All the fighting games has had their number of cuts in their rosters over the decades. Why would Smash be the exception? Get real.
So sassy.
AND WITH THAT. Here we are.
Ryu - It was figured out early on in round two that he was just not THE BEST fit, he wasn't mentioned by ONO or INAFUNE, and Megaman takes the fan cake. YES, there is something definitely to be said for how he is always the cross over leader. I get chya. But, I want LESS third parties, and we have enough reasons to cut him.
Tingle - Mostly because you guys simply don't care for him. I made the Balloon Fighter point, but it doesn't matter much if like, five of you WANT HIM GONE.
Bandana Dee - He's pretty close to the "Toad" of the Kirby series in many respects, and dare I say it? Sakurai seems to KNOW OF HIM AND ACKNOWLEDGES HIM AS A LARGE PIECE OF KIRBY'S FRANCHISE. So, he's back... for now...
If you want Ryu or Tingle back, you know what to do... start convincing me.
NOW LISTEN HERE. I want you to look at this list of characters, and give me your opinion on the character, along with a "Keep", "Cut", or "Pass". Pass means you dont care.
Toad has been brought up, and he has some people wanting him cut, and some wanting him to stay.
Junior is the same story as Toad.
Ghirahim has been brought up a bit too, so opinions on him?
How do you feel about Ike, Toon Link, and Shiek being cut?
AND OF COURSE, bring up any other character you would like!
Remember: Want a character on the roster? Convince me. Don't just say "x please"