't care about the character at all, just the design.
Leaf can technically use magic though so that is a bad example.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
So yes, there would be fans that would buy the game for a certain nintendo character inevitably. Most notably, Toad since his fanbase in and out of Japan is huge (Not comparable to the current characters but hey, you can say the same to 3/4 of the so called potential newcomers).
Shameless Toad plug in I see=??? :awesome: While he would be a "familiar face" for non-gamers and casual gamers to make them feel more comfortable with the game, it would not attract more Mario addicts to buy smash. Instead, it would attract those who use Mario lightly. Dang, I'm making Mario sound like a drug/drug dealer! :laugh:
It also doesn't matter whether the mario newcomer is unique or not. Sonic was boring as **** yet a lot of fans bought smash bros. brawl just because of Sonic.
No Mario newcomer is anywhere near as big as Sonic or wanted as Sonic. That comparison is silly. Nobody will go all over Smash because it has Toad playable! :laugh:
Okay. Even though Toad's smash fanbase (Smash fanbase - The fans who want this certain character to be in smash) isn't really as active as his normal fanbase (Normal fanbase - Like the character. Period), both fanbases would still buy the game just for the character or maybe other characters for obvious reasons unless they dislike Smash or something.
Pretty much every Toad fan is buying each smash game at this because Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi, and Wario are already in it. It's not like Toad is a deal breaker.
Note that this also applies for the other present franchises that could possibly or most... "Likely" get newcomers.
You mean K. Rool and Dixie Kong=??? Yeah, they would attract some old school DKC fans, who have been coming out of the wood works. But that's about it! :smirk:
And also, you should read what Shorts said.
See, I didn't use that post to counter what shortie said. I used what shortie said to make a point. A point you may have ignored otherwise.

Propeller Toad

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2010
Shameless Toad plug in I see=??? :awesome: While he would be a "familiar face" for non-gamers and casual gamers to make them feel more comfortable with the game, it would not attract more Mario addicts to buy smash. Instead, it would attract those who use Mario lightly. Dang, I'm making Mario sound like a drug/drug dealer! :laugh:

No Mario newcomer is anywhere near as big as Sonic or wanted as Sonic. That comparison is silly. Nobody will go all over Smash because it has Toad playable! :laugh:
I'd buy the game if Toad was playable. :troll: So am I a nobody?

He's been my favourite Nintendo character since I first playing Nintendo and Mario themed video games, of course I would help push for his inclusion in a Nintendo collaboration game. Additionally, it's not like he's an obscure choice either for SSB4.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
@Young Horsetail:

You do not need to get all that surprised.

We are having a peaceful discussion.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Young Horsetail
I find it funny we keep coming back to them even though neither of them seem likely. I mean seriously, the only people who would buy a smash bros game ONLY BECAUSE OF TOAD would be non-gamers who want more characters they "know" so they can be comfortable with the purchase.

Bowser Jr. doesn't have that luxury (as much).

Super Fans of either character aren't gonna magically not buy or buy smash because Toad or Bowser Jr. are playable. It's really that simple. And even if they say they won't buy them unless they are playable, most likely they will cave in. See: MW2 protestors, L4D2 protestors, etc.

Also, neither Toad nor Bowser Jr. are really likely.

@ Propeller Toad
You would already buy Smash 4. That is my point. Toad most likely isn't a deal breaker for you.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
John: I know that fact pretty well, both aren't most likely fellows out there (Toad would actually just be Peach's shield like before...) but regarding the next Mario-newcomers, these two are most logical choices for a Mario-newcomer. (AND I'D BUY SM4SH if it has Toad. Or even Bowser Jr.)


Anyway, was playing Sexy Parodius but I think I'd do a post where I'll show how Assist Trophies could be improved on...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Young Horsetail
Exactly. Plus you would buy "SM4SH" if it didn't have Toad and Bowser Jr. Just like how you would buy "SM4SH" if all the characters were replaced by Master Chief. :awesome:
No character needs to be in. There are no specific character exclusion that would keep me from buying the game as all the necessary characters were added in Brawl.
In other words, you fit the 1st point I posted.
1.The characters that are the most demanded. This is done in order to assure that the current customers will remain customers and buy the next smash game(s).[COLLAPSE="Here is the rest of the list:"]2. Add characters that would help grow the customer size. This is done to get new customers.
3. Add characters that would raise the value to the franchise.
4.Add characters that would create (positive) hype hype for future Smash entries (as a newcomer or even a veteran).
5.Add characters with a lot of originality. I mean c'mon, who wasn't intrigued by Fox, Snake, or the Pokémon Trainer=??? That intrigue makes people interested.
6.Add any character (or really anything) that makes people want to play the game enough to buy it or consider buying it. At least about half of the newcomers should do this.[/COLLAPSE]
Besides, you would buy Smash 4 regardless. There's literally nothing Nintendo needs to do to lock up the sale of your smash game, except keep your absolute favorite relevant characters playable, and maybe throw you a bone or two.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
I will buy smash 4,even if it do not have Bowser Jr. or Toad...

At least,Yoshi,Jigglypuff and Lucas will be in...

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Maybe we would buy it... but I wonder if it will be just be complete ABDOMINATION.

And if I find nothing fan-favourite stuff to go all fangirly and hyped about... I'd think twice before buying it.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I don't think MegaMan is really to important. To American fans maybe yeah, but not on an international base. Though it could work if Japan wants him to, as EarthBound never reached Europe either for example.
Mega Man is popular in Japan, too. Also, considering how few "important" characters we have left, it's not a stretch to say Mega Man is one of the most "important" left, because most of the most "important" characters to Nintendo are already playable in Smash, specifically all the 1:A and 1:B stars of gaming (Bowser, Peach, Zelda, Diddy Kong, Sonic).

Deleted member

There is really only one "important" character left. Or at least one that sarpasses the others like Dixie or K. Rool.

But he's too big to fit in the frame. :troll:
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